Vaccine Deaths in New Zealand

“For the 21-year period from 1 February 1980 to 31 January 2001, there were 565,308 registered deaths. Monthly frequencies indicate strongly that seasonal mortality does occur in NZ (Figure 1). Mortality was typically highest in July and lowest in February with on average, 600 more deaths occurring in July than in February.” Also: “Of the factors thought to indicate vulnerability to winter death, age was the only clear predictor. Patterns of EWM (Excess winter mortality) by age group followed similar trends to mortality rates with the young and the elderly particularly vulnerable. In the older age groups the seasonal increase rose steeply with age.” And: “Unadjusted winter:non-winter ratios indicate winter mortality was higher than expected in those aged sixty years or older” Lastly: “EWM in NZ is substantial and at the upper end of the range observed internationally.” Source:


Peakhealth: Very well said - as a former fan of Chris, I’m especially in agreement with your last two paragraphs - the reasons I’m not much more than a passerby of his channel these days. The information I provided in another comment may be of interest to you.

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Two of my children, aged 22 and 17, have had their first vaccinations, forced into it because Universities here insist on it and also because they couldn’t bear being excluded from everything they enjoy doing any longer. Our 19 year old has accepted our fairly hefty financial bribe to put it off for a year.
I made sure that the nurses who administered the injections to the two who did get it,( the older with Astra Zeneca, and the younger with Pfizer) aspirated first but it was a battle to get them to do this, particularly with one nurse who insisted it was not “best practice” and really tried to convince my son not to agree to this, saying it was painful and he could choose not to get it done if he wanted. So, I don’t think aspiration is being done as a matter of policy in NZ and can be ruled out as a 4th possibility.


Well Chris, you have gotten some previous lurkers to comment on this thread. I think it is excellent to state your hypothesis and respond openly to people who disagree. Good job.
Welcome lurkers, thanks for the added information.


I’ve been looking for a signal in the AU death data too from once the mass vac started taking place and while deaths look a little elevated it drops off from August and this was when huge numbers of doses were being given out. IOW I’m struggling to see a clear-as-day signal here. Data only extends to end-October for now.
FYI AU is a very similar situation to NZ in that at that time basically 0% of the population exposed to covid. That changed from Aug onward but still very insignificant percentage until Omicron started ramping up end Dec through to now.

Here are the doses administered hitting the peak Aug/Sept/Oct then dropping off. This data is more up-to-date and you can see the increase again from Jan as people start getting their 3rd shot.

Here is the link to the data source (thx to HPHovercraft for providing this before):
Certainly there is a signal in DAEN which is like the AU version of VARES re: adverse events and deaths, see Currently 100,631 reported cases and 736 deaths. This is way more than any other vaccines if you look up in there.
The big common thing here with AU/NZ is the zero covid exposure prior to vaccination…


I took your advice Chris and compared 2021 to 2020. It’s a bit underpowered because the comparison is only to one year and there are relatively few deaths for the younger age groups, but here is what we get. First, “excess deaths” using 2020 as the reference year. As Chris pointed out, both years have extreme NPIs and low/no covid deaths, so they should be similar. Instead, we see 2000 excess deaths, most of them in 6 months. in a country that averages just over 30K deaths per year.

Looking at excess deaths as a percentage, again using 2020 as the standard by age group, we see lots of noise in the under 20s, but overall many more deaths than in 2020. I wonder if this group got sick of lockdown and managed to either take more risks, do more drugs that present an overdose death risk or kill themselves more often.
The 20-39 group also has lots more deaths with most in January and March-July. There might be some vaccine deaths in there, but I’m guessing my hypotheses for the under 20s apply here too.
The 40-59 group has some excess deaths that concentrate in March-May and August-September.
The 60+ group has an excess death rate of 7-18% from May through September. I think this is the group that most likely shows a vaccine related issue.
Was the rollout in NZ staggered by age? Could someone from NZ please comment on that?

Finally, the lack of covid recovered among those receiving the vaccine should reduce vaccine injuries at least to some degree and perhaps significantly.
I’ll have to say that you got this one Chris. When looked at this way, there is a signal that, while not absolutely clear in indicating vaccine deaths, does point in that direction.


