Originally published at: Tracy Thurman : The War on Food (and on the Amish, and Farmers) – Peak Prosperity
We’re facing attacks on many fronts, but food has been on the main attack vectors on American health and well-being for a very long time.
All one needs to do is glance at a current US obesity map, or contrast a film shot at the beach in the 1970’s as compared to today, to see the impact.
Or review the food ingredients allowed in US foods as compared to European products and the list is staggeringly long. The reason for the bans in the EU? Safety concerns.
In this critical interview, Tracy Thruman recounts her front-line experiences working with Robert Barnes to help protect the nearly relentless assaults on Amish farmers by a deeply corrupt Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture coupled to an equally corrupt PA court system.
Why the Amish?
Probably because they represent a challenge to the system. Their kids are lean and happy and healthy. They have almost no Autism by current standards, partake in exceptionally low levels of SSRI and other psychoactive compounds, and therefore represent a ‘control group’ that is making the dominant culture look bad.
So, in true collectivist form, rather than engaging in introspection and a self-administered course correction, the administrative class is busy trying to destroy the control group.
They are using lawfare, cheating, and lying to accomplish their goals, again all typical features of authoritarian (i.e. ‘collectivist’) regimes.
This leads us to this week’s part II where I describe just how deep of a predicament we are in, why this explains the profound urgency that drives “them,” and why everyone needs to brace for impact.
It’s nothing personal, really, it’s merely what happens when a complex system runs out of energy. The personal part is where we allowed mid-wits to take the reins and steer our cart over a cliff. That part was avoidable.
So tune in a get ready for the Tour De Force who we know as Tracy.