Three Audio Files Aligned: The Strongest Explanation Is Two Shooters

I hate to say it but 3 days ago I sent John Cullen an HD video of the lady’s “purse” being shot on the top row bleacher, which he’s been playing a low resolution video of, where a digital shadow of her elbow moving backward after wiping her face is instead thought to be her purse, per Cullen. In the HD video, she’s simply moving her arm down from wiping her face, in Cullen’s video her arm movement is sped up greatly to obfuscate the truth for clicks at this point. He just played his purse video on the link you gave above.

If he’s not stupid, then he’s ignoring the HD video. The video is on this thread. We should all send it to him. And send it everywhere he goes to spread these purse fables.


Just what I suspected! Sen. Hawley has a whistleblower saying local PD were assigned to the roof of the AGR building but abandoned it because it was too hot. Little sissies. (Plus no local PD supervisor ordered them back to the roof and no one at USSS checked on the positions of all their assets. And still they let Trump come on to stage. And no local PD or USSS went outside to confront the alleged assassin/suspicious male face to face.)


Daniel Davis Deep Dive used your video today Chris. I wishI could get my worthless senators and House rep to pull their collective grifting heads out of their asses and stop with the, “we’ll just have to wait for the FBI to complete their investigation on this matter. In the mean time, let’s dial down the rhetoric.” So sick of those worthless grifting sacks of monkey nuts.(of course I mean worthless grifting sacks of monkey nuts in tbe most positive, uplifting way).


Again, I call Shenanigans! Great movie and thank you for sharing.


Stumbled across this video on X, made by John Cullen, it sounds like there is a 10th shot at 28 seconds in… not sure but it’s worth a watch.

Just letting you know Cullen is on the spectrum (Asberger’s) thus he is prone to being overly literal and suffering tunnel vision. He openly states he does math, not human. His evidence that shot “zero” was aimed at the snipers then went across the back of the bleachers is compelling IMO. Every single person in the back row shows a sequential kinetic event. Also the snipers that were nearly hit can be seen repositioning away from Crooks towards the new threat, As this was not directed towards the stage (and could have been suppressed) it may have not been picked up in the mic. I don’t think this was the tower shooter as the angle looks too flat. However the snipers might have picked up the tower shooter as this point explaining how he was eliminated so quickly.I suspect shot 9 from 1400ft away was countersniper fire that took out the water tower guy. There are also dispatch/radio intercepts that say two shooters were killed and they were searching for a 3rd, although this unconfirmed and might be fake. Alternatively FBI is bizarrely silent not because they are covering up the crime, but because they are covering up the hunt. Normally you would expect a coverup to have a cover story, but so far only confirmation of weirdness has come from the FBI. They may be trying to mop up co-conspirators and rolling up the network (with MI involved) That fits with the crowdstrike outage being a whitehat op, ie a hidden war might be going on as you would expect in this situation.


You were mentioned on the most recent dark horse podcast btw


Outstanding video. I like the idea that the 2 anomalous noises that he believes might be echoes from the close by buildings bouncing off the report for 6-7. It also makes me understand the amplitude increases on the 4-7 vs 1-3.

I wonder if that amplitude increase on some of the shots indicates direction of the report in relation to the microphone?

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The audio is compelling but I have questions about the counter shot. Those rifles typically shoot 300 Win mag or .338 Laupa, both are magnum calibers that can take a moose at 300-400 yards. Two “gun tubers” recreated the shot made at Crooks with ballistic partial torso & head models with high speed cameras. Both heads literally exploded at the 130-140 yard range. Yet Crooks death photo looks like he’s taking a nap. I guess just put it in the “It doesn’t add up” category…


For everyone: Please discern between “information” and “fact”.

Information is what someone believes happened, or believes they observed.

“Fact” is something we can prove happened by data, or we can prove happened by exhausting all the other alternatives that cannot have happened.

This is important when doing a root cause analysis, also called a failure analysis (which I am very familiar with), or a criminal investigation.

Just because some witness believes something it isn’t a fact. It still is not anything more than opinion, or rephrased “information”.

It is information that person “AB heard a gunshot coming from place X”.

They believe it.

“Ballistics and sound data shows gunshot most likely derived from place X” can be labeled as fact, when backed up by evidence that can be used to replicate the results.

They are not equal. “Information“ is less valuable than “Facts”.


