Vaccines Offer Better Outcomes…

Well unless someone breathes with their mouth open the easiest safest and cheapest way to do this is to use an anti-viral nasal spray. There are heaps. I use Betadine iota-carrageenan available in pharmacies but I have read that you can also make your own with a dilute solution of Betadine povidone-iodine, which would be far cheaper. sorry can’t remember the exact dilution. I have also read about nitric oxide as a nasal spray. One in Israel called Sanotize (developed by a Canadian company) and a heap of others. Some of these are mentioned on our permanent thread for prophylaxis which I wish could be pinned somewhere.

Have some Boots saline ‘seaweed’ spray myself but does irritate my poor hay-fever affected nose after a few uses and then I block up at the moment. :frowning: Something as simple as gargling with salt water has been shown to have some anti viral effect too on the throat area - did link to a Scottish university study on that a while ago. All can help no doubt but not so sure to a reliably sterilizing level.

Coronavirus has been too politicised and, while I thoroughly enjoyed your early videos, I was disappointed when you started to go for some of the politically popular lines that could be dangerous. I remember that, just as the Kent variant was causing an increase of cases in the UK, you made a video saying that the increase of cases could be merely an effect of increased testing. I stopped watching your videos on coronavirus after that.
Anyway, why don’t you focus a little more on general preparations? I know you are a go-to person for many on coronavirus, and of course I would expect you to do these sort of videos. But I miss the more general practical preparation sort of stuff.

News to me - even though it’s a couple of months old.
Without this tracking, there can be no accurate stats on the breakdown of %vax vs % non-vax who get COVID, so anybody who says it’s only the un-vaxxed catching COVID - well now we know why!
As of May 1, 2021, CDC transitioned from monitoring all reported vaccine breakthrough cases to focus on identifying and investigating only hospitalized or fatal cases due to any cause. This shift will help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance

I was listening to an interview with Dr. Tess Lawrie on her analysis of the yellow card (adverse effects database in UK) data on the vaccines. During the interview, she mentioned the VigiAccess Database where individuals can look at different medicines for themselves and make up their own minds about what makes sense for them.
She brought it up when asked if Ivermectin was dangerous. Here is what I found on the database:
Ivermectin: total adverse reactions reported: 5505 since 1992, total deaths reported: 20
COVID-19 vaccines: total adverse reactions reported: 1490915 since 2020, total deaths reported: 8532
According to a google search: 3.7 billion doses of covid-19 vaccines have been administered worldwide.
According to a google search: it’s impossible to find how many doses of ivermectin have been administered worldwide. Thanks to FLCCC, I know that is more that 4 billion.
So, yeah, ivermectin is what I should be afraid of. But seriously, if you’ve never seen this database, check it out. Deaths are listed under “general disorders …”. There is a ton of data though, including events reported by age group.

I am part of an organization in which I am encouraging people to use IVM. One of the leaders of the organization just sent me this link, to an RCT out of Argentina, that concludes that IVM has no effect on hospitalization. I will be directing her to the meta-analysis (again) but would like to know if anyone else has seen this and if so, how you would respond? i.e. was it a study designed to fail? Or did they administer IVM too late in the process to see a difference (4 days)? I am in the middle of my work day so don’t have a huge amount of time to dig into it, and would appreciate it if anyone else has any insight to offer.

Two thoughts on that.
First, I have been concerned that at least three members of this site have reported that Ivermectin did not protect them from hospitalization. That was worrisome. On the other hand, as Peter McCullough notes, this disease requires more than just one drug. If you are in lousy shape, vitamin d3 deficient, overweight and so on - IVM may not protect you. Moreover, even if you are not deficient as noted above - IVM is not a guarantee against adverse results. That is just the way it is.
Two, one has to remember that we are the days of “heavily politicized science.” You have to be extremely cautious in deciding what you believe and disbelieve. You really can’t even fully trust the Lancet anymore.

I didn’t read the link, but 4 days is kind of late in the process. For optimal results you start IVM day 1 or 2. The longer one waits, the bigger the head start the virus has to multiply, the worse the general outcome is for the patient.

The first thing I noticed is that they only administered IVM for only two days, and the FLCCC protocol is for five days, or until covered so they may not have had a long enough duration of treatment. They also don’t list the dosage, which FLCCC has increased in areas with variants, if patient doesn’t respond, or comorbidities.

This is a sad tale of our times. This guy called people like me an idiot, simply because he didn’t realize that he was the subject of propaganda. That’s bad enough, but then he died from his inability to make a fully educated risk vs. reward decision on the mRNA vaccines, not realizing their dangers, nor the (safe) prophylactic alternatives.

I agree with Robin. They should have given it for five days, not two.
This is an older study and while not significant, the IVM patients did better than the placebo patients and since February (the end of this study) the FLCCC has learned a lot.
And then we go back to the risk vs. reward. What about this IVM study would make someone not try IVM? How many times have you taken (or been advised to use off label) Tylenol to see if it will relieve your symptoms? Tylenol is a lot more dangerous than IVM and as far as I know there is no RCT for the use of Tylenol in Covid patients. Why isn’t Tylenol being blocked like IVM?

