Vaccine Deaths in New Zealand

And Artemesia annua. The FLCCC protocols give dosing for Nigella sativa.


Not sure why it uploaded so poorly (didn’t check full size). Here is the data:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2016 4149 3879 3972 4011 4602 4578 4773 5409 4995 4575 4650 4281
2017 4392 4050 4650 3909 5205 5253 5310 6567 5079 4938 4617 4029
2018 4857 4164 4302 4473 5100 4968 5220 5682 4830 5172 4827 4149
2019 4812 3879 4515 4887 5331 5001 6318 5412 5052 5160 4575 4539
2020 4677 4179 4857 4584 4602 4893 5043 4863 4932 4698 4515 4929
2021 4938 4308 4968 4671 5073 5280 5673 5703 5484

Below are the monthly deaths by year (2010-2021) for ages 0-19, 20-39, 40-59 and 60+. Oct-Dec 2021 are not available yet. 2021 does not look suspicious for any age group. 60+ is a towards the high side, but so are all of the other more recent years. If I had to guess, I would say there is perhaps a small signal in the 60+ group and none in the others.


We all make the same faulty assumptions, over and over:

The billionaires have the same goals we do - saving lives.

The billionaires aren't evil sociopaths.

The evil people people aren't targeting me, or my family, because ___.

If this was all an evil plot, somebody would stop it, or, at the least, warn us.


The SARS-CoV-2 virus ITSELF hasn't killed many people. (It was engineered to cause fear.) The death tolls are especially low in countries using ivermectin and other early treatments. The RESPONSE to the virus has been catastrophic: lockdowns, forced business closures, remdesivir, ventilators, mandated (leaky) vaccines.

TPTB have managed their Covid plandemic such that it became the greatest wealth transfer in human history, and greatly increased all-cause mortality. They scared us into surrendering our freedom and our bodily autonomy, to prep us for trans-humanism. If they can find a way to profit off of human misery and death, then that's exactly what they will do.



Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world -- Henry Kissinger


TPTB pick winners and losers. It's all about control. They think of food, and starvation, as weapons. They've decided the future belongs to China. They've already thrown America, and the West, under the bus. Biden, Newsom, Congress, are all puppets. The USDA is selling our grain stocks to China, despite low crop yields in the US. Not only are TPTB BETTING against you, they've RIGGED THE GAME against you.


TPTB use fear of overpopulation as an excuse to get rid of any group they don't like, or feel threatened by. It's not about the greater good, or preventing a future calamity. It's only about control.

Everyone who falls for the Malthusian view makes the same faulty assumption: that when the time comes to pick winners and losers, they envision themselves and their family on the winning team.

I used to think that I, as a white male professional, wasn't on the eugenicists' hit list. Not so. GMOs. Air pollution, Water pollution. Now the clot shot, mandated for health care workers. TPTB are corrupt beyond belief, and belong in prison. Our very existence threatens their power. That's why they've (secretly) declared war on us.


If more of our resources were dedicated to promoting and sustaining life, we could grow and distribute enough food to end starvation. Too much money and tech are wasted on wars, destruction, organized crime, rigging elections, creating biological weapons, trying to control the people, so those at the top can hold onto their immense privilege, and remain above the law.

The US has spent $200B over the past 20 years on gain-of-function research, creating deadly viruses. That could've been spent on improving local agriculture, better soils, better seeds, better fertilizers, greenhouses. Trillions were wasted in Afghanistan and Iraq.

TPTB have pledged $130T over ten years to fight "global warming", but only if we let them control all the resources on the planet. Just say "no!" We're entering a modern Grand Solar Minimum.

They freely admit they are pooling their resources, fixing to replace us with robots, turn us into cyborgs, or enslave us, in the next year or so. Not a conspiracy, they've already confessed.


From Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s book on Fauci

p 692 of the Kindle Version

By the way, I share [Bill] Gates’s fear that if humanity persists in juxtaposing exponential population expansion atop linear resource growth, we will all land in a nightmarish Malthusian dystopia. I’m troubled, however, by his apparent comfort in using coercive and mendacious tactics to trick poor people into dangerous and unwanted contraceptive programs. The proven paths to zero population growth are the mitigation of poverty and empowerment of women. Women with alternative career opportunities seldom choose the heavy and hazardous burden of serial maternity. Virtually every nation with a stable middle class has fertility below replacement rates. But Gates’s careless public statements and the programs that he habitually funds suggest that Gates has involved himself in sketchy stealth campaigns to sterilize dark-skinned and marginalized women without their informed consent—including by the deceptive use of dangerous sterility vaccines.

