Unpacking the Migration Issue: Serious Warnings from a War Reporter


Hello Quiet_me.

I very much understand your concern. And I have discovered how many of the PP members are Jewish! I guess it makes sense in the light of the mean IQ of the Ashkenazi genetic linage being about 111, a full standard deviation above the population as a whole.

I would be happy to hear suggestions of how I can phrase things better so that my words are less hurtful to Jewish friends and readers.

But, it is my strong opinion that the Jewish elite form a powerful, yet mostly hidden force in the operation of the USA, Europe and the Middle East. And this must be talked about.


Ok. Stop focusing on Judaism as an essential element here.

Substitute “white” or “Christian” for Jewish and maybe you’ll see the issue.

Gates is part of TPTB, near the top of the pyramid along with Rockefeller and Morgan families.

Should we speak of them as “white elites” or “Christian elites” ?

It is really nonessential in identifying TPTB. It slanders innocent whites and Christians.

If I remember correctly, this whole discussion began around the time of israel’s genocidal assault of Gaza. Associated with that is the undue influence that israel has on our U.S. government and our understandable reactions to that pernicious influence.

The criticisms were centered specifically around the zionist influence in our country, and not directed at all jews. Having said that, I wonder why somebody who was born in this country and is a U.S. citizen should give a good gaddamn about israel unless that person has zionist leanings.

There is NO JUSTIFICATION for what israel is doing in Gaza.

If anybody- jew, christian, muslim, whatever- is supportive of the zionist agenda, the problem is with YOU, not the perfectly reasonable criticism of the zionists and their inexcusable behavior.

PS: going forward, if anybody feels that they or their people are being attacked directly, bring it to our attention immediately and we’ll deal with it in a timely manner.


So the Palestinians that became Israelis should not be allowed to live in peace? Kuwait kicked out all the Palestinians that weren’t interested in assimilating into Kuwaiti society why is it considered genocide when Israel does it but not when Kuwait, Lebanon or Jordan does it?

If a group of Mexican carels set up a compound just outside of Houston, TX because their ancestors once lived somewhere in TX, and then they started lobbing rockets into Houston should the people of Houston just turn over their property to the cartels?

You might want to look up Colonial Ridge before you answer. https://cis.org/Bensman/Texas-Massacre-Happened-Americas-Largest-Illegal-Immigrant-Colonia-and-Major-US-Media-Wont

Instead of vilify/name calling a country dealing with people who hate them living within their borders we might want to start learning from them.



I understand your request. Unfortunately, I cannot agree to this as I believe that the Jewish Elite are the heart of the oligarchy and the major source of the tyranny that we are seeing.

I do NOT believe that the Jewish PP members are involved, nor my Jewish neighbors or co-workers. So if Jewish people here on PP feel that I am talking about THEM, that is in error.

The Jewish Elite form the heart of the financial system. They have the ability to create money without limit. And most of the big bankers identify as Jewish.

Money without limit allows them to purchase everything that can be bought. To fund politicians and to take down politicians who do not “bend the knee.”

A couple of headlines

American Israel Public Affairs Committee backed candidates won midterm races following big spending by group’s super PAC

AIPAC Spent Big to Defeat Progressives This Election Cycle

The lobbying group’s $28.5 million blitz could make Democrats think twice about criticizing Israel.

We are the product of the information that we seek out and read. I have been profoundly influenced by authors who point out that much of the insanity of our current world follows from the concentrated control of money creation in Jewish hands.


No shit? It would be difficult to understand your strong opinion if it were not for the ~10 threads you have started on the subject, and the dozens of other threads you have dumped it in to!

I think we all get it, ad nauseum :slight_smile:


Well, at least I am being clear!

But the damage is ongoing. This is no time fail to explicitly name those actively damaging our country.

Let me re-post on Amy Pope.

She is the UN Director General of the International Organization for Migration. She is a Jewish woman and is very very smart.

