Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

Watching the video again of him walking at the vendors, they look white bottomed.

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white soled shoes i can see…


crawling shoe


Thank you. That is a believable picture.

What about the guy walking in front of Crooks at the vendors, dressed like that in the heat?

My Dad dresses that way even in heat. Lots of older country folk do.


He looks like he is used to the heat. Nothing suspicious about him for me.

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How come the dead man on the roof does not have glasses? Was they blasted away by the shot or something?

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Is that an old guy walking down vendor road at Crooks pace?

Idk. I don’t have access to the video. I’m just seeing the pics you guys post. Can someone post the video for me? I have no social media whatsoever.

he removed those glasses and put it in his pocket when he knew he was going to get shot.

we wont know until FBI explains
It should be thrown around somewhere if he was shot from the back. If from front, the broken pieces shud be somewhere or inside his skull or around the body


I don’t know how his glasses came off his face, but I remember seeing them lying on the roof off to Crooks’ left.

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Work implies accomplishments from the effort. This, as in past efforts, is an activity, with no accomplishements. I became cynical after nothing was done to fix ObamaCare. Noise for years, put us in office and we’ll fix it. So what happened? ZERO. It’s like the dog catching the car it was chasing. Before I retired, once a year I taught a program management class. To highlight work with accomplishments vs effort with no accomplishments, showed a F150 pulling a tractor trailer out of the snow and compared it to a Ram, stuck in a mud pit. Both using the gasoline, one accomplishing a task, the other just spinning wheels.

Getting back to politics, look back to all the crimes hillary committed… what came out of it, not a dang thing. Maybe kabuki theater.


»remember seeing them lying on the roof« Thanks. I have not seen that clip but will look for it.

A very good analysis of the 10 shots in this video. I think the single shooter theory has been verified - at least in my mind.

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I wholeheartedly agree. Speaker Johnson, Sen. Grassley and Rep. Crane are all putting on the appearance, and dare I say faux outrage, of trying to get to the bottom of this. They are providing information that is helpful to us, to be sure, but let’s judge them by their fruits, not their flowers. So far all that’s been produced is the resignation of a former DEI head of the Secret Service. The joint committee hearings is your typical Washington D.C. theatrical performance. Putting somebody on the spot is not output, it’s noise. Will Secret Service policies and procedures be improved, of course. Will anything be done to bring justice, don’t hold your breath. But do continue your search for the truth, this needs to be exposed, and we need to continue waking up more “normies.”


For what it’s worth, here is another news source mentioning the airport location and then the Farm Show location.

It is entirely possible, however, that the Fairgrounds were also considered. It would be interesting to know more about the Fairgrounds and when and why the shift was made to the Farm Show. Was someone pushing the rally toward a less secure location?


wonder who figured out the new location was easier for crooks.

Def a trump insider was in on it unless USSS made that call to change venue.

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Found the glasses on the roof beside the shooter!



Yes. Good find. The photos of Crooks at venues that first came out were photoshopped. They photoshopped his glasses out. (as well as his shoes)
I kept wondering why you or maybe someone else thought he didn’t have glasses. Here he is with glasses.

I am convinced after looking at all pictures dead and alive that that is Crooks. Shape of face, ears, etc. I am no expert, but I am an artist if that matters. I caught doubles when no else even tried years ago. As far as we know it’s Crooks but none the less all one in the same. IMHO

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