VIDEO: The Coronavirus Is The Pin Popping The 'Everything Bubble'

If Chris advises us to severely curtail our interaction with society during the probable prevalence of the novel virus in our communities, should we not simply enclose a used mask in sealable glass jar and let the sun’s rays disinfect it for us? We should not be moving about our communities during the thick of it anyways, right?
That is an excellent way to do it Bren. A glass jar or even a ziplock bag set in a window for 9 days (the length of time it takes to kill this thing without interventions) is one way to do it. That's assuming you have the number of masks needed to do a rotation like that. Not all people will. Many people are going to have to be out each day in some fashion. No matter what the authorities believe about the miracle we all can work from home, people have ill parents and family, or their job they have to work no matter what, or in my case, animals at a shelter who must get feed or they die. So we may need working masks quicker.

B.C. announces Canada’s first coronavirus death
residents and workers at residential facility test positive for Covid-2019

I’m retired, so I’m able to isolate more than most, but still need occasional fresh items from the grocery store among other occasional needs.
I’d like to sterilize things like my cell phone, credit card, car keys and watch, as well as masks. Also, we are treating mail and mail order packages we receive as suspect. None of that can be rotated for nine days.

Hi all,
These are great article’s discussions the financial precautions people can take and many of us have taken.
Apart from precious metals (in a safe locations), purely out of curiosity, I started to invest (small amounts) in crypto. My question is this: if there will be a financial disaster/reset, what would/could the effect be on crypto currencies?

I wonder if either of these have merit?

This just might work for us

The new NCP coronavirus may not show signs of infection for many days, how can one know if he/she is infected. By the time they have a fever and/or cough and goes to the hospital, the lungs are usually 50 % Fibrosis and it's too late!

Taiwan experts provide a simple self-check that we can do every morning: Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you complete it successfully without coughing, without discomfort, stuffiness or tightness, etc.,it proves there is no fibrosis in the lungs, basically indicating no infection. In critical times, please self-check every morning in an environment with clean air. SERIOUS EXCELLENT ADVICE by Japanese Doctors treating COVID-19 cases: Everyone should ensure your mouth & throat is moist, never DRY. Take a few sips of water every 15 mins at least. WHY? Even if the virus gets into your mouth...drinking water or other liquids will WASH them down through your esophagus into the stomach. Once there in the tummy...your stomach ACID will kill all the virus. If you don't drink enough water more regularly...the virus can enter your windpipes and into the LUNGS. That's very dangerous.

Thank you!

Yesterday, I ran across a statement that the average age of those who have died from the virus is 80. I think the source was MSM. I wonder about the validity of that statement?

Now I feel really safe.

Well DaveDD, I suppose it depends on what you mean by a reset since that is a pretty loaded word. If you are talking about a situation of debt defaults though and widespread bank failures then we might have some historical perspective to work with. There are no “resets” in the real world though. Economies might bankrupt over time and that has happened. But the process isn’t instantaneous as you may imagine and there would be plenty of signs along the way.
So you need to think through the mechanics of what you expect and then ask yourself step by step what would happen in order and what outcomes might follow. But if your income was affected then it is pretty certain your governments revenues will be equally impacted and if it was a widespread problem such as the 06 housing bust where tens of thousands of people went bankrupt and lost homes then probably the reset will resemble welfare and debt relief for the masses. Maybe even MMT.
But I am going to guess that you are probably a gold bug and you have bought into the gold ideology that some day soon money will become confetti and gold will soar in value and you will be solvent (and saved) while all your neighbors who don’t have gold will slip into poverty.
In that case expect the authorities to take it away from you.
And if the crisis is really huge and people rush into alternative assets to escape the ravages of taxation or flee from every form of real and imagined control (like an autocratic government then you will doubtlessly find yourself attacked financially through legal means. For that matter Bitcoin and other alt coins will probably be outlawed altogether and indeed that is also what is already happening in some countres.
The government will have its pound of flesh no matter where you live and so if your idea is to hide out under a rock with a little pile of gold or some electronic currency you will be sought out and found and taxed while the reset is happening. Because your government is broke too and might need some percentage of that money. That is also already happening. I don’t suppose you are even aware that you cannot talk about this on the internet because every word you write can and will identify you later on down the road (and my words too of course). So much for the secrecy owning blockchains!
So I can help. There is low odds gold even exceeds 2400 dollars in the next few years. Secondly, bitcoin is trash and will go to zero. Let me save you all the trouble of even worrying because there isn’t going to be a reset. Just more of the same but with added drama but life will go on like always.
Whew! You can relax now.

