Tracy Thurman : The War on Food (and on the Amish, and Farmers)

Originally published at: Tracy Thurman : The War on Food (and on the Amish, and Farmers) – Peak Prosperity

We’re facing attacks on many fronts, but food has been on the main attack vectors on American health and well-being for a very long time.

All one needs to do is glance at a current US obesity map, or contrast a film shot at the beach in the 1970’s as compared to today, to see the impact.

Or review the food ingredients allowed in US foods as compared to European products and the list is staggeringly long. The reason for the bans in the EU? Safety concerns.

In this critical interview, Tracy Thruman recounts her front-line experiences working with Robert Barnes to help protect the nearly relentless assaults on Amish farmers by a deeply corrupt Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture coupled to an equally corrupt PA court system.

Why the Amish?

Probably because they represent a challenge to the system. Their kids are lean and happy and healthy. They have almost no Autism by current standards, partake in exceptionally low levels of SSRI and other psychoactive compounds, and therefore represent a ‘control group’ that is making the dominant culture look bad.

So, in true collectivist form, rather than engaging in introspection and a self-administered course correction, the administrative class is busy trying to destroy the control group.

They are using lawfare, cheating, and lying to accomplish their goals, again all typical features of authoritarian (i.e. ‘collectivist’) regimes.

This leads us to this week’s part II where I describe just how deep of a predicament we are in, why this explains the profound urgency that drives “them,” and why everyone needs to brace for impact.

It’s nothing personal, really, it’s merely what happens when a complex system runs out of energy. The personal part is where we allowed mid-wits to take the reins and steer our cart over a cliff. That part was avoidable.

So tune in a get ready for the Tour De Force who we know as Tracy.




Outstanding! Thank you :pray:t3:
Tracy I hope the noggin is back to 110%!!!


Be afraid, be very afraid…

From Wikipedia:

Cargill, Incorporated, is an American global food corporation based in Minnetonka, Minnesota, and incorporated in Wilmington, Delaware. Founded in 1865, it is the largest privately held company in the United States in terms of revenue.

Some of Cargill’s major businesses are trading, purchasing and distributing grain and other Agricultural commodities, such as palm oil; trading in energy, steel and transport; raising livestock and production of feed/Fodder; and producing food ingredients such as starch and glucose syrup, vegetable oils and fats for application in ultra-processed foods and industrial use. Cargill also has a large financial services arm, which manages financial risks in the commodity markets for the company. In 2003, it split off a portion of its financial operations into Black River Asset Management, a hedge fund with about $10 billion of assets and liabilities.

Cargill reported gross revenues of $165 billion in 2022. It last reported net profit earnings in 2021, of just below $5 billion. Employing over 160,000 employees in 66 countries, it is responsible for 25% of all United States grain exports. The company also supplies about 22% of the US domestic meat market, importing more products from Argentina than any other company, and is the largest poultry producer in [Thailand]. All the eggs used in US [McDonald’s restaurants pass through Cargill’s plants. It is the only US producer of Alberger process salt, which is used in the fast-food and prepared food industries.


Wow Chris!!! That may have been the most important interview you’ve ever done! I for one just want to say thank you!



Really looking forward to this. I heard Tracy speak at the last two Honey Badger Gatherings. She did a great job of connecting dots with some snark sprinkled in for entertainment and a dose of reality check to Wake Up and Get Prepping.


It sounds like you are using an automatic mic mixer that is driven from the camera control. Anytime the focus went off Tracy her mic was muted and we heard her through your mic.

You need to either manually mix or use a good level-based automixer (hardware or software). Contact me if you are interested.


I am so grateful to Dr Chris Martenson. The information on Peak Prosperity has been extremely influential for planning for our family’s future in such an unstable and uncertain world… Thank you so much for your excellent work!

Carol Lynn Edwards


Hi Chris,
Tracy looks familiar, although I’ve never seen her in the public domain.
Was she at HoneyBadger’22? If it’s her I think her talk was something about methods of community communications and activism.


Over the years some of your messages hit us like a freight train. This was one of them. I heard Tracy at the previous HB event. We went home and started breeding rabbits. It hasn’t been going perfectly but we are learning and still going. I have had autoimmune disorders for decades and I know how important food is (I am mostly carnivore). Hubby was just diagnosed with some issues and both of us watched the video and looked at each other and said, raw milk and local meat? So that is coming up. We know a guy.

Honestly, it will be nice to explore new things to do to become prepared. We have worked pretty hard since 2020 and have really increased our resiliency and just recently ran out of money. If we do this, it might be a little more expensive but it will not require a huge downpayment so it meats (lol) our budget.


Same story from another source.


@richcabot , yes!!! This is such a powerful peace, I’ve already forwarded to the “waking up” friends! @cmartenson, not over stressing, this is a seminal conversation that needs to be spread widely! It is worth a recut on the audio, if you can! Amazing work! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Any thoughts on the future of suburban chickens? In Santa Cruz County, California, out in the mountains outside all cities?

Is it likely to avoid a lot of regulatory attention? Any prognostication on this topic?


Great interview! I sent links to friends.

What were the websites for connecting with local farmers?

I caught

Also: I’d love to hear about political actions to push for radical freedom in food. How about a “Food Freedom Act” that recognizes a blanket right to consume what we wish, just as we have the right to say what we wish.

Maybe worded as: “Congress shall make no law abridging the right to grow crops or raise animals for the purpose of consuming, or abridging the right to freely trade with those who do so.”

I’m not a lawyer so this isn’t the best wording.


The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist

The quote is usually known from the movie “The Usual Suspects (1995)”. Don’t know if the movie was quoting from somewhere else.
Fun movie.

Here are the websites Tracy listed for where to find local farms to buy food from (1:17:13 - 1:17:30):

The “One Health” agenda sort of reminds me of the old “Total Information Awareness” program, which is still alive and well through companies like Google.
Speaking of which, Google had long been a tool of the state department (if it wasn’t from its inception) even while it had the motto “don’t be evil”. Russell Brand’s recent interview titled “Edward Snowden Was Right! Google & The CIA Are Watching You Do This!” with Mike Benz was very insightful on this (not a fan of click-bait titles, but it is what it is).


My favorite backyard chicken/salmonella article -


Really hard to hear her in some segments, especially the later ones. Is a transcript possible?


Yeah, i live in rural ontario. Have a few more chickens than the bylaw allows and a rooster which is verboten. I think Roo will give us away.



Hi RE:

I also heard and