Unpacking the Migration Issue: Serious Warnings from a War Reporter

That’s exactly what a CCP agent would say.

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@sand_puppy: You have nailed it once again. I began a study of Jewish influence years ago. I’ve largely kept silent, but in light of your obvious courage, which I admire and applaud, I feel I can no longer maintain radio silence on this crucial (to Western civilization) matter.

Rich, powerful Jews control America. The US is a de-facto colony of Israel. My greatest concern about this (for now) is that “Bibi” Netanyahu will coerce the US into attacking Iran. In view of our badly weakened military, thanks to forced jabs, transgender encouragement and general “wokeness”, I have come to believe that “we” will soon enough be humiliated. Let us not hasten that day.

I love my country and I weep for what has become of a once strong and upright nation. This needed to be said. Sand Puppy is a hero in my view. Good on you, Sand Puppy. You have my respect, which is not freely given. God be with you.




The link you posted is a short article by Martin Armstrong on the Kalergi Plan.

Since many won’t follow the link, I will summarize the vision’s 2 major parts.

  1. That individual national and racial identity will be obliterated in Europe by the intermarrying of different nationalities and races. The influx of African and Asian genetic material is desirable to produce a “mixed Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples…”

  2. European Jewry…[has] developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a NEW RACE OF NOBILITY by the Grace of Spirit.

Kalegri is clear that this Jewish New Race of Nobility is to become the natural rulers of the mixed mongrel races of Europe.

A search of Unz.com on the term “Kalergi” will show a rich list of writing of the Jewish intellectuals all aimed at the “mixing” of European nations and races and the “natural” spiritual leadership the Jews have to offer the mongrel crowds. (here)

We must clearly and openly name that this vision of Europe is a Jewish Supremacist Goal. We must face this and speak it clearly.


Thank you Chris and Michael. Buying a greenhouse today.

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From these new French laws, I believe the authorities have overplayed their hand especially in the context of French farmers blocking off major highways in to Paris. Perhaps the momentum behind the farmers protests has waned, but these laws could easily be conflated with the issue of food and fire up the masses yet again. One might be fined and jailed for saying bad things about the myriad of new mRNA vaccines they have planned, but you could protest the laws themselves. I think there is strong reliance on the authorities keeping the media quiet. If this doesn’t stop news of these laws, there will be a lot more protests especially if people realise they have been conned into getting their families vaccinated.


Thank you for your research, thinking and bravery in speaking out, Barry.

And again, our hearts are open and inclusive of the Jewish community on PP and my many Jewish neighbors and friends. We are all human above all.

It is my impression that the hoi-pollis Jewish citizens are going to be “decarbonized” just like the non-Jews. The elite don’t like you guys any more than the rest of us. We need you all to look and think with us.


At the same time, there’s a peer-reviewed study out there that looks very interesting. Giant Mistake to Mass Vaccinate the World.

As much as it is comfortable to believe in the goodness of mankind, I cannot believe any longer that the vaccines, their enforcement, the laws to block criticism of the vaccines, the mandates, lockdowns, the demolition of Nordstream, eviction of farmers from their land, Ukraine etc etc etc were all “mistakes”. To continue to believe you can convince authorities (at least at the top) of a more reasonable approach is denial. They intended to do all of these things and intend to kill you. It is irrational to think otherwise. We are at war as much as it is easy to believe otherwise. Until a lot more people come to this realisation, there can be no solution. Our approach must therefore be to wake up as many as we can to reality.


Thanks Sand_Kitty, appreciate it! This is the agenda playing out all through the West right now, plus other nefarious goings on in the mix.


I wrote to some of my French friends asking about the bills prohibiting criticism of mRNA etc.
One of them, a retired educator, wrote back with some comments about the Macron regime and where he thinks it is going. Here is his response (translated from French).

"I’m aware of these bills, some of which have been voted on; as far as I know, article 4 has not been accepted.
However, with Macron, the Fifth Republic has never been a democracy; it’s plutocracy with a touch of autocracy (money power and authoritarianism) that is in power. A so-called democratic country would not use the notorious article 49.3, which allows the executive to bypass parliament; in a democratic country, it would not be the President who chose the directors of public service radio and television stations; similarly, the separation of powers between the executive and the judiciary is not a reality in France. As for Europe, it’s more or less the same problem, with an assembly at the behest of lobbies and an unelected commission. As for the rest, my guess is the next president will be from the extreme right. The RN (Far right National Rally party) is quietly waiting in ambush, pretending to oppose. In fact everything that’s being done at the moment in France reinforces an authoritarian anti-democratic power.

A word of advice: read Emmanuel Todd’s “The Defeat of the West”…"


I’m wondering how people are thinking about travel with all the migration going on? It seems like that could create unsafe environment for tourists traveling to some of these newly invaded countries in Europe, or when traveling in Mexico or South America given the migrant routes.


I was (still am) a big fan of Clavell’s Asia Saga also, probably a major factor in my living in Asia the past 35 years.

If you are interested in a good perspective of what went on in China in the 1920’s ~ 40’s I’d highly recommend “Stilwell And The American Experience In China” by Barbara W. Tuchman. I love her histories and have read many of them.