Bankruptcies are set to ripple across industries like wildfire. Mass layoffs will return with a vengeance.
I don't think this is the reality on the ground for normal people. Most big companies seem fine; I own blue-chip dividend paying stocks and they have hardly budged, esp in the fundamentals (PE, ROIC, Bk, PO). I'm still ahead from 12 month average. The only stocks I have that took it hard are oil stocks, and those are simply undervalued. I'm not crying, I'm buying even more oil stocks right now with dividend my dividend PO. I don't think we are even close to the Fed bumping the limits yet. I also think the virus fear is a bunch of silly panic for healthy folk. If people just ate right (no processed food, negligible grains/fruit, and instead ate lots of protein/veggies...let's call it the Taggart diet?), plus get good sleep, sun, and exercise they have nothing more to fear than the risk of driving. To me, CV is just another opportunity due to the madness of crowds.

Thank you for your well thought out reply. You look to be very informed on the subject and provided a lot of good insight. This was something along the lines of what I was looking for with New Harbor… but I won’t dwell on that. I’ve had consultations with advisors before and have a pretty good grasp on my risk tolerance profile. Right now I’m focused on hard assets more than anything. There’s a bit of blind faith that goes into this I’m sure…especially at this moment. I’m just hoping my next move will be my best move… .

I sense that very few folks here have caught the particular contagion that I am offering, which is to get excited about the anti-viral properties of mushrooms. I think having a well tweaked immune system is much more comforting than having the best protocol for mask reuse. In any event, I continue to research mushrooms and mushroom products and I have stocked up recently on the Stamets Host Defense products, which the work behind this research paper from 2019 is based on;
For context, Stamets has been working for many years to develop his own approach to organic mushroom farming. He allows the mushroom to grow on fermented brown rice as a substrate, at which point the wispy threads of mushroom mycelium become intertwined with the rice. Stamets’ products include all of this, hence he has gone to extra lengths to show that his products may actually be even more effective than those made from fruiting bodies (what we think of as the mushroom) alone.
My approach is to use both types of products, traditional Chaga preparation harvested from birch trees, as well as the Stamets lab grown stuff.

Results: Both aqueous and solid fractions of TvM triggered robust induction of CD69 on lymphocytes and monocytes, whereas FS only triggered minor induction of CD69, and IS had no activating effect. The aqueous extract of TvM had stronger activating effects than the solid fraction. In contrast, the solid fraction of IS triggered a reduction in CD69, below levels on untreated cells. Both aqueous and solid fractions of FS triggered large and dose-dependent increases in immune-activating proinflammatory cytokines (IL-2, IL-6), anti-inflammatory cytokines Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) and Interleukin-10 (IL-10), anti-viral cytokines interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-alpha (MIP-1α), as well as Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) and Interleukin-8 (IL-8). TvM triggered more modest cytokine increases. The aqueous extract of IS showed no effects, whereas the solid fraction showed modest effects on induction of cytokines and growth factors

Can you give us the symbols of the 10 best blue chip dividend paying stocks that you own? Thank you.

Hi Nairobi,
Thanks for your answer! ?
Indeed the term reset is too loaded I and should have phrased my question better. The actual question is: are there any other potential ways to protect (part) of ones savings outside of the standard systems.
Although I do own some precious metals, I’m not a gold bug, neither a crypto bug, neither am I interested in Bitcoin. There are a few very nice projects with real world use cases.
Anyway, it’ good to hear all kind of opinions as this makes me think in different ways and might open new viewpoints.

I’ve been following Paul Stament’s mycelium work in regard to immunity and also soil health for more than 5 years since first hearing him speak at a Permaculture Voices event. He is working with some solid scientists and I have been a user of his Host Defense products.

The WHO has a recipe for hand sanitizer that does not include the addition of Aloe Vera. There are a few instructional videos on YT that use this recipe and many more from more questionable content creators that include the Aloe Vera as well as other ingredients not included by WHO. Thus far I have been unable to locate the recipe on the WHO website, though it is reportedly there.

I too have been opening all packages with gloves then dumping it somewhere and leaving it for several days, if I can afford to. Otherwise using CLorox wipes on the contents.

Well the maddening thing about all this is we have no idea who has been where we tread. Someone with CV may have sat in his seat the day before… bingo. As it can live for days on some surfaces, its enough to make you dig a hole and crawl in.

Similar here, but I have not taken to wearing masks just yet, only have a few so saving them. Everything else you said I am doing same.