They Had a Perfect View and 10+ Feet of Elevation

Another strange thing to be mentioned: If you look at the bodycam footage on YouTube which was released by Chuck Grassley: “WATCH: Complete bodycam footage of police discovering Trump shooter’s body”
The guys enter building 6 which is the same building where Crooks was on the roof. When they enter the building, you see a lot of secret service inside. I thought there were no secret services in this building? In any case, you can tell by the body language that the sleeve tattoo guy wanted them out immediately. All he was talking about was the latter they can use outside (telling them indirectly to get out). Then two secret service guys come towards them from the hallway and you can also tell by their body language that they wanted these guys out and I’m not sure, but all the way down the hall way there seems to be even more people. What are all these guys doing in this building 15Min after the shooting?


Ahh thanks truth, I couldn’t work out the body position in the later video with arms by his side. That pic clearly shows a more natural pose for someone shooting.

Perfect. That tracks. Thank you.


Has Chris done the analysis on the sound on this one, because the shots are very LOUD!!

This video is super important!!! Please do sound analysis on this!! I believe this supports a second floor shooter vs. the window below Crooks theories. I can’t stress CLEAR SHOOTING LANES enough!! For a first floor shooter, that opening in the fence MUST line up perfectly with the shooting lane. And too many people around this area who would know shots came from the first floor windows near them vs. the second floor. If there are two shooters, including Crooks, the “Pro” will ALWAYS shoot first to use that surprise advantage for success!! If there was another shooter, they shot the first three, and Crooks the next five. The rest is history…

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Yes! Thank you.

Crooks head spoted in video at 04:50, 4:56 shots are fired…

Looks like first 3 shots are fired by Crooks? It’s going back and forth by the minute…


Sort of. I agree the bearded one seems keen to get them out. He seems to be Greg Nicol of Monaca PD, which serves as part of Beaver County ESU/SWAT. He is not secret service. There is only one secret service guy, the one on the left coming from the hallway, arriving at 2:44. The other guy on the right walking with him from the hallway is local PD, judging his traditional navy blue uniform. One green camo woman is a medic who just entered the building with her partner who is filming with the helmet cam. Another green camo guy already is in there, his uniform is not secret service.

Greg Nicol has a sleeve tattoo. He may have been one to have shot #9 at Crooks from the 2nd floor western window. (Greg Smith BBC testimony speaks of a 2nd floor sniper with a sleeve tattoo.) Though he is part of Beaver County ESU like the green camos, he has a different (sniper?) uniform. Grassley video 1 (which is chronologically after 2,3) has the secret service suited red haired man while on the roof be told in 0:27-0:35 that “Greg” was in the 2nd floor window, was a sniper, took a picture of Crooks, went down to looks for him.

That’s why I think he, as a sniper in the 2nd floor, may have taken shot #9 at Crooks. Since that shot #9 did not kill Crooks and Crooks only got hit 10 seconds later by SS counter sniper team 2, Greg would have a lot of explaining to do - why not follow up with more shots from such an easy vantage point? If so, he’d be nervous.

All this fits together. The one thing that puzzles me is that Crooks appears to have a bullet hole go through his right leg above and below his knee, almost parallel to his leg. I don’t see how while prone on the roof a shot from the 2nd floor (whichever window) would have crossed his leg is this way. The only possibility I can imagine is that Crooks saw the sniper point at him, turned his body, and pointed his foot at him defensively to “block” the shot, enabling the bullet to so twice pierce his leg. Or he bent his knee and put it over his face, again to block, and the bullet twice pierced his bent knee. Come to think of it, if shot #9 was high powered, it could have also continued through his forehead. Speculating here.

Thank you. Google Earth indicates 5ft differential from barn 14 ridge to AGR 6 ridge, consistent with what you estimate independently.

Does anyone see two holes in his right leg, one above and one below his knee? These screenshots are from Grassley video 2, with time stamps:

Nice catch! What video is this, please reference, thanks.

Fantastic, this would be the clincher. You may already be incorporating this information into your drawing, but 15:05-15:10 in this video shows the initial three shots, with the shot 1 hitting the railing near the top corner of the bleacher at 12:08 into a puff. If shot 1 also was the one that grazed Trump’s ear, a line can be drawn.

What is clear to me is that both shots 1,2 hit near that corner of the bleacher, which is more elevated than Trump’s ear through which one of them passed prior. So the shot must have originated at a lower elevation than Trump’s ear (bullet drop is zero inches for most 223 at 200 yards, which is much smaller length than the delta between Trump’s ear and corner of bleacher)). And the NYT image clearly shows said line ends up close to the first floor AGR window:

I see him too. And in the right location…

Now tell me if you think its possible that this still shows a bullet just over his head

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That is good, but I am dubious of the accuracy of vertical heights in Google Earth. Try this: measure the vertical height of the ridge of AGR 6 at each end of the building and a few places between and see if you get a variance.

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Google Earth is very inaccurate. If you want to build an accurate model you will need to use local GIS data with professional architectural software, and also obtain actual on site elevation measurements or architectural drawings of the buildings.
Just 1/2 an inch of height over 4 to 500 feet of distance will translate to significant differences in the trajectories.
Be great if someone could hire professional surveyors to go to the Butler show grounds and AGR complex.

I’m sure the FIB is on it! :rofl:

Several shooting forums with posts dated years before 7/2024 state that US Secret Service used 300 Win Mag. It made a switch to this caliber some ten years ago. I’d like a Congressperson or Senator to ask SS under oath what caliber and what specific bullet model were used by sniper teams 1, 2on that day. This would give us confirmation, and also a way to test in the field the splattering behavior of that round at 140 yards.

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Thanks so very much. I hadn’t seen this one.

Well I saw what you see and pictured here. It appears to be a bullet over his head.