Vitamin D Is A Powerful Bullet Against Covid-19

And if we add this vitamin-D treatment to either one, this whole thing might be over with pretty quickly.
Over... until the "big one" hits that Fauci has alluded to. Who knows what they're coking up as we speak with all the knowledge they gained about this one.

Of course I agree with you, but to some extent it’s a set-up. I mean, why do you even begin to think (and I know you especially don’t) that someone other than yourself should be a reference for your health? Doctors? The medical services/establishment? They are part of your toolbox, or to borrow a saying from our President “They are what they are.” Just something to use.

Well, this is what they call a crisis of confidence in institutions. Six months ago I just blithely assumed that the pandemic preparedness folks in government - the ones we give $42 billion per year to - would actually try to deal effectively with a pandemic when it arrived. Because, you know, humanism, western rational thought, that sort of thing. Most people are good, etc.
[An aside: a black friend of mine - very sharp guy - just laughed at me. “Wait, so you’re telling me the system is rigged against you? Now you are getting a taste of what we’ve dealt with for the last few hundred years.” He’s sore because the GI bill didn’t apply to black service members. Apparently the GI bill was the single largest boost out of poverty in the last 100 years. And blacks were deliberately cut out. By the Democrats. I digress.]
Anyhow, yeah, I’m sore because I was tricked. Or just foolish. Or didn’t look hard enough. I sent my mom off to a doctor who basically killed her with “standard of care” chemotherapy. This makes me very upset - now that I realize that The Fauci Protocol for Cancer is almost certainly just as useless [and a LOT more expensive] as The Fauci Protocol for COVID-19.
“Wear a mask, hide in the basement, wait for the vaccine.”
So now I say, Defund the NIH. They all need to go. Replace them with people who care about Americans. Who can only run trials on off-patent medicine and nutritional supplements. Who can’t work in industry for at least 10 years after leaving government service. And who can’t get patents in the field and cash in later.
Until that happens, I now know with certainty that we are all on our own. I can see all their tricks, how they game the system, what the setup is, and who they are working for.
So that’s a plus. Someone once said, “you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” And that’s where I am today.
I just still feel a bit foolish.

Exactly, I have lost a lot of faith in the medical system over the years. I’ve been burned too many times, out of doctor neglect, arrogance, lack of knowledge, and even intentionally hurt. And others I know have been through similar experiences. It’s not that all doctors are bad; many, probably most, are good. But the system is not set up for your benefit.
You need to be responsible for your own health. Doctors don’t own your health; you do, using the power of the internet. Doctors are tools to be used by you. You are in control, not them.
The only difficult part of this is that doctors hold a monopoly on issuing medication so you can’t just go buy whatever you want, at least here. As we have seen with Covid, the system will actually deny you the medicine you need.

a pinch of Anthrax ought to do it.
Side thought: if geneticists are so good, why don’t they use CRIPR to turn the vitamin c producing gene back on?

“As we have seen with Covid, the system will actually deny you the medicine you need.”
I noticed this as a significant milestone as well. I wouldn’t be surprised to see it shown that this sort of thing has happened before, but I still experienced this as as an “oh shit” moment. I had always thought I was dealing with a slow moving bureaucracy but not one that aimed to actively harm me.

And the police forces will keep you in line, because that is their job, to protect property and maintain order.

To Dave, Mark, OOO, and whotthecurtains: I’m not sure where you guys are on the vaccine information highway, but it’s a long highway! One of the secure places to get negative vaccine information is on Bitchute, which I hope one day replaces Youtube.
The vaccine inserts are a great place to start for information, and google may let you read the inserts, but for sure you could find them on duckduckgo.
I have posted this USSC case several times here on PP. Not sure if anyone has taken the time to read it. The majority opinion is much shorter than the dissent. This is the case where the US Supreme Court says we cannot sue a vaccine maker for product liability. It’s against the law! Here it is again for your reading pleasure:
In last nights briefing from Chris, he intimated there is no need for a vaccine when we have the cheap and effective with mild to zero side effects treatment available. Looks like Massachussett is gearing up for mandatory vaccination, just like Virginia, and just like NY and probably California.
Is there where we draw the line?

