Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

I do believe that an expert applying facial technology could settle the matter even given the age disparity issue

Well, we know that is false unequivocally. That’s not how geometry works.

Higher elevation immediately means that on a barely sloped roof, there will be some visibility past the ridge. The higher the elevation, the more there will be, even given the distance between. It’s you know, how angles/triangles work.

Gary from PT has also made false statements like there were many people along the fence line. Not in front of AGR 6 there were not. It was zero. So we already know that he doesn’t mind spreading disinfo.

And I’m going to guess, that those snipers were also perfectly capable of…gasp, standing up. Since we saw them standing up on their roof multiple times. I remembered because I was so proud of their ability and bravery to stand up on those harsh slopes. /s

I tend to agree with you. It makes 0 sense that shot 9 could come from the ground at 100 yards and apparently hit the shooter and/or his rifle while Hercules 1 was at least 15-20 feet higher and further away and NOT have a shot

The original newspaper article I read announced the Trump rally on July 3rd. In the July 3rd article they said he would have a rally on July 13.

July 3 announcement (Wednesday)
July 4 holiday
July 5th Friday

I bet the rally site was moved Monday July 8

I’m working on common sense here

Yep, that tracks with my sense of the topography.

PhaseFive has done a great job of placing those elevations onto a map. Here’s the relevant bit:

Unless Crooks scooted back a good distance and then laid completely flat with his head turned sideways, it would have been impossible for him to entirely disappear from the H1 team.

Given that we see Crooks head on numerous eyewitness videos from numerous less advantageous angles, I think Gary is being a bit too generous to the SS sniper team.


100%. And it would make no sense that the ninth “successful” shot came from somebody 50 yards closer and 15 or 20 feet lower. It is a little aggravating because I like Gary, but his pre-suppositions in defense of the snipers does bother me a bit.

Is there any way to verify this? Does anyone on PP know if George Webb is credible or how he knows what he purports to represent in this clip

This is what I still can’t get my head around: How the ground level sniper was able to locate and neutralize Crooks several seconds BEFORE the Hercules 1 snipers?


I guess I assumed he had glasses on the roof. Tricky with photo but sure looked like it to me. Now that the glasses are there, that clarifies that. Bothers me that the photos of him walking at vendors would have done the photoshopping. Not too cool. And I agree. Crooks is shooter if he even is Crooks.

To me, you’re saying, “Let’s get the first opinion of someone uninformed with this matter. Someone who doesn’t know that both control photos are from 8 years ago. Who doesn’t know that the kid on the right is 12 years old and couldn’t grow facial hair if he tried. Who had short hair and was dressed up for a school photo at the time. Who doesn’t know that the left photo and middle photo are of two people consumed by thoughts of violence over the week prior.”

You’re not coming at this objectively. You’re trying make the evidence say what you want it to say.

On the contrary, I am trying to help you and everyone else deeply involved in this controversy, to believe their own eyes. It is very hard to escape from one’s own biases, and you don’t even seem to be trying. You have an “informed opinion” and this is exactly what interferes with pure perception.

In the experiment I invited you to perform, I specifically recommended that you ignore superficial things like facial hair, which certainly changes naturally over time and can also easily be shaved or otherwise manipulated. What does not change very much and cannot be readily manipulated is, for instance, the basic shape of the skull.

The whole point of putting out a “narrative” is to influence people’s perception. I’m trying to help you and others break free of the official narrative and let the visual facts speak for themselves. In order to discover one’s own biases and how far one has succumbed to the “prevailing wisdon,” I recommend doing the experiment I suggested.

i saw an investigation where a man said he saw a photographer shooting and he claimed to have video of it.

sources are always welcomed.
Link to the investigation you mention should do.