Ms. Pope has also occupied positions at the US Department of Justice and US Senate and was a Partner in the London-based law firm, Schillings. She graduated magna cum laude from the Duke University School of Law with a Juris Doctor and has a BA in Political Science (with Honors) from Haverford College in Pennsylvania.

She says: “Our number one goal is to really harness the benefits of migration.”
“Recognize that the private sector benefits from migration.”

‘People need migration’: A Q&A with IOM’s new director general

Pope: ‘The evidence is pretty overwhelming that, when you do this well, the outcomes are extremely positive.’

I do not believe that there is any way that this very bright woman does not know about the no-go zones in Sweden where migrant crime is rampant.

Nor about the huge increases in violent crime, especially rape, in Germany due to African and Middle Eastern males. Rape by more than one perpetrator, ie–gang rapes, rose 43% yoy.

I can only conclude that she is an attractive, educated, highly articulate liar. And that her actual intention is to destroy Europe and the West via the Kalergi Plan.


I couldn’t agree more and it should go without saying that “all Jews are NOT to blame” especially on a forum like PP. Many Jews are key people on the side of citizens and the truth eg Brett Weinstein. It also needs to be remembered that the Israeli government was happy to hypervaccinate the Israeli population and kill or maim many people in the process. If the current Hamas conflict is part of the planned agenda, I have no illusions that a blind eye was turned towards terrorists crossing the border into Israel before atrocities were committed and that this was planned as a false flag attack of a sort to justify subsequent action. It seems the ruling elite have little regard for Israeli citizens. Also, so many races and groups have notions of supremacy such as the Chinese Han, the German Aryans and certain Jewish sectors. It’s so prevalent it is perhaps of evolutionary advantage to hold these beliefs.

Having raised the above there is no doubt in my mind that the topic should be discussed. Fears for antisemitism are no reason to avoid the topic. When Chris started the post “Is China responsible for all of this?” it was understood that he was not blaming all Chinese for the immigration invasion of the US. Yet Chinese could have taken offence if the same principles were applied.

The more I look into it the more I think Sandkitty is onto something. It’s not about blaming a group in society but about framing matters in a way that helps us all (Jews and everyone else) understand the context better.



Appreciate your thoughts and willingness to look at this subject.

I also am a tremendous fan of Bret Weinstein. Smart, high integrity, articulate. I was deeply appreciative of his calls to pardon Julian Assange (on twitter).

It is also helpful to me to see and understand what others are thinking about this topic. The “radio-silence” from many deep thinkers here is hard for me to interpret.



In my opinion the west is in the midst of a global communist revolution. The expressed tenets of the globalists and the WEF include totalitarian governance, centralised control of currency, centralised control of the media, centralised control of food, the abolition of all private property, the abolition of family values and the family unit, and the promotion of equity of the masses rather than equal opportunity. With the exception of Schwab’s 4th industrial revolution and the insertion of computer chips in people’s brains, I can’t think of any significant difference between this and Marxism as described in the Communist Manifesto’s dictatorship of the proletariat.

My interpretation of your information and links is that some variation of elite Zionism is responsible for this communist revolution. I want to emphasise again that I don’t want to see all Jews tarred with the neo-Zionist brush and I recognise the amazing contributions of particular Jews in the face of aggressive criticism on the Covid debate. In my part of the world I have seen little of Jewish culture and I honestly have no strong feelings one way or the other. I generally like people that like me irrespective of background and consider myself not judgemental. However, I am interested in the origins of the current globalist tyranny that has clearly been decades in the making. It is a mistake not to discuss the topic because of perceived sensitivities.

While it is hard to prove anything, I think your assessment is spot on. I was previously unaware of the origins of Zionism, the links between Hess, Marx and Engels in the mid 1800’s and the close association between early Zionism and Communism. Ironically I found an article describing the recent history of Zionism in the Monthly Review - a socialist publication I would normally have skipped - but it helped me gain better perspective.