…we could get doctors back into some version of private practice.
A couple of determined, intelligent individuals with MDs that would be willing to hang up their shingles on the wall and open a practice.
Even if it was community sponsored or a variant of affordable concierge medical service parallel to the mostly employer provided insurance schemes, it would allow alternative approaches to the over-priced and bloated BS I’ve been paying into for the last 25 years.
It might almost be cheaper and easier to just go to medical school myself for the betterment of my own family, but who in their right mind would go $250k-$500k in debt to become a doctor today? No offense if you are doing or have done that, but jeez.
My belief is that ANYONE who can get a B average in med school shouldn’t have to pay for it, but I also believe that Americans shouldn’t have to choose between going hungry or bankrupt without health insurance and receiving medical treatment.
Naive is sometimes my middle name though.

The private practice of physicians is highly regulated. In 46 states it is a crime for an MD to offer any treatment for cancer other than surgery, chemo or radiation, even if previous treatments have not worked. The MD can lose his/her license, pay a 10,000 fine and get up to 5 years in prison in some states.
Look at how MDs are being regulated in regard to HCQ. They are being told what the protocols are for Covid: send the patient home and wait till it gets bad enough to be admitted into the hospital. I don’t think the “go home and wait it out” treatment program was developed by MD’s in the clinics, hospitals, and GPs. No, that is an on high, top down command. Some MDs are trying to buck this system but many risk losing their license or their job. At least one of the doctors featured in the video below has lost her job.

Pappy, don’t forget to take zinc along with your quercetin!
P.S, if your fish need doxycycline, or your birds need azithromycin, you may want to check out:

Hat-tip to user @Debu who just sent me this:
Australia is now aggressively blocking HCQ shipments into the country destined for citizens.
Look at that quote from the official about people wasting their money. She could have said something diplomatic like “We know people are concerned but these are prescription meds and that system needs to be respected”.
Instead the government is fucking mocking its own people who they know are scared.
Debu is a fellow Canadian who, like me, is waiting on an order of HCQ from Sunil at IndiaMart.
Americans on PP seem to be getting their shipments but ours have been at Canada Customs for about 5 weeks now.
Any other Canucks get theirs yet? Canadians are all about following the rules. I could see this stuff getting blocked without anyone even feeling the need to acknowledge or discuss it.

My canadian experience: My ivermectin came in 2 weeks from Suni, (it was a small package and an afterthought); my Hcq + order is still in transit after 4 weeks, supposedly now in Canada posts hands.

First, we miss your daily, then weekly Covid findings. Thank you.
The attached photo shows the laboratory effectiveness of the three zinc ionophores: 1.) Chloroquine, 2.) EGCG (Green Tea Extract) 3. Quercitin (Onions, capers).
Your concluding video states Hydroxychloroquine data shows that it works with zinc. But we cannot buy this over-the-counter in the US. Quercitin can be easily bought at any health food store and you recommend it. My doctor at Kaiser will not prescribe Hydroxychloroquine it to me because it is not written in his company’s book for Standard Of Care!
But you are silent on EGCG which in the laboratory is slightly less than Chloroquine but more effective than Quercitin. You are also silent on Quinine which came from Peru, then smuggled to Indonesia and used by Brits in India until synthetic Chloroquine was invented as cheaper. Then, Hydroxychloroquine was invented as both cheaper and fewer side effects.
Please, please, can you make a statement about the readily available EGCG? Thank you. And at what dose of Quercitin & EGCG?

“Regulation is the problem” you say? There is a long history of private physicians that are persecuted because of non-compliance of their therapy with a (corrupt) medical board (I guess you could call them regulators). I’ll go out on a limb here and say by my light many if not most medical boards have long been captured by big capitalist Pharma corp with a willing if not naive police force at their disposal. Let loose the dogs of the war on cancer, the war on physicians and the war on patients. Medical totalitarianism is “more like” the problem dude.
The reality:
vs. the glossy brochure version:

Despite media pressures to the contrary apparently some New York treatments provided retrospective analysis of Hydroxychloroquine with and without Zinc to see the he ionophoric usefulness of the treatment.

