Tracy Thurman : The War on Food (and on the Amish, and Farmers)

The word in German for the merger of Church and State is used in the sentence that follows:

Ist es ein demokratisches Regime, ein laizistisches Regime oder eine Theokratie?

Hint on the translation - laizistisches = secular. You can likely figure it out from there.

So the problem with a theocracy is that it’s Church centered not God centered. Still puts way too much power in the hands of a ruling group. And no, that won’t be any better because they profess faith. Especially if you end up living under a theocratic system like Sharia Law or the Popes of the Middle Ages.


Excellent conversation, thank you for this interview! I have backyard chickens and I am also worried about the whole bird flu drama and what that will mean for new regulations restricting or completely disallowing them in the near future. I live in upstate New York, we all know it’s reputation, that will be my red line to move.


Thank you for this conversation and for making it public on youtube. Sent to as many friends who need some nudging and wake up to whats happening.

What you mentioned of the hepatitis vaccine hits home. Ive mentioned before on here, but why would you push a liver vaccine on a month premature baby with biliruben levels that are bad? We declined the shot for our daughter.

My daughter was born in 2017. I had many heated discussions with pediatricians about adjuvants and potential damage to immune system. All on deaf angry ears.

To your point of our horrible infrastructure, i went to Japan a few times for work in the late 90s. Their infrastructure was so amazing back then. You could ride a bullet train to anywhere. Hong Kong was equally amazing. I can only imagine what its like now.

1 is none 2 is one. My friend has a beautiful Bruce Roberts trawler. Redundancies are a necessity for long range boats. I would recommend people to look at what is necessary in grid down scenarios of what they need redundancies of. You have a tractor and plenty of diesel. Great. Do you have spare parts of common things that break? You have an AR. Great. Do you have extra firing pin and parts? (Extra ARs would be good too). Just try to apply that mindset to anything you would deem important.

Do you know how to work? This is so important. Plenty of people make great money in office jobs and have studied heavily and built a great life for themselves. And many of those people have worked hard jobs before or have hobbies that require physical activity. Awesome. But if you havent worked with people for a common goal and get to know how to contribute in a fluid team manner, find a way to get those skills before its too late.


I wonder how cases of SIDS (sudden infant deaths) correlate with vaccinations. How many babies and toddlers that died suddenly and unexpectedly in their cribs were vaccinated versus not vaccinated and in the case of the prior, what was the time between vaccination and death? It would be interesting to see what the data says.

By now it is clear to me that whatever THE POWERS THAT SHOULD NOT BE attack, is what I need to be doing. Be in the sun as much as possible, especially between 11-15 o’clock and in times of less sun exposure take vitamin D, avoid sun block and use other methods to protect against direct sunlight (long sleeves, hats etc.), mega dosing vitamin C, eat meat (for the amount you need, listen to your body), eat fish and other marine food and if necessary supplement with omega 3, raw milk (something I am looking to try despite the lactose intolerance and looking for the right casein protein - the original animal protein instead of the man manipulated one), move the body regularly, grow your own food based on heirloom seeds and plants, learn foraging and wild harvesting, use sea salt either mixed in water and/ or in my food, raw honey, using the actual stevia herb instead of the processed powdered form, heat and cold exposure, natural fabrics for clothing (cotton, wool, linen, hemp and sometimes silk instead of all the modern fabrics especially those from recycled plastic and labeled vegan which ate highly chemically processed and low in frequency and thus sickening to the body), just to name a few things.


do you have any links to the frequency of materials as u suggested about the modern fabrics?
i know next to nothing about that stuff

Here is a good article about fabrics for clothing. As you will read, both linen and wool are high vibrational clothing. They can’t be worn together though, for together they cancel each other out.

In the past, hospitals used to use linen for bed sheets, pillow cases and covers. They switched to synthetics, because they were cheaper. Linen bedding as an immediate investment is indeed expensive. In the long run though, it proves to be relatively cheaper for it lasts longer and thus needs replacing less often. On top of that it boosts our bodies healing abilities, saving us currency in other areas.


