Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

There are a couple of data points which allowed me to inferentially interpolate my hypothesis of his being a LEO. One, I understood that the poster of the “Kind of A Coincidence” meme I saw on this site was claiming the others in the meme’s vignettes, beside the person who apparently was Crooks on vendor row at 16:26 7/13, WERE LEOs that very coincidentally were dressed as Crooks was. I gave that some–perhaps too much–credence.

Though I can’t recall by whom it was posted, and although one of its asserted, example LEOs was discounted as being a second, slightly different image of the same bearded LEO as on the third from left, I therefore clipped out that redundant image. However, I clearly recall a 7/13 video which was likely the “inspiration” for that meme, which was making precisely that claim of several LEO’s having similar attire to the shooter. I remember seeing such a grey T-shirted, white shorts-wearing person LEO sequentially peering into windows of the external, southerly-exposed Building 6. This particular LEO, who I believe to be the same as the one sitting beside the retaining wall as normies outside the fence line were trying to get LEOs’ attention as Crooks(?) was “bear crawling” up toward his unique shooter’s perch. That person peering into the Building 6 windows had been vetted minutes earlier by another law enforcement higher-up, who vociferously demanded all non-law enforcement leave the area. Although it wasn’t clear how much one would eventually be able to hang on such a feeble observation of being like-dressed, I was reminded of the adage, “There are no coincidences in the universe, only convergences of Will, Intent, and Experience.”

There were, as noted in this “other seemingly reasonable” video I saw of LEOs outside (to the south and east) of Building 6, at least two and perhaps 3 or 4 LEOs were similarly attired as was Crooks (?). That was the clear point the narrator of the video was making, as well.

A third, nagging data point was someone’s conjecture about why it took 16 seconds for the last sniper’s shot to take out the (shooter?) on the roof. Immediately discounted was video’s hypothesis of needing to get permission from higher-ups to take a shot. That seemingly left only two other possibilities: 1) the slopey roof and/or a wind-blown tree gave Crooks(?) just too much cover to allow for a good short, 2. someone needed to make sure the person wasn’t being identified as a shooter (sans muzzle flash or smoke) soley on the basis of his attire, because it just might be a similarly-dresssed LEO! The (counter-)snipers might have been advised that there would be plain-clothes police or USSS dressed in light shorts and gray or blue shirts. Those snipers may even have known or hobnobbed with LEOs so attired. Perhaps they did hear the radio chatter of Crooks(?) description and immediately thought there could be confusion with legitimate LEOs onsite. Very likely, it would seems. Someone had built in confusion, vagary and a recipe for a mental fog of war.

NOTE: Crooks(?) on the roof apparently had a SECOND GRAY VEST, perhaps to hold extra magazines, where the Crooks walking down vendor row clearly had only one thin grey T-shirt. Could the reverse of Crooks(?) second T-shirt have implied he was to be spared from being shot? Could his vest even have said something as crazy as “POLICE” which the counter-sniper might have previously seen?

A sniper would, by default, have some trust that the only person who could be allowed to be in position on a rooftop would be another (Counter-)sniper LEO, would he not?

I disagree with your conjecture that the white cap guy beside the retaining wall would not have been able to see Crooks(?). Had he stood on the retaining wall to see what several in the crowd were shouting about, he would have been vertically in line with the video camera whose video frame my image was snipped. That clearly shows our bear crawler. But I think he feigned disinterest either because he had already seen Crooks, or because he didn’t want to play into the crowd’s potentially exposing Crooks(?) presence. I do agree that his actions are very strange and therefore suspicious. No coincidences. Something must account for it. I think his being an at-least-partly-in-the-know LEO is high among the likelihoods.


What if his role was to sit on the retaining wall and do not allow anyone else to climb on it?


That is part of what has been rolled into the suspicious-activities-package assembled for this character’s presence…
In this day-n-age i would not put it past the people who are street-level puppets of the left, the useful idiots, to team up in an assassination attempt… The fact that they got as far as they did draws in suspicions all the way up the official ladder, as expressed by people who are credible investigators, so i won’t shy away from looking for clues and demanding an accounting for failures…
Over 60 years of this malfesence is spoiling America’s sole.

Ep. 4729: Communist Coup Includes Assassination Attempt | In Studio – Landon from SaveThem Joins Doug Hagmann | August 21, 2024

t=last 20min cover their j13th observations…
https:/ /www.hagmannpi. com/ep-4729-communist-coup-includes-assassination-attempt-in-studio-landon-from-savethem-joins-doug-hagmann-august-21-2024/

Fellow photographer, I agree. Brows. Yearick’s eyes closer together, Yearick also has a much longer neck. Longer face.

