Vaccine Mandates Are Here

It kinda feels to me that - at least for some organizations - this has nothing to do with health. It seems more like a loyalty test.
“Oh. You’re an insurrectionist. You’re fired.”
There have been some really annoying whistleblowers in tech. These will now be purged because - mandates.
I mean, maybe? They’re applying this to the Army too.
It is a “loyalty to the Oligarchy” oath, just under a different cover.


brilliant!!! you’re at the forefront of the emergent consciousness or the re-awakening movement. The vertical realignment of Americans from left, right, liberal, conservative, public and private back to the fight for liberty and justice for ALL (not just the wealthily, old and new money) Watching what my spouse is going through the oath enforcers don’t realize what they are doing because they have to abide by the rules coming down from above, but the whole thing is starting to crumble so they will likely take us to War in order to coalesce the oath with patriotism, to the oligarch/State (=fascism).
In the interview with Dr. Malone, who has a deep experiential understanding of the system, he pressed the idea that there is immense power and tech behind the Mass-Mind control.


please don’t ask us to log into the spider’s web. Quote the quote. I will not log into tweezer or fakebook.


Me too, Goldrunner. I just heard from my neighbour here in Ontario that there was a broadcast on the radio yesterday — no ref but I imagine it was the CBC— about ivermectin, saying it’s dangerous horse deworming paste and has now been taken off the open shelves so people can’t buy it for themselves. I said I bet they didn’t mention that humans have been taking it successfully for forty years and she said no they didn’t.
I am getting more and more angry at all these lies and coercion and persecution. I now hope the damn vaccines prove to give ADE. All this pressure is just hardening my stance. I do not like being this way.


Crazy times. I’m looking at leaving my job of 11 years for a municipality in Canada. Stressful, but I do have a backup plan I’m hoping will work.
I saw this video up, thought to myself, I better watch it, didn’t for several days, then saw it was censored, and not available at all. Then it came up again last night, watched it on youtube and thought, Chris must have won by appeal to youtube. I forwarded to a friend whose facing a mandate, but today I tried the link I sent and it made me sign in, then said the video was “Private” very strange things going on indeed.
As sick as it makes me feel, I am trying to get mentally prepared for the day I may have to take this jab. I’m trying to avoid it first though.
Something I also noticed is that the med system is pushing these RNA jabs. I saw several other products in different stages of trials, like Novavax, which sounds much safer, also Vaxart, who’s working on a pill form, but not on the market yet. So they’re mandating and forcing these new gene jabs, looks like an obvious agenda to me. Also seems certain area’s are hit harder than others when it comes to having side effects, people turning magnetic etc.


I am a college librarian with ties to a major medical center in my area and have to choose between jab or job by Oct. 8th.
Today we got an email that the Executive Leadership Team at the college is trying to work with said medical center to request procedural changes to the new mandatory jab policy since we are an educational institution and don’t have direct patient contact.
I am not holding my breath but it does give me a bit of hope.


You don’t get to unmake the jab decision, but you can sure as hell find a new job. If everything we are seeing happen comes fully to fruition there will be a massive die off in the coming months. I would stress to you that YOU WILL FIND ANOTHER JOB but you WILL NOT get another body. If the question of which way to go on this is even in your mind, you are under their control already and are making yourself expendible. No one else can make these decisions for you, but you will regret it every day of your probably much shorter life. For a job. Probably one that you wouldn’t choose again if you got to do it all over again. To earn a wage that barely covers your expenses. To keep a house or apartment that is hardly the fairy tale you imagined. Its just stuff, and the jab will let you cling to it for just a few more years if you’re lucky before the medical bills and health decline make that life untenable and you lose it all anyway.
The problem I see is that most people are still clinging to the well disproven notion that things will return to the way they were. You are setting yourself up for disappountment clinging to a fantasy. There will be nothing left for you and obedience will only prolong your suffering. Give up the delusion and imagine that the worst is yet to come and no promises will be kept by those in control.
Your society is DEAD
Your company is DEAD
Your neighbors are all DEAD
Your family is DEAD
And you are clinging to a meaningless job because it is a blanket of security.
Cast off the ties that bind you and make moves NOW to buy yourself time or the weeping and gnashing of teeth will not console you for the choices you SHOULD have made instead.
Give it up and accept that we are headed toward oblivion.
Or don’t, I don’t care. You make your own choices but if you are here, you ARE giving your informed consent for any choice you make. You get to decide what’s most important to you, your life and health, or your shitty fucking job.


What would buying oneself time look like, in your opinion? This is a genuine enquiry.