When questioned by members of Congress, Cheatle refused to answer questions regarding the number of shell casings on the roof though she claimed to know the answer. She deferred to the FBI which has provided nothing. It makes no sense to conceal this information. It fits with that picture of the roof being hosed down by FBI staff. Is surprises me there hasn’t been drone footage of the roof and just low resolution helicopter video.


Brandon Herrera and Garand Thumb have done recent excellent content on what happens when a person gets shot through the head with a USSS .300 round at 130 yards. Its instant decapitation. The head explodes with red mist scattered all over a large area. This is not what we see with Crooks. I see this as evidence against him being killed by a USSS .300 round. So this invites the strong possiblity that he was killed by a smaller round fired from somewhere else. This would be the single shot after the 5 round group. This invites the question who fired this round and from where and who or what the USSS sniper was shooting at.

My hypothesis. Crooks didn’t fire a single shot. The first three rounds were fired from inside the room through the open window, by Beaver SWAT at Trump. The next 5 rounds were fired by a different shooter, presumably also Beaver SWAT due to the trigger discipline involved. The round that killed Crooks was fired by someone else. Potentially this could have been from the open window with the difference in signature being the difference between firing inside the room and sticking the rifle out the window. The shot fired by USSS, who knows where that went. Possibly into one of the USSS shooters (are they missing a team member) or more likely into the ground or into a tree.

What is strongly suggested by the Herrera and Thumb work is that Crooks wasn’t ended by a USSS .300 round. Once you develop a hypothesis that accepts this, and that the 5 round group was fired by a professional who has trigger control, a completely different possible picture emerges.

Edit: Looking at the blood trail, and lack of spray, it seems less likely that Crooks was shot from the open window/behind. However neither does the spray correspond to decapitation by a .300 round. So possibly a smaller caliber aimed shot from the direction of the USSS counter sniper position.

As an aside, why is Crook’s rifle so far from the position of where he was shot? And is it pointing in the wrong direction?


As a follow up to my post above, do we have any video of the USSS counter sniper actually firing the shot that allegedly ended Crooks? Everything which I can find shows the countersniper reacting (strongly as Chris has already noted) to the first three rounds. I can’t find anything that shows him actually firing his weapon. I am curious to see if it is obvious where he is pointing his weapon at the moment of engagement. Is it arguably in Crooks’ direction or is it conspicuously too low or in an obviously different lateral direction?

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This is potentially useful. I think that the end of the video captures the open window (I am going with Beaver SWAT team fired at Trump and then shot Crooks from this window).


My guess: just to create chaos and keep spectators from looking around for answers.

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Why is it that the initial responders to the shooting scene all went inside the AGR facility instead of to the roof where the shooter lied?

Maybe because the plan went to H, they weren’t thinking straight? Or, the true “scene” was inside the building and they went to deal with that / regroup on Plan B first.

Viva Frei and Barnes mention the real shooter was inside the building (not sure which one: either the window of the building Crooks was on where the gutter comes down the building that Chris showed in his other videos, or in the 2-story building where they had an unobstructed view of Trump and also of Crooks). They surmise that Crooks was shot in the back of the head, not the front, which makes sense (1) that SS could keep an eye on him from behind and (2) why the clean-up crew would want to hose down the roof with no pics (blood splatter direction).


Anything is possible in this good vs evil battle being waged


You guys are probably way ahead of me on this, but I ran a rudimentary directional analysis on the first and second groups of shots from the main Trump video and the park video. I got three potential angles.

If the first shows came from the rooftop the second came from the window. If the first shots came from the window the second shots came from the rooftop.

You can imagine the chill I felt when these lines lined up with the open window from Chris’s latest video.


Interesting view from inside that 2nd story building. No way they could not see him.

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I was suspicious of this immediately. There is no evidence that Crooks expected to die. We have no manifesto, no dairy, no social media post that suggests this. Looking at the video of him wandering outside of the security perimeter, there is no sense of purpose or urgency. No doubt that he climbed onto the roof. No doubt that he “bear crawled” up the slope of the roof in full view of bystanders. Did anyone see him fire? No. So prove to me that he did. Show me the photos of empty cartridges scattered on the roof. Show me the video where his rifle fires. Oh, you don’t have photos or videos that show this? Then don’t expect me to believe it.