Vaccine Mandates Are Here

You might try this.

Good point: Only Comirnity is licensed.
It’s a trick to make everyone think the Pfizer vax is licensed, the mandates can proceed and folks will acquiese and get vaxxed - that is get vaxxed with the Pfizer which is still under EUA, and where they are exempt from product liability. They are not exempt for the licensed product.

Dr Martenson,
Did YT gave you a 2nd strike?

I was just looking for it, and it’s gone.


On another note, I found these:
Still looking for the rest of this video. 
Chris, hint hint.  We need an interview iwith this Dr. Ryan Cole.  Get your production team moving :)

I dont know chris - maybe im being too simplistic, but when I read the first bit in the approval letter, it seems that the comernany concoction has just been added to the EUA - which is re-affirmed by the side affects sheet. …

I think you might have your view about the strange difference between the vaccine approved and the other one wrong. While still strange to me, looking at the FDA web site, it seems the EUA was extended to use up the circulating supply and to extend use by 12-15 age. Providers are told they can use the two interchangeably. I suppose the proof will be whether patients will still be asked to sign the liability waiver.

Interesting observation Alex.  I’ve had a very similar experience.  About 2 weeks ago I started having a burning/tingling sensation in my tongue and lips with the accompanying sensation of those areas being slightly swollen.  Felt similar to a sunburn in the lips or a novocaine injection wearing off.  Also noted increased salivation.  Like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. 

Have been racking my brains to determine possibilities with COVID being near the top of the list but didn’t necessarily consider shedding from the vaccinated.  Particularly notice sensitivity to more acid foods such as those containing oxalic acid.  Improving with tweaking diet (largely by avoiding anything that seems irritating which generally means decreasing acid food intake in favor of more alkaline food, rinsing with saline last thing at night and first thing in the morning and if I get up in the middle of the night, and some oil pulling with coconut oil.  But it’s not yet fully improved.  It improved midway through those two weeks but one of my 2 mile swims was in colder water where I became hypothermic which may have lowered my resistance.   

I found two more videos from Dr Ryan Cole to share:
These are short and we seem to be missing the whole video.

This article explains the FDA approval. The short answer is that Pfizers vaccine is both FDA approved AND emergency use authorized. Depending on what kind of box the vaccine comes in, determines which legal category it falls under.

I just tried sharing the vid and those who received the link discovered it had been deleted by the “all knowing, omnipotent, YouTube”. I am so irritated! I am wondering the same thing you are.


As I discover another great vid of yours deleted from YouTube, I wonder what, if anything, we can do to help mitigate the crap that social media is pulling. I realize I’m likely asking in vain, but please let us all know what, if anything, we can do. Thanks for all your vids. They are so well done and much appreciated.

“the current tidal wave of vaccine mandates by employers are neither legal nor enforceable”
In actual fact, “legal” is whatever the current government decide that is legal. That’s true everywhere, at all times. Many of my friends make the mistake of thinking that because they live in something that’s called “democracy” somehow it becomes less true.
In a democracy, the decision-making process may include more checks and balances than in other forms of government, but if you see signs that checks and balances are under strain when it comes to a particular issue, it’s a mistake to assume that similar checks and balances that worked for other issues will work in the same way for this one. At the end of the day, governments are actually made of people, not laws. For good and for ill, laws don’t defend themselves, people defend them. And people choose which laws they will defend when.

And demand they write comirnaty on the vax card

None of this could be happening if people refused the vaccine. If they could not make money or sell the “treatment”, they( the drug lords and elite) could not make their plan work. We would be with normal medicine and normal life. And we would be with just the alpha - and likely some variant even less by now.
It would not be happening , none of it, if no one took their deathshots. Let them know who is the cause of the problem. It’s not the anti-vaxxer.

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Frances Savica said:

Pfizer hasn’t been “approved.” Comirnaty, a brand name, has been approved, but there is no Comirnaty available yet.
So if your boss mandates it, since it is now approved, just say, "sure." A week later when your boss asks to see you vaccination card you honestly state, "it is still not available." The boss says, "There are clinics open all over the place" and you reply "yes, but none of them have the vaccine that was 'approved.' They only have the unapproved vaccines." In that way you buy time. During the time you gain, put out resumes or if you intend to move to a different location, put your house up for sale or otherwise use the time to work on your next step.

I’ve posted this several times because too many people are not understanding that vaccination is not the only way we have been ‘challenging’ the virus with treatments. We have also, worldwide, been treating many people who have had a long infection, primarily those immunocompromised, with antibody plasma. We now know that this has produced mutated virus and it’s likely some have been passed on. This alone could explain the rise of the successful Alpha and Delta strains. More on this observation here:

It’s not just women who had a jab, it’s women who had the first wild strain of the disease. I’m post menopausal and went to the Dr. when I started to have period cramps. They did a scan, found nothing and never mentioned it again. Nothing. Go away. This is getting so far out of hand. We need to know what the hell they did to this virus.

Yes please, book me a space on the next airlift out of Canada — I’m happy to sit on the floor.