Vaccine Mandates Are Here

well NJ, the definite answer we should have in 6-9 month. If there is really a significant influence, then we should see a collapse of the monthly birth rate equivalent to:
estimated spontaneous abortions rate attributed to vaxxination impact (which would be SA rate in vaxxinated pregnancies [currently suggested 70-80%] - usual SA rate [~15%] * average vaxxination rate of pregnant mothers for the statistical month minus 6-7 month.
That would mean, taking your numbers, that we should see a monthly birth deficit for the US of:
(0.8 - 0.15) * 0.45 = 0.293 @ 10266/day -> approx. 92000 birth at the beginning of next year on top of the reduction due to the social impact of Covid. (US only)
That should not be possible to hide anymore and therefore this might be another reason they rush the vaxxination mandate.

Pfizer hasn’t been “approved.” Comirnaty, a brand name, has been approved, but there is no Comirnaty available yet. (Will it ever be?) So the Pfizer, Moderna and J&J jabs remain under EUA.

I tried to catch this video on Youtube, however it was removed for violating Youtube rules.

This was a good one…

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According to FB, being too prepared is extremist:
Supposedly, results of a poll of young people:
Excerpt, from part 3, digital literacy: tackle misinformation:

  • Governments to implement policies to protect individual citizens against harmful content

The ‘Club of Rome’ weirdos Al Gore et al have been promising exactly this for a long time. They dream of turning the planet into an eco theme park for a small portion of elites and scraping the rest of us into the bin. They’re ‘saving the planet’ of course so it’s all just as noble as can be.

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From what I gather, the EUA applies to the newly approved Comi(RNA)ty vax as well. Thus giving any and all involved (gov, manufacturer, employer) no liability still. Please dig in! This is huge from a mandating perspective too as it removes the ability of an employer to ask an employee to get it against their will.
Also, on the topic of irregular menstrual cycles. Maybe you’re addressed in other videos, but…
Women who have NOT gotten the jab, and have simply been around those who have been, are being affected. It happened to my young daughter and myself. I started digging and found other anecdotal evidence. I took a small survey amongst my friends haha, and a surprising amount amongst the small sample size reported the same. No jab, but exposure to the jabbed, with irregular, lengthened, heavier, etc. periods. Would love for you to address if you haven’t!

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Naturally, if one is an “Extremist” one must be some sort of Nut Case…right?
What about those who are extremely intelligent? …Moral? …Ethical? …physically fit? …Honest? …Rational? …good looking? …wealthy? …successful? …careful driver? …kind? …good at their jobs? …logical? …in love? …prepared? …competent? …Just? …Educated?
In combat, one can hardly ever be…too prepared. In the preservation of one’s life, and the lives of those one values, at what point are one’s actions too extreme?
I shall tell you.
Logically, one has become TOO EXTREME when one’s actions become a negative effect…an attack…on one’s Primary Values, for which benefit those actions were taken. This would then indicate the presence of IRRATIONALITY, which always acts to destroy Rational Values.
It is not “Extremism” which is bad in itself…it is the VALUE, which motivates it, which dictates whether it is good, or evil.
Being extremely good…is not the same as being extremely evil. Now… What do you consider to be the good… and what do you think is evil? What advances LIFE…and what destroys it?

Not sure if this topic has been raised yet - but -
would this work as a possible delaying tactic?
If you are mandated to get the jab by your work then tell them the only one you will take is the FDA approved Comirnaty because the existing ones are only EAU.
By the time they get them delivered (particularly in Canada) then this whole shit show will hopefully have fallen apart.
Be keen to hear people’s thoughts on this.

Only new manufactured Pfizer mRNA serums, properly labeled with the name, “Comirnaty” has been licensed and approved by the FDA. The existing stock of EUA Pfizer serums, are still authorized…under the original EUA…which has been extended…so existing stocks of the “vaccine” may still be used.
Especially, as NO existing stocks of the COMINATY brand serum is available, or has been distributed for use.
This creates two legally different Pfizer “vaccines,” which are handled differently in regards to liability.
It is in the best interest of Pfizer to continue to use all of its existing stocks of their mRNA serums, before considering the use of newly manufactured Comirnaty serum.
When the existing stocks of the EUA serums are gone, THEN Pfizer may present and use Comirnaty. However, it is most likely the existing stocks of the EUA mRNA vaccines are sufficient to achieve full inoculation of the target populations. Therefore, the Comirnaty Brand…may never be used at all.
You see, the FDA can withdraw its current approval for this new brand…before it is ever actually injected into anyone…in a future reaction to the outcry of damages caused by the EUA serums.
Thus, Pfizer gets to keep its 33 Billion, plus…profits, totally protected by the hold-harmless for any liability, as afforded by the EUA.
The FDA approval is basically a propaganda ploy to further political force upon the unvaxxed, while preserving Pfizer’s protections.
Everything is a lie, a scam, and totally corrupt.
Have fun!

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Will schools and businesses be allowed to start mandating those? It would certainly help the graduation rates.
Maybe bars and rock concerts could start mandating proof of IUDs. An unplanned pregnancy in the under 25 set is far more life changing than Covid.

The “Your Job or The Jab” was Deleted after I liked it. On YouTube ;-(
No history that if viewed it just gone

The “Your Job or The Jab” was Deleted after I liked it. On YouTube ;-(
No history that if viewed it just gone

The “Your Job or The Jab” was Deleted after I liked it. On YouTube ;-(
No history that if viewed it just gone

Since we now have a fully licensed and approved treatment for COVID19, there is NO LONGER any validity for the continuance of ANY EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATIONS… OF UNAPPROVED AND EXPERIMENTAL DRUGS… MEANT TO TREAT COVID19.
Of course, these existing EUA drugs, and vaccines, can still be injected into people…as there simply is not enough of the FDA approved drug available.
Now, all the Pfizer Patents for their approved drug come into play, too.
It would be in the best interest of Pfizer to have all the other unapproved drugs and vaccines removed from the market by the FDA…until such a time as they also achieve the official FDA approval. Why not get a 100% share of the market?
Once the approved drug, Comirnaty, is available to the populace…all the EUAs become illegal…by their own standards.

Here’s a thought: Let’s say you are mandated to take the shot. Come back with: I will take the shot - but only the the FDA approved shot - Comirnaty. I only trust Comirnaty - it is the only one that was approved. All the other ones, by definition, are experimental, and unapproved.
The FDA was very specific in only authorizing Comirnaty. I don’t know why - but they must have had a reason. There is probably some subtle difference. It is probably safer, or better in some way. Why else would they go to all the trouble to make the distinction? So if you can find me some Comirnaty, I’ll take the shot. But I’m not going to take some unapproved substance - like (say) the Pfizer or Moderna shot. Show me the package insert - the vial with the brand name ‘Comirnaty’ on it - with the actual approved vaccine. I will accept no unapproved vaccine. I’m just following the Science!! I’m sure you understand. I trust the FDA. Don’t you? They must have had a reason in only approving Comirnaty. That’s the one I want."
Worth a try.

Why do you think Comirnaty is new? Got fully vaccinated with it in Czechia (that’s in European Union) months ago and my certificate and vaccination card says Comirnaty.

Comirnaty, your ticket to eternity.

Vopica, excellent point! Comirnaty was in use in Europe earlier this year, and according to . . .

the most popular vaccine was Comirnaty from BioNTech.