One point raised in the article was the loss of direction of Zionism which is the nationalist movement for the establishment of a Jewish state. “The existential purpose of Israel has come into question for many Israelis as well as for an increasing number of Diaspora Jews. The concept of a “national home of the Jews” is losing its appeal. According to Tony Karon, “the simple fact is that almost two-thirds of us have chosen freely to live elsewhere, and have no intention of ever settling in Israel.”

 “the Zionist ideology that spurred its creation and shaped its identity and sense of national purpose has collapsed—not under the pressure from without, but having rotted from within. It is Jews, not Jihadists, that have consigned Zionism to the dustbin of history.” Will the Jewish question again reassert itself after the second failure in modern times to find a “final solution” to it?

My suspicion is that having succeeded in establishing a Jewish state, Zionism has moved to new goals - to establish a world dominated by the wealthy Zionist elite, a long term plan that originated with Moses Hess and early descriptions of Zionism in the 1860’s, and the Balfour declaration in the early 1900s and extends to to the present time.

The founders of the Federal Reserve were mostly Jewish. The inevitable dominance of the financial system as described by Marx was established in the Federal Reserve by design in 1913. All of the Chairs of the Federal Reserve that I am aware of (including Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen) are Jewish. Jews have dominated media ownership and control including CBC, NBN and the New York Times. George Soros has also had disproportionate control of the media and has impacted impartiality in the judicial system. Ursula von der Leyen of the European parliament has strong Jewish ties. Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, was awarded the “Jewish Nobel” Genesis prize. Volodymyr Zelensky is Jewish. Larrie Fink, the CEO of Blackrock is Jewish. Mark Zuckerberg is Jewish. Ronald Klain is Jewish, Anthony Blinken is Jewish, Merrick Garland is Jewish, Alejandro Mayorkas is Jewish, David Cohen is Jewish and Kamala Harris’ husband is Jewish. The US government and the CIA both have strong links to Israel. According to the article above “The US-Israeli relationship has become so closely knit since the 1960s that U.S. academics have begun to debate whether it is the Israeli lobby in Washington that determines American policy in the Middle East at the expense of U.S. national interests. Since 9/11, this alliance has grown even stronger. Allegiance to the state of Israel has become a criterion of political correctness with candidates to the White House debating which would best protect Israeli interests“

It seems obvious to me that many elite Jews have played a significant role in the establishment of a communist New World Order to date. Whether this is controlled centrally by a neo-Zionist movement cannot be known for sure, but seems likely to me. It would explain the willingness of key individuals to destroy their own countries for the so-called “greater good”.


One consequence of a wealthy Zionist elite running the Euro-American arm of the Marxist coup is the issue of trust between big players. The bottom line is all players are spectacularly NOT trustworthy.

Everything has been based on lies to the point that millions have already been killed through deceit. Heck, these elite have been willing to kill Israelis through mandated mass vaccination and conveniently allowing their border to remain open to allow hundreds of “unsuspecting” Hamas terrorists to rape and kill thousands of Israelis. Would I trust wealthy zionists if I were China? Not a second longer than it would suit my interests. If the elite planned a coup that extended over a century or more (but certainly decades) and they were that determined it would be insane to trust them any longer than could be avoided. If I were China I would preemptively “deal” with the thousand or so elite with short range cruise missiles from submarines before they killed me. Either that or perhaps a gene specific variant of Ebola or local assassins. There are innumerable ways of getting rid of a relatively small number of dangerous fanatics.

If I were a key player of the Euro-American elite, the same would apply to the trustworthiness of China. I would know that the Chinese could not trust me and might preemptively strike. They continue to recklessly consume my oil and resources at breakneck speed. Why not get rid of their leaders at one of those large CCP meetings?

Of course the issue of trust applies within these groups also. If someone is willing to murder millions then no individual can trust others within the organisation either.

I believe issues of trust are a vulnerability that we can exploit to divide our would-be rulers. Perhaps this was the real concern at the recent Davos meeting - there isn’t any trust within the organisation itself.



I very much appreciate your contributions to this topic. Well reasoned and seems to comport with what I am learning as well.

Remember the TV show”Survivor?” Early on alliances were made to immediate advantage. But, because there could be only ONE winner, betrayal invariably followed.

