Vaccines Offer Better Outcomes…

I watched this video last night and woke up thinking about how it is that collectivism would be on the other side of integrity, not on the same side. Authoritarianism, I get. Rigidity, dogma, I get. But collectivism? That one made me go "hmmm..." Maybe part of it is a semantics issue, that Chris means something other than what I am thinking. But setting that aside for a moment. The thing I keep noticing is that over and over again there is a way we end up being at odds with or cut off from the thing we actually need.

I see it in relation to the pandemic. What we need is a way to counteract the devastation of the disease in our lives and society as a whole. Yet the vaccines are adulterated, a risky strategy, whether you know it or not. And the actual treatments are denied. Either way we are cut off from what we need.

I also notice it in relation to climate change. What we need is real leadership to use the time, and more importantly the energy, we have left to transition to *some* other way of living in the world that is more in line with the balance of nature. Yet the "Great Reset" comes with these authoritarian overtones, along with a denial of the energy predicament, and again we can't just accept it at face value. Even Chris is like, "I agree with the definition of the predicament, but NOT with the HOW..." We are cut off from what we need.

Once is an accident, twice....

And now this. Collectivism is at odds with integrity. How can that be? Especially when, in all the years I've been following Chris, I've seen him offer real leadership around stepping outside of our stereotyped roles (especially the ones that perpetuate the infinite growth on a finite planet model) and band together, across all different stripes/spots/zigzags/whatever so that we can actually help each other. Because it looks to me like Chris is going gangbusters in the direction that no one person is going to survive in isolation. He's trying to build a village. Helping your neighbor. Interdependence. That's how nature works. How can that be at odds with integrity, except for enemy action?

Looks to me like the very thing we need, in countless ways, is being perverted and distorted so that we are cut off from what we need. It's a set-up. And we don't have any hope of changing that dynamic it unless we can recognize it in action.

One other thought to throw out here, and I am drawing on both my background in social science and also folks like Charles Eisenstein, but force and control got us into this mess, so more force and control (the "Great Reset") cannot possibly get us out. The idea of dominion over nature. Domination. To me, that is the opposite of integrity. Because it is the story of separation. And all we do to find our place in the whole, to tend the land where we live, foster the bees, and to re-integrate ourselves into community and into nature is acting against the entrenched idea of domination/separation.

The seeds of its own destruction are built into that system. We are watching it play out. There isn't enough energy or resources to sustain perpetual growth of a debt-based system. The old way is crumbling while some are building the new, or are returning to the ancient understanding that preceded the force/control/domination mindset. Whether you call it building resilience or call it de-colonization (as some on the left would), you might actually be talking about the same thing. The linear thinking is part of the domination/separation mindset anyway, in reality those two ends of the spectrum bend around and meet on the other side. Kind of like a medicine wheel is round, with all things being in relation to all else, nothing above or below anything or anyone else, or for that matter, left or right.  

Overall, I’m still not seeing or hearing that anyone is thoroughly testing everyone who gets vaccinated. Israel might be, but is this out of procedure, or problems? If the jab reduces symptoms, then there will be less inclination to go to the hospital. So if the question that’s asked when a patient arrives at the hospital is: " have you been vaccinated?" If so go to the no-swab line, if not go to the swab line, then we’re not seeing the true picture of what’s happening and based on that alone, the numbers will always skew toward unvaccinated being at greater risk. If these are the people presenting for COVID like symptoms and they are swabbed then that’s a different story.
Looking at the graph out of israel though, the unvaccinated have stayed fairly consistent growing geometrically rather than the exponential growth the vaccinated are demonstrating. While vaccine efficacy declines at what seems like the 3 month mark, the number of vaccinated falling ill rises at rates much higher than the unvaccinated. Effectiveness may be confering 9 times the protection of base immunity initially, but Dr VB’s scenario is playing out very clearly here which leads to a collapse in immunity. Every four months people are going to be clamoring for a new booster. And just like your neighborhood black market pharmacist, the first dose is free, then you pay. I think we’ve created a generation of vax junkies.

And now this. Collectivism is at odds with integrity. How can that be?
Really? What strange statement. Collectivism is the most atrocious, murderous, and anti-human ideology ever to plague humanity. Are you aware of how many people were killed to install communist [ i.e collectivist ] regimes around the world? Estimates exceed 100 million human lives. It is estimated that Mao alone killed 50 million human beings in order to install his communist reign. Stalin killed more. Communism makes Nazism look tame. More horror, heartbreak, and abominations have been committed by those espousing "collectivism" than any other institution ever conceived of by man. Its an ideology that denies the individual, and hence the human being's existence and dignity. We do not exist as a collective, we exist as individuals and to deny that is to deny our very existence...and once accomplished, we can be disposed of in any way desired by those in charge of the 'collective'. "Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good." - Ayn Rand

Chris mentioned that the CFR tends to double with each 7 years of age.  But why is this?  It is well-known that poor outcomes are associated with co-morbidities, but no co-morbidity data is shown.  It is also a crude observation that people tend to accumulate co-morbidities as they age.  It would be very helpful indeed to see a breakdown of outcomes by co-morbidity as well as by age.

