Vaccine Mandates Are Here

thank you so much!

It’s time to dump YouTube. Many channels I have been following along with PP are now on Odysee, Bitchute, Rumble.

I believe opposing points of view help paint clearer pictures of the truth. And, while my belief seems to be in the minority, I’m proud of the work you do and fortunate to have to found your web site early on. I am sorry you’re experiencing “censorship”. I do not support censorship in any form; It’s nasty virus spreading amongst the uneducated and weak willed, protect yourself.

Our apologies for the inconveniece caused by YouTube’s censoring of this video.  You’ll notice the video is now back up on this page using an alternative player.

Hi Chris,
I just listened to the audio recording. Fantastic as always. What made you think Youtube would not remove this one? haha :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for sharing this !!

Comirnaty. = Come-here-naughty

If I am interpreting the FDA press release correctly, I believe “Comirnaty” will be the trade name or brand name for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Not so sure that they are two different products.

Logically if Pfizer is approved doesn’t that mean Moderna and J&J can no longer have EUA? Total deception!

I get a tingly tongue these days, has never happened in my whole life until this year. It happens after I am in a building near people who have been vaxxed. It is a bit like having a burnt tongue but with pins and needles. I haven’t burnt my tongue recently. Ivermectin makes it go away in an hour or two.

10-15% of pregnancies end before 20 weeks in spontaneous abortions. If the VAERS or UK yellow card systems were fit for purpose all of these would be reported. So if the US has vaccinated 1,000,000 pregnant women within the first 2o weeks of pregnancy then there should be a minimum of 100,000 SAs recorded in the system. As it stands VAERS has recorded 691 SAs suggesting that the US has vaccinated just 6900 pregnant women in total.
If we know precisely how many pregnant women have been vaccinated then we can accurately access the level of under-reporting in VAERS because we know that 10-15% of that number should be logged as SAs in the system. So if 1 million pregnant women had been vaccinated and this led to 691 SAs on the system we would know that at best, the system was only reporting 0.5% of serious events.

Post-menopause bleeding is usually a sign of endometrial cancer. Not saying that these women have cancer, but they will be told to have an endometrial biopsy which is very painful. I’ve had two in my life, and wouldn’t want another ever.

I posted this on another thread…
My sister and I are both nurses (15 yrs and 20 yrs) in different cities. Both our employers are mandating the shot. I was able to get a religious exemption by simply submitting a short typed response and electronically submitting it.
On the other hand, my sisters employer requires a paper form with a religious leader signature essentially stating her affirmation of faith. When asking her religious leader that she has known for many years, this was his response:
Good morning, XXXX I trust this finds you well.
I wish to follow up with your inquiry about seeking religious exemption from taking the COVID vaccination. In the past two days we-priests have received word about exemptions from the Archdiocese of (Her town).
The Archdiocese recommends that I do not sign anything for religious exemption. Reasons being:

  1. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act should not need an accompanying letter for someone to claim exemption if it exists. As citizens we are simply allowed to claim our rights under the Constitution, and there are not other places where someone needs to get a letter from their religious organization top claim such a right.
  2. The Holy Father and the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (of the Vatican) are encouraging us to receive the vaccine. However, as in all things, people are able to follow their conscience, and should follow their conscience (while they also have to form their conscience).
Hope this information is helpful to you as you proceed. If visiting over the phone about this would be helpful, please call me at XXX So you can apply for religious exemptions but now certain denominations or leader or groups are being instructed to not sign requests

I really like where you are going with this analysis. But, it really is quite a bit more alarming than even the numbers you suggest. I agree, that 691 is a far inaccurate number. We have seen from the one study where it was determined that 81% of vaccinated pregnant women under week 20 had SA. I have also seen studies suggesting only about 45% of pregnant women have been vaccinated. The question is how many pregnancies occur each year in the US? about (3.7M) divide in half to get vaccinated amount of 1.8M. at anyone time half would be less than 20 weeks. so about .9 million vaccinated. So if 1 million vaxxed before 20 weeks, with 81% SA. that is about 800k SAs expected. vs reported 691. its less than .1% reported. Not the estimated 1% or your generous .5%. If this is indeed the level of under reporting, We can estimate more than 1 million people have died from the vaccine with 30 days of the vaccine. And if vaccinated are at about 190M americans. We are looking at a 30 day kill rate of 1:200 approximately. I do believe this is probably accurate. Most of these are not going to be reported. they will be brushed off as just heart attacks or other coincidental events.
In the end, the vaccine has killed more , far more people than the virus. We know that the Govt officials admitted, that if a person in hospice died of kidney failure ( their condition ) and tested positive for covid ( using the crap 45 cycle prc ) it was recorded as a covid death. So considering that the average age of death with covid was 77 years with 2 co-morbidities, you have to think that actual deaths are likely to only be 1/4th of this. In fact, if you check the excess deaths reported(cdc) for all 2020, there were zero difference in deaths compared to the previous 7 years.
So, i see we have killed more than one million americans, and likely 800k aborted children with this vaccine, for a disease that killed about 2-3 times as much as a bad flu. ( but weighted more towards elderly and infirm )