And I agree with the overall impression that the WEF goals for a “collectivist” world order where the state owns everything, is exactly the Zionist world vision. Which is exactly what the Zionists have stated, in their private meetings and in the writings of the Neocon mentor, Leo Strauss. Of course, a collectivist world WITH an elite dictator over all.

I suspect that alliances with the common Jewish person will be tossed into the waste bin at that point. There is ultimately only one winner.


Would you mind explaining the private meetings and “the writings 
 of Leo Straus”?


Let me introduce Leo Strauss. I will return to Zionist leaders quotes in 48 hours.

Professor Shadia Drury has made a career of shining light on the work of Leo Strauss. Strauss is the immediate God-Father of the American Neoconservative (Neocon) movement. Strauss masks his ideas in long winded discussions of the classics and is very difficult to read.

Strauss is Jewish by Tribal Identification. And he is fiercely Jewish in this sense. But he is atheist and believes that all morality is just a human foible. Great minds (like his) are unrestricted by moral principles, concerns about God, their soul, or the after-life.


  1. admires Machiavelli as one of the greatest masters of public leadership.
  2. explains that the elite must lie to the public (whom he calls “the vulgars”)
  3. Explains that the elite are a superior breed of humanity (“philosophers”) who must operate from the shadows and through proxies. This makes them most effective. This also allows them to avoid blowback when “the vulgars” catch on to who is actually doing the leading. Most important: Strauss acted from the shadows to remain unnoticed.

Noble lies and perpetual war: Leo Strauss, the neocons, and Iraq

An interview

From his book, Laurent Guyenot introduces the neoconservative movement.
Guyénot, Laurent. JFK-9/11: 50 Years of Deep State (p. 156)

Chapter 22. Twenty-five Machiavello-Zionists

The neoconservative movement, which is a radical (rather than “conservative”) Republican right, is, in reality, an intellectual movement born in the late 1960s in the pages of the monthly magazine Commentary, a media arm of the American Jewish Committee, which had replaced the Contemporary Jewish Record in 1945. The Jewish Daily Forward wrote in a January 6, 2006 article signed Gal Beckerman: “If there is an intellectual movement in America to whose invention Jews can lay sole claim, neo-conservatism is it.

It’s a thought one imagines most American Jews, overwhelmingly liberal, will find horrifying. And yet it is a fact that as a political philosophy, neo-conservatism was born among the children of Jewish immigrants and is now largely the intellectual domain of those immigrants’ grandchildren.” The neoconservative apologist Murray Friedman explains the Jewish dominance within his movement by the inherent benevolence of Judaism, “the idea that Jews have been put on earth to make it a better, perhaps even a holy, place” (The Neoconservative Revolution: Jewish Intellectuals and the Shaping of Public Policy, 2006).[334]

Just as we speak of the “Christian Right” as a political force in the United States, we could also therefore speak of the neoconservatives as representing the “Jewish Right.” However, this characterization is problematic for three reasons.

First, the neoconservatives are a relatively small group, although they have acquired considerable authority in Jewish representative organizations—which are so numerous that their activities need to be coordinated by a Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, with a current list of 51 members. The neoconservatives compensate for their small number by multiplying their Committees, Projects, and other think tanks, which gives them a kind of ubiquity; in 2003, New York Times journalist Thomas Friedman could say of only twenty-five influential neocons: “if you had exiled them to a desert island a year and half ago, the Iraq war would not have happened.”[335]

Second, the neoconservatives of the first generation mostly came from the left, even the extreme Trotskyist [Neocons are the intellectual descendants of Leon Trotsky, of the Russian Red Terror Revolution] left for some luminaries like Irving Kristol, one of the main editors of Commentary.