(emphasis mine)

It is fascinating to me how certain antihelmintic pharmaceuticals and herbals seem to be effective against COVID 
 and cancer 
 and other diseases that one would not normally associate offhand with parasitic infections.
I’ve done a tremendous amount of research into cancer treatment in the past year or so, more so alternative/complementary/holistic/integrative than conventional, and this association keeps popping up again and again. In a recent discussion with my physician, I was told there was no cure for Hashimoto’s disease although physicians claim it is effectively managed with levothyroxine which is true, but only partially. Levothyroxine manages the adverse effects of hypothyroidism but does nothing to stop the destruction of the thyroid gland by autoimmune processes. In other words, it addresses symptoms but not causes.
But then I found a book with a protocol for successful treating Hashimoto’s disease and there are numerous anecdotal reports of people curing their Hashimoto’s with lifestyle changes, primarily nutritional in nature. The same is true of many cancers. And even more interesting, I found how treating a common parasite, Blastocystis hominis, can cure certain cases of Hashimoto’s disease. Also very interesting is that there seems to be a significant correlation between B. hominis and certain cancers. Treating the B. hominis facilitates the suppression of these cancers.
B. hominis is found in 23% of the US population and 100% of the population in many Third World countries. While once considered a commensal organism, there are more and more questions arising about its possible (and in my mind, likely) pathogenicity.
In general, however, the medical profession seems to ignore all of the above and, for the most part, is ignorant of these relationships. The emphasis always is upon taking your drugs and getting your jab and being done with it. But if I had personally done that, I would likely be dead or close to it by now.
One caveat though. If one chooses to go the non-conventional routes, there can be no compromise. It’s 100% or nothing if one wishes to experience the maximum probability of success. Without self control and discipline, you will, in all likelihood, fail.


Bill Clinton, in his Monica Lewinsky situation, called this “telling the truth - slowly.”
This might explain why Horrible Hillary seems so angry all the time.
“We came, we saw, he died.” (Giggle giggle)
Perhaps it is actually someone else she’d like to drop a bomb on.


Ok so that’s strange. In my annual physical in 2020, B. Hominis appeared on my stool sample. I looked it up, and it sounded pretty benign. So I did nothing. In 2020, I had bigger fish to fry.
Then in 2021, I tried ivermectin prophylaxis for 3 months - I had some risk, and wanted to see if it worked. Well, no side effects at all. And no COVID. And then I got my annual physical.
B. Hominis: gone.


Someone in my family was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2o17. Had we followed the advice of the doctors in the Chicago area, he would be taking a medicine with limited efficacy that doesn’t prevent the advancement of the disease, and that has a risk of causing a deadly brain virus. Not satisfied with the options presented by traditional medicine, we searched for a neurologist who practices functional medicine, and started on a journey of lifestyle change. Eliminating things that cause inflammation in the gut has been wonderful! (Dairy, eggs, gluten, soy, corn, peanuts, and sugar) Ever since we started the low-inflammatory diet, his MS has not progressed! It has completely revolutionized the way I see nutrition. A recent article I read ties MS to a virus ( Because of how diet and supplements have completely changed my loved-one’s response to MS, we have been pretty confident that our experience with COVID–should we catch it–would be much better than the average American’s, whose bodies are constantly battling inflammation.


I have a family member with MS. She completely reversed it with a change in diet. She went from being disabled to having a normal life.


A yeast pro-biotic, Saccharomyces boulardii, appears to have some effectiveness against B. hominis (and can also help with a variety of gut irritation issues). It tested out very highly in my body with electrodermal testing and, as a consequence, I’ve made it a more steady part of my dietary regimen. I had stopped taking it when I tried it a few years ago due to my perception that it may have been responsible for mild dyspepsia (i.e. an “upset stomach”) but, in retrospect, that symptom may well have been due to a Herxheimer reaction. Holistic health practitioners have long proselytized that health begins in the gut and science is steadily revealing how critically important the gut microbiome is to overall health and immune response. Supposedly, 80% of your body’s immune response resides in the gut.

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May/June (winter here) is when NZ started vaccinating 60+. There was no seasonal flu so the numbers should have been less than 2019, when we did have flu


Comparing NZ data with other places gives us a quandary. We would expect that the vaccination start would produce a significant pop in the deaths. But what if the death rate only goes up for the vaccinated who have previously had a covid infection. Many younger might not know they had an infection and I remember that pfizer excluded people that already had covid. And because NZ had so few cases they wouldn’t have many in this category.
I know Chris mentioned this unknown many times but could that be it? Or maybe there were no bad batches in nz


Hey Primary Care, I agree that the education and integration of third world women into the work force will lower child birth to below replacement value. But it’s not about just the numbers of people but the lifestyles they lead. The rough average of per capita income in the west is around 40000 us $ per year right and say in a country like Bangladesh it’s about 2000$ that a 20 fold increase in income and it correlates with higher consumption levels. Anyhow I’m starting to think this discussion is moot. I don’t think we are changing much when it comes to our overall standard run trajectory right? Can we agree on that or I’m I being pessimistic
 perhaps this PNW rain I’m hearing outside is getting me down. I’ve got to go out and take some old stairs apart.

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Hi Ian
Kiwi here. I have had almost the exact same experience as you. I wanted to share that a person I know with Stage 4 cancer has consumed 3.5 tubes of Equimax horse paste, with no bad affects. In fact he says he feels a lot better (cancer wise). So stock up while you can and don’t fret too much about negative side affects. Its all we can access at them moment unfortunately, I suspect it might be pulled altogether, as the Ivermectin only versions were pulled back in August. Can I also suggest you also get Quercetin for your war chest? It is pretty effective (like Ivermectin) by all accounts.