This whole interview was so good and they gave me a lot of things to say and speak to. I’m so excited that new words are starting to show up like the distinction between money and legal tender or currency. A couple other things that were that way. The moral of the story is, everyone starting to recognize that there seems to be two of everything because the de facto unlawful unconstitutional state apparatus has made a colorable decoy of each item that we have constitutionally secured. The constitution says I write to bear “arms“ shall not be in fringed. Then the state comes along and gives us a colorable decoy called “firearms“. The word, firearms and arms are in fact, different, clearly. The ladder can be regulated. The former is an in alienable constitutionally protected, right. Money is the same yes, Chris pointed out correctly. It is a medium of exchange so that is one of the definitions. but there are two of these things as well. Money of Account and money of Exchange. The ladder is lawful money, gold, and silver, or a certificate representing a physical amount of gold and silver. Money of account is credit and evidences of a debt and the banking cartels domain. Again they gave us two of everything and I hope people are trying to see it, especially the two jurisdictions and the two types of citizenship, American Citizen which is a citizen of the several States of the republic, i.e a state Citizen, rather than US citizen who is a federal citizen and chattel property of the federal government. Anyway, there’s a lot on this post. I numbered them in order as I was viewing the interview, best i could…

  1. Administrative vs Judicial courts…
    Judicial courts (aka Article III Courts) are courts that can hear constitutional and common law matters. It’s where American complainants (me and you) have standing via the subject matter and what’s called “in personem” , meaning it is your constitutional right to be there bringing said subject matter. Contrary to popular beliefs, the Common law never went away. It doesn’t die as long as there is a constitution in place, with the will of at least some people behind it. But, it has been forced underground by the now prevalent commercial administrative courts! Basically, the world reserve-money changing- Banking Cartel(s) that have been working against us since the early 1600’s(probably 9-10 generations by now), has always sought this form of administrative law to control and conduct forced commerce. Think about it, why wouldn’t they? Even better for them forced endless debt commerce, owned by them. What the F is that!?
    Administrative Courts are the ones that have bonds naming us as the collateral that securitizes it, with your signature each time you accidentally “sign” yourself into the fine or into jail or into a levy or whatever punitive “Statutory Administrative Commercial Code” bullshit they can make up, over generations of focus and effort. This is where the world of codes and statutes plays out. You’ve heard it referred to as the administrative state. That’s a real term. They’ve been telling us all along, that that’s what they’re doing. And it’s strictly a commercial business, first! Administrative courts can coincidentally overlap and punish people for standard common law crimes like murder, theft, assault, and things of that nature. But it’s still a commercial endeavor, which now that you think of it shouldn’t be a big surprise. Every single action in their administrative procedural, statutory inferior court system is, directly for, or leading toward the creation of - an evidence of a debt. Sound familiar? This phrase is written all over the UCC within the creation of their instruments that they change money into an out of…
    And again, it’s written all throughout the words that they commonly use that we know and have been told over and over again. “Paying” your “debt” to society, thru the action of administrative statutory “charges“ that that you are held to by being “Bonded”,! forcing you to pay with federal reserve notes and/or your body as tender for the evidence of a debt they just created. It’s a vicious circle. And it should make a more sense, as all charging instruments are just that “instruments” that become a species of money called a Bond. it’s even in the word administrative. They administer the commercial activities and the administrative court is also a bank. The only way they can operate is under the color of law, which is also unconstitutional. “Color of Law” means that it looks like the law and it acts like law, but it’s not the actual law of the land, because it’s merely commercial administrative law. The whole thing is gross! At no time can constitutional men and women be merged into colorable aspects of contract law under a colorable criminal Admiralty jurisdiction that can also carry criminal fines and penalties….

