Vimeo Files: Chris Discusses Vimeo's Censorship of Peak Prosperity

God help us if it’s direct democracy. Think about what happens when the two warring mass psychotic tribes don’t even have a shill politician between them and their irrational whims.


I’m not sure America, as a whole has quite “dumbed down” in the last hundred years.
In my grandparent’s generation the majority of the US population didn’t graduate from HS.
Most of the uneducated lacked opportunity a hundred years ago, particularly women and minorities. However, a significant number of the uneducated are NOT capable of absorbing a high school education. In the past, many of these were people of color whose home environment brought them into school unable to speak English - can’t read if you don’t understand the words. Affirmative action made a small effort to address this with pre-school head-start type programs. If parent’s can’t provide access to language and simple numbers, the schools could do it. Turns out they didn’t. My smartest Black and Hispanic staff used to rant and rave about school experiences that didn’t give them an opportunity to develop the same English fluency as their middle class white counterparts entered school with. As long as we won’t admit that some people can’t learn, we can’t fix literacy. And of course we say only about 1/2% of the population is illiterate. Sorry, a friend with an elite startup hired my daughter as an administrative assistant. His first feedback - wow, she can alphabetize and speaks and writes grammatical sentences. Some of his elite school tech students could NOT. Most Americans now admit they never read books. They listen to podcasts because they can’t absorb complex written material. And as long as we try to target all students to overpriced colleges we will have to lower HS standards and standards at the colleges they enter. So yes, dumbing down.

This is what I have been saying. The Covid response did not uncover “problems” in the “system.” It exposed rampant systemwide dysfunction, corruption and criminality. It laid bare a system that is corrupt beyond reform. I found this article which points that out. The Covid response makes Watergate look like a minor ticket fixing scandal:

Which leads to THE question: Given all of the above, why doesn’t any journalist, editor or publisher want to be the next Woodward and Bernstein when it comes to Covid scandals? 
The Covid scandals that could be exposed by an enterprising journalist(s) are vastly larger and more important than those involving Watergate.
To cite one difference … nobody died in Watergate.
In way of comparison, the disease Covid – as well as all the calamitous responses to Covid – must have killed and injured 10, 20, 50 million (a billion?) people by now. And these casualty figures are still growing.
Nor did Watergate cripple the economy nor lead to rampant inflation. 
Nor did it lead to mass censorship and the evisceration of civil liberties. 
Also, the Watergate conspiracies and cover-ups included only a small group of Nixon loyalists in the White House, plus a few people who actually did the “dirty tricks.”
It takes no Woodward and Bernstein for the Man on the Street to realize that Covid crimes and cover-ups must have involved practically every agency in government by now. 
NIH, NIAID, CDC, FDA, the Pentagon, the FBI, the CIA, the White House, the Department of Homeland Defense, Congress, the Justice Department, the courts , judges, governors, mayors, OSHA, the Departments of Transportation, Commerce, Labor, HHS … local police departments, all the state and local health agencies, colleges, school boards … almost all of these agencies went “all in” on the bogus Covid narratives and requisite cover-ups.
Then we have all of the private sector cronies and conspirators. 
In Watergate, at least that I am aware of, Big Pharma was not implicated. With Watergate, none of the world’s major corporations signed onto the program. 
With Covid, as far as I can tell, every big company endorsed the CDC’s policy guidebook and did their patriotic best to make sure the conspiracy went off without a hitch. 
When you stop and think about it, there’s no way a “Woodward and Bernstein” could tell the story of the Covid Scandal. There’s simply too many scandals that would have to be exposed. It would take an army of Woodward and Bernsteins to break the pieces down into individual, sub-scandal components. 
Brownstone Institute

I’m afraid a lot of people are going to “wake up dead” on the other side of the collapse.


In my opinion, real journalism is all but dead. Only a handful left.


What I think “dumbed down” actually means is that students these days are taught WHAT to think, not HOW to think.


I would put the corporate bailouts you describe in the category of moral hazard.

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When You Own 90% Of The Assets In The World…

then it makes absolutely no difference to your bottom line when some of the businesses that you control as a major shareholder lose money or even go bankrupt. it’s a closed system. if one company loses money, another company makes that money. if you own both companies, you’ve lost nothing.
this isn’t about money. this is about tyranny and control of the cattle. censorship will continue to escalate, and psychiatry will be used to silence dissenters and people who voice errors/problems with the official narrative.


in today’s world, the wrong-doers never get punished. just watch. all of the people who has caused the death and maiming of billions of people around the world will never be prosecuted. the people who helped them (including politicians, ‘journalists’, doctors, nurses, CEOs, KOLs) will never be prosecuted. like many of the politicians who have recently retired with full benefits, they will never be prosecuted.
billions of people is no exaggeration. the effects of the depopulation counter-measure jab are just coming into view, and the jabbed still refused to accept the truth because it’s too horrific to imagine the consequences of their choices.


When I see the photos of the fact checkers or read their bio, all were not even born during Watergate. I see a generation of lazy good for nothings.


In Australia, the government is planning to use mRNA vaccine technology on cattle to ‘protect’ the livestock industry from disease:
What negative effect/s will this have on the cattle, or on people who eat beef and dairy products? They really want to get this mRNA shit into everything and everyone any way they can, don’t they?


An anecdote, but lots of anecdotes these days….


Have Not Listened To The Podcast Yet, But…

wanted to share with the family news from a recent freedom of information request by a Ms. Sasha Latipova. Here’s a copy and paste of a comment I made on ZH this am:
How many Americans are dying suddenly? And we have our own enlistment problems, could it be the experimental gene therapy DOD Covid Pandemic Countermeasure Operation? Letter to my senator this am:

Mr. Scott: I'm writing because I am mad as hell and want to know WTF is going on. All cause mortality is skyrocketing, disabilities are skyrocketing, publicly traded funeral homes are suddenly a fucking growth industry, young people in the prime of their lives, some of whom are elite athletes ARE DROPPING LIKE FLIES AT YOUNGER AND YOUNGER AGES AND CHILDREN HAVING HEART ATTACKS IS SUDDENLY OUR NEW FUCKING NORMAL.
Our military has been compromised, our food processing plants are subject to several sigma events increases in arsons, supply chains have been broken, we're drowning in debt, we've got fake fucking money and we're constantly being lied to
Another spectacular fail from a group of people who have abdicated their responsibility to represent the public. If not for our failed legislators none of this would have come to pass. It's completely legal for the DOD to run an experimental gene therapy operation on the American public without an iota of fucking oversight. Perfectly legal say the idiots in Washington DC.

Once again, thanks for fucking nothing.
I say we need to give them Holy Hell! If nothing else, dog their asses, cuss 'em out, give 'em a piece of your mind. We're in a war of words, return fucking fire, forfucks'sake.  

It might be possible to fix the problem if people start taking responsibility for their own health. The injected are going to have to be hypervigilant. Practically every day new studies are coming out with new pathways for harm; we’re talking every which way from Sunday and then there’s the probability we will see generational impacts.
Dr. Tenpenny is predicting a tsunami of regret this year as more and more people suddenly die or become disabled due to debilitating disease. Not crazy about Jane Ruby, but have great respect for Dr. Tenpenny:


Who think they are very intelligent. Arrogance and ignorance is hard to handle for sure.

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Just ducked in and then ducked out. But had a great time and plan to do it again, this time with a meet-up arranged.
Perhaps you could help pick a spot?
Poll time: All four of our Uber drivers had gotten the shot but regretted doing it, with 2 being fully pressured by their prior employers to do so under penalty of losing their jobs. So obvious coercion.
Anecdote time: The city seemed quiet. Too quiet. Still not back from Covid, but it felt pretty recessionary to me.


One of the saddest thing I see on a regular basis, is families out to dinner and everyone is staring at their phone. Sometimes the whole meal passes and no one says anything to another person. Little kids still vie for their parent’s attention, often unsuccessfully. It breaks my heart.


My father purchased us a set of McGuffy (sp?) readers, and I can tell you that what children were expected to read and analyze in middle school was equivalent to today’s expectations for college students. You can’t compare grade levels of the past to grade levels now…they are completely different.


What the trucker’s protest showed (and was the real challenge to government) is that people came together; the politics of division and fostering grievances fell away. The official narratives since have worked hard to minimize the coherence of disparate groups.


The Desire To Police Others…

My spiritual teacher calls it lording it over others. That is in fact why we are in this material world. We want to lord it over others. I can’t say I’m completely cured of that desire, but I got a big mouthful between raising 4 children and running a law office. I’ve lost quite a bit of the desire to lord it over others, my cup runneth over in that department. It does require detachment.

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