Vitamin D Is A Powerful Bullet Against Covid-19

Several recent studies show that Vitamin D is a powerful weapon in preventing and treating covid-19. We all should be taking it.

It’s now been clinically proven that people deficient in Vitamin D are statistically more likely to contract the coronavirus if exposed. And similarly, those with greater Vitamin D levels are statistically less likely to get it.

And a new study out of Spain shows that Vitamin D (via Calcifediol) is one of the most effective treatments that reduces the impact of those infected with covid-19. When combined with a prudent standard of care including early delivery of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, the results are pretty staggering.

How staggering?

Of 50 patients treated this way, only one (2%) required admission to the ICU vs the control group where 50% of patients required admission.

Following the recent insights about the Bradykinin pathway of transmission, we are now really starting to gain the upper hand on understanding effective ways to prevent and treat covid-19. Which should enable us to save lives AND re-open our economies.

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Great discussion on D3 …We all need levels at 70 or above. Mine tested at 124 last week and I kind of freaked out…but maybe that isn’t so bad considering the Hydroxy25 levels they had during treatment in Spain.
You mentioned in passing that Ivermectin is now your treatment of choice and there was no mention of HCQ. Could you please reveal the science behind that decision.
Always interested in learning…thanks for all you do.

Great video, but one correction: you confused ng/ml with nmol/L. The ratio is 2.5, such that:
200 nmol/L = 80 ng/ml (upper limit of optimal level)
150 nmol/L = 60 ng/ml (optimal level starts here)
100 nmol/L = 40 ng/ml (healthy level but largely without the extra benefits of optimal level such as no annual flu experience [asymptomatic])
75 nmol/L = 30 ng/ml (officially considered sufficiency but is pretty low, this is much lower than ideal as can be seen in the image below, but even just getting everybody above this level might be almost enough to end the pandemic)
50 nmol/L = 20 ng/ml (already extreme deficiency)
20 nmol/L = 8 ng/ml (a DEATH WISH, not merely deficiency!)
The most common number of the Arab women group is 4, yes 4 ng/ml!!! Any Arab/Muslim country not recommending vitamin D supplementation AND forcing women to cover their entire body, is genocidal. Yet we won’t hear the Western “feminists” talking about this! Is this what the UN was referring to in its recent tweet? Of course not.

Here is a link to more information about the study that is underway in the U.S. for OPKO Health’s Rayaldee.

Even though many breaktroughs have been made, I don’t think all pieces are in place yet. Anyway, we need HCQ or quercetine to get the zinc into our cells.  But even then, in early Chinese in vitro studies of many traditional and cheap off patent drugs (the kind of throwing spaghetti against the wall and see what sticks) many compounds, like ivermectin and HCQ were promising. (I remember artemisia and praziquel, but there were many more, a lot of them not even with western names). We have not seen many follow up studies. They are not funded. When the news about ‘covid organics’ from Madagascar, consisting of artemisia, probably coffee and/ or another tropical herb, became somewhat public, The WHO warned against it, without any research, within one day!

So I think, even if Chris lowers the frequency of his corona updates, he is not done yet for a long time coming!!!


According to the studies I read (Egypt, Bangladesh) Ivermectin seemed to have a better success rate than HCQ+AZI+zinc. The study in Egypt on close contacts had around a 90% protection rating. That was a lot better than HCQ’s result from Boulware (reimagined), which best case was around 50% protective.
That is, giving ivermectin to a close contact made them much, much less likely to get infected (7%) vs applying The Fauci Protocol (i.e. doing nothing) which resulted in 58% infected.
But there isn’t as much data behind the Ivermectin treatment as there is behind HCQ.
Both HCQ and Ivermectin are vastly better than using the aforementioned Fauci Protocol, which is all that our $42 billion dollar/year NIH has managed to come up with after 6 months of effort.
“Wear a mask, hide in the basement, and wait for a vaccine.”
And if we add this vitamin-D treatment to either one, this whole thing might be over with pretty quickly.

Serum concentrations >125 nmol/L (>50 ng/mL) are associated with potential adverse effects [1] (Table 1).

I still think HCQ is effective (in combination w/ Az + Zn, obviously) but it seems that Ivermectin is even more effective, and works during a wider window.
That’s based on not a lot of data for Ivermectin (also a combo) so far, but it’s a ‘best guess’ given what we do have.
My theory about why this is the case is based on the Bradykinin hypothesis which demonstrated a vast array of genes being switched on and off (more accurately, being up-regulated and down-regulated).
While HCQ is helpful during an early stage of the viral replication window, probably by helping zinc get inside the cells while also favorably altering lysosomal pH to block viral entry, it’s a fairly narrow window that shuts quickly.
Ivermectin, it seems, may be helpful during a wider window by preventing the virus from taking over gene expression patterns (as it interferes with the importin protein dimer shepherding process). If step one of Covid is the viral replication cycle, then step two is causing the body’s RAS-Bradykinin system to go bonkers.
So a wider window of utility, coupled to blocking the worst of the Bradykinin dysregualtion = Ivermectin(+) being a better drug for blocking the worst of Covid.
Just an hypothesis. Waiting on more data.
To be clear, I still think HCQ works - it just needs to be administered as early as possible. Post symptom onset and the utility drops off very rapidly. Meanwhile, Ivermectin has shown great benefit even to hospitalized patients.
Meanwhile, there’s really no harm in administering HCQ early and often. Here’s the first page of a big review of all the available literature by researchers without an ax to grind, apparently and refreshingly that just came out:

Oh, would you look at that? It’s safe and it works. “No credible study [has] found worse outcomes” with HCQ use. No mortality issues. It works and is safe.
So odd how it didn’t work and was so unsafe there for a while.
Yes, the people who were demonizing HCQ are awful humans. The worst of the worst. Mass-murdery types.

@Rootman Even though many breaktroughs have been made, I don't think all pieces are in place yet. Anyway, we need HCQ or quercetine to get the zinc into our cells. But even then, in early Chinese in vitro studies of many traditional and cheap off patent drugs (the kind of throwing spaghetti against the wall and see what sticks) many compounds, like ivermectin and HCQ were promising. (I remember artemisia and praziquel, but there were many more, a lot of them not even with western names). We have not seen many follow up studies. They are not funded. When the news about 'covid organics' from Madagascar, consisting of artemisia, probably coffee and/ or another tropical herb, became somewhat public, The WHO warned against it, without any research, within one day!
Yep, I'm pretty sure artemisia also works! However, I think the concern about malaria developing resistance is a real problem (artemisinins and their peroxide bridge are the #1 malaria treatment), and we've already screwed (or allowed our alleged leaders to screw) Africans quite enough, so why not stick to vitamin D, HCQ+zinc, ivermectin, NAC, maybe azithromycin/doxycycline, CDS...
@davefairtex But there isn't as much data behind the Ivermectin treatment as there is behind HCQ.
Yep, and more importantly, there is a bunch of totally FAKE SCIENCE behind the anti-HCQ studies, and it's extremely important that they get exposed and shamed by decent people everywhere (and those who administered, was it 3600mg, need to be put behind bars). So to my mind, HCQ should be pushed at least equally hard as ivermectin (because, as Chris put it, "Yes, the people who were demonizing HCQ are awful humans. The worst of the worst. Mass-murdery types"), along with vitamin D. They all work extremely well. Another great one is chlorine dioxide, which is already #1 in the Hispanosphere and approved in Bolivia, but is a harder sell (more previous propaganda against it and strong threats against its promoters, therefore harder to study, and it's also harder to use), at least in the Anglosphere.
@Chris Martenson To be clear, I still think HCQ works - it just needs to be administered as early as possible. Post symptom onset and the utility drops off very rapidly. Meanwhile, Ivermectin has shown great benefit even to hospitalized patients.
Great points, so ivermectin is probably #2 after vitamin D, though we have few studies to point to, but conversely the official narrativists have no fake anti-ivermectin studies to point to in their fake news, at least not yet. The side-effects of low-dose prophylaxis also seem to be almost non-existent (same with the others i.e. vitamin D, NAC, CDS), though the false narrative to some degree has it that HCQ is dangerous at any dose.
VeganDB12 vit d level how much is too much Serum concentrations >125 nmol/L (>50 ng/mL) are associated with potential adverse effects [1] (Table 1).
COMPLETE LIE!! Absolute rubbish using outdated data. 60-80 ng/ml is where it's at, and as Dr. Mercola explains in this article: "Warnings about “excessive vitamin D intakes” being dangerous are misleading and unwarranted, as toxicity has not been demonstrated until you hit blood levels above 200 ng/mL (500 nmol/L)". >100 ng/ml is where toxicity may start, but there are other factors at play such as magnesium, vitamin K2, vitamin A sufficiency. >200 ng/ml is definitely toxic. So as Mercola says "there's a significant margin of safety, even if you manage to exceed the optimal range." Even 100,000 IU per day can be taken for a few weeks without significant toxicity effects, and the main toxicity effect is unwanted calcification (calcium depositions in bad places like arteries and glands) which is caused by magnesium deficiency (and to a lesser degree vitamin K2 deficiency). So if you take ridiculously high doses of vitamin D (appropriate if you have a deficiency and get Covid or some other infection), you can counteract any toxicity effects with magnesium supplementation (a great idea anyway as most people are deficient and strong deficiency causes anxiety and fatigue).

I remember ten or fifteen years ago reading about doctors, perhaps in Australia, curing serious infections with Vitamin D doses like that, 100,000 units. But in a brief search now I don’t see that.