During the late 1960s the Commentary editorial staff began to break with the liberal, pacifist left, which they suddenly deemed decadent. Norman Podhoretz, editor of Commentary from 1960 until his retirement in 1995, was an anti-Vietnam War activist until 1967, but then in the 70s became a fervent advocate of an increased defense budget, bringing the journal along in his wake. In the 1980s, he opposed the policy of détente in his book The Present Danger. In the 1990s, he calls for the invasion of Iraq, and then again in the early 2000s. In 2007, while his son John Podhoretz was taking over as editor of Commentary, he asserted once again the urgency of a U.S. military attack, this time against Iran.

Third, unlike evangelical Christians who openly proclaim their unifying religious principles, neoconservatives do not display their Judaism. Whether they’d been Marxists or not, they appear mostly non-religious (although quite a few are sons or grandsons of rabbis, and at least one, Pentagon Comptroller Dov Zakheim, is an ordained rabbi).

Their unifying ideology is mostly borrowed from Leo Strauss, so much so that they are sometimes referred to as “the Straussians” [or “Leo-cons”]; Norman Podhoretz and his son John, Irving Kristol and his son William, Donald Kagan and his son Robert, Paul Wolfowitz, Adam Shulsky, all expressed their debt to Strauss.

Leo Strauss, born to a family of German Orthodox Jews, was both pupil and collaborator of political theorist Carl Schmitt, himself a specialist of Thomas Hobbes and advocate of a “political theology” by which the State must appropriate the attributes of God.

Schmitt was an admirer of Mussolini, and [was] the legal counsel of the Third Reich. After the Reichstag fire in February 1933, it was Schmitt who provided the legal framework that justified the suspension of citizen rights and the establishment of the dictatorship. [Kind of like son-of-a-rabbi Micheal Chertoff did in the USA after 9/11.] It was also Schmitt who, in 1934, personally obtained from the Rockefeller Foundation a grant for Leo Strauss to study Thomas Hobbes in London and Paris, to then finally end up teaching in Chicago.[336]

The thinking of Leo Strauss is difficult to capture, and certainly beyond the purview of this work. Strauss is often elliptic because he believes that truth is harmful to the common man and the social order and should be reserved for superior minds (religion is for the rest). For this reason, Strauss rarely speaks in his own name, but rather expressed himself as a commentator on classical authors, such as Plato or Thomas Hobbes.

Moreover, much like his disciple Allan Bloom (The Closing of the American Mind, 1988), he is careful to adorn his most radical ideas with humanist catchphrases, which often seem to contradict the core message. Despite the apparent difficulty, three basic ideas can easily be extracted from his political philosophy, which parallel those of Schmitt.

Summary of Leo Strauss’ teachings.

  1. First, nations derive their strength from their myths, which are necessary for government and governance.
  2. Second, national myths have no necessary relationship with historical reality: they are socio-cultural constructions. The State has a duty to create and disseminate myths.
  3. Third, to be effective, any national myth must be marked by a clear distinction between good and evil, for it derives its cohesive strength from the hatred of an enemy nation.

As Abram Shulsky and Gary Schmitt write in an article “Leo Strauss and the World of Intelligence” (1999), for Strauss, “deception is the norm in political life”[337]—a rule neocons applied in the Office of Special Plans to fabricate the lie of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction.

In his maturity, Strauss was an admirer of Machiavelli, whom he believes he understood better than anyone. In his Thoughts on Machiavelli, he parts from the intellectual trend of trying to rehabilitate the author of The Prince against the “simple opinion” which regards his work as immoral; such relativization of Machiavelli’s immorality “prevents one from doing justice to what is truly admirable in Machiavelli; the intrepidity of his thought, the grandeur of his vision, and the graceful subtlety of his speech.” 

For this, Strauss is the guide, for “to discover from [Machiavelli’] writings what he regarded as the truth is hard; it is not impossible.” Machiavelli’s truth is not a blinding light, but rather a bottomless abyss that only the accomplished philosopher can contemplate without turning into a beast: there is no afterlife, and neither good nor evil, and therefore the ruling elite shaping the destiny of their nation need not worry about the salvation of their own souls. Hence Machiavelli, according to Strauss, is a patriot of a superior kind.[338]

Only One Nation is Eternal: Israel

For Machiavelli, nations, not men, can aspire to immortality. But for the neocons, one nation only is truly eternal: Israel. Neo-conservatism can best be understood as a modern Jewish development of Machiavelli’s political thought. What characterizes the neoconservative movement is therefore not Judaism as a religious tradition, but rather Judaism as a political project—i.e. Zionism—by Machiavellian means.

