They Had a Perfect View and 10+ Feet of Elevation

this is after the first shot and that looks open to me


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Something I found odd in the video was that shot #10 at 0:22 sounds softer than the ring of shots 1-8. The reason I feel this is odd is that shot 10 is supposedly from a high caliber round from nearby barn 14(estimated at 100.35m = 109.7 yards from video recorder’s position), whereas shots 1-8 supposedly come from a .223/55.56 smaller caliber and from the farther AGR bldg. 6 (estimated at 316.05m = 345.6 yards from video recorder’s position). The video recorder’s position is estimated in Google Earth based on the NYT aerial image:

(From the video, I estimated the video recorder’s position to be about three bleacher-lengths away from the closest bleacher. This is what I illustrate in both images.)

and afterwards it is closed and no more string?!?

Screen Shot 07-28-24 at 08.26 PM

I too was thinking this was likely a sniper post, but after the shots at 4:59 there is a cop right there, practically at that window and he doesn’t turn in that direction but rather jesters and looks to the back of the bldg. I would think at that close a distance he would be able to tell if a shot was coming from that window and would react.

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So for the Other Shooter to cleanly fire from the first floor window from Building 3, the shooting lane needs to be clear. I’ve circled the opening in the fence line that was wrapped with caution tape. It looks close to the line Crooks took, but I am unable to say for sure, that open fence helps open the shooting lane to Trump from a first floor window in Building 3. I’m a bit more skeptical of a first floor shooter after viewing the video by the young man taking his video very close to that shooting lane. Needs to be looked at through a microscope!!

Thank you for the beautiful and detailed diagram. So you are estimating that the base of AGR bldg 6 is about 5’7’’ inches lower than the base of barn 14 of sniper team 2, is my understanding correct?

If this is so, then it makes sense that videos taken West of AGR bldg 6, by people holding phone cameras about 6’6’’ above ground would have had a perspective ~12’ above the base of AGR 6, at about roof level, thus able to capture Crooks shimmying along it.

If you do not mind explaining, how did you estimate the 5’7’’ depression of AGR bldg. 6 from photo evidence? By estimating the building’s height and comparing to the depth of Crooks on the retaining wall, using the retaining wall’s thickness as a gauge of length to estimate this depth? Ty.

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Senator Chuck Grassley released three videos. The one that mentions 8 shell casings is #3 at around 19:01:54, once the man with brick colored pants has arrived.

I have taken 40 still images throughout. What is most note worthy is the handle at the bottom of the window and that string (but it could be a reflection). The handle disappears after 4:17. The string appears 3:50 and disappears at 4:48.

we can see the handle in image 2 at 2:54

the handle disappears from all window shots after 4:17

More handle

More handle

and now it won’t appear again after 4:17
here is an image at 6:30

the string appears at 3:50 and disappears at 4:48

here it is

Window 3 from the right seems to change throughout the video. Sometimes it looks closed adn other times open. The handle is there early in the video and not there later on.

It’s being shot from a suppressed weapon. Those are good “cans” they’ve got on there. Reduces the shot’s signature by ~30 Db.



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Drawings B & C have TWO options shown. The one in blue shows the “ridge” of Building 14 being 5’-7" above the ridge of the AGR building. The red one shows the ridge of Building 14 being 10’-7" above the ridge of the AGR building. Based on USGS topo data, photographic data and building alignments that I have discovered, I believe the red profile is the more accurate and that the AGR building is below Building 14.

The photo below shows one of the data points that indicates the AGR building is below Building 14.


In regard to estimating the height of the retaining wall… The safest way is to get a photo where you can see the masonry courses. CMU blocks are 7 5/8" tall and when mortared course out at 8" high.

The “string” that i refer to that is seen in image 7 could be a reflection. If you watch this video, you will see this “string”. It appears 3:50 and disappears at 4:48. It is one of the inconsistencies we have noticed of the window 3rd from the right. John Cullen suggests this is the widow fired from as it is the correct distance based on his calculations and directly below the Crooks

Yes, it looks like you’re right!!! Crooks is definitely visible at 4:53

I am all about that white van. how was it found and towed away, 10 miles away. with his drone he flew 2 hours before shots fired

—this video is priceless, thank you. This shows the cops had the building surrounded well before the shooting started. Lots of detail here. Trump should have been off that stage and they didn’t take him off confirmed in this video. I think I see a ladder shortly after when the guns were drawn approach to the Building. Not sure but this fills in a lot of holes. Sound analysis is needed. Thank goodness he saved the video. PS: clears up the water tower, clear view there, I don’t see anybody nor a van under it.


I think there is merit and common sense that there would be 2 snipers. one for Trump and one to take Crooks out. I am convinced there is something to that black box entrance overhang that is just above roof line of crooks. I see something there (like a barrel tip) at 3:03, 3:21, 4:50, at 4:51 it is more to the right of screen and then at 5:21 it is clearly gone.

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Good morning again Christopher. Early in my career I spent 2 years as a researcher in a traffic accident lab and attended hundreds of autopsies, including a great many where there was rapid onscene death from ring fracture of the skull base and brainstem destruction. Many of these bled massively from mouth/ears/nose due to venous sinus fractures in the skull base because the denervated heart is autonomous and will continue to beat until it loses oxygenation from apnoea or exsanguination. In the ‘Crooks’ case, I would think the brainstem was at least ‘concussed’ into quiescence, if not outright destroyed, leading to immediate apnoea, but the heart kept pumping for a minute or so until 50% of the blood volume was lost, then it bradyd down and stopped. In the photos of ‘Crooks’ I have seen so far, I note severe palor consistent with exanguination, AND residual cyanosis of the lips, both fitting the above scenario, cheers.


Everybody can go back to my first posts, when I back traced the bullet to this exact window. We were talking about ascending and decending traced bullet lines. As you can see the dark blue line is pointing directly to this window, that is why I was so quickly to analyse the video, because I knew exactly where to look. The light blue line would be coming from Crooks, but the geometries did not line up. Afterwards we got conflicting data about the heights of each element and was not so sure about my first calculation anymore. But it sure does make me convinced now. I will go back to the drawing board and take my time to make a 3D drawing as accurate as possible adding the window. If somebody could reach out to the Trump campange team to find out the maker of the 10 level Aluminium blister that was off to the right, it would really be helpfull to get the exact hight of the top right corner, where the bullit hit… I will keep you posted.

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