Vaccine Mandates Are Here

All the non vaccinated emplyees may be suspended

The unfortunate thing about the Supreme Court and relying on judicial action on anything is that it first requires a violation of your rights to take place. Then you have to fight through the system costing tens of thousands of dollars, then you have to depend on the particular sympathies of the court to see things your way.
After all is said and done, the courts have no enforcement arm anyway. The alphabet agencies violate the constitution at every turn and then just say “oopsie” when they get csught after 20 years of domestic spying or stop and frisks or entrapment cases inciting people to criminal action. The courts are toothless and bend to political pressure all the time.
I don’t mean to deflate anyones ambitions or hopes of court ordered salvation, but if you put more than one egg in THAT basket, you’re going to go hungry.

The Forest Service is talking about requiring Vaccines for all fire-fighters.
WHILE the Dixie Fire is going strong, possibly setting up for an October Mega-Mega-Fire.
And while the Caldor fire is approaching Tahoe from the Southwest.
AND, while there is a staffing shortage of fire-fighters.
I think the US may need to learn some Hard Lessons, before they ease their mandates.
On Monday or Tuesday I heard from a very experienced (but not yet retired) fire-fighter. He thinks the Caldor Fire will reach South Lake Tahoe.
I said, “what about using the 2 Echo Lakes, and the Desolation Wilderness area between them, as a place to build a fire line, 5 days ahead of where the fire is now ?”


I am wondering why we dont create a medical trial. And enlist anyone opposed of taking the vaccine as part of a control trial. aren’t we exempt if we are in a clinical trial?

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Personally, I’m the type who who naturally wants to jump into the fray as soon as it starts, but this person has a valuable perspective on strategy.

In a Hobbesian struggle of all against all, the advantages of coming into the fight late after the many have worn themselves out can not be overstated. As for myself, I’d prefer to participate in any life or death struggle right about the time my opponents can no longer offer effective resistance due to exhaustion. After all, if everyone is in the street beating each other with hammers, then each minute that I’m out of that melee is another minute that I’m not exposed to flying hammers and that is a very good thing. It ups my chances of survival. Some of you readers might be thinking that waiting out a fight is cowardly or not honorable but I disagree. Say, for example, that you live in an arid region of the country where your water comes to you from several states away. Were that water to vanish, regardless of the reason, you’d notice a flurry of activity that would make you pine for the days when people just beat each other with hammers. Eventually, though, the population would drop to a level that the water resources could support but to make it that far you’d either have to be Rambo on Adderall or someone that put away 15 cases of water, some weapons and a Lifestraw. With that in mind, let’s take a moment to look at our current boxing match to see where we are and, possibly, where we are heading.…   ….Round Six: Vaccines. We are now in round six of this twelve round fight. Make no mistake, if you are an employee of any corporation that does business with the government then you will be forced to take the jab or quit your job. If you work for government then you will be forced to take the jab or quit your job. If you work in healthcare then you will be forced to take the jab or quit your job. If you wish to attend University (even online) then you will have no option but to take the jab. If you like to frequent bars and restaurants or go to concerts then you will be forced to take the jab. Finally, those living in the mega-cities may soon discover that Blackrock owns all the apartment buildings and being jabbed will become a requirement to live in said apartment. Those of us that saved and put away for a rainy day are currently sitting out round six. As I see it, we are at best midway through this fight. I can also very clearly see that the people that did not have the luxury of sitting out the first six rounds are not currently swinging their hammers with very much gusto. They are weak, exhausted, sick, broke and cowering in fear. In round six, they allowed themselves to be injected with poison which is clotting them up day-by-day and has further weakened their immune system. They have to internalize that the same people that stand behind the efficacy of the vaccine are also the same people that just brought about the debacle in Afghanistan. This is where we find ourselves now but where does the trend-line say we are going? Round seven will probably bring travel restrictions followed by more lock-downs. Beyond that, it is hard to guess what will come. We are currently seeing the largest migration in American history both at our Southern border and internally as people flee the Blue States. Internal passports will probably become a thing as they did in the Soviet Union so that liberty minded people will be unable to flee to saner pastures. If you are outside of the mega-cities and its suburbs then you are prepared for this too. Well, better prepared than the people in the mega-cities at least. Beyond this is just wild speculation as the fog of war is just too thick. We could have hyperinflation, a civil war, a false flag terror event or all of the above. We could see horrors that we can not even imagine today. What is important, though, is the ability to wait out those horrors or to be able to jump in at a time of your choosing when your opponents are at their weakest. Make no mistake, this IS what we’ve prepped for and the time to put those preps to use is NOW. Do what you can to avoid becoming a victim. The wheat is being separated from the chaff and next comes the winnowing. Stand strong or be carried away by the wind.

