Uprisings Are Spreading!

10 Weeks Of Food

I cannot remember where I heard this, probably here, but I believe it was in Sri Lanka that some leader said they had a 10 week supply of food for the country. I marked that on my calendar, this is the final week if I got the start date correct.


Populist Uprisings Around The World! Part 1

Chris, very good summary! I see another covid daily update in the makings here. We could then get our community members around the world sending you clips and stories to solidify this time is different! There have always (I suppose) been civil unrest somewhere especially in the 3rd world/corrupt nations. Now there are many more corrupt nations. Outside in is coming to a shore near us in the USA soon. Chris, keep up the good work. Rick


Great Video, Thanks So Much Chris.

The clip from the Hague is shocking, and encouraging.
The little people driving tractors is beautiful.
Big people driving tractors.
Little people driving tractors.
Oh my!
Those little people don’t deserve these ‘leaders’. We need to keep fighting with all we’ve got. Canadian people will be driving tractors this weekend!
The whole video was really, really terrific. Thanks so much.


‘broad Sense Of Frustration, Anger, Despair’: Dutch Farmers Protest Against Nitrogen Cuts



I use “Video DownloadHelper” extension for the paywall videos, and “ClipGrab” for YouTube videos.



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Maybe I’m being a bit dense, but I don’t understand what you mean by “evangelism”. Could you please elaborate what changes you would like to see.

If the WEF stops and lets the people figure out what they have done it doesn’t end any better for them. So they might as well push and hope for the best. I find it very interesting how everything went south for the WEF as soon as the US military was mostly injected. The actual militaries of China and Russia are in a very strong position. The Ukraine is like a training exercise for Russia now.


The Racket That Uses The Most Petroleum Products And Is Most Destructive

Hi All,
I ask the question
Which racket is the subject line? Kinda like you’re on the game show Jeopardy but in reverse. Ha ha. What a Racket to be able to do 2 things at the same time. Ha ha. I bet you all know the answer. I have an answer and I’m pretty sure it is right but you never know
Maybe someone in our global community here at PP has different info.
Care to answer or comment? Thanks for joining in on the conversation.
Peace for Real,

1 Like

Ending in bloodshed is my greatest fear. That said,. if it has to come to that so my child can live in peace, let it come now!


Telegram Channel

I have subscribed to the Telegram channel,
“World Wide Freedom Rallies.”
The good news is, they are happening way faster and far more widespread than anything that’s appearing in MSM. Even the ones that seem to take more risks than the other more “sedate” channels.
The bad news is that there are so many protests going on so constantly now, in so many places, that the videos being posted are on the verge of choking my little Cell Phone.
So, if you choose, subscribe to the channel, but I warn you in advance your phone will be drinking from a Fire Hose.
These things are Massive.
They are Everywhere.
And Nobody is reporting them.
So far, I’ve seen,

  • Netherlands
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • France
  • Moldava
  • Poland
  • Spain
  • Sri Lanka
  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Uruguay
  • Canada
  • US
  • Chile
  • Cuba
  • Panama
And this is probably the biggest story never told. https://t.me/WorldWideFreedomRallies -- Chuck

time to stop feeding the anywheres. won’t take long to at least get negotiations going.

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1.5x absolutely essential.


Thanks so much for the summary! This makes a lot of sense
 And seems somewhat similar to the currents in the US (minus the multiple parties), for example the reason for Trump’s large and loyal support base by our equivalent of “somewheres” (interesting term btw!). Reminds me of an idea from the book “coddling of the American mind” how extreme actions produce an even more extreme opposite reaction.


Blocking the grocery distribution centres has been tried in the first week of farmer protests, at least as a teaser action. Stores were out of veggies and meat within a day, empty shelves.
So yes, stop feeding the anywheres is definitely possible. Estimate is that 3 days of total blockade is sufficient, 9 meals between civilization and riots etc.
Question is are the farmers and somewheres willing to put up that fight, because government will send in the military to remove tractors from the blockades and mass arrest. Despair will have to grow bigger before this will get considered. My guess is when the first forced expropriations of farms are taking place, violence becomes the last resort option.


You are welcome. The Somewhere-Anywhere contrast helps to explain the massive divide in the Netherlands, where we now have 20 different parties in a Lower House with 150 seats. Coalition forming becomes near impossible with watered down compromises that leaves everyone unhappy. Of course the Somewheres get shafted the most as the Anywheres grumble but still live their globalist lives.


What an excellent take on the situation! Many thanks for composing and sharing this. Somewheres vs. Anywheres.
While I am, by trade, an “Anywhere,” my heart lies with the “Somewheres.”
Over the past few years I have really grown to appreciate the importance of tradition and of having firm values as a stable position from which to organize life’s forrays.
The anywhere/globalist agenda is about smashing down any sense of place, of localized belonging, to be replaced in favor of some blind allegiance to their system of control and elite ownership. Why so many people who will never actually get to join that club support it so strongly is beyond me. They give up so much for nothing in return. Usually even a negative ROI.
I admire the people who work hard and get things done. Not every farmer is a clever, wonderful and hard-working person, but a lot of them are. Not every beat reporter focussing on gender issues for a slowly failing media outlet is a miserable, joyless, humorless person with a bullshit job, but, ah
 who am I kidding? Yes they are.
Regardless of these judgments, it is my firm opinion that The Great Simplification is now upon us. The lack of ample surplus energy is going to skinny down the jobs. It is weird that the Anywheres think they can simply vote to have the non-bullshit jobs hit the chopping block first, but I suppose it is only natural that they’d try.
You’d think that the topics of ‘food’ and ‘hauled goods’ would finally break them of their trance and get their thinking aligned correctly, but that really hasn’t happened yet in most countries where truckers and/or farmers have expressed their discontent.
So I guess we just trundle along in the current delusion until things break.


Very helpful. Thx. I love thoughtful context.


Thanks Chris, this story was brewing in my mind for some time already, and your video of Pepijn gave the push to write it up. Glad it resonates with the tribe!
I think deep down inside we all are Somewheres, as thats where we start in life. Those who chose the path of Anywheres (like I did once) feel jealous deep inside and started to realize that when Covid changed their lifestyle, nothing much was left. Living in a suitcase chasing flights, making selfies and producing digital content at best and pushing burocrat papers around at worst.
If we can convince Anywheres that the Somewhere life is as good if not more fulfilling, and the food tastes better, we have a chance.
Come to the Somewhere side, we got no candy but do have food and firewood!


I have been reporting them at times here, Chuck! ?