Vaccines Offer Better Outcomes…

I couldn’t resist looking for a quote from Hayek (author of The Road to Serfdom, i.e. socialism).
“The argument for liberty is not an argument against organization, which is one of the most powerful tools human reason can employ, but an argument against all exclusive, privileged, monopolistic organization, against the use of coercion to prevent others from doing better.”
I think this is the key issue. Organizing with other people to get something done is very powerful. Using coercion is the problem. Sometimes coercion is very explicit, as in Stalin’s collective farms. Other times it’s more subtle as in the doxing for wrong-think.

Kuwait hospital healthworkers report a majority of cases hospitalised now are fully inoculated with pfizer shots. Unvaccinated cases are only a few !
Note that the recommendation is not 18mg but rather 0.2mg/kg of body weight. 18mg would be for a 90kg person [~200lbs].

If most hospital healthcare workers are vaccinated, and the vaccine doesnt eliminate getting c19, then this could easily be true and not mean very much overall.

  1. I took a look at the study. Seems like a honest attempt. That being said I saw no data on levels of PCR testing. No mention of it being a consideration in breaking out the groups. Lower ct levels in 20’s would indicate higher spread and would suggest that intervention might have been too late. But a difference here would be very significant. Noticed high white blood cell count w IVT group. This difference wasn’t noted and no mention of testing for difference between the two groups Don’t know if that would matter as I’m out of my knowledge on the implications if any.

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“Are we seeing a jump in shingles because we have taken chickenpox out of the herd through vaccines?” ------yes. In Europe it is long acknowledged fact.