This is from his Gofundme profile:

Jordan Dale Hayes, age 33, died at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City. Less than a week before his death, Jordan went to the ER with chest pains. What was found to be a small heart attack quickly led to two open heart surgeries. Complications arose and Jordan suffered multiple catastrophic strokes that ultimately proved to be too much for his body to overcome.
He was 33 years old and died from a heart attack and multiple strokes. This is why rollbacks of vaccine mandates will not be enough. There have to be trials of those responsible. And that includes members of the media.

And is the IVM from a verified source? If I were an evil big pharma tick I could come up with ways to introduce failure.

After reading the Garda link in John Holmberg’s post, I found this paragraph (emphasis added):

Israelis returning from abroad are required to quarantine at home in accordance with instructions from the Health Ministry; individuals who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 or who have recovered from the disease are exempt from the quarantine requirement, provided they test negative for the disease.
The vaccines are so effective we still want to test everyone (and hopefully, dear traveler, you had the "right" vaccine).

The vaccine has officially killed .1% of Scotland’s population.

I was surprised by the results of that trial. They did mention the median dose in the discussion:
This study has several limitations. Firstly, the percentage of events in relation to the primary outcome was below the estimate, so this trial was under powered.
Secondly, the mean dose of ivermectin was 192.37 μg/kg/day (SD ± 24.56), which is below the doses proposed as probably effective [20, 33]. Thirdly, a middle-aged population was included which, in accordance with the first point raised in this section, had hospitalization events below the 10% set at the time of calculating the sample size. On the other hand, including a population with these characteristics increases the external validity of the study. Consideration could be given to analyzing the efficacy of ivermectin in a population at high risk of hospitalization in future trials. Fourth, blood ivermectin levels were not measured, so we cannot know the bioavailability of the drug in these patients or the blood ivermectin levels that were reached. Lastly, we did not include any scale to determine the severity of the patients who were enrolled. At the time of inclusion in IVERCORCOVID19, the patients did not have hospitalization criteria, therefore, we cannot determine if the population included was mostly with a mild or moderate condition or if there was a similar distribution between both groups.

And likely the deaths by vaccine were in a much younger population than would have died from the disease.

cross posting
A couple of the IVERMECTIN studies have used low and high doses.
Too low a dose of IVERMECTIN doesn’t work well. See Vallejo Study referenced by Covid19Crusher here.
Remember that at least one (small) study demonstrated that Ivermectin was most effective if blood levels got above a specific level (160 ng/ml). You have to take a big enough dose to produce that blood level.
I am personally using the FLCCC Alliance recommended “double dose” of 0.4 mg/Kg/day x 5-7 days. This twice as much as a normal little pony would take.
If really sick, I would increase my dose to the “triple dose” of 0.6 mg/Kg/day x 5-7 days.

A quick review of other stuff that helps:
The common anti-emetic Zofran (ondansetron) turns out is a serotonin antagonist and shows benefit in COVID. Any doctor would be happy to prescribe this common medicine for nausea. Say “I am really nauseated and need a prescription for zofran.”
A more potent inhibitor of serotonin is cyptoheptadine (brand name Periactin) an anti-serotonin/anti-histamine. This is available from CanadaCloudPharmacy with a prescription, from pet supply stores, and in the USA here. (Thanks DaveF)
Anti-androgen blockers (used for enlarged prostate, prostate cancer) also down regulate TMPRSS2 enzyme genes. TMPRSS2 is a furin-like-enzyme which snips the polybasic (furin) cleavage site benefiting COVID. Enzalutamide (available in the USA for prostate cancer but costs $3,000–your insurance won’t pay for it), Proxalutamide (not available in the USA). In the USA, finasteride is about as close as we can get.
The steroid inhaler budesonide (Pulmicort) taken at the beginning of illness is helpful. (Pulmicort Flexhaler)
An NSAID like Indocin or Naproxen
And Melatonin.
And the basics: Vitamins D, C, Multi, Zinc, Quercitin

Methylprednisolone as soon as O2 saturation begins to fall. Even small drops signal vasoconstriction in the pulmonary arterioles which is the start of the lung pathology. (cyproheptadine, claritin, and methylprednisolone needed at this stage.)
If a person is getting sicker or is a high risk patient, a FIASMA class medicine may help. Fluvoxamine (Luvox) 50 mg twice daily for 14 days. Rx. Alternatives are other FIASMA class of medicines Prozac, Paxil, amitriptyline, Zoloft, Claritin or Clarinex (desloratadine)
Other stuff showing benefit:
Singulair (monteleukast) 10 mg daily. used for allergy and asthma.
Pepcid (famotidine) 40-60 mg daily. OTC
Bromhexine (found on ebay)

From their limitations write up.

At the time of inclusion in IVERCORCOVID19, the patients did not have hospitalization criteria, therefore, we cannot determine if the population included was mostly with a mild or moderate condition or if there was a similar distribution between both groups.
Since the only glaring, not significant but glaring differences is that the 4 in the IVM group that needed ventilation needed it 3 days earlier, if I had to guess the sicker ones ended up in the IVM group.

How much Ivermectin should one take for prophylaxis?
The FLCCC recommends taking 18mg/wk in its I-MASS protocol.
Were there any NEW recommendations for prophylaxis?
Thanks. Stay safe.