To me, the most important take away from the graph is that those who get COVID but who are not vaccinated are far less likely to end up hospitalized, per that bottom nearly horizontal line.

I may be fishing for another word that we don’t quite have on the tip of our tongues yet, but if Chris isn’t building a collective on his farm, then what is he doing? Similarly, if Joel Salatin isn’t serving the greater good (of mankind), what is he serving?
I am not arguing in favor of authoritarianism. As I said, more control/force/domination won’t get us out of the mess because that’s what got us into this mess. But there’s a nuance I’m attempting to illuminate and examine. If Chris is aiming to build a village (not going it alone), how can the collective be on the other side of integrity (except for enemy action- meaning that what is natural, for people to depend on one another, humans have survived for millenia in tribes and clans, is being distorted in such a way as to cut us off from it)?
This is an honest question. Something I am attempting to understand.

Hi Helix,
In an earlier video, Chris discussed the one most important predictor a fatal COVID-19 outome: age. I forgot in which one this was mentioned. Hope this helps.
Take care, Dave

The obvious cases of the USSR and China show that collectivism applied at a scale too large for everyone to know everyone else ends up being maintained through force and coercion.
Collectivism of a sort applied at a Dunbar number scale with a carefully selected group of people who have the skills required to live in community is something else entirely. First of all, it is not entirely collective. There can be a large degree of mutual support and freedom with clearly defined boundaries between the community and private portions of ones life. Second, with a common interest and investment in each other as well as a significant relationship with each and every person, people will be more inclined to work towards the common good.

I guess you’d have to draw a distinction between voluntary communal efforts and a collectivist/communist/socialist government structure. I think the term “collectivism” implies the latter. It seems to refer to an outlook wherein humanity is lumped into a collective, or regarded as a single ‘thing’.
Its as true today as it was in Adam Smith’s day that society runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests. His famous quote ;
“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest.”
So, on the one hand you have voluntary cooperation fueled by self interest. On the other you have a failed political ideology that denies human nature and attempts to replace it with government mandates, violence, and coercion

Remember when we were arguing in Jan. about whether the Gibralter jab-fest was or was not the proximate cause of the Covid-19 case wave that followed? Well, regardless, we know there is a period of immune suppression/increase vulnerability in the two weeks after jab #1. Now though, the most highly (and early) vaccinated countries become our petri dish to visualize the failure of these over-specific spike protein antibody-inducing vaccines…

[Good morning, sir …]

[Have you accepted Dr. Fauci as your lord and savior?]
Is this what Biden’s “knock and talk” will look like?

My personal definition of Collectivism is the idea that the individual is secondary to the society of which that individual is a member. It is the idea that a group of people is somehow greater than the totality of the individuals which comprise the group.
In practice, it can work on a small scale, but even then only when externally-imposed changes or disruptions do not occur. Many small enclaves and communes can be effective and beneficial to the members, at least for a time, under existing circumstances.
The issue becomes completely different once it becomes involuntary on the part of the members. In other words, when you can “check in” but you can’t “check out.”
Where does the concept of “government” stand in all of this ?
As Ayn Rand pointed out, and many others after her, there is really only one feature distinguishing government from any other form of social organization, which is,
government is granted (voluntarily, by the ‘citizens’ ?) a legal monopoly on the initiation of force. In a ‘governed’ society, it is said that a person’s right to self-defense as well as some of the other natural human rights are ‘delegated’ to the government for the purpose of exercising and enforcing those rights, rather than leaving it up to the individual to do so.
As an example, a chapter of Lions Club may put together a project to help a local school build a playground, buy books, or add a computer lab. What a Lions Club cannot do is use force to exact those funds from unwilling people. Only the government can do that.
Note that simply ‘delegating’ a right to a controlling body does not imply the loss of that inherent individual right. It just means that a person allows the government to use its lawful power to exercise that right on the individual’s behalf.
Nowadays, one hears so much about things like the “right to an education,” the “right to a job,” the “right to medical care,” the “right to a decent standard of living,” the “right to equality” and so on and so on. The list is seemingly endless.
But as Ayn Rand so succinctly pointed out, there can be no such thing as a “Right” to something that only others can provide for you, because there cannot be such thing as the “right to enslave.”
A “Right” is about what an individual may do, not what others are obligated to do for that individual.
Collectivism may be all well and good, so long as it is beneficial to those who choose to practice it. Once it ceases to be voluntary, it is one of the most pernicious ideas ever conceived.
In My Opinion. Of course.
But puh-LEEZE don’t go confusing what Joel Salatin is doing on his farm with what Joseph Stalin did on his “collective” farms.
Don’t characterize what Chris M. is doing in gathering this Tribe as ‘Collectivism.’
That kind of thing just ain’t going to wash.
– Chuck

