Up To 50% Of Us May Be 'Pre-Immune' To Covid-19

What’s this? Actual good news?!?

A recent study shows that covid-19 may not be as “novel” a virus (i.e., never encountered before) as previously thought. And as a result, 20-50% of the population appears to have a degree of “pre-immunity” to the virus.

This likely explains why the daily death count has been dropping in most countries despite each having differing health care systems and following different strategies for combating covid. It could be that, given this ‘pre-immune’ population, most nations are now approaching effective herd immunity:

Don’t forget to get your free download of Peak Prosperity’s book Prosper!. Given its relevance to preparing for any kind of crisis — pandemic, social unrest, or otherwise — Chris and Adam are now making it available to the world for free during the national covid-19 lockdown.

To download your copy, click here.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/up-to-50-of-us-may-be-pre-immune-to-covid-19/

Though obviously there is always a subset of the population that will some sort of immunity to disease, I would think its less than 20%. It may appear more than this because there are young individuals who have a good innate immunity still. I think these people are pretty much immune to moderate or severe disease from sars cov2.


Dr. Meyer is concerned with all the mechanisms hCoV-2019 has available to induce illness:
“Yes, this is the pathology issue with this virus, it arrived as a swiss-army knife with keys to no less than 6 different receptors. The symptoms, infection, and selected receptors would greatly vary between patients due to a number of factors including comorbidities. We did not see this with SARS-CoV as it had (poor) access to hACE2 and was predominately impacting respiratory systems of patients. There is too much focus on hACE2 impact when CD4, Basigin, GRP78 (among others) are being used to impact organs, protein folding, cellular destabilization, and deterioration.”
Question: Is our natural immune system efficient in defending all these sites and mechanisms of attack? Can hCoV-2019 survive in the body until it finds a weakness? Ultimately we will find out. (But will there be any reluctance to let the news out?)

…is where Barb works just outside of Detroit, and from day one when she headed the Corvid 19 floor for all Virus patients, were administered this Cocktail (HCQ+Arith-Zinc) and it showed highly successful in the treatment of this Virus. No randomized study was needed to make this conclusion from me, the evidence was that compelling and I’m a knucklehead.
From the start I was already ahead of this because I picked up on this new Virus early and even read from a Chinese scientist that he was so impressed himself that HCQ that he strongly recommended this treatment going forward and it was before the spread even became common place. I remember asking Barb many times if the hospital even had this Virus on their radar screen and she said absolutely not. She first mentioned it at a meeting to many walleyed looks from the doctors and other staff members.
What was so impressive to me was Barb’s immediate handle on this Virus by observing early on that those who became ill were much higher in Blacks and Hispanics before any official proclamation was made.
Chris, I am so proud of you for taking us through the whole process and from where I sit you have explained and calmed so many other concerns.
Today, is the very first day I feel relief, that we are finally in control of our own destiny again and that a deep breath and slow release is my bodies way of thanking you for your due diligence and for saving many people from the ills of this horrible Virus that should have been arrested with common sense many months ago.
So, to you, Barb (my wife/nurse manager) I say thank you. I never wanted to get this Virus and won’t and I learned something else that I have always known, If you wear a mask during the flu season, when there’s a cold outbreak, etc…that the chances of getting these illnesses are remote and for this reason I will have a supply of masks to wear whenever I head into any store or where people gather so I don’t get sick from these illnesses either.
Great work, and I tip my hat towards you.
PS: I still believe that Fauci is the cause of this Virus and he must be held accountable. He is the top Scientist in his field and if so then God forbid other scientists want to emulate him. He is the worst, unethical, a complete bought and paid for buffoon. He set science back is a unfortunate outcome in all of this. Thus public trust.

Here is Chris’s latest video
He mentioned two studies comparing Ivermectin to HCQ, and he concluded at the end of the video that he personally would use Ivermectin plus Zinc plus Doxycycline.
A logical omission in the presentation was that both studies comparing HCQ to Ivermectin failed to include Zinc with the HCQ. There was no discussion on why Zinc was omitted from the study, and Chris gave a basic acceptance of the study results without Zinc.
Chris has been stating for months that studies not including Zinc with HCQ are not fully valid. I hope he addresses the “no zinc” factor in the 2 studies he cited.

Thanks for using paragraphs. I can now read your posts

Can hCoV-2019 survive in the body until it finds a weakness?
This to me is the big unknown that needs to be answered somehow. Big implications.

What these caring, rational doctors do not seem to realize is:
Psychopaths always lie.
Psychopaths want control over your life.
Psychopaths have no conscience.
Psychopaths don’t care.
They just don’t care.
They want you dead.

Mohammed, I am sorry that I was so lazy, my bad and it will never happen again. You’re right about something else, I tend to go long but it isn’t and ego trip, or an effort to impress, I just got stuff to say and love that I have a forum where I can express myself. It sure as hell beats talking to myself. I have no issues with anyone taking me to task when their right and you were. Again, my bad. BOB

It is indeed an interesting study. We wait and see what it means in terms of immunity.

The presence of pre-existing SARS-CoV-2-reactive T cells in healthy donors is of high interest but larger scale prospective cohort studies are needed to assess whether their presence is a correlate of protection or pathology.
Hopefully, they will follow the 34% longitudinally and see whether they are protected.   I'm not sure whether this unedited manuscript published in Nature in July 2020 is the same study referred to in the Medium piece, or a follow-up. The title and abstract are a bit different but a similar topic to the April pre-print.

A clear explanation by 2 academics.

