Totalitarianism in America is Here
Background for this claim.

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I haven’t watched the interview yet nor have I read through the comments, but I just finished his book “Live Not By Lies” this morning. An excellent and eye-opening read! I don’t know if this was mentioned yet, but Heather Heying included this book on her list of recommend reads recently. I am sure there are many Darkhorse fans here. Again, a wonderful, well-researched book that stirs the soul!


The most important piece of gear we need are computers that have no connection to the internet. USB ports so you can save your work. Data sovereignty is essential.


I’m not sure we need this.
I would get 0% of my work done on such a computer.
No email, no Zoom, no internet, no search engines, no access to online banking, no access to podcasts, no access to PP.
What’s the point ?

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Insofar as I can see, the terms “liberal” and conservative" no longer serve a viable function in American political life when “liberals” attempt to justify censorship and mass surveillance and insist “you can’t say that”, while “conservatives” try to justify drone assassinations and keeping networks of secret torture prisons around the globe.

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Freedom from surveillance. You can save your work and upload it as per your own discretion. There is no need to stop using internet computers, but we need some that we know are secure, and no internet-connected computer is secure. I believe the term is “air-lock” computer, the kind used by journalists who are in danger of suffering severe negative consequences from totalitarian authorities.


For many years I have maintained a non connected system. No wi fi, no cable, completely isolated. On this system I keep all my sensitive information. Should I wish to transfer information for the purposes of sharing, I use a naïve memory stick from source to network. Never use the stick twice (they are so cheap as to be rendered disposable). I never use a stick in the opposite direction. Thus I can almost certainly avoid contamination.


It’s kind of late now, but it would have been nice to have a reality TV show where the participants all had to try to defeat Covid by going, repeatedly, into various high risk areas of Covid (or even certainty of Covid) using their best ideas on prophilaxis and treatment.
I know what you are saying: too much risk. But no. All the producers would have to do is secure enough Regeneron to treat anyone who caught Covid early on. It could even be done without a lawsuit risk: just make it a meme challenge. There are lots of risky meme challenges out there; at least this one would be for a good cause.
Of course, this would have caused Fauchi et. al. to try to outlaw it or maybe call out the National Guard to interrupt the contest. But that would have been telling, and would probably have awakened a lot more people.
And, yes, I believe I would have participated.
I’m currently coaching my 6th confirmed case of Covid. This one is surely Omicron, but I brought in my horse and a full stable of other things. I’m hoping it will turn around within the next 24 hours.
In my previous coaching, two weeks ago a good friend of mine called to tell me he had been diagnosed. It didn’t sound like Omicron, as he was talking about pretty extreme symptoms, including severe abdominal and whole-body pain, that made it hard to sleep. Indeed, over the next three days it continued to get worse and worse, and he was in a significant risk group. I wasn’t geographically near him, and he didn’t have near enough horse supplies. In spite of this, he kept saying he was going to tough it out. It turned out he had access to Regeneron, and with my encouragement he secured it and knocked it out on day 7 (he wanted to delay, but I assured him that if he didn’t turn it around by day 7 he was taking too big of a chance.).
Anyway, I keep chiseling away at the fearmongering over Covid, any chance I get.
In this, and many other ways, we have a chance to expand the Overton window quite often – if we look for the opportunity. My thanks, again, to the group here at PP for making me a dangerous guy, horse paste will travel, to begin with ;!)


Subject line sums it up. I am hoping for some guidance on how much I ought to use, and whether I ought to grind it, eat it raw, cook it into something, etc. I didn’t get the oil, I got the actual organic seeds.
I am thinking of making this a regular staple in my diet, as there is some evidence from FLCCC, and that list of treatment options Chris provided a week or so ago, that it works almost as well as the big “I” in at least early treatment?
Any comments on how to use it or how not to use it. The ideal would be to add it as a general spice as it does taste a bit like pepper and there appear to be 4000 years of accumulated anecdotal evidence it is good for a variety of things, including improving skin conditions.
And, of course, it is getting ever harder to get the big “I”, here in Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. (Man, what cowards most populations become…I occurs to me, most of us are almost unfit to survive a real life-threatening challenge…that ought to concern any thoughtful person; and you would think it would concern our government as well. )


A brilliant interview. It is a comfort to know that there are others who have conservative values and who recognise the value of much of the past and so are not intent on change for no good reason i.e. if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Although I am agnostic, I was brought up in Christian schools and recognise the value of the Christian message and the motivating force of a belief system. If anything, I regret my lack of belief and the power that an emotional attachment to a belief can create.
It seems to me that humanity swings between periods where the mostly rational is the driving force and periods where the emotional or “magical” thinking takes precedence. I think that we are moving from a period of the more rational to a period where the emotional will hold the upper hand. I think both modes of motivation have value but at any given time one mode will have more influence than the other.
If I am right, then Rod Dreher should not worry that the influence of christianity is being eclipsed forever. It still has great value provided it comes from the heart and avoids dogmatism or political ends.
Today the threat from wokeism is political and dogmatic. It threatens free speech which is the chief reason why the green movement has lost the plot - particularly with its insistence that the scientific case for anthropogenic global warming is proven rather than the unfortunate result of a political process based on using models to predict the future. If you question the dogma you are marginalised as a “denier”. Common sense tells me that the cycles of the sun, the processes going on beneath our feet and the oceans (volcanism and tectonics), the wobbles in the earth’s axis and tilt and biological processes all have a far greater impact than 150 years of human industrial output of CO2 which is still very much a trace gas.
Anyone who truly understands the philosophy of science would understand that every hypothesis is open to dismantling in a culture where free speech still reigns. Many thought that all physics processes had been solved until Einstein came up with his Theory of Relativity. In Galileo’s day, Einstein would have been tried by the Inquisition.
As Dr Martenson has pointed out, there is no way we can replace our energy systems with solar, wind or hydro. That truly is magical thinking! Fossil fuel reserves will run out sooner than we think - which is to say that the energy cost of extraction will be greater than the energy output long before resource exhaustion. The only viable alternative at the moment would be nuclear power but I am not sure that is politically possible in a time of magical thinking. It may well take a descent into energy shortages and economic collapse to wake us up to ourselves.


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I haven’t been able to locate the source, can you please provide a link? Thanks.

Hah! Ralph Baric’s old paper was the basis for Dr. Zelenko’s protocol. God is good!

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there are thousands of them. they are like roaches.

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I eat these seeds daily. Here is how I do it,
grind them up first, and keep the ground up seed in a baggie in the refrigerator.
Daily, on my salad, I put a level teaspoon into the salad. Raw/uncooked.
note I worked my way up to the teaspoon. I started with a half teaspoon for several months.

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I take about 7-10 seeds every morning. I just chew them up.

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I don’t even bother chewing the nigella sativa seeds. Just pop a teaspoonful, wash down with water, chase with a spoonful of honey. I also throw them in smoothies.
Curious if they still get digested as effectively when unchewed, but I figure even if I’m chewing I’m only cracking open a fraction of the seeds anyways. Anybody got any data on bio availability of chewed vs unchewed?

I would expect the less chewed the more likely to pass through the gut undigested. Recent grinding sounds like a better approach where dosage is a concern.

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