The test kits currently being used to test for covid-19 infection are too different from one another, and many have sensitivities set so high that they are giving too many false positives. We need to standardize on tests that will actual give us accurate information.
Second, let’s talk bad testes.
The data is in, and it doesn’t look good for men who get sick with covid-19. Severe cases appear to do serious damage to the seminiferous tubules of the testes, which produce and regulate testosterone. We don’t yet know what the effect, lasting or otherwise, this damage may have on fertility.
But this underscores our longstanding advice: you don’t want to get this virus if you can avoid it.
GET YOUR RESILIENCE SHIRT! If you want your own RESILIENCE shirt to proudly wear like Chris & Adam, click here.
Neither the disease mechanism nor treatments for COVID-19 are currently known. Here, we present a novel molecular mechanism for COVID-19 that provides therapeutic intervention points that can be addressed with existing FDA-approved pharmaceuticals. The entry point for the virus is ACE2, which is a component of the counteracting hypotensive axis of RAS. Bradykinin is a potent part of the vasopressor system that induces hypotension and vasodilation and is degraded by ACE and enhanced by the angiotensin1-9 produced by ACE2. Here, we perform a new analysis on gene expression data from cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from COVID-19 patients that were used to sequence the virus. Comparison with BALF from controls identifies a critical imbalance in RAS represented by decreased expression of ACE in combination with increases in ACE2, renin, angiotensin, key RAS receptors, kinogen and many kallikrein enzymes that activate it, and both bradykinin receptors. This very atypical pattern of the RAS is predicted to elevate bradykinin levels in multiple tissues and systems that will likely cause increases in vascular dilation, vascular permeability and hypotension. These bradykinin-driven outcomes explain many of the symptoms being observed in COVID-19.
Dear All,
CT value is usless as regarding the nature of the sample for diagnostic cases, a swab that collects debry and touches epithilium, is an heterogenous sample ( CT values exists and are usefull in homogenius sample). Then an ARN extraction is performed, efeciency of the extraction will variate from extraction to extraction. Then a reverse transcription takes place (ARN to DNA, this will vary in efficiency). Is not the test only thing that matters is the nature of the sample specially.
I have tried to tell those I know, who don’t think this is a big deal, its not about the deaths. But more about what it does to those who survive. I would have been focusing here if I were a medical researcher…
In an interview from David Icke (I know, I know…) by Brian Rose on Londonreal, Icke said the PCR allowed to create (my own words) new waves at will (in order to push vaccination and control of populations) just by increasing the number of cycles. With the PCR test you can create possitive cases even where there aren’t any… Looks like he was right back then about the unreliability of PCR tests.
"Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. Source:
In addition to Covid-19 infections, try to avoid children or friends with baseball bats and golf clubs (as frequently seen in videos on America’s Funniest Home Videos), among other things, and be particularly mindful around children trying to bust open a piñata. Not particularly in the scientific spirit of this thread, but practical advice nonetheless, IMO.
Some years ago PCR tests were being used to look for chlamydia in koalas. This is an STD that was posing a huge threaten to koala populations.
The researchers found that the more cycles they ran, the more koalas had chlamydia, potentially the entire population. They had to set a limit on the number of cycles. I don’t know what the limit is or how it was set.
BTW, they found that doxycycline, an antibiotic used to treat acne, was 97% effective in treating chlamydia.
I am determined to NEVER get this virus.
Simply stated: DO NOT mess with my gonads! Every discussion concerning my Johnson and in particular the testes is met with immediate cover up and a protective response that is immediate and most concerning. This Virus is now hitting below the belt and if marketed properly would get every Man wearing masks, gloves, hoodies and any other protective response just to stave off any attacks on his primal biological reproductive organ. This Virus is getting real personal now, time for a Vaccine.
Peace and have a safe and healthy Holiday weekend.
PS: In grade school we used to practice a dive and cover response to a possible nuclear attack. I think it’s time to dust off this old method and use it to add security for the possible attack on my testes. The worst that could happen is I would feel better for the effort.
Note: Levity has its purpose and I too use these type reports to shake off some of the stressors we seem to have all at once these days.
You are right and I’m trying to avoid Covid-19 also.
It is hard to forget, however, that the way we eat kills far more people per day than Covid-19 does. Point of fact, the coexisting conditions people talk about exacerbating Covid-19 are all diet related.
Those little blue pills men start taking in there 50s, to facilitate sexual function, are needed to combat one of the symptoms of cardiovascular disease.
Cardiovascular disease is a direct result of consuming foods containing cholesterol and/or fat. CVD is not age related, it’s related to the number of years on the Western or Standard American Diet.