Quercus, are you comparing to 2020 because it is the most similar year in terms of lock downs? Is that what the difference is? If people are locked down there are no car accidents or flu and the vaccine just ate up those deaths-that-didn’t-happen?
I guess the same would be true of Oz? I guess we won’t know until cause of death numbers come out?

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Its kinda cool you got the lurkers to poke their Safe and Effective heads above the parapet. Great confirmation on the all cause mortality data QB. It lines up with a similar effect seen in the PI.
In the video, the analyst shows a dramatic increase in mortality that lines up temporally with a the start of the vax campaign. The deaths normally vary by about 5% year by year. For example, in 2020 vs 2019, there was less than a 5% change. 2021 vs 2020: it was a 40% change. Note: I have not double-checked the data. Maybe you can do this in your copious free time. :slight_smile:
Will the lurkers remain, or will they duck their heads back below the parapet? I know if I had family in NZ, I’d be far more focused on getting at the truth, so I could protect my family and friends, and far less interested in maintaining the government narrative.
Then again - not everyone is like me.


Here is what I have found from searching MSN announcements:
Yes it has been staggered by age.
12-15 from end of August I think
30+ from August 25th
50+ from August 9th
55+ from August 4th
60+ from July 28th
75+ from May 3
Before that it was border workers and essential workers from memory


I appreciate all the detailed analysis on this topic. However, I have to get this off my chest.
Times have changed. It used to be that it was simply unacceptable to injure or kill people with an injection no matter what. Now many of us have the notion that as long as the number of people killed by the injection is less than the number of people who might have been killed by the virus without it, then this is ok. If so, specifically what is the maximum ratio then? 1/99? 10/90? 30/70? 49/51? How do we factor in known under counting of injuries and deaths by injections and known over counting of injuries and deaths by infections?
Maybe I’m old fashioned but I do not believe in acceptable ratios. If the injection injures and kills people, it should be stopped, particularly when there are known options that front line doctors are using with success with their patients.
Some of you may not agree with this based on the conversation. I am open to the following clear and defendable arguments.

  1. Is injuring and killing anyone with injections ever ok, and if so, specifically what is the maximum allowable kill ratio?
  2. Given that we have historically adhered to a hippocratic oath that includes the notion of “first do not harm”, what does the disease mortality rate need to be before we abandon it and move to the acceptable kill ratio approach?
  3. Exactly how many people would have died from Covid, if instead of governments coercing ineffective and dangerous injections while not allowing fully informed consent, we would have just allowed our brilliant front line doctors to do their jobs while offering protection for our most vulnerable older population?
    I’m sensitive to this topic because I found it difficult to talk to my 34 year old son and 85 year old mother in law about “taking one for the team” after severe bells palsy and near fatal reaction.

Hey Dave us lurkers have been listening attentively to you for a long time. You even have a fan base here in Christchurch (Dave Fairtex fan club membership = 2) :slight_smile: I login to PP every day! While I am here, a big thanks to you all for everything you do. My pantry is deep, my PMs are stashed, my properties are being discharged from mortgages as I type. My tribe is small but strong. I can’t tell you what I got for Xmas. If I could escape NZ, I would move to Florida. But alas, we are stuck here, waiting for the hunting parties to begin.


Hi wemustspeak out, you are absolutely correct with your feeling that the alleged 90%+ double jabbed rate is too high.
Diabolically, the govt and DHB’s have decided to only count people who have interacted with the health system in the past 12 months. See the post below from Midcentral DHB on Dec 8th last year:
It’s not hard to deduce why TPTB are counting this way: use Keeping Up With The Joneses to shame/scare people into getting vaxxed so they’re not part of the tiny minority.
I’ve heard from multiple sources within the health system that the true double vaccination rate is about 58-59%.


Aha! I have info (social media post) from department of statistics that says 58% double jabbed! Hmmmm. They tell us 98% of Canterbury have had 1 jab. I know 23 people unjabbed. Population 500,000? 2% would be 10,000 people. What’s the chances I would know 23 of them. I don’t even get out much! Thanks for sharing. Feeling slightly less lonely. Maybe I wont need to use my Xmas present just yet…


So true, I had forgotten that tired old hippocratic oath. I’m not even sure where my brain allowed a certain amount of deaths “for the greater good”. Probably I was doing a cost benefit analysis. Except that the cost is a life taken by a doctor not an unfortunate happenstance of contracting a disease.