Something to keep in mind: Photos and videos are great but getting the camera to see what you actually see as clearly with the naked eye does not happen most of the time. If I were investigating the “guy on the roof” I would ask the eye witnesses if he had glasses. They might not remember but you can see the sun coming up or the moon in the sky but just try to take a picture of what your eye actually sees. Also some people recognize people they haven’t seen in years because they have an artist eye, others can’t. We are all different and that is why we all need each other. We have all been duped by green screens and deceptive photos for many years. I remember the email pics sent with all the insane bridges in the world. My MIL believed them all. One of of ten, as I researched was real. This was before FB, etc. I believe it was experimenting on all of us. Now look at AI.

I have seen good work on this forum. After all the model work is done, I would love to see the elevation and line of sight being checked on the Copenhaver footage to see where exactly Crooks was running on the roof at 18:08:37, by using the buildings and his head as reference.

Do we have already have a length for Thomas Crooks to possibly make these calculations? Low priority for now.

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Yes, that would be a great complement to my suggested experiment with a naive person. Can anyone run these three faces in a facial recognition system to check for matches?

This is detailed info. Sounds like they are well equipped and trained. Really makes it look worse for them.

Each 24-man Tactical Unit is comprised of 16 entry team members and 8 sharpshooters. The unit is further broken down into 4 man teams, including a team leader.

All team members carry a personally owned Glock handgun. The majority of members carry the Glock .40 caliber pistol, with a few preferring the .45 caliber. Pointmen carry two handguns when using a ballistic shield. The primary entry team weapon is the HK MP-5 9mm SMG. The MP5’s are assigned to the #2 man (coverman) and the #3 man, (Team Leader) of each entry team. The #4 man usually carries a short barreled Remington 870 12 gauge shotgun. Each entry team is also assigned a Benelli M-1 Super 90 entry shotgun and several AR-15 rifles. All entry team members are issued load-bearing RBR Level IIIA tactical body armor with a level IV strike plate. Each entry team member carries extra magazines, flexcuffs, distraction device, gas mask, personal first aid kit, portable radio, knife, and a smoke or CS grenade in the tactical body armor. All Tactical Unit members are issued kevlar ballistic helmets. The standard callout uniform is woodland camouflage BDUs

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face is kinda easy to switch as long as width and height of original face matches. Lighting and details - not so easy but manageable within a day. Clothes and hair? - hard. Totally insert a 3d shape of crooks watching - doable with time.

None of thats impossible. It can be done with realism BUT by a small team of artists who do this everyday. But that leaves a lot of witnesses. Thats not easy to manage coz they could just share one picture anonymously and derail the entire FBI train. High Risk imho.

But the fact that the owner of the video says he shared it with authorities and contact him for licensing, it means he just want money and will share the video source if paid. I dont think his actions are deliberate nor delayed coz its not easy to go thru hours of footage if u have them to spot 1 face in a crowd manually. You need the time and patience and facility to do that.

usually after a road trip i dont look at the pics/videos i took for weeks. Its normal. If i know i might have an accident recorded in my dashcam, then i will be inspecting it as soon as i return. But to find a face that may be accidentally recorded for 2 seconds in hours long material, naah i never find that sort of time.

Hard to imagine that SEU officer was able to destruct the attacker’s rifle from right side of it. I guess the officer was “behind” the stage. So if the shooter aimed the stage, this officer would be able to shoot his left side, but he was right handed.
9 left to right
9 right to right


I have no knowledge about rifles, but the rifle found on the roof next to the dead body does not look damaged.


After the incident at the Arizona border-visit, there seems to be a pattern developing…
"Moments before the former president spoke, we learned that there was a manhunt underway for an individual who’d threatened to assassinate him. "
“But it appears that Trump wasn’t advised of the specific threat prior to the press conference.”

George Washington said it plainly… A two party system will destoy this Republic…
The Word of God says A house divided cannot stand…

https:/ /redstate. com/smoosieq/2024/08/23/were-in-danger-here-trump-wasnt-told-of-the-manhunt-prior-to-az-press-conference-n2178445

And i’m still locked out of my X-twitter account that calls for breaking up the duopoly … And X isn’t even responding to appeals…
Elon’s version of free speech is a practicle joke…