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…for this post.
Lately, I find myself looping on schemes of how to keep my little biz going if in fact we face more restrictions on business (I teach Pilates, I’m in peoples’ personal space all day long, ideal conditions for “”“superspreader”“” status and therefore likely to get closed down by relatively light biz restrictions – no full lockdown required). Yet this piece reminds me to keep the larger field of play in mind – maybe it’s time (or soon will be) to shut down my place (20 years of work, shuttered by government fiat!) and shift gears.
I have the immeasurable good luck to have ended up in a late-life romance with a woman whose family just so happens to have the land, equipment and knowledge to run a small family subsistence farm spread out over a couple parcels of land. The knowledge is a little rusty (it was 15 years ago since they were making a go of it, then got distracted into other projects [mushroom medicinal company, some real estate stuff, grandkids went away to school]) but we are dusting it off in our spare time, and identifying things we would want to purchase if we figured the supply chain was going to croak. Which we do figure to be true. (Today’s purchase is a case of good gardening gloves and backup copies of essential gardening tools.)
So I have the luxurious option of shuttering my biz (actually, I’d go grey, work out of a private home space, and see a very select small number of clients on the down low, keep a little fiat$ coming in) and becoming a farmer. My maternal grandparents (Iowa farmers, who were never all that impressed by modernity) are laughing their asses off up in heaven. Farming = “luxurious option”? Yes, they are roaring great gales of laughter.
So that’s going to be my new frame – we are in the middle of a long journey, and what IS is not what WILL BE. When to let go of IS so as to take massive action in pursuit of WILL BE is where my focus will be. Thanks for the reminder!
May Fortune smile upon us all!
VIVA – Sager

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Meryl Nass’ latest. I think she knows her stuff…
Direct quotes from this easy to read 8 page document are below, and I suggest you print the document out, as it will help you avoid a vaccine mandate. Pay close attention. I added numbers to the most interesting excerpts.
After stating that you might receive the licensed vaccine or a vaccine under EUA in item 2, item 6 indicates that both the licensed vaccine AND the EUA vaccine are both under EUA. (This may be the way chosen to shield the licensed vaccine from liability.) Item 5 says that while under EUA, it is your choice whether or not to receive the vaccine.
Show this document to your college, your hospital, your boss. They cannot force you to receive either of these vaccines!

However more “incentives” might. Maybe they’ll throw in a couple KrispyKremes too. Paying people to take the jab…sick. And for those that won’t, the mandates will follow.

Great interview Chris. So far I have been unable to not overwhelm people with what I’ve been hearing - so in the end I get classified Unvaxx. I can’t walk them through the logic.
I’m a golfer - since the decree fell July 21 2021 you can’t play golf unless you have the Pass Sanitaire. The President of the club, a friend, happily told me that they made an exception, given only by a doctor, if you have a reason to not get the vaccine. I went to see my doctor. I have had a heart attack - thrombosis - he said that the exemption concerned only people who had a reaction (bad) to a first injection. I said that blood cloots are one of the risks of taking the vaxx. The doctor gives the shots - an informed nurse told me doctors make 25 euros per shot and 200 euros for a half days work. My doctor told me he sees 125 people at a time. I just changed doctors choosing him because he is Christian - he will come around just like Clif High has been telling us.

LAFD Captain Cristian Granucci, 31 year veteran. Medical tyranny strikes Los Angeles City Fire Department.

"this has gone from 'two weeks to flatten the curve' to 'show me your papers' ... If things moved that fast in the last 18 months, where will we be in the next 18 months?"


From the new vaccine fact sheet AndrewOregon linked above:
The FDA-approved COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) and the
FDA-authorized Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine under Emergency Use
Authorization (EUA) have the same formulation and can be used interchangeably
to provide the COVID-19 vaccination series.
“[1] The licensed vaccine has the same formulation as the EUA-authorized vaccine and the products can be used interchangeably to provide the vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness.
One wonders how these products are “legally distinct” and how that might shield the pushers from liability?
Edit: So you walk into a Dr’s office and ask for the FDA approved vaccine, the Dr. gives you a poke of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine and then proceeds to write down the batch/lot number on your vaccination record. * poof * Looks like you just volunteered to take an FDA-unapproved EUA experimental product from a legal perspective.

