Unpacking the Migration Issue: Serious Warnings from a War Reporter

With regard to the screw worm discussion, this lead to treatment should be developed ?..The efficacy of ivermectin against larvae of the screw-worm fly (Chrysomya bezziana) - PubMed


I’d like to know more about what Michael uncovered in Hong Kong as I believe it to be a nexus of sorts in all this. The protests there were yet another CIA funded event, probably in collusion with MI6, so I am deeply suspect of any of the China narrative. Both my Brother & Sister in-law are rabid consumers of Epoch News, and I have to admit I’ve found some of Epoch’s reporting to be pretty good, but when you bring up China the veins in their foreheads pop out and the spittle starts flying much like a Covidian. Things that make you go hmmm! Given the well documented history of MI6 & the CIA and Britain’s long history in Hong Kong I suspect the West in much of the orchestration going on - not the PRC so much.

"A secret high-level committee of Hong Kong senior activists worked with Western agents from the CIA to coordinate and amplify the leaderless protests against the fugitive law amendment last year, Nury Vittachi claims in his book The Other Side of the Story: A Secret War in Hong Kong.

Vittachi, a veteran journalist and a columnist for The Standard, accused the CIA of funding anti-government activities in the SAR. He said Hong Kong protesters have received practical training in street-protest strategy and media control from members of the professional revolution industry since January 2013.

The book named three US-based groups - the Oslo Freedom Foundation, the Albert Einstein Institute and the Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies - which were directly involved in last year’s social unrest.

“These groups called themselves ‘revolution consultants’ and claimed they had toppled down six to seven governments,” Vittachi said. “The consultants admitted having prepared training materials as early as 2013.”

He added that public records had shown that the National Endowment for Democracy, the CIA’s regime-change arm, had sent HK$170 million to the mainland or Hong Kong since 2014 to “advance the cause of democracy.”

But Vittachi thinks that was only a small part of the money sent to anti-government groups. Much larger sums were steered to activists through potent yet secretive agencies like the US Agency for Global Media and the Open Technology Fund"


He’s always like that. Von is a Great Man but not a Create Communicator IMO. This is why Chris getting involved is so great.


I concur. I want to know more about the screw worms he talked about. That is disturbing.


As Jerome Powell puts it
 we’re experiencing a “soft kill”.


Chris, thank you so much for this interview. What an amazingly interesting man. I could listen to him all day.
Thank you
Peter Dawson ( UK ) subscriber


RE: France outlaws criticism of mRNA.
This is very disturbing news for me as I spend a lot of time in France and I am an outspoken critic of the clot shot, having several friends who have been vax-injured.
I searched for the story on some of the top French media outlets; Figaro, Le Monde, Le Parisien and France 24. It is not even mentioned. In fact, outside the post by Annie Arnaud on X, In can’t find any reference, anywhere.
I have contacted friends in France to try to establish the facts.


It feels like this is suddenly everywhere. It was less than a year ago that they started talking about fighting “Mal-Information” which is defined as true statements that could confuse people into doing the wrong thing.

In Canada we recently saw a bill introduced that makes it illegal to say anything positive about oil and gas and the truth of your statement cannot be used as a legal defense.

Ireland recently introduced a similar bill but to deal with “anti-immigrant sentiment”. That bill also says the truth of your statements is not a legal defense.

This morning CSIS (the Canadian CIA) announced that the “anti-gender-movement” poses a threat of “extreme violence”. I’ve been wondering about when the blowback would come to Alberta’s policies on youth-transitioning. So now we are following the US Democrats in criminalizing opposition to regime policies.

I think this gets worse before it gets better.


The “paradigm” Michael Yon is describing seems to be a high level pattern recognition function.

The Paradigm that makes the western world make most sense to me personally is that articulated in the section on “the Frankfurt School.” Europa: The Final Battle Part2 of 10 at the 30:00 - 44:00

-The Jewish Elite form a hostile elite in western civilization, both ruling and despising conservative Americans.
-The destruction of western civilization is in progress. It is a conscious goal. Multivectored attacks
-The Build Back Better phase will be a “collectivist” stage (like communism) where citizens own nothing, the state owns everything, wealth is distributed to citizens based on their usefulness to the elite (social credit score), citizens have no decision making power or agency in their lives.
The Elite will decide everything, own everything, fly private jets and ski in the Alps, etc.
Most of the elite in the west (both Jewish and their non-Jewish allies) are connected through the Jewish networks and pursue the goal of world domination. This is in keeping with the Talmud’s values of the relationship between Jews and non-Jews.
Deflecting attention away from the Jewish Elite is an essential element of the plan, and is their most vulnerable point.

This is my conclusion.


@thc0655 I feel you. I discovered after following Michael for many years (he has experience in a lot of places I needed to travel to/from/through after weeks or months stay [safely] over the years) that accepting his communications style on a continuum is very helpful.

One example:
Thanks to Michael Yon and a few of his good buddies on the ground in Hong Kong, I continued to safely travel in and out of HK during that time when the British begrudgingly gave Hong King back to China.

He sees the big picture rapidly yet it takes him some time to put it into words that enable others to see too.


Re: France outlaws criticism of mRNA.
It is for real. Macron and his supporters are pushing through legislation which would punish anyone having the temerity to question the official narrative on Covid Treatment and the mRNA “vaccines” with one year in prison and a fine of 15,000 euros.
French politician Nicolas Dupont Aignan and Marine Le Pen seem to be leading the fight to stop this totalitarian legislation.
It seems to be a battle between the people and the establishment. The establishment steadfastly ignoring the will of the people.
The only links I was able to find are in French.



