Vaccine Mandates Are Here

If anyone asks me if I have been vaxed, I tell them I am in the control group. If they look at me funny, I say, “didn’t you get that option?”


If anyone asks if I have been vaxed, I tell them I am in the control group. When they look at me funny, I say “did you not get that option?”

Re: Spontaneous abortions: literally EVERYONE misread that paper. Go back and read it carefully and ask yourself one question: “How many women received the vaccine in the first trimester?”

parental discretion advised. i speak lots of french by way of the streets of a major us city.
well he is a virologist. he is a scumbag and a fucking liar. i saw him on joe rogan a year ago. the following clip is indicative of the slime he is. this is a must watch.
this clip is about vaccines and their safety. what prick.
joe rogan is an idiot and he just laps this shit up.

If anyone’s interested, I did my own analysis of the two approval letters, available here:

Kettering Health makes changes to vaccine mandate; new exemption announced – WHIO TV 7 and WHIO Radio
It isn’t in the news, but medical workers have been picketing in front of hospitals in my Florida city since our mandate was announced. I know that people are getting nervous about firing half of the medical staff. Could this be a small sign of hope?


last week there was a demonstration at walmart hq. i understand it was well attended. i don’t know when walmart instituted the shot mandate or when it goes into effect.
my suggestion is boycott them and send an email telling them why.
i attended a demonstration at tyson hq today. around 150-200 people (it was 93 degrees) lots of cars honking and waving. lots of kids that are being raised right by their parents. again let tyson know you will not be buying their chicken.
a good friend of mine told me today that his wife who is a commercial acct rep for cox cable was told she has to get the shot by oct. 12 or she will be fired. one top employee quit during the zoom meeting. as fate would have it my internet provider is cox. needless to say i will soon have another provider and i will tell them why.
we are getting people together to have a demonstration in front of the county courthouse.


this is another one close to my heart.
rob kares is my primary care physician. he is listed on the flccc site. he prescribes ivermectin for covid. his clinic is divided into two sections. the front part is for regular ofc. visits and the back which has a separate entrance is in the back.
he has a facebook page where he posts updates every week. (i had to type it out facebook would not let me copy and paste. hmmmm)
he and his clinic are now in the national news thanks to one idiot justice of the peace. eva madison found out he was prescribing ivermectin to inmates at the county detention facility. (he has a contract with the county to be the detention center’s dr,) his contract is due for renewal and she raised the issue at a budget meeting. of course she called it a “dewormer”
dr. karas has treated over 4000 patients with ivermectin with only one having died. that one was very sick when he arrived at the clinic and it was too late for ivermectin. he has treated hundreds at the detention facility and only one went to the hospital. that one went because he did not take the ivermectin.
the next quorum court meeting is next tuesday. i will be there.

Washington County Justice of the Peace Eva Madison (D) said she heard reports of the practice Tuesday after a county employee visited a Karas Health Care coronavirus testing site at the Washington County Detention Center in Fayetteville and was prescribed ivermectin despite testing negative for the coronavirus.

Karas is one of three health-care providers accessible to employees on the county health-care plan. It operates in the jail as Karas Correctional Health.

“When this employee told me that, I thought, ‘Our sheriff has common sense. He’ll know what’s going on,’ ” Madison told The Washington Post on Wednesday. Madison said she has a good rapport with Washington County Sheriff Tim Helder but was dismayed when he confirmed her suspicions — and defended the practice"

for some reason i can't post links so if anyone is interested i suggest googling "karas clinic, washington county detention center. wapo, cbs and others are covering it and the stories are about what you would expect.

stay tuned

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from the uk
classic hatchet jobs. if you read one you have read them all. what is interesting is it has gone global

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We now have a law firm specializing in assisting companies with implementing a Mandatory Vaccination Policy.

  • Needles in Arms - Make it clear that you are not forcing needles into arms. With all of the misinformation out there, some employees unfortunately still believe that a mandatory vaccination policy means employers will be forcing a needle into their arms. Employees still have a choice, but their choices have consequences.
Get that last line, employees have a choice, but their choices have consequences.....WTF!
People really need to wake up!
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sorry goldrunner but i think it is too late to wake up.
people are not asleep they are in a coma.
the next step is death.

That’s an interesting thought. If you get any further feedback please pub!

That study (at Oxford) is giving Ivermectin at Day 14. Unless they changed the study set-up, it is designed to show Ivermectin is useless.


This is a tv interview with Dr. Rob Karas.
It is clear 2 things are at work in the media. They are ill informed and stupid. Ill informed because they just feed off of other media which get their info from the fda, who etc. They are stupid because they do not do the research.
The other thing at work is the media national, regional, and local have a monetary interest in suppressing alternatives to not only vaxx but continuing the narrative of the “greater authority”

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the video did not post

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I heard an attorney providing legal advice on this issue who said that the clergy can write a letter attesting to the the person’s faith to support the exemption due to their sincerely held religious belief, although they are not bound by the law to say nor or state whether they agree or disagree.

There’s a morbid upside to military vaccination. (and I wish this was not the case) But, (my guess) 8000 serious reactions or so will generate news that the powers and money that be will have a hard time suppressing.

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I checked the FDA web-site. Their statement reads:

On August 23, 2021, the FDA approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty, for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.
From this I'm inferring that BNT162B2 and Comirnaty are the same product. While I can't state for a fact, but it strikes me that BNT162B2 was the label used while the product was being distributed during the EUA while Comirnaty will be the product's name under the FDA approved BLA.
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Now I’m hearing about all kinds of judicial over-reach, wherein Judges are ordering people to take the jab or else. Or else you can’t see your kid. Or else you can’t go on probation, etc.