Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

dont be shy, present your evidence…

Wow, that would be a huge banger if true!
Behaviour would definitely fit regarding to try shadow banning search results.
Looking forward reading your evidence and perspective.

As a new contributor I cannot upload my pdf and excel sheet…


  1. Differences in all tree crown parameters are significant. This shows that TREE 6 has been manipulated. Alteration of TREE6 can only relate to the relative blind spots of H1 and H2 sniper teams.

  2. The only reason to alter TREE 6 is to cover the fact that H2 did not have a view of Crooks either climbing on to the roof nor accessing the rooftop of building 6, from where he took the shot.

  3. TREE 6 tree was therefore altered to eliminate suspicion that Crooks had help to access the roof of the AGR building and hide his transition to the rooftop of Building 6, which if the FOX news video had not been cut off, it would have shown Crooks’s highly visible transition along the roof tops to the rooftop of Building 6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G04pltkLFRI Crooks’s transition along the roof of the AGR complex is simulated in Mike Bell’s latest video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihDIQEbUAPI&t=1s . His conclusions are the same as mine.

  4. The very fact that the FOX news video cuts off where it does shows that whoever provided and/or edited this video is involved in the cover up -and most likely the FBI, given they were in possession of James Copenhaver’s phone after the attempted assassination.

Coincidentally - Google Earth just uploaded a 2022 Image Tile within minutes of me sending my email to peak prosperity. The 2023 title has been reduced in size, but is still over the Butler fair ground site, and it now blends in with the newly uploaded 2022 Image tile…


Could you please add a graphic or picture so others can understand what you mean with TREE 6?

That was part of the FB post. The young picture of “Crooks” posted by the guy in the window is so far different from both the guy walking in the venues and in that post. He didn’t grow up suddenly. also the pictures in the Blackrock photos are also different. Still studying. And when the media posts a picture of a kid that doesn’t even look 20 I am suspicious per FBI I am sure.

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I watched a video from Gary of Paramount tactical yesterday in which he flew a drone over the area and he represented that neither Hercules sniper team could have seen crooks on the roof until he raised up after the ninth shot. I don’t understand how that can be since it seems to me that if the ninth shot was taken from the ground, Hercules was much higher than was the Individual who took the ninth shot at the shooter from the ground


I would contend a bit with this. The real patriots in Congress are doing a lot of work on this and other things but how to do much of anything with a locked up FBI and DOJ. Many I know are there for the grabs but many are fighting hard.


I hope you are right.

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Do you think it would make sense to seed the area with similar dressed people (or hair) to misdirect calls??

I think FBIUSSS collaborated, each doing their part.
Only a part, so no direct link is noticeable.

Except bulldog patriots that take to 40,000 foot view
(okay maybe 500 ft view- drone)


Good point. I suspect they had the picture, pasty all ready to go. It was not the first time a patsy was used.

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The real patriots are the ones risking their careers or lives leaking (true) info out.

of course there’s the altered video released to misdirect.

my opinion

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Yearick was the name I was looking for; so, this guy can be ruled out then?

The tin foil hat syndrome seems to stifle questions, does it not? Ugh. Sorry if I sound like a loon!

Yearick could have been a false flag of sorts, red herring, pick your metaphor.

I’m so grateful for all of the experts, tech folks here. Seriously, you all are amazing!

yeah, focus on ineptitude.
lone gunman.

no, no conspiracy here.

Good point.
I bet they were ordered not to talk… (or?)

One thing that just came in my mind and somehow I didn’t pay attention to before. Looking at a picture of the shooter right before he starts firing

Doesn’t it seem he’s wearing his glasses (as he did in the vendor video), or is this just a part of a branch in the background?

I’m just so curious because in the bodycam footage from the ones first approach the AGR6 roof I don’t remember seeing his glasses anywhere.

If he’s not wearing his glasses in the above photo, did we hear anything where they found his glasses after the shooting (backpack, car)?

Could he even clearly see the stage area without his glasses?


I agree but many of them have risked their lives and are threatened now. I pray for them and all the whistleblowers daily.

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If those are really an authentic picture of his glasses, which I’m not doubting at the moment, it’s awfully strange that they appear to be so far down to the tip of his nose as to be useless. As a long time wearer of glasses, I know that if I put them that far away from my eyes, the vision becomes less than clear. There was no discussion whatsoever and no video of his glasses on the roof when he was found after being shot.


Good point, so it might be just a part of a branch in the background.
Since wearing glasses yourself, what you think about his vision of the stage area not wearing his glasses?
It’s very odd to me we didn’t hear anything in the aftermath about the whereabouts of his glasses.


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It would depend on how bad his eyesight is. Also, he could be wearing contact lenses. I didn’t focus on it, but that recent video of him walking past the vendors, does he have glasses on if not, in theory could be wearing contacts