I have no idea why I’m surprised at the 58% jab rate in AU. But I must confess to being shocked that the government would lie this egregiously about the figure. Have I learned nothing in this pandemic? Lying liars lie. But I’m still shocked.
Now all the authoritarian rage makes sense. The gang in charge gets their kicks from being able to force the Plebes to do what they want. And when it doesn’t work out, it enrages them. So its punishment and gaslighting and violence and imprisonment.
So on the one hand, they lie about how well they are doing to look good to their lords and masters. On the other hand, they are internally very, very angry that they haven’t been able to force-vaccinate the herd.
You guys pissed off the narcs in charge - literally by doing nothing - and they’re going bonkers as a result.
“The master does nothing - yet he leaves nothing undone. The ordinary man is always doing things, yet many more are left to be done.” – Tao Te Ching, ch 38.
And when the Pfizer docs get released - things could get really ugly.

Holistic health practitioners have long proselytized that health begins in the gut and science is steadily revealing how critically important the gut microbiome is to overall health and immune response. Supposedly, 80% of your body's immune response resides in the gut.
Yes the more I read, the more I find references to "gut dysbiosis" and some horrid effect it has. Article below talks about the gut & Parkinsons, of all things. How does a problematic gut cause Parkinsons? The body sure is complicated. Niacin and Butyrate: Nutraceuticals Targeting Dysbiosis and Intestinal Permeability in Parkinson’s Disease And I agree - I also saw that some huge chunk of your immune system lives in the gut. More on that another time. This guy has some interesting things to say about gut health and COVID. Curcumin, niacin, butyrate, and resveratrol - if you don't want to get the big intestinal test and then play around with all the different probiotics. Which I should probably do, I suppose. The article definitely got me to eat more vegetables. :) "There there, little bacteria, here's that fiber you wanted. Happy now?"

We live in Oxford, 50min NW of CHCH.
According to the DHB website, in our area there are supposedly only 100 unvaxed.
We are not social, but know 19 unvaxed… and add us to the total, a pool of 24 unvaxed.
Our wider family, ( 17 ) all vaxed, but only because they could not afford to loose their jobs.
My niece’s husband had a case of myocarditsis, from the first shot, ended up in the ER.
Nurses there told him it was vaccine induced.
When he went in for his second shot,the nurse asked him if he had had any problems, he told her. She looked him up, no record of the adverse event. He said she was sick of seen this happen, and immediately logged his adverse reaction into the system.
Aspiration, varied results amongst contacts. Some say ‘I always aspirate’ some have no idea.
Background shots in news stories I have only seen failure to aspirate.
Regards Hamish


Hey Dave, wasn’t there some study about plant based diets and better covid results? I was really hoping this was true. Been plant based for 7 years. Loving my veges! Hey maybe my social score won’t be so bad after all? Anti-vaxer/plant based - will they cancel each other out Mr Globcap? No? Hmmm… I guess I need to be on the treadmill with everyone else so you can decide when its “my time” to feed the worms.


I prefer to focus on the things I can influence. I quit my job a year ago, because I won’t be a part of this genocide. We have to do our best to save as many people as possible. That means stopping all covid vaccines immediately, identifying and detoxing the victims, then a Nuremberg trial, 2.0.

At the same time, the supply chains need to be fixed, and agriculture must be decentralized. It's time to bring manufacturing back to the US. I'm becoming more self-sufficient. I go out of my way to support locally-owned businesses. I spend a lot of time talking with friends, family, and neighbors, explaining how Covid is a very elaborate lie, designed to lure us into a trap. And that's why we have to question everything we think we know.


The entire human body is comprised of micro biomes, whether it be the gut, the urinary tract, the respiratory tract, or the skin but certainly not limited to those systems.
İmagine how illuminating it is going to be when we realize that we can nourish and love these critters who live in and on us. All our healths will improve on all levels within and without us!
Xoxo ?