  2. Regarding following the full spirit of that Pennsylvania law that exempted farmers regular workers and agents. We’ve gone so far off track from the constitution that is hard to tell that even this discussion is referring to an unconstitutional power for the state to tell the landowner in the private That he is regulated in this way we’ve gone so far astray in this area, that even I am having a hard time teasing out what minor intrusion might the state have the power of? As in, I guess the state probably should have the power to tell the farmer. He can’t run his whole herd of cattle right up to the edge of the fence next to a state road’s water run-off system and have them all take a dump there. That’s the only example I could think of right now sorry lol. But as it relates to a matter of degree of incursion that the state can put upon the private farmer, in all reasonableness, I assume there is at least a little. Having said that, constitution would demand that such incursions would be incredibly narrow in scope. Nowhere near with these agents of the state are doing to this man… Food for thought when remembering there’s a difference between what the state can do to a US citizen versus what they can do to a state citizen of the republic, outside of the statutory administrative inferior court jurisdiction…

  3. So what’s really happening with egregious nature of our courts, Chris just asked….
    A. They’re caught between two jurisdictions this the short answer. And we’re now at the point time where lines are being drawn and some judges will air on the side of their egregious nature and many won’t. That’s why you’re seeing differing decisions. This particular aspect of the mass is a real bag of hammers, unfortunately and sadly!

  4. Regarding what’s going on with the food supply? I wish it were different, but it’s straight up right out of the playbook for the stage, setting by the central banks to create famine and/or other catastrophe, as the same means they’ve always used when their money systems are threatened or undergoing forms of reset. So far, every country in their path since forever, country after country this cartel has moved into debt and scarcity, doing it exactly the same way each time, indebting all sides of conflict, where some are always made desperate for central bank loans during chaotic periods, famine, and war. And the only thing keeping the banking cartel(s) in power, is that they’ve always been in power since the 1600s. They’ve always played all sides and had their slithery tentacles embedded all around enough to wear, when one or two or even three dared try to get rid of the central bank, the CENTRAL BANK(s) could still rouse the forces of the others through threats and coercion like they do today. It’s no different. And that rousing capacity would always lead to war and chaos, wherein they have always kept their iron fist Cartel like power. The only thing keeping them in power is there hasn’t been a substantial gap in their power to where they finally lose the power. I can’t find a flaw in what I just said. I’m pretty sure that’s the actual solution! These people are insane…
    With us, they saw it coming long ago and had to make America weak. I’m referring to “injections, injunctions, and diet“. So, with all of that in mind, the cartel is so good at what it does, it built America up strictly to plunder her riches with endless debt and taking. We’ve been a major score for these Banking families that have all been here throughout the centuries…

  5. The court operates from power because its subjects over which it can rule are all US citizens as a political status. And that makes them have all the characteristics of chattel properly. And that’s not me talking. That’s the Supreme Court… The federal government located in Washington DC currently has commercial property rights over its US citizens…


This was a revolutionary conversation. It was the moment when you stop seeing all the random colored dots in a pointillist painting, step back and it converges into a clear picture.

The fight on farmers makes sense now. My God, this is the de-kulakisation of the west. And who better to target than the Amish, one of the most benign groups ever to have lived? When I was in Tennessee, the Amish and Mennonites were highly regarded as salt of the earth, hard workers, ethical people, sincere and self-rigorous in their religious beliefs, and excellent farmers. Their people are a powerful argument for their way of life. I admired them so greatly in college that I pondered joining them, and was lent some of their foundational religious texts, which unfortunately did not make much sense to me. Ideologically, no. But in letting their life speak, in seeing the families and communities they build, yes. And that is likely why the state must destroy them.

Chris has spoken about the termite approach, in which things are destroyed by a million termites nibbling constantly away at the edge, and this is obviously happening. But now we are to the part of the story where they also make direct attacks on the heart of things. If you can attack the Amish and send them to jail for doing a doing an ultrasound on their own cow, on land they own, who then is safe? Not me, not you, not anyone. That is the point, I think.