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Buying time to me means preparing yourself to walk away from everything.
Eliminate debt. Or rack it up, doesn’t matter really if “they” are going to take everything from you anyway.
Buy all the bugout equipment you can imagine on credit and have it loaded in your car for the day the eviction notice comes.
Sell your house now while the bubble is inflated. There will be plenty of inventory later, and almost no buyers. So it makes no difference if you keep that mortgage. Even default requires people to throw you out.
Push back on company mandates until the absolute last possible moment then take PTO. Take FMLA for your cousins daughters best friends uncle who just passed away. Terrible how grief stricken you are!
Make them fire you. Don’t hang your hopes on some miracle to save you. That’s up to God. Read the intentions of those in power and expect THAT.
If you’ve been paying attention to the global EVERYTHING bubble, you’ll see there’s really no financial safe haven either, so all your retirements, Gone. All your savings? Gone. All your assets? Burdens to drag around or to tie you down. Thing Great Depression. Think Medieval. Think refugees.
Imagine that you will have nothing left when its all over… and you’ll be happy.
Prepare your mind for THAT. And the decision is easy.
Not financial advice, not life advice just letting you know there is a storm coming and nothing you think will preserve you will. Taking the jab doesn’t buy you time though, it just gives you a deadline.


Yeah, this idea has been broached before. If Stalin was running things he might put out an order that everyone take a vaccine that it turns out is just saline.
His purpose is to wait for the free thinkers to put up their hands and announce their refusal to take the vaccine “because rights” so that can send them off to Siberia without the hassle of rooting them out himself.


That is a pretty damn clever tactic though. Might use that one when I’m the supreme global dictator…

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I have relatives who didn’t even get the saline injection option before being shipped to Siberia (where they survived and became successful, ironic). At some point the pretense will disappear and well the event unfolds. They must have some event(s) in the plan that we’ll just have to wait and experience. I keep seeing a mushroom cloud somewhere.

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To Chris, & anyone else
Has any one had the time to go through the following vaccine study below in Isreal? It’s not what I expected and would appreciate any feedback. Thank you.
^^ Israel Covid-19 Dashboard. Lots of data and graphs worth the look.
Journal Tittle: Safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine in a nationwide setting Israel. Link Address below:
also a study review done by Dr. Mobeen Syed on Youtube.
Vaccines Isreal Data & Vietnam Study( PrePrint)


I think Comirnaty was approved for age 16 and older, but is EUA for 12-15. But don’t quote me. Can’t keep this sh!t straight.

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I recently applied for a remote position with Aetna/cvs, and they are now mandating the jab. Including those employees working from home. An email statement states-
As a condition of employment with CVS Health, you will be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (including any booster shots if required). Full vaccination includes:
Two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer/Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccines, or one dose of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.
If you are unable to be fully vaccinated (due to disability, medical condition, pregnancy, or religious belief): If you are unable to be fully vaccinated due to disability, medical condition, pregnancy, or religious belief, you will be required to apply for a reasonable accommodation within the first 30 days of your employment in order to remain employed with CVS Health. As a part of this process, you will be required to provide information or documentation about the reason you cannot be vaccinated.
I doubt they will accept any exemptions, even if employees are working from home.
What do we do when most employers start implementing the mandate? There is already a list of companies mandating this. The battle is not just healthcare and teachers, it’s all of us. Today employed, tomorrow not. But the next job you apply to also has the mandate.

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Im self employed so let me check with my HR department… He’s says I dont need to be vaxxed.
If you are in the position to pursue self employment I would suggest that now is the time to go for it. I mentioned in a previous post how several friends of mine, and my wife, started side gigs which have grown into more.

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Posted in another thread:
Canadian constitutional lawyer advice:

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT VACCINES & YOUR RIGHTS IN CANADA Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati has advised that the Supreme Court of Canada has already ruled that any medical treatment, including vaccination, without the informed consent of the individual, is unconstitutional. Galati also states: • If your employment is already underway, it is illegal for an employer to impose a new condition not included in the employment contract. • If your employer terminates your employment as a result of your decision to refuse this experimental medical treatment, they could be liable for wrongful dismissal or other contract violations. • If you sign an employment contract whereby you agree to be vaccinated with the COVID vaccine as a condition of employment, the employer may have the legal right to dismiss you without compensation. • It is the view of the Constitutional Rights Centre that mandatory vaccination in all employment contexts is illegal, unconstitutional, and unenforceable. • If your employment, enrollment, or service is illegally terminated because of your unwillingness to accept the experimental injection you are advised to sue for wrongful dismissal or violation of contract. “We have to stop thinking about getting an exemption to having our constitutional rights violated. We have the constitutional right to refuse a vaccine. Those trying to coerce and mandate the vaccine are violating that common law, statutory, and constitutional right. Why seek an ‘exemption’ FROM THE VIOLATORS? Makes no sense.” – Rocco Galati, Constitutional Lawyer
Here is a link to the list of newsletters published – for employment rights see video under ‘Your Rights to decline a Vaccine in the context of Employment ~ Re-Published.’ Also: Julius Reuchel – ‘An Example of Courageous Pushback for Those Facing Vaccine Mandates in the Workplace’ (submitted by a Toronto police officer in response to vaccine requirement):
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