They Had a Perfect View and 10+ Feet of Elevation

Thank you! I just wanted to make sure Chris got it to confirm or debunk or put in the unknown category.

Dayve Stewert vid at a few points you can see the shooter. its only 720p off of YT a full res non compressed should show better.


ABC Voice interview of Beaver county swat guy that took the picture of crooks and was in the building… 90 minutes ahead , no way to contact secret service.

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From Dayve Stewert vid
The two cops that likely checked on the shooter, one boosted the other to roof story.

One of the two cops running back around the building calling into the microphone on his right shoulder.

Has anyone seen any images or videos of an obviously opened window on the ground floor of the building the shots came from so we know if they open inward out outward?

It would appear the window is open inward but it is hard to tell if it is in fact open.

but the same windows on the 1st floor open outward

It would be logical to have inward opening windows on the lower floor that only open slightly to preventy people getting in.

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Any chance the air vents could have been where the first three shots came from?

Local SWAT team speaks out for 1st time on Trump assassination attempt

Do you have a timestamp? I’ve watched that same video multiple times at 1/4th speed looking at the roof ridge and windows, but didn’t see what you’re seeing.

Tree is probably in the way, excellent audio though

ABC just interviewed the whole team of Beaver County SWAT members, and the lead sniper James Woods stated on video that SS did not communicate at all with them until after the shooting. Were that false, SS could easily disprove. If the allegation is true, then SS team 1 and 2 may have heard only very late, from others, of Crooks’ positioning.

It looks as if someone within SS was sabotaging SS’s ability to receive important communication.

Also, that morning SS did not attend a morning meeting with local SWAT to go over plan for the day. Again, someone high at SS must have ordered so not to attend.

While some or most individual SS staff and snipers may have been doing their duty to their best, someone with the power to cancel SS’ meetings and block its receipt of communication was a saboteur. (This is clear already from the Pacman void, chosen by SS, to include precisely the most vulnerable roofs on AGR.)


Also this is so more future I just found. Chris said to send all footage.


GO to John Cullen on X
He is doing an investigation and he thinks it was a police officer.

On the issue of the deliberately blurred video: it may be possible to guess the blurring function and deconvolve it from the image. That is done by dividing he Fourier transform (FT) of the blurred image by the FT of the blurring function. The deblurring won’t be perfect - especially if it is a crude uniform disc blur (whose FT would have zeroes in it), but you may be able to discern what it is they are trying to hide.

In the new video from Copenhaver, it appears that Crooks accessed the roof near the west end of the building, right under the noses of the 2 snipers on the second floor of the AGR building. If Copenhaver had a view of Crooks that was that good, imagine how well the counter-snipers on the barns must have been able to see him! The infamous tree wasn’t blocking the view of Building 6 on the west end of it.

Please comment on “Multiple Shooters? John Cullen & Clay Martin” found on Rumble

You don’t need to post the same reply in every thread.

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Look, I am learning. I am 68 and did not grow up with this technology. I keep posting about John Cullen because I have not gotten any feedback from anyone, especially Chris, who uses Cullen’s data, but improperly (according to Cullen) calculates to the Crooks site vs the first floor (only site +/- 1 Meter that the eight super sonic shots could have originated from) plus of 1 of the 10 best snipers (Cullen’s words) in the world who agrees with Cullen’s assertion that subsonic suppressed (probably subsonic .300 Blackout) rounds were being fired before and after the “8” (total about 14) from a tree,sling-supported, ghillie-suited, highly trained pro at the counter snipers and from the first floor window at Trump (both suppressed and non-suppressed/sonic & subsonic). Chris works do well to hypothesize and place in green, yellow, or red zones or at least say he is working on it. Have you watched the video? I know it is 2 hrs long, but that is what I do all day, every day……I take the time to watch without fast forwarding or skipping altogether videos that are too long.

Look, I remember where I was when my TV went black for the first time in my life with the words “SPECIAL BULLETIN” and Walter Cronkite says the words I will always remember, “The President has been shot!” I have been following and digging on the JFK Assassinationever since. Now, something of equal if not greater importance is HAPPENING RIGHT NOW and none of us can afford to waste a single moment. I was the first (to my view at the time) to try and notify Chris of the “Stewart Footage” and snow seemingly from my perspective the only one crying out to Chris to at least confirm he is looking at the things Cullen is pointing out. Cullen is using world class scale accurate graphics to pinpoint angles and distances, measuring times to the millisecond. Reviewing motives and capabilities with top experts.

I at first partly dismissed Cullen as being what I considered guilty theatrical hyperbole, but now he is bringing many good points nobody else is discussing. I don’t own a computer and struggle with my iPhone keypad and predictive text.

I am just trying to do my part and want no recognition, even if warranted.

Hi rayCoffin,

I have already commented on this topic.

The guy that falls first is looking to his right, he is seeing all of the suspicious activity down by building 6 and preventively drops to the ground. He is not dogging a bullet. He hits the floor of the bleachers making everybody lose their balance. The human brain reacts very very quickly to balance issues and therefore all the people on the back row move to catch their balance and they are not dogging a bullet.

My opinion is that John interpreted this activity in a wrong matter and sent him looking in the woods……

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Could the Pasty have been shot from behind or side (ESU window)?Does the rifle look damaged laying on roof top. (I saw clear focused picture on this site)?
When Cory was hit, as noted, the blood was pink (matter-mix) not so crooks.
Did heart continue to pump, thus trail of blood?

Your opinion?