Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

Just want to do another follow up concerning the communication of the Trump rally location. I’m not 100% sure but my take on why the reporter in the video you posted said “Trump rally was supposed to take place at the Butler County Airport” (the Airport is officially named Pittsburgh-Butler Regional Airport) is: She just was assuming that because the last Trump rally in PA, on Oct 31 2020, took place at this location.

I couldn’t find any proof that there was information circulating indicating that the rally on Jul 13 2024 would be held at the airport location.

At Jul 3 there was an official News release by the Trump campaign. The Venue was said to be the Butler Farm Show Inc.
President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Butler, Pennsylvania | News | Donald J. Trump (donaldjtrump.com)

The fact that the Beaver County ESU Team Leaders received a request at Jul 8 (according to the Grassley Oversight Summary) to cover the July 13 Trump rally at the “Butler Fair grounds” is the point that brings up the most questions to me. Was it just a mistake in writing by the author of the message or is there something else?

That’s an important document. Thanks.

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I am not completely familiar with basic protocols of American Law enforcement, so I just want to clear something up. In the Washington Post and the testimony of Col. Paris it was stated that there was a PSP officer called Sgt. Joseph Olayer stationed inside the Secret Service Trailer. This is the person who received calls to convey additional information to Secret Service.

Are LEOs and PSP’s separate brances of law enforcement? Is it standard protocol that the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) officer has the same radio comms as the LEOs on the ground or does the PSP have completely separate radio channels from the LEOs? How close are these branches of law enforcement?

I am asking because SS claims that the comms of all units was completely siloed from each other.

The shooter 99.9 % it is Maxwell Yearick look at the still photo of the Crooks and then Maxwell. The nose shape and nostrils also the right nostril has a upward turn more then the left one and the shape is oval not straight downlike Crooks he had a pig nose with parallel nostel holes that can’t be see from the side. And he was know to have his right ear damage from going to Afghanistan and Ukraine that way they had his DNA and he was of course on FBI watch list conveniently.

The photo comparison shows shape and nostrils that match Maxwell Yearick perfectly also the white van had Arizona plates model GMC serria probably belong to his father he owns a White GMC Serria van hes suppoing missing according with his father. Also the guy they showed who was in hand cuffs behind the whote tent where they where letting out spectators took photos of his know accomplish. I think they found the woman who was the 3 known was dead in the van not explosives.this is a theory but read and watch many video and read plenty of articles.

SGT report on rumble labeled The Antifa Assassin

Also watch this youtube video
By MinutesofHorror

I know it seems like a LOOOONG time has past, but in terms of congressional inquiries it’s not been that long. The congressional committee will have a press conference at the shooting site Monday, and the alternate committee that consists of Eli Crane, Cory Mills, Dan Bongino, Erik Prince (founder of Blackwater), and Ben Schaffer will meet in Washington DC.

The FBI isn’t even releasing its findings, or releasing its witnesses for interrogation, until 60 days are up. Congress is in recess now until Sept 8, and I am relieved that the committee and the alternate group are starting up now.

And yes, I am VERY worried about Mr. Trump’s life. I am sending letters to my congressmen, promising them meager campaign contributions and boots-on-the-ground campaign help.


I’m a little surprised you’d still be locked out, but you can always set up a new account.

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George Webb is not very credible. He may have a good scoop once in while but he gets crazy ideas and runs with them. He has posted a few times on his idea that Maxwell Yearick got his hand cut coming down from the roof, and it’s his blood stains that you see on the sides of the building as “boosted cop” goes up and down in his bodycam video.

Never mind that marks on the side of the building don’t look much like fresh blood stains.

Here’s another announcement from Trump dated July 6th (scroll down):

PA Congressman discussing rally location.



Interesting interview with Congressman Mike Kelly, comes up with some valuable information, thanks for sharing.

By the way, did you notice the funny Squirl going down the tree in the background at 15:33?


US Senator Chuck Grassley obtained records showing Crooks went through intense preparation leading up to the assassination attempt. Thomas Crooks Vigorously Trained at the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club, where Multiple Federal Agencies Train, Including DHS Which Oversees The US Secret Service!

shooting range doc2

I’ve been a photographer for over 30 years and while I can see a bit of a similarity the eyebrows are a dead give away. Yearik’s eyebrows arch closer to his nose and have a few that are separated a little. Crooks eyebrows aren’t as thick and have more space to the nose. Also look at the hairline above his right ear. As for the nose, this image of his body is from below his eye level so you’re looking up at him and I’ll bet a wider angle focal length was used compared to the portrait. I’d also bet if we pulled Yearick’s hair back that he has a bit of a widows peak as opposed to Crooks rounded hairline.