Covid is bad, but it will never be as bad as what we are currently doing to ourselves.
We know the statistical likelihood of developing most of the “diseases of civilization” increases with eating unhealthily (as well as with not exercising correctly). Let’s say we all eat according to the recommendations of The China Study or something similar and exercise correctly as well. In your studies, have you come across any information about the most common causes of death for people who eat better? Offhand, I’ve never seen any information like this but I was just wondering if you have.
Obviously, even the people eating the healthiest are going to eventually die. So compared with those eating unhealthily, I’m wondering what the most common causes of their deaths are or is it just a matter of gaining a number of additional years of life?
In Professor Raoult’s hospital they are double checking people who have been PCR-tested positive in other centers. He says they find 30 to 40 % of false positives because of different criteria and calls for a harmonisation of the criteria. All these false positive people suffer from the stress of having caught Covid19 for nothing, the contact tracers then scare all the people they have been in contact with, all for nothing…Source:
This morning in the community garden, I was walking up the dirt road to the refuse pile with a bucket full of weeds. There were only three of us in the garden at the time. I walked past a guy who was bending over at the waist and sweating profusely and with no shirt on. He was about 50 years old, I would say. It’s pretty hot here on the south Georgia coast.
I stopped and asked how he was doing. I was at a good 20 ft distance from him and the wind was blowing away from us. He responded, “you better stay back, I’m positive.”
I said, “you are positive, what do you mean?” He said I’m “COVID positive.”
He didn’t have a mask on. Neither did I. The last thing I expected to encounter in the garden was somebody with COVID. I stepped back a step.
I asked, “how long have you had it?” He responded with, “three weeks, I’ve tested, positive, twice now.”
I asked if it was in his household too and he confirmed his wife had it too but she was recovering.
I asked if he was sick. He said he was never really sick … just felt very similar to when he was in his late teens and caught Mono… no energy. Just flattened by a wall of lack of energy for the past 3 weeks. Said his energy level had just been flattened.
But, he said he was “returning to work next week.”
I asked, “have you tested negative?” He said “no.”
I inquired, “aren’t you required to test negative before returning to work?” He replied with “no, the rules have changed. Now, you are only required to wait ten days after your last positive test and be asymptomatic for three days.”
I told him, “you had better go home and go to bed. You may pass out.”
He said, “yeah, I know.”
He did not look well, at all.
I walked on down to the refuse pile, poured my weeds in, and headed back to my garden plot. In the distance, I could see that he had gotten into his truck and left the garden.
I immediately went to my car and used hand sanitizer, then headed home and took a shower with soap and hot water.
What are people thinking?
OK, so those with a Ct greater than 33 aren’t contagious. But what does that mean across the period that the person was infected? Remember that most tests are on people who are symptomatic (though not necessarily from Covid-19). Could they have been contagious at one stage? Presumably, the test cannot detect RNA that isn’t there? If it simply too low to be contagious, is that because it could be very early in the disease or very late? If the latter is true then of course they should be contact traced as others may have contracted the virus from this case earlier.
I am determined to NEVER get this virus.
Simply stated: DO NOT mess with my gonads! Every discussion concerning my Johnson and in particular the testes is met with immediate cover up and a protective response that is immediate and most concerning. This Virus is now hitting below the belt and if marketed properly would get every Man wearing masks, gloves, hoodies and any other protective response just to stave off any attacks on his primal biological reproductive organ. This Virus is getting real personal now, time for a Vaccine.
Probably a better plan for tomorrow is making sure you have high vitamin D levels, don't have metabolic syndrome / insulin resistance / glucose metabolism dysfunction / obesity / eat junk food, don't have nutrient deficiencies, and have the effective treatments available (HCQ+zinc, ivermectin, NAC, CDS...), so that if you contract the virus, there is no chance it'll ever reach your private parts. Sitting and waiting for a vaccine from people and institutions you cannot trust is in a sense the opposite idea of a good plan for tomorrow.
Cardiovascular disease is a direct result of consuming foods containing cholesterol and/or fat. CVD is not age related, it’s related to the number of years on the Western or Standard American Diet.
CVD is not caused by cholesterol or (saturated/animal) fat, it's caused by high-carb high-trans-fats processed junk food diets (especially SAD as you say).
Watch this entertaining/humorous exposé of the cholesterol scam:
So, a few questions occurred to me after this video. What does it mean to have any SARS-Cov-2 virus in your swab? Are you just starting out with the disease or well into the back-end of the disease? In either case, could you have, or will you, spread it to others? Does it do anything for the confirmed case numbers and the case fatality rate (if there are really 90% fewer cases, then the case fatality rate is way, way higher than thought)?