It also helps make sense of the attacks on our children. There was no medical reason to subject children to untested gene therapy and a multitude of powerful reasons, both medical and ethical, to avoid it. There is no natural affinity between toddlers and drag queens, and yet TPTB wish to degrade the accepted barrier that western culture places between children and adult sexuality, and label as bigots anyone who opposes it.

This is a winnowing. And when they go after the righteous and the children, they are playing for keeps.


I agree. I missed some of what was said when the volume automatically reduced. A pity, as the information was so interesting and important.


There are a few Amish communities within half hours’ drive from me and I like to do business with them. Once I was renting a piece of equipment to pound posts for new fences. The clerk looked at my address: Bombay road, are you close to the Amish cemetery? Me: Yes, less than a mile away. What happened to the community? Him: Back in the 1930s it just kind of died out. All that’s left is the cemetery.

That conversation was more than 10 years ago, and it got me thinking. Before the 1930’s all farmers lived like the Amish. No electricity, few automobiles or indoor toilets. Amish was just one among many religions. They lived the way Americans had for a couple of centuries, including strong communities of people who relied on their neighbors for a LOT. Current American culture is a pale, ghostly reflection of that time.


I am fortunate that I can buy Raw Milk at my local grocery stores here in Central Idaho, the dairy is; Been a raw milk drinker since 2014 or so.

I have been working with an Amish man for 1.5+ years now. And frankly he popped my Amish bubble. I had an idealized, romanticized view of them I guess. Wanted them to be… better? But what I have learned is the Amish are human too, and they have the same flaws as the rest of us and thus the same problems. My observations and what he has told me are thus; I would NOT want to be an Amish women, in general I see content men and miserable women. Miserable is a word I rarely use. And yet the women are excellent is so many ways. The Amish is a male dominant society, maybe too much? What I see is the males taking the females for granted. Treated more like a servant than partner. I will say this, there is no such thing as a lazy Amish person. They work, and work hard. I agree the Amish have been targeted and it is working, their culture and community, as strong as it is, is struggling. The Amish have a great deal of positives about their culture, like as mentioned a very strong community bond, but they are not perfect.

Lastly, I had to comment on the ‘you are what you eat’ comment. This is a literal Truth. About 12 years ago I read this comment again or heard it and had an epiphany. A thought came into my head. Not sure where it came from, my spirit, or God? But it was this. ‘You are what you eat’ is a literal truth but it is part of a greater Truth. YOU ARE WHAT YOU CONSUME. Not just what you put in your mouth but what you put into your mind, your spirit. What we watch with our eyes and listen with our ears shape who we are. And is just as important as what we put in our mouths. This ‘revelation’ had a profound impact on me and led to many positive changes.


Rich, thank you! I picked up on that too.

Great interview. Keep bringing guests that are experts in a specific field.

It seems to me that the solution is obvious. Simply apply the Constitution, let me explain.
As you correctly identified, we have a fascist form of government right now, where the federal agencies do private deals with corporate leaders and those corporate entities are above the law, which leads to the corruption we see. We are dangerously close to loosing all of our property, sovereignty and Rights!!

I want to remind you that these federal agencies have no authority to exist, according to the constitution. And since the constitution is a compact between the states, to form the federal government, the responsibility is on the states to enforce the constitution. Therefore it’s up to the states to kick the bums out and shut down these federal agencies. And I mean every single one of them CDC, FDA, FBI,CIA federal reserve all of them .

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I like what you said about we are what we consume, including what we put into our mind and spirit. I just really needed to hear that right now and appreciate your putting that out there.