There are over 2000 reported serious harm reports on the government database. I don’t think we have escaped the bad batches sadly. My own list is up to 42 people I know of, or people I know, know of, who have died suddenly after injection (including 13 yr old) or have immune issues arising (recurring cancer, infections, or sudden fast developing cancers) or heart injuries (especially in young people). Our hospitals are full of vax injuries. We are told we are over 90% double jabbed, but I feel this is too high. There is a lot of denial about the injuries. Check out this interview:


We need to consider:

  1. Presence or absence of seasonal flu.
  2. Possibility that most vaccine injuries occur in the recovered and there are few recovered in NZ.
  3. Possibility of fewer or no bad batches.
I'll add a 4th. Maybe they're aspirating in NZ?

As an epidemiologist, I have to agree with Quercus bicolor and Gorilla23 that known seasonality during New Zealand’s winter is a much more likely explanation for the similar patterns in the observed vaccination and mortality trends. Seasonality is much more pronounced in the elderly, for example, see the chart below for New Zealanders 80+, back to 2011, (source: Will Winter Mortality Rates in New Zealand Remain Low in 2021? | by Ted Petrou).

It is interesting to note as Quercus did that 2020 seasonality is lower, though still observable, than the previous years as various control measures aimed at COVID reduced seasonal infections such as flu in NZ as it did in most of the rest of the world.
You see the opposite monthly pattern but the same seasonal pattern in the US monthly elderly death pattern (pre-COVID).
2019 U.S., 75+ Deaths by Month, Source CDC Wonder:

It is disappointing you have chosen to amplify Hatchard’s unsupported, incomplete, and unscientific ramblings that may imply to some in your audience that this is compelling evidence that vaccines are harming people more than COVID-19 does. The New Zealand data does not support that at all. If it was truly a controlled observation it should have adjusted for seasonality, a known significant mortality confounder, which was not done.
Chris, you seemed to have forgotten your often repeated axiom that you have wisely used in many other presentations I have respected that “association is not causation.” The “perfect correlation” (your words) you describe here is more likely due to the coincidence in timing between vaccine administration ramping up in the Southern Hemispheric Winter and long known seasonal variation in elderly deaths. The data are not shocking to me. Unfortunately, what is shocking is how you presented Hatchard’s assertions in such a cavalier and misinformed way and I hope you will consider correcting your weak and misleading interpretation.


I really wish we had something other than rough guessing and informed anecdotes. I live in New Zealand. Several (three if I count correctly) people in my pretty immediate circle of people in NZ have died suddenly for ??? reasons. You can add two from USA and two in Germany to that. There is anecdotal evidence in the funeral operators saying they have been very busy. All plots are sold out, for urns. Must be because so many folks have lost their plot they are trying to purchase plots where-ever they can get them. I hope before the end if THIS year there will be more clarity !!! With the help of you and your team, of course! Thank you so much, including your relentless optimism, or at least your cheerful demeanor.


a. NZ 2020 deaths are the only valid comparator for 2021 due to NPI applications
b. The tight temporal correlation deserves a full and complete examination and inquiry, not stonewalling and feigned disinterest by Medsafe
c. The process of consilience says “there’s a nasty signal there for the RNA vaccines.” The anecdotes are screaming as much. The data from multiple countries agrees, and the evasive acts by officials to be cagey with the data and to shield it from public view all combine to say, “there’s a problem here.”
d. For some reason, it is up to the armchair statisticians to dig through the data in a way that’s at least believable.
NZ’s official data is suspect and terribly substandard. Their official bodies are more concerned with promoting the narrative than helping to understand the actual situation.
I’d be thrilled to be wrong and for Medsafe, the ONS and the CDC to provide rich, believable analyses and the associated data sets so we could validate them ourselves. I will keep pushing in hopes of perhaps helping to goad them to do better.


In early Feb we will have the government stats on deaths October November December. Then I think we will see an increase, if there is one to see. I note that the last report (up to September) noted:
In the year ended September 2021, compared with the year ended September 2020:

  • there were 59,382 live births registered, up from 57,753
  • there were 34,578 deaths, up from 32,670 (but similar to 2019, when there were 34,143 deaths)
  • the total fertility rate was 1.66 births per woman, up from 1.63
  • the infant mortality rate was 4.50 deaths per 1,000 live births, up from 4.26
  I think the interesting thing is that we know 2019 would have included the average 500 winter flu deaths, but we have been told no one is dying of flu since covid arrived so it is possible that there is an increase showing in these numbers already. We started to jab children 12+ beginning of September. There were 4 "reported" deaths in the teenage bracket in September, most were quickly shut down on MSM as not related. I know of a child who died end of October in Wellington (13 yrs). I saw on the unofficial database run by The Health Forum NZ that this boy was included in their data. RIP Max. We started on the 5 year olds on Monday. Reports and photos are floating around on social media of 6 kids fainting (5 Auckland 1 Rangiora), possibly 1 dead? MSM quick to shut them down. Open photo