Chris, this is an excellent podcast. Thank you for guiding us through the fog of contradictory information about cov2 over these past 7 months. Perhaps in a future podcast, you might address questions about mild case long haulers (I suspect I am one). If we achieve “immunity,” then what is causing the persistent, months-long symptoms such as weird rashes on my foot and calf that never go away and intermittent burning and congestion in my bronchial area coupled with low energy (oxygen?). Is the virus still present or is it damage from previous infection? This is mysterious to me.
Your information has helped keep my family safe and has helped me think carefully and critically about how information flows in our current world of skewed science/politics/media so often driven by profit/power motivations. Your approach is fluid and open, and as the incoming information changes, you are able to change your position (e.g. herd immunity). Deep gratitude for your clear thinking and your unsurpassed ability to read big picture patterns.

@stevedaly Dr. Meyer is concerned with all the mechanisms hCoV-2019 has available to induce illness: "Yes, this is the pathology issue with this virus, it arrived as a swiss-army knife with keys to no less than 6 different receptors. The symptoms, infection, and selected receptors would greatly vary between patients due to a number of factors including comorbidities. We did not see this with SARS-CoV as it had (poor) access to hACE2 and was predominately impacting respiratory systems of patients. There is too much focus on hACE2 impact when CD4, Basigin, GRP78 (among others) are being used to impact organs, protein folding, cellular destabilization, and deterioration." Question: Is our natural immune system efficient in defending all these sites and mechanisms of attack?
It should be, provided it: - has the required building blocks (essential nutrients, chiefly vitamin D but also A, K, E, selenium, zinc, etc) - receives the appropriate prophylaxis and/or treatment (vitamin D, zinc+HCQ, ivermectin, NAC, etc etc) - doesn't have an unsurmountable toxic burden to also deal with (cf. e.g. US vs. Japan population health status) - isn't in a severe conflicted state (autoimmune disease) or has other disease burdens (co-morbidities, usually but not necessarily caused by chronic toxic burden) - doesn't receive an enormous initial innoculum (viral load) unprepared The first 3 are critical factors that are being suppressed/ignored in the official narrative coming from the global alleged "health authorities". Therefore, it isn't the virus that is the primary cause of people dying.
Can hCoV-2019 survive in the body until it finds a weakness? Ultimately we will find out. (But will there be any reluctance to let the news out?)
That's a good question, but what we do know is that the other hCoVs, at least the significantly pathogenic ones, don't stick around in a dormant state like some other viruses. The degree to which virulence is affected by the non-ACE2 targets is unclear, but it seems low. However, could those extra targets (both the GOF type from factory and any new mutations that confer affinity for new targets) potentially provide a mechanism for the virus to remain hidden in a dormant state? My guess is no.  

My sore throat lasted 6 - 7 weeks. My PAs in multiple visits couldn’t fix it and wanted a cancer scan. Before that could happen it seemed to spread to my nervous system. With HCQ/zinc it seems to have gone away at least temporarily. Possibly sits there waiting for a chance to spread. Also it initially could overwhelm your natural immunity at one of the sites it chooses if you get a big enough dose compared to your immunity. Even immune people could later be susceptible possibly.

an afterthought to my previous post: if we were looking at case graphs from the 1918 pandemic through August ( they don’t exist of course, only death rates do), we would think, oh cases are falling, it must be over. Continuing into autumn when D levels fall and indoor exposure increases, the 1918 graph would have had a second spike, then a third spike. Might it be way too soon to tell whether herd immunity is happening? The precautionary principle still rules in my book.

You’ll never see this information on the Main Street Media! This scamdemic is in full screw over the 99% mode!
If you’re looking for things that you personally can do to scale back the influence/wealth of the powerful (In the US, Russia, China or anywhere else.), AND at the same time increase your own, start with these 3 things:

  1. Save at LEAST 10% of all you earn. If you are not saving at least that amount you are no better than a slave living for what your master gives you to eat! (Get yourself a free PDF copy of “The Richest Man in Babylon”.)
  2. Keep your uninvested money in physical form. Either in Gold, Silver or, more pragmatically, physical currency (Remember in the most recent financial panics in the US (2008), Cyprus (2012), Greece (2015), etc. people were trying to get physical cash, not Gold or Silver.). If you must use the banking system only use Credit Unions or Savings and Loans. Keep only as much currency in it as you need for expenses over the course of a couple of weeks or a month tops (Business owners will need more because of tax and logistical reasons.).
  3. Read “The Politics of Obedience”. It will open your eyes to more possibilities of action than I couldn’t possibly list here. It is very easy to read (Half hour if you read REAL slow. 1 Hour, also if you read slow, if you include the forward by Rothbard). (Free PDF on internet.)


Ive followed your work ever since the crash course days. Keep up the great work.
While I can appreciate the data steering you to something like the XYZ hypothesis, there may be an easier and simpler explanation for the death rate curves. Let me try this. All populations are going to be heterogeneous in their susceptibility to covid. Different death rates and different timelines. If one models this population as a collection of “homogeneous” subgroups eg. Aged, Immune compromised, diabetic etc, then each of these subgroups will go through a process from initial infection to herd immunity. The overall stats for a population is then the sum of behaviour of all subgroups at each point in time. It is possible as more and more of the subgroups within a country boundary reach herd immunity that the overall death rate might peak and then fall.
If you couple this thinking with the concept of darwinian selection of virus mutations. Eg. Selection favours less lethal ones because the have better chance to propagate a simpler explanation for death curves is possible.

This video explains how our immune system works and ends up with the conclusion that we probably develop long time immunity and thus herd immunity. This confirms the conclusions of Chris that we may not see a second wave of Covid 19 as we quickly develop immunity. Still if your T cells recognize the virus and attack it, if the viral load is too high, the T cells may not be able to kill all infected cells or get develop a cytokine storm.