This guy is truly amazing, a tour de force. I’m only half-way through and my brain is exploding.

Re emasculation, I’ve always contended the mask was for this purpose, a humiliation ritual, meant to destroy the voice (I like saying a man who wears a mask may as well cut off his genitals, very un-sexy dudes, I wonder how many relationships failed during Covid because no woman wants to sleep with a man who wears a mask). Many men already have communication issues. The smartphone is also related. A man with his head in his phone, there is something about this, it’s a real turn-off. A woman wants to see a man engaged with the environment. And movies that portray women as physically superior to men. This is giving men the message subconsciously that women do not need protection. And the whole tranny/gender thing (I just got a text today from a NY State poll, I glanced at it for a second and the first question was “what gender are you” and the responses were male, female and neither)…Multi-Front Attack Vector (I’m loving that term that Chris used recently).


Famine is one of the Four Horsemen, along with Conquest, War and Death.

“The Warrior is Already Dead” -Carlos Castaneda

If we have already been killed, there is nothing left for us to do but rise from the dead. And when we do, they better watch out. Because they ain’t winning that fight.


That was highly insightful. Thx!


I have been traveling internationally for 60+ years. In my experience, unless a country is actually at war, migrants and terrorists are much less of a problem than TSA inspections and other government efforts to ‘protect the children’.
I’m off to Costa Rica tomorrow. That is right on the path of migrants moving north from Panama. I’ll keep my eyes open and report on what I see.


I love this Carlos Castanada quote! Keeping the emminence of Death as a force to focus us in fearless action in the presence.

Death always sits on my left shoulder. The result is we are Here and Now and Not Avoiding Fear


Hi Authorjg.

The article you referred to has been retracted by Springer which has me boiling as it was perhaps the best and most detailed literature review on Covid to date. It is censorship of extremely high quality material and not unlike the French law making it illegal to speak badly of the mRNA vaccines (punishable by three years in jail).

I’d really like to see the likes of Peter McCullough or Steve Kirsch contact the organizers of the farmers protest. Time for some consolidation! I’d like to see health authorities and Springer/Nature sprayed with rotting manure!


Hi sand_kitty. From your link I just started watching part of Europa: The Final Battle. Thank you for this. It is amazing how a documentary produced in 2017 (as well as excerpts from many years ago) is so perfectly predictive of everything that has happened since and continues to evolve. What we are now seeing is the implementation of a Marxist revolution not unlike the dystopia foreshadowed in part by Mattias Desmet. I am a little fearful that Jews in general might be bundled together with those elites responsible for cultural Marxism - a mistake we must not repeat. Having said that, the destruction of western civilization as a conscious, multi-vectored attack act revealed by the documentary is very close to what is actually occurring around the world. An amazing link worth some time.


Thanks very much for bringing this information to light. I’ve been a fan of yours for years. Your analysis is impeccable.

I have a dark hypothesis to offer you regarding why those military aged people from hostile countries are coming here by the hundreds of thousands, supported and facilitated by our own government and our own tax money.

What if these military age men are hired assassins to take out the red pilled in the US? Maybe not all the red pilled, but the ones the establishment feels is a threat to their dark agendas and gaslighting campaigns. Here is some evidence to support this hypothesis.

Its been done already by our government. The Phoenix project was during Viet Nam. Our intelligence and military assassinated 40,000 Vietnamese on the mere suspicion of supporting the Viet Cong. Most were nabbed in the middle of the night and disappeared by small groups of soldiers. This same tactic was used to snuff out dissent in Chili and a bunch of other countries we had recently overthrown. There are countless stories of black vans pulling up in the middle of the night and breaking down the door of a dissenter and dragging them off never to be seen again. Its a dark hypothesis, granted, but its a hypothesis that has to be kept on the table and discussed I think. If true we must start preparing somehow.

I just heard a comment (on X) by a leading democrat in the administration who was taunting the republicans by saying something to the effect: ‘You don’t have any idea what is coming for you.’

I also heard an Ohio Sheriff recently talk about what he and all the Sheriffs were told recently at a briefing by the FBI. He said they told him to expect a lot of disruption and home invasions, (I’m paraphrasing this terribly, but this is basically what he said).

So, this kind of night of the long knives style political purge is not without precedent, and given the Game of Thrones style morality our current administration has, this hypothesis could be the real reason why these is an assisted invasion of foriegn mercenaries.

I did some back of the napkin calulations and if there where 100,000 mercenaries that got in, and there are 5 to a cell, then there are 20,000 cells. Assuming they can do one hit a night, or maybe 5 a week say, then how many unsuspecting red pilled people could they get in say 6 months.

Think how much easier it would be for the Demoncrats to steal another election if there are far fewer dissenters.

If this is true, then lots of discussions are needed to find solutions to this existential threat. Thanks for reading this and considering what I’ve offered as a hypothesis.


I’ve been reading through the forums and have noted that a number of posters phrase things in a way that are borderline or outright anti-Semitic. Keep in mind some of us on here are Jewish and are not keen to hear all the negative Jewish tropes trotted out again and again. If you could elaborate or explain your opinion in a way that doesn’t label and blame all jews it would be appreciated.