@cmartenson says farmers never saw a government agent there to help them. I’m old enough to remember a world where the local ag agents were the farmer’s friends.
After WWII, the USDA spent a lot of time trying to figure out what caused the dustbowl and how farmers could be less vulnerable. In the 50’s, they were teaching farmers some of the techniques we now associate with restorative farming practices, because factory farms stopped doing the 1950’s practices.
The local ag agent taught farmers:
How to contour plow their fields to stop erosion. I personally remember as a child walking our back 40 with my dad and the agent, laying out the correct contour lines before spring plowing.
How to do crop rotation properly so, particularly with corn, other crops would be planted the next spring to restore nutrients that corn depletes.
Farther west, the agents taught dryland farming water retention methods to ensure rain was absorbed instead of running off eroding the soil.
Then, big business invaded the heartland in the late 60’s and early 70’s. Farmers were conned into taking out huge loans to buy expensive infrastructure and equipment, while the majority of urban food dollars started flowing to the big business processing and distribution system, not to farmers. So farmers needed factory methodologies to be able to pay off the debt and the contours and rotation strips and drainage ponds were torn out to make square fields of a single crop. The only crop rotation was now corn one year and soy the next, covering the entire acreage.
No more helpful ag agents. Indeed, I’ve heard recently that they are telling restorative farmers that they can’t get crop insurance on nontraditional crops, only on wheat, corn, soy.
But, before our government was corrupted, long ago there were ag agents that were welcomed onto farms.


Jackson County, Oregon voters passed an ordinance that GMO crops cannot be grown here. Prior to voting on the measure, our organic seed growers discovered that Syngenta had slipped GMO sugar beets being grown for their seeds. The Organic seed farmers discovered through their own detective work, several plots and wanted to know if there were others, because the plots they discovered, violated the USDA regulations requiring a mile of separation between organic (non-GMO) and the Syngenta plots which were sprinkled here and there around the county. A couple of organic farmers had to plow their seed crops into the ground because they were contaminated with GMO wind blown pollen.

The USDA inspector sent to investigate refused to tell the farmers the extent of GMO crops in the county. His words–I can’t tell you; I won’t tell you.

Here’s a seed industry structure chart worth knowing about:


It’s all about the contrast. Or better said, the elimination of contrast. We can’t have trustworthy people selling healthy food. Cause they make the people who aren’t trustworthy selling poison feel bad.


Obviously opinions will differ, and of course there are a number of competing definitions for the term “fascism.” The following is but one:

Fascism - definition

A totalitarian philosophy of government that glorifies the state and nation and assigns to the state control over every aspect of national life. The name was first used by the party started by Benito Mussolini , who ruled Italy from 1922 until the Italian defeat in World War II. However, it has also been applied to similar ideologies in other countries, e.g., to National Socialism in Germany and to the regime of Francisco Franco in Spain.

Origins of Fascism

While socialism (particularly Marxism) came into existence as a clearly formulated theory or program based on a specific interpretation of history, fascism introduced no systematic exposition of its ideology or purpose other than a negative reaction against socialist and democratic egalitarianism. The growth of democratic ideology and popular participation in politics in the 19th cent. was terrifying to some conservative elements in European society, and fascism grew out of the attempt to counter it by forming mass parties based largely on the middle classes and the petty bourgeoisie, exploiting their fear of political domination by the lower classes. Forerunners of fascism, such as Georges Boulanger in France and Adolf Stöker and Karl Lueger in Germany and Austria, in their efforts to gain political power played on people’s fears of revolution with its subsequent chaos, anarchy, and general insecurity. They appealed to nationalist sentiments and prejudices, exploited anti-Semitism , and portrayed themselves as champions of law, order, Christian morality, and the sanctity of private property.

