Vaccines Offer Better Outcomes…

I think the difference is choosing to be part of a smaller collective where you are part of the decision making process vs. being coerced into one big collective where you are silenced and decisions are made for you. What’s happening with the Great Reset and big tech is a Marxist Oligarchy.

Every report assumes that one person is the same as another. There are many variables within age groups. I know under 50 more unhealthy than an 84 year old. I would like to see a report of what conditions and variables affect deaths, either vaccinated or unvaccinated. E.g. blood test results of vitamins and minerals, not even mentioning other conditions such as heart problems, blood pressure problems, diabetism etc. That would give us better results. I believe that by knowing we can treat the root problem, instead of categorizing people into age groups, thinking that people in the same age group are the same hence have those chances. .This type of report gives rise to scary regulations.

I used to sponsor Wikipedia every year, without thinking of it too much.
Chris’s example, your post, but also this Wikipage about COVID-19 misinformation (link), is the final drop for me. I will now have to rethink my yearly contributions. There are many good editors, but indeed, also some nefarious ones.
No thanks, but thanks! Yet another choice to consider!

Thread by @alexandrosM on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
Thread by @alexandrosM on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

As a microchip engineer I work on silicon that is as small as 5mm, all requiring a complex pcb to run them. If Aliens were able to put controls in vaccines then they would have a godlike technological advantage - imagine Alexander the great attacking a heavy machine gun platoon and multiply the difference by 1000000.

Two comments, US testing is just 1/15th of UK (its collapsed since Biden admin took over), don’t test - don’t tell is back again.
Second point is the first vaccine to be developed was Sputnik, it used to be deemed effective but now the data from Russia is really bad - whats going on there?

  • Think we can all see the current crop of vaccines are not good at protecting the upper airway, even if this information was suppressed or a case of 'hope over experience' in order to 'get shots in arms'. Are there any next generation candidates that are being developed that address this issue? I have seen one or two, which mostly are going the nasal administration route. More information on all this here:

Very Interesting interview worth watching.

Not sure – but maybe one of these?:

  1. They’re not really covid cases – they’re adverse reactions to continuing in situ vaccine spike protein production in vaccinated people
  2. For those who already had covid (maybe a large % of people?), the vaccine wipes out acquired natural immunity, leaving a ‘blank slate’ for reinfection of the vaccinated population

Or anticipating new data? This was v. interesting from a mainstream media source

Go to 45:00 if your impatient, but the whole thing is amazing. Pencil and paper recommended.

Maybe Masks weren’t proposed for controlling liberty, as was suggested here for many months, until the mask mandated went away with the vaccine rollouts?
Maybe they actually believe in the vaccines and also believe in personal choice about having to take them?
could be that…

If that were true they wouldnt have lied, censored information, and done everything in their power to prevent open discussion.

It may be that they just believe incorrect things. In which case its not a lie, its just peoples and groups playing out a wrong belief. For most, going all in on a private sector/ high tech solution is just what one does in capitalism. This is a belief. The correct situation may just be that this belief simply pays the bills handsomely and keeps them in good stead in their friend circles.
And even when lies are told, it deemed that the end justifies the means.
Over and over again, people, corps and govts start out with a error or small lie and then compound the issue into a tragic catastrophe by not coming clean and instead doubling down on the failure.
I think that ignoring re-purposed drugs in favor of the all in vac strategy is one of those decisions that may look insane in the future should the vaccine have serious long term negatives. It feels fairly clear to me that not pursuing HCQ and IVM early allowed this pandemic to get a permanent foothold into humanity. In that regard these people made an enormous mistake and continue to this day to justify and double down on that decision.
Maybe they have some understanding of their error, now. However early on, I suspect they felt that it was the correct path.
Should the vac escape, or have serious long term negatives, they will have further chances to double down on the error, or change course. I feel they will continue to double down for as long as they can and hope for the best for themselves.

