Obviously opinions will differ, and of course there are a number of competing definitions for the term “fascism.” The following is but one:
Fascism - definition
A totalitarian philosophy of government that glorifies the state and nation and assigns to the state control over every aspect of national life. The name was first used by the party started by Benito Mussolini , who ruled Italy from 1922 until the Italian defeat in World War II. However, it has also been applied to similar ideologies in other countries, e.g., to National Socialism in Germany and to the regime of Francisco Franco in Spain.
Origins of Fascism
While socialism (particularly Marxism) came into existence as a clearly formulated theory or program based on a specific interpretation of history, fascism introduced no systematic exposition of its ideology or purpose other than a negative reaction against socialist and democratic egalitarianism. The growth of democratic ideology and popular participation in politics in the 19th cent. was terrifying to some conservative elements in European society, and fascism grew out of the attempt to counter it by forming mass parties based largely on the middle classes and the petty bourgeoisie, exploiting their fear of political domination by the lower classes. Forerunners of fascism, such as Georges Boulanger in France and Adolf Stöker and Karl Lueger in Germany and Austria, in their efforts to gain political power played on people’s fears of revolution with its subsequent chaos, anarchy, and general insecurity. They appealed to nationalist sentiments and prejudices, exploited anti-Semitism , and portrayed themselves as champions of law, order, Christian morality, and the sanctity of private property.
For the purposes of this discourse, let us assume that the overarching concern for a fascist of the order in the preceding definition lay not in participating in a brutal, all-powerful regime whose sole purpose is to wield total control over the citizenry, treating them like mere cattle to be exploited, fattened by any means necessary, and eventually slaughtered. Because, yes, that certainly does sound like what the managers of our current form of government seem intent upon, and they have now rigged the election system so that it is, in effect, the lowest common denominator classes of our society who, by dint of consistently voting Democrat and/or Republican, provide our rulers with the decree to lay waste to our Constitution. But you cannot, in all honestly, make the claim that the Uniparty platform " glorifies the state and nation…" We are not being glorified. We are being told that our country was founded upon vile, base racism and misogyny and genocide of the peaceful Indians who first inhabited this land. And I also take issue with any notion which suggests that our Uniparty government " assigns to the state control over every aspect of national life." From my perspective, for an appalling number of decades now, our government has encouraged the formation of monopolies among various private industries and bestows upon them with all the incentives they need to provide us tax-slaves with a generally crappy existence, i.e. the terrible food at the grocery store any of us can afford anymore and the exorbitant expense of growing one’s own food. Allowing shadowy N.G.O.s to use their privately sourced funds to facilitate the mass invasion of illegal migrants into our country and then providing these vermin with the means to secure housing and vehicles and licenses and welfare benefits and legal council. Lobbyists influence our governmental institutions; they are not official representatives of government. They are all privately funded. This isn’t fascism. This is communism.
We have a communist government in the Uniparty. The Central Committee for the Politburo we call our “liberal democracy” is located in Israel. Israel has been calling our shots ever since they formed their nation in 1947. The matrix for the Jewsih-led domination of our nation is quite simple: ensure no individual of any import rises to a station of prominence in this country without there first being a bevy of compromising information held on that individual which can be used as a form of blackmail to compel the individual to act in a manner conducive to the welfare of the Israeli government. Sexual blackmail traps are by far the most common devices employed:
- Throw a lavish party at some exclusive estate.
- Invite a number of up-and-coming business/political movers and shakers.
- Have private quarters bugged and rigged for photo/film recording
- Entice said movers and shakers into the quarters to indulge in whatever vice pricks their interest the most(if it’s sex with men or women, have those be under the legal age of consent)
- Confront movers and shakers with the evidence and transform them into assets
- Control assets for as long as useful and then discard when their use has expired
- Begin process over again.
If some assets decide to rebel and pursue their own heart’s desires regardless of the consequences of being exposed, the Jews will simply have them murdered. J.F.K. and his brother are the best known examples of this.
Communism was created by the Jews. The purpose is the formation of a One World Government which has them at the very top, making life miserable for the teeming masses of us goyim at the bottom, doing all the messy, actual work it takes to provide for an existence. We are getting closer and closer to that state of reality.
Fascism was created by decent men who rightly discerned the full scope and nature of the diabolical machinations of world Jewry and sought to provide a bulwark against the tantalizing and multitudinous promises communism makes to the masses, that of a world with no divisions or restrictions upon individual behavior.
Fascism was the attempt to create a mechanism by which each individual country could preserve its inveterate culture. mainly by rejecting the charter of central banks and all of the wicked perfidy that has been wrought upon mankind by dint of accepting usury as a legitimate business tool. Christianity used to classify usury as a mortal sin. Islam still does. Not so with Judaism.
It’s all there for you to discover folks. Best to get to it. It won’t be long now before the Internet goes down, and what comes back in its place won’t allow these words to be so much as typed. Let alone transmitted.