The issue making a new account complicated is Getting around the phone number verification hurdle… I have other accounts but their verification system is broken, takes too long to send out emails… Their code has expired by the time it arrives…
X is a pain and a vulnerability, so, where tech-tyranny is in operation , i’ve written them off… @ adam20228 has served its purpose, challenging the official narrative & inserting historical context, the ghosts from the past may sill linger and be effective…

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I used PhaseFive’s side view to make an expanded view where i placed a 6ft tall officer at 100+yards… Then i drew a line to the roof ridge and then moved that line up to the side image of the gunman seconds before firing…
Here are the results, which need to be refined…

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Greg Nicol might have been:

  • taking a bathroom break or a coffee break;

  • clearing the ground floor of that building after losing sight of the suspicious kid.

As for “Building 6” (the roof Crooks’ body was located on), here is a link to Senator Chuck Grassley’s Microsoft OneDrive bodycam video archive:

Senator Grassley’s Bodycam Video OneDrive

“2024-07-13 Beaver Co ESU Bodycam 2.mp4”

Minute 2:19 is where the interior of the building and personnel inside at that time are visible.

Welcome to the forum! FYI - Correct spelling is “Nicol.” We have a Greg Nichols in the forum so we like to keep the two names from getting confused.


Greg Nichols is a board member here.

The BC-ESU Sniper is Greg Nicol. Lots of people make that mistake.

beat me to it by 1m.

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Maybe he met his wife in the broom closet.

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Chris and all: Thanks for all you’ve been doing toward this citizens’ investigation.

White shorts plain clothes guy (local LEO, “PCLLEO”) sitting there next to the retaining wall and doing nothing while watching the guy on the roof, listening to several in the crowd talking about the guy being on the roof. It seems high time he radio what he knows to the command center so they can take PDJT off the stage until this is resolved. (They’ve done it for far less potential threats.)

But PCLLEO doesn’t seem to engage with cops going south-then-east, either. If from the retaining wall perch wasn’t a sufficiently good shooting angle, he might have climbed onto the a/c units near door 12, or from there, stopping a shooter cold (~45 yards) if going farther onto the roof wasn’t feasible.

(Chris, you were off by a minute for the video containing the second frame above. The roof-hoisted LEO on the other side wouldn’t be there for another minute. But, the shooter has already done his vertical run (apparently across 3 roofs and 2 enclosed walkways)). Crooks’ (?) tromping would have easily been heard (in this pole barn) by all those in the southern AGR building.

If the PCLLEO had alerted his comrades regarding the potential shooter, someone from the space below the tromping shooter could’ve done his hoisted challenge of the shooter nearly a minute before it actually happened with the LEO who had to get out of his car. PCLLEO was in the best position to see Crooks’ (?) weapon. He almost HAD to have seen it, IMHO.

The hoisted LEO, also IMHO, had adequate space below the roof’s gutter (see right image) to protect himself, and possibly adequately and long enough to get a shot off from his sidearm. PCLLEO could’ve helped take Crooks (?) down for that, too, as it would have been only a 50-yard shot. But that’s probably too much Monday-morning-quarterbacking. In any event, the hoisted LEO would have done well to tell his hoister after he fell to the ground, “Back me up, bro!” and discharge his sidearm 5x into the dirt beside the evergreen tree, yelling, “The guy on the roof has a rifle!” PDJT would’ve been taken away from the podium pronto.

Now, back to the PCLLEO. His nonchalant behavior in the right image suggests quite strongly to me that he was responding to a “STAND DOWN ORDER.”


Where did you hear about the guy sitting next to the retaining wall being an LEO???
He is a very mysterious character in this whole incident, but i’ve not heard of him being ID’d as PC-LEO…
His actions, placement and selection of cloths for that day make him a potential person of interest…
Imagine the confusion that his presence & proximity could have caused as LEO’s looked for a guy wearing white shorts and gray shirt. That was the only description given via radio chatter. An image was cell-passed around to a few officials but that may not have reached the Uni-cops that walked past WBC-guy during the alert over a guy on the roof wearing white shorts… White-cap guy would likely not had a view, of the perp on the roof, from his seated or standing position that close to the building. In a video with red-cap guy in the foreground, there is a moment when white-cap guy is captured standing with his head in the frame… at that moments only the perps foot can be seen, and it was probably not be visible to white-cap guy.
His actions were very strange… At one critical point he seemed to be more of a distraction than an informed witness, he actually pointed to the wrong side of the gap between buildings…
His presence and action create Plausible Excusibility for the inability to find the perp… That makes me suspicious of an orchestrated incident, a team effort to get the job done via scene confusion…
I have several images on these observation at various threads on this forum, but they are also written up at a x-twitter account @ adam20228, ignore the admin-restriction warning

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