From NYC Small Business Services announcement;
Early Guidance for Indoor Dining
Restaurants will be allowed to reopen for indoor dining beginning on September 30th.
They will be subject to rigorous inspection protocols and strict occupancy limits. Some requirements for restaurants include:
  • Serve customers at a maximum of 25% capacity
  • Conduct temperature checks at every front door
  • Collect Test & Trace data from at least one customer at each table
  • Close bar tops for seating
  • Offer COVID-19 protections like PPE for employees
  • Space tables six feet apart
If New York City hits 2% in COVID-19 positivity rates, the City will immediately reassess.
Once indoor dining begins, the public will be able to call 833-208-4160 to make a report or text VIOLATION to 855-904-5036.
This new normal (?) sounds like a reasonable community oriented safety measure, but it also seems to be one step away from Total Information Awareness (TIA) (thank you General Poindexter) oh I mean Terrorist Information Awareness.
"You will be vaccinated, resistance is futile"--I Hugh

The malaria resistance occurs against the single extract artemisinin. Artemisia annua (the plant) has a ridiculously complicated number of components to it, and - perhaps for that reason - the little malaria bugs do not seem to be able to develop resistance against all the different things that the A Annua plant came up with to defend itself. Theoretically anyway.
Case study where a bunch of patients had resistant malaria, and DLA (dried leaf Annua) tablets fixed them right up. Artemisia annua dried leaf tablets treated malaria resistant to ACT and i.v. artesunate: case reports
So when "science" extracts one component, you get resistance. But if you just drink the tea, or take dried leaf annua (DLA), there's no resistance. At least theoretically. They are doing a trial for A Annua vs COVID-19 (HCQ+AZI,ivermectin, A Annua), but of course they are slow-walking the trial. It wont complete until May 2021. The usual trick. Couldn't possibly do a 30 day trial for a 14-day treatment during a pandemic. You know, like the one they did for remdesivir.

I recently bookmarked the link below after I wandered off on a different research track down parasite lane. This article has several links which are of value if one has the time and interest.
Also, I found this interesting:

Two major antimalarial drugs widely used today came originally from indigenous medical systems, that is quinine and artemisinin, from Peruvian and Chinese ancestral treatments, respectively. Thus ethnopharmacology is a very important resource in which new therapies may be discovered. The present review is an analysis of ethnopharmacological publications on antimalarial therapies from some Kenyan medicinal plants.
You can download the PDF version (at the link above) or just look at Table 2 for a summary of data related to each plant investigated.

Seems like I remember somebody saying sunlight and fresh air might be effective for treatment and prevention of covid, and getting horribly criticized over it…hm.

I thought I’d share this small study done in Michigan published in the Public Health Policy Journal where 107 patients were treated with nutritional and oxidative therapies with good success. This also feels to me like an approach that should get more research (but probably won’t because it doesn’t involved expensive drugs).

Prof. Raoult recommended this site as the most complete review on HCQ studies:

YMMV and I’d really like to hear if anyone has discussed an early treatment plan with their doctor if they get exposed. Below is my story:
I recently asked 2 doctors and a nurse practitioner in my local hospital and clinic what would happen if I called up and said I was exposed to SARS2. The similar looks on all 3 of their faces independently was both priceless and at the same time not reassuring:
What happens if I believe I’ve come into contact with an infected person and start to feel ill?
You isolate and see if you get better.
Are there any medications you are prescribing or are allowed to prescribe? Your early post exposure treatment is…
(perplexed furrowed brows) “Nothing until it progresses. Not unless/until you need to be admitted.
All three of these medical providers responded almost the exact same way.
So my wife and I ordered drugs from India and we have a few z-packs hiding in the fridge.
And we take our daily quercitin & D3 and get out in the sun often.
I kinda hope I don’t have to eat the equine Ivermectin apple paste. And we can’t find doxycyclene without a script from India.
Stupid America making me hit the grey market for my health care.

Dave I could not agree with you more. I call our present condition the result of Piss Poor Public Policy. It’s hard watching it happen in real time.
Went to Bitchute today and listened to RFK, Jr. for quite a while. The guy’s a walking, talking encyclopedia of statistics, business/medical practices, and environmental toxins. He discussed the Lancet retraction on HCQ and quoted the Lancet Journal editor and an editor of another top medical journal. Both editors claimed the journals were no longer reliable because they were beholden and controlled by pharmaceutical companies and collateral allies. Not sure if the clip below discusses the medical journals, but lots of surfing opportunities at this link:

Yes, we are living in the realm of crimes against humanity. Just look at the all the un-necessary deaths as a result of the lock downs, For every one percent unemployment rates there is a certain number who commit suicide, a certain number who end up in prison, a certain number that engage in suffer from domestic violence, a certain number that abuse intoxicants, etc. There is a great human cost to shutting down society!
F-Face-Fauci has known since 2005 that: “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread”
A fifty dollar fix and no need to shut down society. These people are not stupid. They knew what they were doing.
Unfortunately we are living in a time where we are subject to a two-tiered justice system. One system for MainStreet and one system for the elite, and it’s global.

Hey guys, ya’ll can watch Chris’ briefing here: