Vitamin D Is A Powerful Bullet Against Covid-19

^ That is all goal-oriented “science”, because vitamin D vastly decreases Big Pharma profits. All you have to do is not control for (known) confounding factors such as magnesium and vitamin K2 status, or some other trick. They mention depletion of K2 and vitamin A without talking about vitamin K2 deficiency, and they ignore the all-important well-proven role of magnesium (sufficieny/deficiency) in calcium metabolism.

The 25(OH)D level of 70 nmol/L was associated with the lowest cardiovascular disease mortality risk. [….] At the higher extreme (∼ 125 nmol/L), the hazard ratio of cardiovascular disease mortality was 1.3 ”
So they're saying, instead of avoiding vitamin K2 and magnesium deficiency (both quite common), you should lower your vitamin D level to sub-optimal in order to "decrease your risk" of calcium metabolism dysfunction... when in fact it would increase it. These are the same people that will tell you that cholesterol (rather than things like vitamin D deficiency, trans fats, and high-carb diets) causes CVD, which is completely false: As I explained in post #8 above, as Dr. Mercola explains, "Warnings about “excessive vitamin D intakes” being dangerous are misleading and unwarranted, as toxicity has not been demonstrated until you hit blood levels above 200 ng/mL (500 nmol/L)". All the real/honest studies show the ideal range to be 50-80 ng/ml (125-200 nmol/L), and even if you exceeded that above 100 ng/ml, it won't be a problem unless you have magnesium or K2 deficiency, magnesium deficiency being very common. However, @T from Denmark, you signed up to warn us about something you thought is true and relevant, and for that I appreciate your effort.

It stands to reason that mega-doses of just about anything can cause problems over the long haul. I imagine taking supplemental vitamin d, if you can’t be out in the sun is a really good idea. And if you have covid taking large doses is unlikely to hurt you and will likely help.
I know a guy who over-dosed on carrots. Had to be rushed to the hospital. I don’t know if it was too much beta carotene or all the roughage…but either way, it has always stood out to me that too much of a ‘good thing’ can be a bad thing!

A true but probably useless (personal) anecdotal fact: I had a friend during my young kid years that had a strong orange hue. Yes, he really did like carrots, a lot.