I ask this seriously probably because all this saddens me greatly. So does anyone else listen to this interesting and no doubt largely true discuss with connecting dot analysis, only to think/ say i am doing a lot ( maybe everyting we can) to prepare for a SHTF environment that is coming. However, wow! I can not do enough to handle a US going to shit as painted in this interview. Invasion, supply disruptions, energy shortages, unpayable gov’t debt, unfinded liabilities, banks in trouble, de-masculated men, HC deteriorating etc etc.
Maybe all we can hope for is the major SHTF are urban, supply and energy problems are intermittent so all my prepping allows us to not suffer as greatly as most??

Maybe a great follow up for Chris to address what the heck are we to think even when we are seen as a crazy prepper but it may not matter.


In the UK councils are apparently forcing people to sell their homes for migrant accommodation.


Welcome aboard, James! And yes there’s a steep learning curve and a need to be on one’s best game. We call each other out, with love (sometimes the tough variety) and passion. And document assertions - I find it’s when I don’t do the homework, and show my work, is when someone will come along and grade my essay.


Yep. I’ve come to pretty much the same conclusion re: Hong Kong and the reason China quashed the protests. The West’s narrative about the Falun Gong is similarly one-sided and propagandized - and that, by the way, is why Epoch Times foams at the mouth in regard China, their founders are expatriate Falun Gong. A new “religion,” the movement is distinctly opposed to the current Chinese government. I think at least the China-based branch is also CIA/MI6 funded. Here in the US, they’re doing a great job of seducing the political Right and Libertarian cohorts because their anti-China rhetoric, which mischaracterizes so much of what China is actually doing and its reasons for what it does, is neatly ensconced in economic, social, and political perspective that the Right and Libertarians wholeheartedly support. So they swallow the Falun Gong line against China’s regime with nary a gag reflex, not knowing it originates from and feeds the neocon agenda.


Seems to me, Rick, better than hoping we get off lightly is getting as close to the ground as you can get with the goal (even if in the end you fall short) of being able to sustain your life completely outside the market economy.

And I for one don’t give a rat’s ass what others think. I don’t talk very much about our preps beyond immediate family and a few friends who passed the “interest test” and are themselves engaged in some kind of preparing. Even then, sharing is highly selective.


I’ve been trying to set some time aside each day to do more research into this, possibly writing an article on the subject but would it really accomplish anything other than satisfying my own curiosity? and while I’ve heard of the Falun Gong I haven’t considered it in the equation -yet. It looks like it’s mini city/compound is not too far from you? but like yesterday we had a freak snowstorm that was wet & heavy and took down a number of trees & branches on the property, one clump taking out the deer fence so today it’s chainsaw work & fence mending, the positive is it’s another cord of firewood for next year to process.

Back in my early '20’s I devoured James Clavell’s Asian Saga series and these days I find myself mulling over each of the stories, even “Whirlwind” which was about the Iranian revolution & British petroleum interests, but in particular Nobel House & King Rat. There is some prescience in Clavell’s writings and info to be gleaned. The history of the British East India Company goes hand in glove.

Most investigative journalists that I’ve read i.e. Richard Poe, Matt Ehret have focused on the British influence in the U.S, Europe, the Middle East but I’ve yet to find much of anything about the Far East/Hong Kong/Taiwan which all seem to be lynch pins in their own right. Maybe I just haven’t gone down the rabbit hole far enough but whenever I see what possibly may be more examples of mass psychosis with the narratives surrounding the PRC & the CCP, Russia, etc. my instinct is to fall back & re-evaluate. I like to think of myself as a sort of August Landmesser but have not been faced with his reality — yet. That’s what’s so great about PP, we can bounce some stuff around!! and on the flip side what’s so sad about the state of the West. As Chris says “It didn’t have to be this way!!”

I am somewhat familiar with the history of Chiang Kai-Shek and “Vinegar” Joe Stilwell and my dad had a couple of friends who flew in the “Flying Tigers”, all three lifelong members of the American Legion China Post #1 until their passing. What I am ignorant about is the Chinese Civil war and the Kuomintang retreat across the straits to Taiwan, this is where I am leaning in my reading here of late, so much ill history playing out today was initiated in that 1950ish time period. Kuomintang - Wikipedia

And then there are even ties to Hunter’s laptop & Biden’s Classified files case to delve in to. Who is Kathy Chung, and Why is Left-Wing Media Talking About Her? - Liberty Nation News

Here’s a fascinating boots-on-the-ground citizen journalist piece from NYC. Draw your own conclusions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ0IUibbHsQ

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It’s an agenda no doubt about it! The Father Of The European Union - The Real Mover & Shaker Behind The Curtain | Armstrong Economics


There are a number of English language interpretations of the French legislation out there if you search for them.

At the same time, there’s a peer-reviewed study out there that looks very interesting. Giant Mistake to Mass Vaccinate the World

A most interesting time to be a human on planet Earth, that’s for sure!

About a decade ago, I studied toward a master’s degree at a major university where I learned through study about how technology-driven social changes start in Asia, then get implemented in Europe, and come to America last. I’m thinking that Sweden, France, Netherlands, UK, and Ireland are giving us previews of what’s coming here over the course of the next decade if not sooner
 since we’re behind on the 2030 plan, after all.

Also, in case you missed it, coming soon to a theater near you: Civil War, the movie. Release date, April 12, 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDyQxtg0V2w