Vaccine Mandates Are Here

thc, when I see this kind of crapola, I see my Mom, with her bottom teeth bared, saying very slowly, in a female growl, “M o t h e r f - c k e r s.”

Great Post Sager! I am a firm believer in serendipity - for better or worse. May your future travels be smooth and easy. I’m in a little different boat, as I can work from home on Zoom for now. Some judges will not permit Zoom hearings and only want in person hearings, others say if less than 10 pages of docs/evidence, Zoom is OK, more paper? Then in person hearing. Our Court system was not obliged to follow the Governor’s orders of opening up, a separation of powers thing, so our Courts in Florida were closed for a good long while, only fully opened up this year around June-July. I’ve only had in person court (mediations) twice in the last 3 weeks for the first time in 17 months.
If BurningPlatform man is right, I might expect expulsion from the courthouse without a jab, or Ms. -, you don’t have your jab, then you can’t renew your Bar license. Maybe we don’t get to keep our driver’s licenses without the jab.
Who knows how far TPTB will go. One things for sure, when they make mistakes, they double down.

Mpup, thanks for sharing the link. I’ve passed it along. I was just saying, I expect more restrictions because of my un-vaccinated status. Two attorney friends I spoke with are both jabbed and both support mandated vaccines. Shocking to me.

What is Michael Osterholm complaining about.
He still has HAIR !

I made a phone call to the LAFD and commended the good captain for his bravery and courage. The department also has a pdf form to send in commendations. I called, and now I’ll mail my commendation. Here’s the pdf form:

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Although NYC largely takes its marching orders from the DNC and the mainstream media, and where the virtuous wear “BIDEN” and “FAUCI” tee shirts with no apparent irony or circumspection, not everyone is passively accepting the decrees for vaccine mandates and passports.

Yesterday at Columbus Circle/59th St., up to 1000 people gathered to protest rushed and opaque “science,” authoritarianism, medical tyranny, and censorship.

This was an authentically civil “peaceful protest,” to employ a term abused and distorted by the MSM when downplaying the BLM/antifa riots from the summer of 2020.

In the time I was present, there was no counterprotest, flash-mob, or heckling condemnation of the speakers as “murderers,” “Covidiots,” or otherwise “bad people.” There was also, unsurprisingly, no major media or TV vans. How to Make Protests Invisible 101.

The protest was not ignored, however. A scan of the internet today turns up accounts in Yahoo Entertainment, the Daily Mail, and smaller media outlets such as Madness Hub.

And there was also a little entrepreneurial tweaking of the old tourism-boosting PR slogan. Hang in there New York: you’re not dead in mind and body just yet.

There was also, unsurprisingly, no major media or TV vans.
I would say not unsurprisingly... (Maybe that's what you meant.) Can't let the rest of the population understand there may be an alternative view. Thanks for the report.
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Bravo for the Italians. Maybe a trend starter, who knows. They are making it unsafe for the narcissistic scumbags to walk among us freely.

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Smells like a government orchestrated false flag meant to de-legitimize protests.


Very downplayed in the media here in New Zealand, there was another death a few months back after vaccination and that was also mentioned once or twice and then silence. The excuses given are that they had preexisting conditions that contributed to the death and it wasn’t the vaccine itself.


We’d all be better off if we could get 100% of our news from citizen journalists and truly independent outlets.
I would love to cancel all my subscriptions with MSM, But I’m afraid, if I do, I won’t see what’s coming. Like when you sleep with one eye open because your cellmate has a shiv.


usually, we would not expect to see some sort of re-branding of product and have two products on the market. But most approvals do not go to market in advance with an EUA. The EUA product lacked adequate packaging and labeling for approval. It would be virtual impossible to approve , and fulfill the labeling requirements with the packaging that is currently on the market and in stocks. So, I would like to believe it has something to do with this.
But, it is rather convenient that the current product is protected under liability umbrella of an EUA. with tons of stocks available and millions of shots to be given.

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Manitobans getting married after Sept. 3 will have a choice to make: ensure all your guests are vaccinated or hold the event without alcohol.
Canadian Government bribing provincial premiers to destroy small businesses by implementing vax passports.
It is getting more dysfunctional by the day up here. Help! I feel like I am in a hostage situation.


Looks like Youtube restored this video.

I have a friend that is a manager at AT&T. Due to the Pfizer approval, he says AT&T sent out a requirement to all Manager level employees at AT&T. The only exceptions are members of the Union, and any manager who has a union member as a direct report. That means he has a member of the Union on his team, and he is directly supervising this Union member.
All Managers that do not have a Union direct report, are required to get the vaccine by Mid-October, or else they Lose Their Job.
There is a process for applying for an exemption. There is Medical and there is Religious exemption process. My friend is going through the religious exemption process, and he is pretty sure it will be denied. Not many religious exemptions are expected to be granted. But he is trying.
If he fails to get the exemption, he is going to have to make a decision. He really needs the job, due to his debt load and the many people he is supporting.
He has ivermectin on hand, and knows about vitamin D, C, zinc. I informed him about pine needle tea.
He’s really in a tricky situation.


Thanks for this bit of info. I’d say that this mandate (for ANY group of employees) puts AT&T at the front of the line for companies that can go to hell when they come begging for unvaccinated employees due to vaccine attrition.
I have personal reasons to say they can already go to hell, but this just cements it.
Google has a company wide, no exception, vax mandate too, so I guess AT&T falls in line behind them.


AT+T is also mandating for union members, but they have a Jan 1 deadline.

If there remains a critical mass of people who adamantly just say no, some org’s literally will not be able to sustain the losses. I am sure this is why ATT is extending the union deadline… these are the linesman and tech’s that service the facilities… they CANNOT lose too many of these skilled people. They are going to play a waiting game to give themselves more time to back-out of the mandate in this case.
Here is a hospital that caved;
I had an uplifting talk with an immediate co-worker yesterday. To put it simply, and I didn’t know this until yesterday, he has a horse that he medicates himself as needed, and he has relatives who have literally disowned him for not taking the vax. In other words… he is one of us. Anyway, he and I together are literally 25% of the entire technical team that keeps a $1B business going. The induction period for even a very technically literate person to become useful in this org. is on the order to two years. I never thought I would have so much in common with Barack Obama… but I have to say; I am now a community organizer.