My natural antibodies are still detectable over a year later! It was revealed in the study that only 25 children under the age of 18 died of COVID-19 from the start of the pandemic until the end of February 2021. Around 61 children in all died after testing positive, but in 36 cases it was found the virus “did not contribute to their death.” But during the same time period, there were 124 suicides among children and 268 deaths from trauma, the study authors found, while noting the virus is “rarely fatal” for children.
Although this article was a little tangential to the main idea of this thread, it shows that Covid isn't a life-threatening issue for children. The idea of vaxxinating them goes contrary to scientific findings. Too bad big Pharma can't come up with a suicide vaccine they can patent and make big $$$ from. Of course, give the children play time along with adequate nutrition and security ... and suicide rates will plummet without big Pharma's magic bullets. Grover

Those of us who have been interested in “alternative” health (aka actual health) are familiar with the Wikipedia phenomenon. About 10 years ago Wikipedia became a narrative-management firm under the control of Big Pharma, deleting, ridiculing, and memory-holing any and all non-pharmaceutical therapies. The assumption is (dunno if it’s proved) that Big Pharma pays unofficial salaries to Wikipedia editors, so they are essentially Pfizer employees.
It’s remarkable to me how many people rush to inject stuff from Pfizer into their bodies. Big Pharma have lost dozens of federal criminal cases and paid billions of dollars. What for? For lying about study data, for withholding knowledge of deadly side-effects, flaunting manufacturing rules - in short, for killing patients for money. Now the serial felons come out with a vaccine, with a press release saying how great it is (sorry you can’t see the data, that’s proprietary) and people line up to have it.
Same with the FDA. Chris, you’ve noted how the Recovery Trial was a hit-piece designed to fail, and in fact they actually murdered some patients (with toxic overdoses). Again, this is common. Maybe they’ll do a Vitamin D study where they give everyone 50 IU for 2 weeks. See, Vitamin D doesn’t work, you hippies. I have NEVER seen the FDA come down on the side of a natural, unpatented therapy, especially if there is a patented drug in the wings. Either NOTHING in the natural world has the slightest effect on our health, or they are irredeemably corrupt.
Power tends to corrupt. Any centralized agency with authority will succumb to evil. It’s not a question of “getting the right people in there”. (I’ve been waiting 50 years now for the “right people” to “get in there” and “make things right”. It’s not going to happen. Ever.) The only answer is decentralization and a free market of ideas.

Atlantis gave us Freya as recorded by the Oera Linda.
Because they were insular and immune to marauding, desperate masses of people they lived in peace and were able to amass great wealth.
The outcome of this experiment was a Matriarchal society because the Feminine aspect is interested in People and the Masculine is interested on Things.
Society was run by a virgin Overmother, selected by a stable cadre of Maidens who, through scandal and the threat of Ostracism kept order, educated children and tended the Old and sick.
Excess population either became Maidens or were sent on Great Voyages of Discovery.
When Atlantis sunk, the refugees washed up on the shores from the Atlas mountains (that name again) to Denmark.
Their stable civilization collapsed as it was now beset by Masculine armies. In the North they took refuge amongst the Ingvi who latter came to be called Saxons. (This missive is written in their language, Inglish)
Is this not yet one more reason to abscond to the leGrange points so that we can once more live in islands of Peace?
But how, you ask? The puzzle pieces form before our eyes. Artificial intelligence to build the islands and the breakdown of the Physics Thrall, which insists that Gravity is King. It is not. It is an imposter; neither a “Constant” nor the dominant force in the Cosmos.
As the Whites have told us, there is no scarcity in the Cosmos. Look to Andromeda to see the veracity of that statement.

I think the hypothesis here is based on bad science: saying only 1% of new cases is from previously infected people is of no assistance when only 7% of the country have tested positive

Statistics don’t work that way: Too small a population and they are coming off a very low base.

The Greyzone published a takedown of Wikipedia, going into depth about how U.S. government-related activists promoting regime change in Venezuela downgraded Wikipedia as an authoritative (i.e., toes the official status quo line) source. They report that corporations pay people to spend all day editing Wikipedia entries. That’s how it became so horrible…

per wikipedia, there is of course the Philip Cross affair:
Some sort of entity made dutiful edits every day for 5 years from 2013 to 2018, mostly supporting imperial aggression against Syria.
“Because the purpose of the “Philip Cross” operation is systematically to attack and undermine the reputations of those who are prominent in challenging the dominant corporate and state media narrative. particularly in foreign affairs. “Philip Cross” also systematically seeks to burnish the reputations of mainstream media journalists and other figures who are particularly prominent in pushing neo-con propaganda and in promoting the interests of Israel.”
So, unfortunately, Wikipedia has been compromised and discredited on any subject that powerful interests care to intrude upon. Which means they may still be authoritative on backgammon boards or cephalopod sexuality, but any subject which has a strong money/power/propaganda valence they are not to be trusted, which is Sad.
That sort of global distributed, collective, crowd sourced effort, that was one of the great possible achievements of our Age, destroyed and traduced by the sort of low-budget shiite hasbara operations our Neo-liberal overlords easily spin up from within their sad cubicle farms.