Vaccines Offer Better Outcomes…

Dr David Martin, a patent lawyer, has been following the genetic manipulations for twenty years and presents a compelling case that the ‘novel’ coronavirus was essentially patented two decades ago. This recording of a Zoom conversation with Reiner Fuellmich takes us even deeper down the rabbit hole. It is well worth listening to in its entirety:
… but there is a briefer extract of the main points here:

That is a solid motive you’ve put together. Definitely a broad spectrum attack on our system going on and if that is the case, it would certainly suggest the FDA knew, and was complicit in facilitating the healthcare devastation of our country.
If only we had given them full control over our healthcare system before…

Among other things, this article tells us that SARS-CoV2 is of natural, zoonotic origin. God help us if they are playing with this monkey virus in the lab…
China reports its first death of a human from rare Monkey B virus (

From July 17, first case reported in Dallas, TX.

BioWarfare labs are into EVERYTHING… Just TRY and discover all the pathogens currently sitting in such labs…you cannot.

Dr. Fauci is just one of many guilty persons, who are involved in this great crime. Because they are now being exposed…expect the NEXT STEP to save themselves from the pitchfork take place. The shutting down of the Internet. The instigation of a horrible, black swan, event..such as the onset of large scale war. The shutting down of the entire power grid…for years. I do not think they will just run and hide.
BioWarfare labs are into EVERYTHING... Just TRY and discover all the pathogens currently sitting in such cannot.
This is exactly why there was such a quick and effective effort to discredit the lab leak hypothesis last spring. They don't want us looking too closely at what they are playing with in those labs.


Thank you for the great summary of Dr David Martin’s video. It didn’t occur to me when I watched the video but reading your summary made me wonder how Dr Martin could get hold of the patents if the agency had been given an extra fee to keep them secret. I know nothing about how patents work but it seems strange that Dr Martin got hold of them under such circumstances. Any thoughts on how this works, or did I miss an explanation in the video?

My guess is that it is the patent application that is confidential, not the approved patent.

Thank you very much for your posting with several references to leaky vaccines.
Here is a summary picture from the first Nature reference, which explains why natural honey badger infection gives more complete protection and also more completely prevents viral spread from person to person:
Fig. 2
Recently I saw some research results that reported induced presence of both mucosal IgA as well as blood IgG antibodies several months after covid vaccination, so I think that this figure may over-emphasize the lack of mucosal protection by covid vaccines from the American racketeers. By the way, (looking at the last picture above) why isnt there a spike protein based or killed virus based mucosal spray vaccine? Such vaccine should not cause blood clots. Doesnt work?
Nevertheless, this may be the main reason why young people should be allowed to get this (what is for them) a minor cold and get proper immunity instead of taking the profit driven dangerous vaccine that provides poorer immunity, poorer ability to prevent transmission, and increased death and debilitation of young people.

Bloodred and Kat43:
Patent applications are automatically published 18 months after their filing date.

  1. if the application is NOT filed in other countries, then the applicant can formally request non-publication. This is very rare.
  2. The US military scans all new applications for trigger words to see if they can use the technology to their advantage. If they find something useful (national security!!) then they STOP all prosecution and publication, leaving the applicant holding an empty bag.
But, people at the FDA approved this, as yet, untested..drug to be released to the public! The Director wonders how this could be...and called for HELP!
To effect such a crime requires the means to do it. I put before you the advantage that the manufactured humans have over us. From Dr. Jacob's book "Walking Among Us"
Well, did you ask him—I don't want to put words in your mouth, of course—where he got this jersey? How did he get it? Yes. . . . He stole it. He went to a store and got it. He didn't sneak it out; he just picked it up and walked out of there and made sure that nobody had any objection to that. “Oh, that guy's taking the shirt. Well, that's all right because it's that guy. I don't know why it's all right because it's that guy, but I know it's all right.” Do you think he's going to go purloin one again? Yeah, we got one [at a store] when we got there [the stadium]. We went in and he tried on a hat and a jacket, and then just walked out with it. The girl smiled

The fact that the head of the NIH who had been calling the shots on this “pandemic” since day one has ANYTHING what-so-ever to do with the Wuhan lab and gain of function experiments is absolutely bizarre. His emails confirm that he has a close relationship with the guy who funded the lab which is completely unacceptable.
He should have come clean about his involvement on day ONE, and the fact that the guy who funded the GOF testing in Wuhan was part of the WHO team that investigated the lab is a global outrage.
This is why we can say with complete confidence that these people are corrupt, they know exactly what they are doing, and they cant be trusted.

Apologies, I somehow switched gears to another topic in between my message the night before and the next morning.
I am aware of the Fauchi Patent and Lab leak stuff and feel that is potentially quite damning.
My original reply was related to Biden not forcing Federal workers to receive the Vac in order to work. From what I can tell, Biden believes in the goodness of the vaccine and doesnt appear to want to force the vaccine or curtail liberty at a federal level. He doesnt appear to be willing to modify the states or private sector behavior either, though.
In that regard I dont think he is in the loop on the mistakes made while he wasnt in government. That may make sense as I doubt that Fauchi would incriminate himself around his pandemic crimes and seems to have gone it alone when hosting conference calls wit the Welcome Foundation.
Found this interesting.

This is why we can say with complete confidence that these people are corrupt, they know exactly what they are doing, and they cant be trusted.
The dogma here, Brushhog, is that it must be human and that it is corrupt. The balance of probabilities is slowly swinging enexorably away from both suppositions. How could the chaotic Humans produce such a coordinated worldwide fracas, (an emergent property of instantaneous communication, perhaps?)? And who put our defenses to sleep? Why are the NSA, CIA, MIC et al giving this a free pass? The manufactured humans said that their precious plan was about to be launched "soon". They called it "The Change". Look around you. Have things "Changed"? What else did they say?
"Isn't that wonderful? "Soon we will all be together." " Soon everybody will know their place."
And they made sure nobody else worked on their case. Psychiatrist Professor Dr. John Mack stepped in front of a drunk driver's car. He too was investigating UFOs. That's how they assassinate. (They probably had a new container body ready for him; a guess). They dealt with Dr. David Jacobs by degrading his memory. Now he sits in front of a TV with his wife.  

Once a patent is granted, the content of the patent enters the public domain, no matter what its status might have been beforehand. In return for this, the invention is given protection for a period of time in the country of filing (e.g. 20 years).

Can anyone actually find the official link for the Israel data? I can’t and it seems to just come from some blokes twitter. The URL in the image points nowhere. The last thing we need is to be posting things that some goofball made in his bedroom to get attention. Not saying this is that, but we need to be careful that all data is thoroughly checked and sourced or we are going to look like a bunch of melons.

I wonder how that works with a vaccine passport concept.

Thank you Mots.

  • I don't have any links to hand but it does seem protection of the upper respiratory tract is first to go after both vaccinated and natural infection. So this Delta iteration is most likely around for the long haul unless we can work on protecting that area effectively too. I'd say the way the medium term pans out really depends on the longer term safety on these first vaccines (if anything untoward shows itself there) plus how effective they are at preventing serious illness more than a couple of months after they're administered. And of course any movement with anti-virals has a part to play too as well as the whole politics of it all. Far from clear, unfortunately.