They Had a Perfect View and 10+ Feet of Elevation

@cmartenson check out this link and this link New Trump Assassination attempt Video- Gun fire from the lower window? (

image- one of the shots

image- another shot.

Is that the shooter from the window climbing out of the window after firing?

@cmartenson - this feels pretty scary now. Seriously. This was a trained for/coordinated operation. Shit!

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Someone posted here a nice picture from the grassy ground level between bleachers and AGR bldg 6 roof that appears to show a head peering over the roof’s ridge.

If a head is visible from that low, it would from barn 14’s roof where SS team 2 was.

These are screenshots from @realDJStew724 's video clip. Where is the raw video?

AGR building 6, window third from the right before shots.

AGR building 6, window third from right during 5 shot burst.

Window changes from dark to light. Is it simply a reflection, a muzzle flash or smoke-filled room?

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Nice. Rewatching, it looks as if red checkered man films only shots 1-3 but probably does get audio of further ones then ducks, and the white shirted man just above ducks later and rises earlier and does get shot 10 on his phone, which rings faintly at 0:21-0:22 about 10 seconds after shot #9.

That’s a very cogent analysis. Thank you.

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Did you see this video by “TORE”?

A bit long but start around 23:00 and then at 32:43 the “man” hiding pops up.
Taken from the back of Trump.

Baldy (the head of Pgh FBI??) is there doesn’t seem very anxious to me!!


I spent an hour on the phone with Dave last night. Bright and capable guy who really seemed able to keep his head screwed on straight making for a compelling eyewitness.

He promised me the full, unedited and uncompressed files so I have fingers crossed that he comes through today.

I truly believe his footage will be the Zapruder film of our time.

My early analysis of the audio (and I am activating anybody else who can help, please) is that it is now 99% confirmed that 1-3 and 4-8 and 9 all come from different weapons.

While it’s possible that Crooks took 1-3 lying down, but then advanced or rose to fire off 4-8 which could possibly change the audio in the ways we’re seeing, the complete lack of any video evidence of Crooks rising and being more easily seen between 1-3 and 4-8 argues against this.

Not 100%, but pretty danged close.

If you listen, 1-3 just sound different.

On the spectral form, I’ve circled the area showing an entirely different lower register area.

4-8 are very strong in the 250 - 400 Hz band while 1-3 are not. They have quite different fingerprints. Now to see if we can prove why…

Finally, shot #9 has two strong bands…still trying to figure that out…but it’s 100% inconsistent with any of 1-8, so an entirely different weapon.


Thank you. That’s interesting…taking a closer look now.



So I have the Grassley video with the guy counting 5 shell casings. But I also saw one where the guy counted 8 but I can no longer find it. Anyone know where I can find it.

Both countings (5 and later 8) are in te same extended video

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New video from


In this post I mentioned some arguments against the hypothesis of a shooter in that window:

Copied here:

  1. Altitude, possibly fences/other obstacles
  2. Do those windows open inward or outward?
  3. Timing: it occurs 4 secs after the 9th shot and 6 secs before the supposed sniper’s killing shot
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Thanks so much! I was losing my mind as I save everything but couldn’t find this one important thing. 4:50/23:50

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I don’t no guys, what do you think? First picture is showing some kind of panel with a string (covering a shooter behind the window?) and seconds before the shots are fired, panel is gone and the window is open a crack exactly in the angle to Trump?


at 3:50 the window looks open which is after that white string appears


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I could be talked into another sniper crew (#3) out on another building, but I can absolutely confirm that shot #10 was taken by Sniper Team #2.

This would only leave shot #9 as a possible inbound from crew #3 (and we’re just hearing the snap of it on all the bldg 6 recordings?) and I’ll have to run the analyses to see if that possibly lines up. (Hint: I just tried…they did not…will re-run to be sure)

It could be. But then when does the local ESU take their shot? All of them seem to be equipped with 5.56 weapons but I can’t be completely sure. None suppressed (which we would still hear) so I am unclear where and when to place that shot if it’s not #9.


Holy smokes. I see crooks at 4:53. But do others see the tip of a rifle on that black overhang that appears over the first window (looks like a box), see 3:00, 4:50. Also the cop at 5:07 is jestering at bldg behind crooks, so it appears.

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Looks like an arm with a watch on behind the window


All very helpful Bruce, including the head-shot caveat.

I also have to be careful because I know they flipped the body over…well, maybe not over, but the first photos we’ve got show Crooks on his left side, mostly.

Later he’s on his belly.

But, still, I don’t see a lot of spray on his clothes. In fact I don’t see any.

And while I have your attention, how long after a brain box shot like that would you expect the heart to keep pumping, assuming it was a through-and-through from left forehead to below the right ear?

I’m assuming some sort of vicious overpressure situation that would, I don’t know, cause a transtentorial herniation leading to rapid cessation of heart rhythm? What are your thoughts?