Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

Yearick looks more like the guy, but with the body cremated, no way to know.
This was a Fed OP and the Patsy will not be positively ID.
They may use a real person, and assign that to the shooter, which scrabbles the research. Would you take a million to disappear?

Funny how the Crooks dude was scrubbed.
Of Course, with drugs you can create a shooter. CIA has perfected that method.

opinion only
lots of conjecture.
as time goes on, real good info will be hard to get. Then there is the fake or altered releases.

Buried, like JFK


Yes, the Trump Campaign wanted that but the request has been rejected. So obviously they never started to do any planing for this location.

The article says because of the refusal the Campaign picked the Butler Farm Show as new location.
I don’t think the article is accurate here, or why would the message sent out on Jul 8 at 3:39pm say “the Trump rally on Saturday at the Butler Fair grounds”. Of course it could be the author got the location in the message wrong, but is it plausible to make such a big mistake in an important message?

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Source: https://www.fbi.gov/news/speeches/deputy-director-abbates-opening-statement-to-the-joint-hearing-of-the-senate-judiciary-and-homeland-security-and-governmental-affairs-committees

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What is the white line at the bottom of the pic where the soles of the shoes are and one leg is muscular while the other is not and most of the calf is blurred? Looks to me that someone cropped the white soles to the shoes.

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Others, not me, think this too: that his family was very well connected and their son needed a new identity for some reason.

thx for the zoom in, he also wears glasses leaning at the concrete wall (where GN took a pic of him)

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In the latest video of Crooks walking past the vendors at 4:26pm, is the guy walking in front of him suspicious? His long pants, shoes or boots, long sleeve shirt buttoned up to the neck and buttoned sleeves, something on his left hip (a phone) or something else? Is this guy suspicious, is Crooks following him?

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Gary must have gotten his drone angle wrong…because we can even see Crooks from the fence line just South of AGR6 in Dave Stewart’s film.

Seems to me someone another 15’ in the air would have a much easier time.


But there is no shadow on 5:38 picture. :frowning:

other man

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So the screen shot of this guy was from Peak Prosperity “The Mystery Of The Bl**d In The Bathroom”. Here is another screenshot.

The time stamp of the other screenshot is from 36 minutes earlier showing the parking lot.

The idea is, that if it can be determined which vehicle is attached to this guy, it might help in figuring who he is.
Does anybody have a picture of the vehicle’s in the parking lot that is closer in time to his departure from the building?
I thought that I watched that dashcam footage, did I miss something, or is it an accurate statement to state that on that entire dashcam footage while facing the door, that we did not see that guy enter the building?
So I ask, which vehicle is that guy attached to?

The glasses are on lower part of his nose. Very strange especially for a young person. It’s that way on the roof shot of him holding gun. Not normal at all. Lifetime glasses wearer here.


Looks like glasses to me. Same as vendor area.

For sure that whole story about his glasses has to be further investigated. We need proof if he was wearing his glasses on the roof.
If he did, why we can’t see glasses on the roof when the first group of LEO’s arrive.
If he didn’t, where did he leave his glasses (car, backpack) and why didn’t we hear about it. What would his optician say about his vision of the rally stage area around 155 yards away.

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Right so why would someone fake a photo by adding glasses? The only reason I could give is that the shooter really didn’t wear glasses while everybody who thinks it is crooks on the roof would expect to see him with glasses. I can’t imagine anybody wearing glasses putting those glasses way down to the tip of their nose when they’re attempting to shoot a rifle, 150 yards. The only explanation I could give is that for close-up viewing like looking at a red dot, he might need to take the glasses down to see a close range. That still doesn’t explain why no one mentioned seeing the glasses on the roof after the shooting.


A screenshot from paramount tactical showing sniper rooftops and view to AGR.

Another piece of evidence the earlier pic is edited. The soles of the shoes here are all black.
other man

But in previous pic Chis posted in his latest video the soles look to be photoshopped/cropped with white.

So if that’s true, and crooks was really wearing black soled “shoes”, and the shooter had white soled shoes, if you were wanting someone to believe it was crooks dead on the roof, wouldn’t that explain why these photos have been edited?


I think so. But, I think it is way more involved.