Hi Mike from Jersey,
Today I happen to come across a newspaper article with my HR Director very adamantly in celebration mood said how she agreed all employees have to get the jab. At that point, I woke up - indeed, there is NO MORE logic to this madness anymore, not even a little bit - I shd have known better!
With this new realization, I would be changing my tactic. I am just going to fill the Religious Exemption paper up, in great descriptive details, how my belief compels me NOT to get the vaccine.
Not the most argumentally logical solution but if it works, why not use it?
I will be printing out Meryl Nass’ piece to check my HR’s response - if I get the chance :
Let’s see where these go :slight_smile:

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Good luck to you.
We are all in this together.

Here’s my simple 3 step process for avoiding genetic modification;
1. Decide you’re not getting vaxxed. This is the most important step, youve made a determined choice. Its simple and empowering. It doesnt mean there wont be consequences…it means you have decided to accept the consequences and remain steadfast.
2. Breath a sigh of relief. OK now you can relax and breath a sigh of relief. Youve made your choice, the matter is closed. Whatever happens now is out of your hands. Let go and have faith that everything will be OK.
3. Get on with life. Once youve made the decision, and the determination not to be vaxxed and to live with the consequences, there’s not much more to say or think about. As expressed in stage 2, the matter is closed, the decision is made. Theres no need to debate, justify, or explain yourself.
If you continue to worry over it, continue to run every 10 minutes online to find out the latest developments/ threats/mandates/ statements, etc In a way you are still trapped by it and still being manipulated. You’re just existing in the mirror image of a reality that is being created by the very system that you are opposing.
Getting on with life means that YOU have set the topic aside, YOU have decided that the discussion is over, and YOU are now busy creating your own reality rather than existing in the one being created for you.
Thats it. Thats my 3 step process and it represents a process that I have gone through over the course of this thing. Ultimately, though we all can get sucked into these hysteria, at some point we have to put things into perspective to remain sane. If we would ‘zoom out’ and look at this from a distance; Life is always throwing out threats, worries, and potential crises. If you live in that space perpetually your existence will be defined as going from one crisis to another.
Here’s a secret; 90% of the crises that you are confronted by are illusions. They are either created by other people for the purposes of manipulation, or [ more often ] they are created by your own mind. The mind is a problem solving machine, when no problems exist, it creates them. When solutions are found it creates new problems. Real trouble and suffering comes to us when we mistake the machinations of the mind for actual reality…and in the current technological age fears and illusory problems are easily picked up, passed around, magnified, and echoed across the globe. Now you’re not just dealing with the illusions created within your own mind, your dealing with the illusions created by millions of minds and backed up by the energy/participation/consensus of millions of people [ also an illusion ].
So this is why I always push for unplugging as much as possible [ not just because Im becoming a stodgy stubborn old goat…though thats probably part of it ]. When you put a screen in front of your face you are engaging in illusion, which might not be bad when pursuing entertainment and etc, but the level to which we subject ourselves to illusion in the modern world is down-right tragic. Its a global mental illness which I implore you all to disengage yourselves from as though your life depends on it [ which it quite literally DOES ].

As long as censorship continues, informed consent is impossible.
Accordingly, the decision to refuse vaccination is an easy one.

Same Pfizer company, same mRNA serum formula, two differently labeled serum vials (5 Dose Bottles), with two different legal processes in regards to product liability, dependent entirely upon the vial’s label.
Comirnaty is NOT covered by the EUA, as it is FDA approved. Normal product liability applies, just like all other FDA approved drugs…except for those drugs listed in specific programs, which modifies the drug’s liability. Comirnaty, is not listed in any such program at this time.
The Pfizer mRNA serum “vaccine” for COVID19, without the “Comirnaty” label, is covered by the EUA, and is not FDA licensed and approved. Pfizer liability for this drug is a matter of the EUA agreement, which negates their normal product liability.
Now, the Pfizer brand, “Comirnaty,” has been used in other countries, such as Czechoslovakia, whose government provided it with an emergency use authorization. However, the formulation of a foreign contracted mRNA serum by Pfizer, as the formula itself is undisclosed and proprietary…and not specified in the contract…can be anything Pfizer desires. Pfizer could also modify the formulation of their serums over the course of this contract… or its use…without disclosure it has done so. It can also modify the doses… and allow a completely inert product to be used.
Each Country has its own Pfizer contract…its own medical authorities…its own EUA and Approval laws.
The U.S. FDA approval of “Comirnaty” only applies to the United States and its Territories. The rest of the world is on its own.
What Pfizer decides to put in its vials of mRNA serums, could be anything they wish, and its formulation could be determined by where it is shipped.

You wrote:

Same Pfizer company, same mRNA serum formula, two differently labeled serum vials (5 Dose Bottles), with two different legal processes in regards to product liability, dependent entirely upon the vial's label.
That says it all ... doesn't it.