Vaccine Mandates Are Here

nah, they let you finish watching it - they don’t want to get attention for their censorship.

  1. Once the comments don't work as intended, they already deleted it

Hello Chris and thank you for all the valuable information you’ve given us.
I’d like to see if someone can help. For now I can’t afford the fees for a doctor on the FLCCC site to get Ive.
I have my own doc but he doesn’t wanna prescribe me it. Does anyone know where i can perhaps get it in pill form at a price lower than 80 dollars? I take care of 5 siblings and am the oldest (i’m 22). I wanna help them get on a good regimen. or if there’s not a place that cheap, i’m not good at math so the p*ste is difficult to dose, if anyone can help there as well since my family members’ weights vary. Sorry if this was hard to read, english is not my first language. Thank you and God bless you all

Note sure why people are still using YT, you can find the video on Odysee and support the move to a better world rather than continuing to support, even while complaining about, the old one.

Here is the link on Odysee, for those that missed it on YouTube:

Thanks for the link. :slight_smile: I didn’t know Chris posted vids anywhere other than youtube, otherwise I would have supported the other site.
I despise y-tube, facebk, twettr, insta, and all the other time-wasting, garbage (so-called) social media. Boycott them all.

I have been ordering all the medications at - they are located in Germany, I think, but the pills come from Mumbai, but they seem fine. Cheap? Well, maybe not that cheap. I’ve bought a year’s worth of IVM and also, of HCQ, and a few other medications, so it’s not that cheap, and it takes 3-4 weeks to get an order, but there’s no prescription needed, and I think that is what you’re looking for - esp as you can’t seem to find a doctor who will proscribe IVM for you.

This is my “legit” reason for not getting vaxxed. I have a serious medical condition related to my reproductive organs. Any slight change in hormones for me is disastrous.
My support group for my disease is full of these stories. There was one in particular that I can’t forget- a woman who had menopause eight years ago and bled days after the vax. Eight years no bleeding and suddenly she has a period again? What does that even mean? I’ve seen several of these stories from post-menopausal women. Another anecdote- my sister was one of the first to be vaxxed, back in early March. Her menstrual cycle still has not returned to normal. Today I finally convinced her to report it to VAERS.
When I told my doctor this was the precise reason I didn’t want the vax, he laughed in my face while admitting that it was true that the vax is affecting menstrual cycles. He still won’t give me medical exemption. This is a disease that had me bed ridden two years at one point. The lack of compassion from people recently has my head spinning. These same people claim that they are protecting people like me by getting the jab, then turn their backs on us.

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I’m certain we don’t have “data” on their irregularity of women’s cycles, but usually irregular means off by a day or a week, not bleeding 3-90 extra days. Women tend to know what is outside the bounds of “irregular” for them. It should at minimum be looked into…especially cases where menopausal women start bleeding again or literally anything more than like 8 days of bleeding, especially heavy.

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Take away from Peter Doshi
The “six month” preprint based on the 7% of trial participants who remained blinded at six months”
Delta may not be responsible for waning immunity
“Yet, the trials were not designed to study severe disease.”
I"n the preprint, high efficacy against “severe covid-19” is reported based on all follow-up time (one event in the vaccinated group vs 30 in placebo), but the number of hospital admissions is not reported so we don’t know which, if any, of these patients were ill enough to require hospital treatment. (In Moderna’s trial, data last year showed that 21 of 30 “severe covid-19” cases were not admitted to hospital; Table S14).
And on preventing death from covid-19, there are too few data to draw conclusions—a total of three covid-19 related deaths (one on vaccine, two on placebo). There were 29 total deaths during blinded follow-up (15 in the vaccine arm; 14 in placebo)."
" …13 months into the still ongoing, two year pivotal trial, with no reported data past 13 March 2021, unclear efficacy after six months due to unblinding, evidence of waning protection irrespective of the Delta variant, and limited reporting of safety data. (The preprint reports “decreased appetite, lethargy, asthenia, malaise, night sweats, and hyperhidrosis were new adverse events attributable to BNT162b2 not previously identified in earlier reports,” but provides no data tables showing the frequency of these, or other, adverse events.)"
With data like that how could they not approve it :frowning:

I guess this is the new normal, I had just finished watching it less than 2 hours ago on YouTube, and now it’s gone there. It’s sad and I hope we stand up against this - I have no idea how we do that exactly, but if it comes down to it, we have to be ready to walk away from these platforms and perhaps (again, if it comes down to it) the jobs that require the jab.
I have a friend that just got her first jab, her job required it but it so happens she lives on Wall Street, in Manhattan. Now, her building requires that she be jabbed as well to get any type of service request for an exterminator. Now, she moved in a few months back, in February, unjabbed, but with that policy now, it’s not hard to see that at the next lease renewal, they might require the jab as well.
I live right across the river in NJ and it’s a little different here but the governors in the eastern corridor act in lockstep, so perhaps we will see this overreach here too.
And, at some point, we may have to walk away from that too or fight. Hmm,… if Gandhi were alive, what would he do now?

Dannnng deleted super fast on YouTube. They took this thing down fast i hope some downloaded it and will upload it again.
Also and chrome are slowing speeds to get to your site… duck duck go gets me here asap… its insane

goodness they are on this one huh

I have a download of the video as I download them all as soon as I can after the premier, Chris will still have a copy and hopefully he will upload to a more friendly platform.

So - the thing is, if a woman’s cycle is normally erratic, this isn’t something she will take note of. But when a woman’s cycle is regular and predictable and then suddenly isn’t, we generally know that is a warning sign that something is wrong. It could be all sorts of things - even immense stress can cause it.
What’s interesting is that mine has been pretty consistent for almost a decade since my last kid and right after my MOTHER got the jab, I short cycled. I don’t even know what to think of that. I have since talked to a lot of other unvaccinated women who said their cycles were out of whack when someone living in close proximity to them was vaccinated. Isn’t that weird?

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I have heard an awful lot about the proximity to vaccinated, having the same issues. Obviously, there is shedding from the vaccinated. It is reasonable to think there are some effects that would self-spreading.
I think Chris was more focused on the evidence of those directly given the shot, as something that should be setting off flags regarding side-effects and informed consent. As for the other, this is more a separate topic but probably related to the same physical mechanism. ( by subsequent exposure through contact not injection)

My sense is, if “Cominarty” was approved and AVAILABLE - then they’d have to yank the EUAs for Moderna and JNJ according to the EUA rules.
Basically this is a totally fake “approval.”
“Ok so we will APPROVE this vaccine that you cannot get, and since it isn’t actually available, we still get to extend the EUA to all the treatments we feel like having EUAs for.”
Probably including Molnupiravir, coming soon.
I got the clue for this from Alex Berenson:

One of your hardest hitting, clear, good, available to all.
Thank you. Passing along.

Ask for religious exemption would be the next recourse I think, for government employees.

I am thinking maybe they are trying to yank an “approval” out as soon as possible because of the Ivermectin study being conducted at Oxford University now? Once that proves Ivermectin works, they will have to remove the EUAs for all mRNA “vaccines”. I wonder if this could be the main reason why.

Please let us know what their beef was with it? I’m so curious, it’s like another puzzle piece really. It was great.