Neoconservatism is not Judaism as a religion, but a Jewish political project --Zionism–by Machiavellian means.

Some neocons, in fact, believe Machiavellism to be akin to Judaism. In the Jewish World Review of June 7, 1999, Michael Ledeen, who calls himself a “student of Machiavelli,” argues that Machiavelli may have been a “secret Jew,” as were in his time thousands of families nominally converted to Catholicism under threat of expulsion or death. “Listen to his political philosophy, and you will hear the Jewish music,” wrote Ledeen, citing in support of this claim Machiavelli’s contempt for the nonviolent ethics of Jesus and his admiration for the pragmatism of Moses, who was able to kill thousands from his own tribe in order to establish his authority.[339]

If Machiavellians, almost by definition, normally move in disguise, some Zionists today do not hesitate to advertise Machiavellism, like Obadiah Shoher in Samson Blinded: A Machiavellian Perspective on the Middle East Conflict (2006).[340]

Leo Strauss considered “Western” movies as a successful example of national mythic construction. In 1980, the neoconservatives bet all their chips on Hollywood actor Ronald Reagan and, twenty years later, on a born-again Christian invested with the mission of “ridding the world of evil-doers.”

Leo Strauss, (along with Leon Trotsky), were the fathers of the Neoconservative movement. Both were fiercely tribalistic Jews, and atheists. The recognized no standards of morality, no God, no after-life, and no soul. No intention of honoring truth.

They valued the ability of great minds (“the philosopher”) to deceive the public to guide public policy.

The valued the creation of mythic stories which the great minds would use to guide the masses (called “the vulgars”).

Everything Leo Strauss’ work was aimed at “The Jewish Question.” The ascension of “The Jews” into world domination. Pure power. Deceit, and no care at all for lesser peoples, truth, God or any morality.



You have done an amazing amount of background reading into the topic. Thank you for your response. I look forward to the private meetings explanation and Zionist leaders quotes when you get around to it.


Migrants in Costa Rica

In a previous post on this thread, I promised to look for signs of migrants passing through Costa Rica on their travels from Panama to Mexico and, eventually, America.

I have been in Costa Rica for two weeks now, on the Pacific coast near the town of Uvita. Highway 34, a heavily trafficked route with hundreds of big rigs rolling through each day, runs through Uvita and follows the coast towards the capital San Jose and the north. It is one of three logical routes for anyone traveling north from Panama.

Given that the US Customs and Border Patrol reported 176,205 total southwest border encounters in January 2024 (cbp.gov) I expected to see plenty of evidence. However, there has been little to see. Certainly no sign of people hiking along the highway.

I interviewed a few local people and they professed no knowledge of the situation. One woman, at the desk of an hotel right on Rte 34, said she had seen “a couple of Venezuelans”.

Finally, I found three family groups, all panhandling in the parking lot of a supermarket right next to the highway. They were all well groomed, well dressed and apparently well fed. All displayed notices, written in excellent English, asking for food, clothing or money to assist them on their travels to America. All three groups consisted of adults and children and were uniformly equipped with lawn chairs, parasols and baby strollers, all apparently new and in good condition.

I attempted to interview two of the groups. But, despite the good English of their signs, they were totally incapable of communicating in English and my Spanish is not good enough to ask meaningful questions in that language. However, I was able to ascertain that they claimed to be from Venezuela and were on their way to America. They were clearly in no hurry and had established patches in front of the supermarket where they have been panhandling every day for at least a week. They clearly have overnight accommodation of some sort.

So effectively, I have nothing to report. I can only assume that the majority of migrants use another route or they are flashing by, unnoticed, in tour buses. Photos are of one of the groups and a close-up of one of their signs.