For the purposes of this discourse, let us assume that the overarching concern for a fascist of the order in the preceding definition lay not in participating in a brutal, all-powerful regime whose sole purpose is to wield total control over the citizenry, treating them like mere cattle to be exploited, fattened by any means necessary, and eventually slaughtered. Because, yes, that certainly does sound like what the managers of our current form of government seem intent upon, and they have now rigged the election system so that it is, in effect, the lowest common denominator classes of our society who, by dint of consistently voting Democrat and/or Republican, provide our rulers with the decree to lay waste to our Constitution. But you cannot, in all honestly, make the claim that the Uniparty platform " glorifies the state and nation…" We are not being glorified. We are being told that our country was founded upon vile, base racism and misogyny and genocide of the peaceful Indians who first inhabited this land. And I also take issue with any notion which suggests that our Uniparty government " assigns to the state control over every aspect of national life." From my perspective, for an appalling number of decades now, our government has encouraged the formation of monopolies among various private industries and bestows upon them with all the incentives they need to provide us tax-slaves with a generally crappy existence, i.e. the terrible food at the grocery store any of us can afford anymore and the exorbitant expense of growing one’s own food. Allowing shadowy N.G.O.s to use their privately sourced funds to facilitate the mass invasion of illegal migrants into our country and then providing these vermin with the means to secure housing and vehicles and licenses and welfare benefits and legal council. Lobbyists influence our governmental institutions; they are not official representatives of government. They are all privately funded. This isn’t fascism. This is communism.

We have a communist government in the Uniparty. The Central Committee for the Politburo we call our “liberal democracy” is located in Israel. Israel has been calling our shots ever since they formed their nation in 1947. The matrix for the Jewsih-led domination of our nation is quite simple: ensure no individual of any import rises to a station of prominence in this country without there first being a bevy of compromising information held on that individual which can be used as a form of blackmail to compel the individual to act in a manner conducive to the welfare of the Israeli government. Sexual blackmail traps are by far the most common devices employed:

  1. Throw a lavish party at some exclusive estate.
  2. Invite a number of up-and-coming business/political movers and shakers.
  3. Have private quarters bugged and rigged for photo/film recording
  4. Entice said movers and shakers into the quarters to indulge in whatever vice pricks their interest the most(if it’s sex with men or women, have those be under the legal age of consent)
  5. Confront movers and shakers with the evidence and transform them into assets
  6. Control assets for as long as useful and then discard when their use has expired
  7. Begin process over again.

If some assets decide to rebel and pursue their own heart’s desires regardless of the consequences of being exposed, the Jews will simply have them murdered. J.F.K. and his brother are the best known examples of this.

Communism was created by the Jews. The purpose is the formation of a One World Government which has them at the very top, making life miserable for the teeming masses of us goyim at the bottom, doing all the messy, actual work it takes to provide for an existence. We are getting closer and closer to that state of reality.

Fascism was created by decent men who rightly discerned the full scope and nature of the diabolical machinations of world Jewry and sought to provide a bulwark against the tantalizing and multitudinous promises communism makes to the masses, that of a world with no divisions or restrictions upon individual behavior.

Fascism was the attempt to create a mechanism by which each individual country could preserve its inveterate culture. mainly by rejecting the charter of central banks and all of the wicked perfidy that has been wrought upon mankind by dint of accepting usury as a legitimate business tool. Christianity used to classify usury as a mortal sin. Islam still does. Not so with Judaism.

It’s all there for you to discover folks. Best to get to it. It won’t be long now before the Internet goes down, and what comes back in its place won’t allow these words to be so much as typed. Let alone transmitted.


Thanks for sharing that. ‘We are what we consume’ has always been true but it is important to understand this now because of how much toxic material exists today.

And to ‘put my money where my mouth is’, I do not watch any current Entertainment. Do not have cable/satellite, do not have subscriptions to any of the online Video companies like Netflix, Hulu, AmazonPrime, etc. Have not been to a Movie Theater in over 12 years. Do not listen to the radio in my car. The ‘Entertainment’ industry is one of the primary tools TPTB use to manipulate us. And if we choose to consume it we will be affected by it.

Full disclosure; I do watch older TV/Movies, particularly from the 70’s/80’s which makes sense since I’m 56. My goal is to not watch any video at all.


yeah, I wanted to suggest the same thing. Thanks Rich

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