In PHE VoC technical briefing 21 the CFR for the vaccinated under 50s is 0.07% and the CFR for the unvaccinated under 50s in 0.04%. How can a vaccine be authorized or mandated when in terms of deaths there is no statistically significant effect for this age group? No wonder the manufacturers don’t include hospitalizations or deaths in their 90% effectiveness claims.
Superficially it appears that there is a small effect on the number of hospitalizations but it doesn’t make any sense. 0.9% of vaccinated infections led to hospitalization against 1.7% in the unvaccinated under 50s. However, it you look at the hospitalization fatality rates we find that 7.4% of them died in the vaxxed group against just 2.4% in the unvaxxed.
We can only speculate why this anomaly exists. My suspicion is that if 2 people went to a hospital with identical symptoms and one was fully vaccinated and the other unvaccinated, then a Doctor seeing that A had been fully vaccinated would be more confident that the illness would not progress much and would be more likely to admit the unvaccinated person for observation as there is a confounding effect that they are perceived to be more at risk. This means that only the more serious cases presented by the vaccinated are being admitted to hospitals and hence a CFR which is three times higher than in the unvaccinated cohort. I believe that this indicates that there is no statistically significant difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated under 50s in terms of hospitalization so the vaccines cannot be authorised or mandated on those grounds either. These statistics would also seem to invalidate the emergency use authorizations.

I am with you. It hard to see that you have more unvaxxed admissions and about the same death rates for vaxxed and unvaxxed. The only explanation is that the unvaxxed are overly admitted to the hospital in comparison to the vaxxed. Which makes a lot of sense. It would be hard to believe, that a doctor would not use their vaccination status as means of criteria for admission.
The only other explanation would be, that we do see more severe illness across the board with the unvaxxed. and most vaccinated people are protected from that. However, a small percentage of the vaccinated are suffering from very very severe illness ( ADE )
Take your pick - vaccine is useless, or vaccine causes ADE in some?

This whole thing makes no sense. (Nonsense). The FDA “approves” a brand of a jab that doesn’t even exist. They don’t “approve” Pfizer; that remains under EUA. But they say that Pfizer can be used “interchangeably” with the “approved” jab. So Pfizer gets to piggyback off the “come-here-naughty” approval, while retaining its liability protection under the PREP Act. It’s a publicity stunt. All we hear now in the MSM, including from Biden and Fauci, is that the Pfizer jab has been officially approved, so no more excuses, go get jabbed. And more mandates coming because it’s now “approved.” They’re lying.

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My guess is that there is something really nasty ongoing that required extremely fast follow-up and increased repression. The only scenario that I can think of is that “they” feel “threatened”: they want to protect their “gain”:

  1. Biden is going to be replaced?
  2. The dollar is on the verge of collapsing: the US can now forget any sympathy from China or Russia since they have deliberately armed muslim rebels in their "back garden"?
  3. Maybe it has been proven beyond the shadow of doubt that the US elections have been stolen; possibly leading to a humongous s$%t storm?
  4. More and more people are regretting the jab?
  5. More and more people are waking up?
Whatever the reason, I truly hope that this is the start of "death-throws" of this whole horror show. But I'm honestly afraid that in that case "they" will follow the logic of "Vogon Jeltz" from the "Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy": If I have a bad day, your day will be worse.

I’m going to hypothesize that the percentage with irregular periods is huge.
You can say millions of women have been vaxxed but how many of those are not on birth control and have regular periods. You don’t really figure this out until about 20 and by about 45 you would start chalking irregularities up to peri menopause.
The number of 20 to 45 yo vaxxed women with regular periods who are not on birth control, pregnant or breastfeeding (cause that makes it wonky too) is probably small.