I hear what you are saying but your logic seems like going through alot of acrobatics to avoid acknowledging that they are simply lying. People with truthful, righteous motives dont censor, lie, and gaslight their audience.
When Fauci stands up, after being wrong about every single assertion from day one, and says ‘he doesnt understand why people dont trust the vaccine’…you have to acknowledge that he is lying. He’s a smart guy, he knows damn well that he changed narratives every week, and he knows why that would cause people to distrust him. He’s trying to gaslight the public into thinking they are crazy for questioning his credibility.
People who have good intentions, who really believe in what they are doing dont do things like that. They dont shut down opposing voices, they dont go on propaganda campaigns, they dont quietly alter their previous reports, they dont lie. Only people who have something to hide do those things. Keep it simple, dont make excuses for them.

I would feel much better about Dr. Fauci…if it was not HIM, who contracted to have the SARS COV 2 virus built by the UNC-Chapel Hill lab in 2002, using both the NIH and the NIAID, to do so. The COVID19 causing pathogen was completely patented with 73 different, over-lapping, U.S. Patents…held by different companies you control…or shall purchase control of…after it receives the patent…in an attempt to make it very hard to notice by the medical underwriters, who monitor all such patents.
Imagine you wish to patent a book…but do not wish anyone to be able to know the book exists. So, you patent pages 1-12, then separately patent pages 12-30, and so on…until the entire genome is covered in several patents you control. Then, you pay an extra fee to the Patent agency to keep your patents private and secret.
Once you accomplish this, you then patent the TESTS for the pathogen…and prevent others from access to it.
Then, you patent nucleotide sequences for the mRNA serums you are designing, which you falsely state are meant to combat the virus you made and own.
Then you retain your patent owner companies, so they directly receive money from these patents, and split the profits these companies make with your other shareholders.
Finally, you pretend NOT to know anything about these things…call the twenty year old virus NEW…and direct the panicking government bodies…there is no treatment for the disease you created and financed…so you can make money from the emergency approved mRNA serums. Naturally, lying directly to Congress…to protect your hand in these things…
Dr. Fauci should be arrested, placed on trial, and executed.

People… Simply remember all the lies Dr. Fauci told, related to the origin and nature of the viral pathogen, in the beginning? “Wet Markets” “Bat Soup” “Natural Cross-Over From Animal Sources” …and how he attacked the notion the virus was a product of a lab?
This. When he has always known the pathogen was HIS OWN creation…a totally artificial, chimera, virus, which the NIH took control of its patent, directly, in 2018!
Fauci is a murderer.

If you read enough, and dive deeply enough, you realize that none of this is by accident. Of course, that is just my opinion, but I am preparing accordingly.

Thank you, Ision, that is an awesome summary of David Martin’s patent discussion.
My theory. When TPTB could no longer pretend that Sars-Cov-2 is not engineered, they needed to implicate the Wuhan Lab as much as possible. In the hope it would deflect or delay anyone looking more directly as US gate keepers.
I’m not sure I understand what David Martin was saying about the Delta variant. Was it just Variant-du-jour, and already part of a mix of endless variants, to keep up the fear factor?

Did you guys notice the FDA is so filled with corruption…its own DIRECTOR is calling for an official, Federal, investigation…of HER OWN AGENCY?
Why? Because of her agency staff approving a new Alzheimer’s drug, last month, which had not passed its required tests and trials for approval…and of the 11 approval experts, who were supposed to audit this drug…10 voted NO…while the 11th, abstained…as they could not figure out how to interpret the data submitted to them.
But, people at the FDA approved this, as yet, untested…drug to be released to the public! The Director wonders how this could be…and called for HELP!
Let me suggest, since the mRNA serums all deliver trillions of pathogenic prion proteins to each person’s brain…who had this serum injected into them…and, thereby, causing a sudden…and dramatic…increase in brain-wasting diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Lewys Body Dementia…within 2 to 4 years, getting this drug on the market NOW…making IT the ONLY specific drug available, which supposedly directly fights these diseases…would result in an explosion of money for the creating company.
Besides, the completion of all the required trails, two of which were cancelled as being FUTILE, would take TOO LONG…for the window of time remaining before the onset of the anticipated wave of brain debilitating diseases manifests.
The tests being skipped…have a duration of 5 years each…should the drug company need to prove efficiency and effectiveness of their product.
NO matter…no need to conduct any further tests…the FDA, against its own policies, has already approved this drug for use… Get in line.