There has been significant interest in the use of zinc sulphate to treat and prevent COVID-19 infection and its use is being considered in several trials (NCT04326725, NCT04377646, NCT04370782, NCT04373733, NCT04351490) [9, 17, 18]. To our knowledge, we provide the first in vivo evidence on the efficacy of zinc sulphate in addition to hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 patients. The main finding of this study is that the addition of zinc sulphate to hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin was found to be associated with a decrease in mortality or transition to hospice among patients who did not require ICU level of care, but this association was not seen for patients who were treated in the ICU. This result may reflect one of the proposed mechanisms by which zinc sulphate may provide protection against COVID-19. Zinc has been shown to reduce SARS-CoV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity in vitro [14]. As such, zinc may have a role in preventing the virus from progressing to severe disease, but once the aberrant production of systemic immune mediators is initiated, known as the cytokine storm, the addition of zinc may no longer be effective [19]. To further examine the ability of zinc to prevent viral replication and disease progression, future studies should measure viral RNA levels in clinical specimens before and after zinc administration. Our findings suggest a potential protective effect of zinc, potentially enhanced by a therapeutic synergistic mechanism of zinc sulphate with hydroxychloroquine, if used early on in presentation with COVID-19.
Didn’t a little bird (C.M. Perhaps) whisper all this in our collective ears long ago?
Thanks! I hope it someday leads to availability for the public.

@OC Mark The attached photo shows the laboratory effectiveness of the three zinc ionophores: 1.) Chloroquine, 2.) EGCG (Green Tea Extract) 3. Quercitin (Onions, capers). Your concluding video states Hydroxychloroquine data shows that it works with zinc. But we cannot buy this over-the-counter in the US. Quercitin can be easily bought at any health food store and you recommend it. My doctor at Kaiser will not prescribe Hydroxychloroquine it to me because it is not written in his company's book for Standard Of Care! But you are silent on EGCG which in the laboratory is slightly less than Chloroquine but more effective than Quercitin. You are also silent on Quinine which came from Peru, then smuggled to Indonesia and used by Brits in India until synthetic Chloroquine was invented as cheaper. Then, Hydroxychloroquine was invented as both cheaper and fewer side effects. Please, please, can you make a statement about the readily available EGCG? Thank you. And at what dose of Quercitin & EGCG?
Great data, thanks. The y-axis numbers can't be seen, is it a log or linear scale (looks linear)? Does it say the doses used? Where did you get it from? There's an issue with EGCG to consider which is that the tea plant is good at absorbing heavy metals that may be present in the soil, so you need organic and non-China to be fairly certain it's free of heavy metals.

Observational study from 2015:

A Reverse J-Shaped Association Between Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality: The CopD Study

DOI: 10.1210/jc.2014-4551

The 25(OH)D level of 70 nmol/L was associated with the lowest cardiovascular disease mortality risk. [….] At the higher extreme (∼ 125 nmol/L), the hazard ratio of cardiovascular disease mortality was 1.3 ”

Yes Dr, Mirkin also warns:
Large Doses of Vitamin D Can Cause Bone Loss
Vitamin D is harmless in your body when it is bound to vitamin D receptors and carrier proteins. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 1986 Oct;63(4):954-9). However, having extra vitamin D floating in your system overwhelms vitamin D receptors to cause a marked increase in calcium to be absorbed from your gut (Am J Clin Nutr, 2004 Dec;80(6 Suppl):1689S-96S) and removed from your bones to cause high blood calcium levels (Oman Med J, 2011 May;26(3):201-4) that can bind to and damage every cell in your body. Excess vitamin D causes high blood calcium that can cause bone loss, brittle bones and bone pain. Vitamin K2 helps to keep calcium in bones. High levels of vitamin D also cause low levels of vitamin K2, with resultant loss of bone (Med Hypotheses, 2007;68(5):1026-34), and also cause loss of vitamin A.