The Whole System Needs To Be Burned Down

Yeah, the “because it’s against the law” logic train was adorable. Hopefully for him the SS won’t have to take a piss near his locked home while he’s traveling.


I am not finished listening yet, but I appreciate the conversation especially watching how Chris & Boghossian are going back and forth. Similar to your comment, I find it helpful and am hoping to learn something about taking with those with opposing viewpoints.

Below is a book I’ve started, but am not super far into yet. I think it is and will be helpful to all of us in the current divisive situation we are in:
I Think You’re Wrong (But I’m Listening): A Guide to Grace-Filled Political Conversations I Think You're Wrong (But I'm Listening): A Guide to Grace-Filled Political Conversations: Holland, Sarah Stewart, Silvers, Beth A.: 9781400208449: Books


I agree. I enjoyed and appreciated their discussion and was challenged (and amused) by some of Peter’s arguments. I am impressed with his faith. It didn’t allow him to enter into the possibility that the Trump assassination attempt was done on purpose, even with the audio proof of two shooters. He heard Chris, ignored the evidence, then went onto smartest-guy-in-the-room subterfuge, waiving away the data, the evidence because that evidence would require questioning his firm stance of incompetence as the reason for the SS failure. My fear is, do I do that too? I think the objective is truth based on evidence and it’s bigger than me and my biases.


This is why unfettered free speech is tantamount. This is also why when anything slightly out of line is labelled extremist through labels like “far right”, “transphobic”, “racist” or otherwise and consequently made dangerous to utter in public for fear of non-verbal reprisal – like losing one’s job or access to communications services like social media – then that respectful discourse breaks down entirely.

People’s feelings should be allowed to be hurt verbally. If we police hurt feelings on the same level as physical violence, then words are violence. And when words are violence we can’t “respectfully disagree” with one another because we’re punching each other in the face as far as the law is concerned. That’s the kind of abstract reality most of the western countries have either arrived at or are sliding towards rapidly, and it will end up in actual physical violence if they keep at it. Because they clamped down people’s abilities to freely speak and discuss with words, so escalation is the only way forwards.


I feel you dog. My poor spousal unit had to go to the opposite side of the house as I listened and sometimes yelled at his logic pretzels. I heard the whole thing and I thought it was great for me to hear Peter’s arguments. In his high end academic nuance speak, I saw his shit stinks just like mine and that was amusing. He hides it much better than most.


Leonard Susskind is one of my favorite scientists. His brilliant video about the cosmological constant translates for me. In it, he demonstrated the absolute that the cosmological constant and it’s requirement for almost zero variability (or the universe can’t exist) requires and inarguably demonstrates intelligent design. I agree. However, at the end of his presentation, he used his academic prowess to claim that there could not possibly be a God who designed it because physicists don’t like the idea of a benevolent God to whom they would be lower beings, and therefore the theory of at least 10^500 up to an infinite number of universes must be true because there can’t be an intelligent designer. Plainly Leonard doesn’t believe in God and that’s his choice but his use of a bizarre unproveable scientific theory to “prove it” made it hard not to see such stupidity. Peter might be a genius. He’s a whole lot smarter than me but he’s got Susskind syndrome.

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He might be a genius but there was nothing in this whole conversation that gave me that impression. Almost the complete opposite.


Peter must have had a really bad hangover in this interview.

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Point taken. My wild mustangs call me Stupid Human Dad so I admit being a poor judge.

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Beyond help.
At the point he cited “SS protocol” after attributing SS actions as “incompetent”, I couldn’t go on any further.
Interesting would be the analytics of the video showing when folks had to tune out due to the pain of continuuing.

“1st off, it’s illegal”. Haha, WOW.
“Another level”, JC man…

This is a study on irreconcilable differences.
I’m astonished at how a psychological degree was attained(not really).

So…muscle memory=protocol
Baselines don’t work backwards.
Training occurs to withdraw incompetence from the equation.

By his reasoning, there ought to be more assassinations annually under SS protection by internal & external/foreign forces than bombings in Syria.

Case study on literal retardism.
Not in the derogatory sense, but by literal definition.
Beyond help.



Peter’s highlight was recognizing someone else’s cognitive superiority, being James Lindsey.
That’s it.


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Remember when Chris said

“believe “them” when “they” tell you what “they” are going to do” ?

Also believe some other “They” is going to “Burn It Down” .

High compassion, High intelligence (HCHI) are handicapped in combat. Not great at clearing houses or planting Dirty Bombs in densely populated areas overrun by “They”. Tend to see the “humanity” in all.

HIHC can help out in combat by avoiding friendly fire, creating safe houses & providing food & shelter for their “They”.

HCHI can help rebuild after said “Burning Down”.

HCHI don’t get to know the plan because we tend to blab.


I think you’ll find that the children number is vastly lower than that. The “rest of the population” had a low rate of jabbing their children, while the university indoctrinated had a middle to high rate.

But also, the smack in the face is waking a great many people up. It’s the high education end, especially those with educated in their identity, that is stuck. The survey results from Steve Kirsch and from The People’s Pundit are extremely interesting.


“They” is a complex force that is hard to simplify to a single agent. But there are ways:

Christians might call it Evil, or Satan. This is oversimplified.

Conspiracy Theorists leave it as “they” - a cabal that is intent on doing harm. This is fully functional but seems implausible.

As a Rationalist, I identify “they” as a compound agent that acts through people. Some of these compound agents can be identified, such as the green movement. (Insert argument that it’s real and acts as an agent.) Some of these compound agents are declared people by law, and have identifiable boundaries, such as Goldman Sachs (or any other corporation). If you say that “the green movement is reconsidering nuclear power” or “Goldman Sachs wants financial deregulation”, you’re being concise and accurate.

This compound agent aka “they” speaks through the WEF (not exclusively) and used to use Epstein to maintain coherence. It wants to eliminate cash and free speech online. Look with your eyes rather than a microscope and you can see it easily.

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I’ve never seen a single guest on this site that has had such derision and overall negative comments.

I was going to make a poll to guage the sentiment about this interview and the resulting chatter but it seems the outcome is self-evident.

I feel sorry for Peter. I could not justify losing more IQ to see if there were any nuggets of sanity in the talk.

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Malice or Incompetence it makes no difference to the victims. The damage is the same. Instead of trying to figure out who is who. At the first sign of incompetence an individual should be sacked along with the person who appointed them.

Those with Malice hide amongst the incompetent. It’s an old story. Hence all the children’s stories of Malicious leaders with incompetent followers. Expose and Sack the incompetent and expose the Malicious in time.

Malice and Incompetence work together. Finding people with Malice to promote them is the only way the incompetent can get premium jobs. Once in place they hire other Incompetents providing confusion and cover for the Malignant.

This hiring practice can grow geometrically and has done. To encompass the whole western world. To quote Chris badly. “Most people simply do not understand geometric progression.” It’s not limited to the finance sector it can be seen in lots of places.

We have to find places where it works it our favor.


I made it through the whole thing without a sense of wasted time. I guess the dude’s kinda normie-adjacent on some things but seemed willing to reason. Better than many or most, and if you can’t stand him you probably have no chance of converting anyone else to your side. It was interesting to hear his perspective even if I disagree.

I really think the malice vs. incompentence is a false dichotomy. Seemed to be the main fault in his reasoning as well. I’d tend to agree with him that approaching a random selection of rank and file SS agents with the proposition that they look the other way and let their charge be assassinated would have an untenably high likelihood of meeting resistance. On the other hand, they’re largely ex-soldiers plus government employees. Following seemingly or actual inane orders without complaint or question is sorta in the job description.

“They want the sniper teams here today of all places? Really? What kind of sense does that make? Oh well, above my pay grade.” That attitude doesn’t really qualify as malice or incompetence. It’s actually probably quite adaptive to going about your business while keeping your job and not going crazy beating your head against a brick wall as one of the rank and file agents.

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Don’t hold back @mongothepawn tell us how you really feel! That comment is by far one of the funniest things I have read in a long time!

Intellectual dishonesty is genuinely offputting.

Conspiracies, coups, treason, overthrows of leaders, etc… have always existed and always will. Sometimes it involves assassination plots. Sometimes it’s for money, others are for power, and many are for ideology. This has happened and will continue to happen in every society that has ever existed or will exist.

It’s just the way it is. Hell, our own country does it to OTHER countries.

So when people act like assassination conspiracies couldn’t be true, when the evidence that it’s common, persistent, and practically inevitable: I just want to face palm for a solid 5 minutes.

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There are agents employed by Satan and there is also the inherent wickedness of our hearts. I think that when we see many countries walking in the same evil ways, Satan has his part. It does not excuse the foot soldiers who do smaller evil because they are compensated in some way. “I was just following orders” is not an adequate defence.

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