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Now that I hadn’t thought of! My thought was he was to distract police. It was just way too weird sitting there like that.

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I believe this image shows that the white cap guy–strongly suspected of being a plain clothes local LEO–was very well aware of and could see the guy on the roof.


2 bodies !

Now its become a full-on suspension, with no explanation…
Doug & Mike talk about ObidEn’s censorship regime in the wake of J13th
https://youtu.be/ryjzaLz0uDA T=1:17:00
Others are talking about section 702 of FISA…
https://archives.halturnershow.com/HTRS-08-30-2024.mp3 t=35min +/-
Did i hit on a sensitive nerve??? I know i was a bit harsh on the woke-folk, but those limited incidences were weeks before the 13th…
Some of posts are preserved on Gab & brighteon.social un = plasmaglyphs.

The west side of AGR building #6 was my principle focus, seeing what looked like orchestrated distraction & avoidance of gaining a view across the roof by walking too close to the building in critical seconds before shooting and not standing on the retaining wall…
Strangely, LEO always walked inside a garment laying on the ground that nobody seemed be interested in picking up…
That is just one a many details, such as all the people taking cell video but not intervening… Was the radical left there in force?? Is anyone combing the dark corners of the left’s platforms for Trophy Footage??

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Did you happen to see Sen. Johnson’s timeline update on Thursday? I just noticed it myself.



Trump Assassination attempt video on jeffostroff YouTube channel has video of South SniperTeam #2 physically turning around to face the AGR building.

“Why Secret Service To So Long To Shoot Trump Shooter” at t=19:07 (9/1/2024 post)


5:32pm—AGR sniper 1 observes Crooks looking at his phone and using a rangefinder.

The smart phone can be used for several things. Not just phoning and mailing.
I guess he calculated the pithagorian triangle, since he measured the hypotenuse by range finder.

I’ve been doing a deep dive timeline analysis of Crooks’ and Nicol’s activities while Crooks was on the AGR grounds before climbing on the roof. Last night I analyzed the communications to determine where Crooks was actually sighted using the rangefinder. The most logical location is further away from the stage than where he was on AGR 6 roof. Any thoughts as to what he might be thinking, and doing with his cell phone and rangefinder, if that location is accurate?

Edit: Added Slide

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Nice work again, thanks for sharing.

Some remarks and my interpretation on what maybe happened.

If he knew he is going to shoot from where he finally did, the spot in front of building 2 would make more sense in terms of distance to the target. When it comes to this position we also shouldn’t forget the big red combine harvester standing at the corner of the inner fence. I don’t think he could have a LOS to the stage from there.

From a position at the western end of building 5 or even a bit into the parking lot, he could get a LOS to the stage. Maybe he also measured the distance to the tree at the fence and just subtracted that from the distance to the stage. Like this the distance matches quite well with the one from the roof of building 1 to the stage.

It’s also possible he took a bit more risk and used the rangefinder from a position around that tree behind the fence. Even though there were quite a few people around, at the moment I’m not aware of video evidence that would rule this option out.

After he’s done with his measurement (~5:32pm), he went back to his car to get the backpack with the rifle inside. Maybe stayed there a little bit to calm down, play through his plan again and get focused. When he was ready, he returned to the AGR, maybe sat at/stood around the picnic table in order to wait until Trump takes the stage.

Trump is announced to the stage at 6:02:33pm, at this time Nicol also radioed his final sighting of Crooks “All right, subject is in between the AGR building. He has a backpack.” Possible that Crooks recognised GN seeing him and run off in the concealed section between building 4+6, this was interpreted by GN as “He just went towards the Sheetz”.

GN rushes downstairs out of Door 13 where he didn’t see Crooks, who was hidding in his seclude spot, but the 2 Patrolman who just pulled up. The Cops went searching for Crooks south- and northwards around the AGR complex.

According to the FBI Crooks was filmed getting ontop of the roof of building 6 at approximately 6:05pm. The Cop searching for Crooks going the southern way around AGR is probably on bodycam of BWC2-122111 (6:08:04pm), filming Crooks when he got from building 6 to building 4 using the interconnection. The Cop just passed underneath not realising Crooks on the roof.

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Good catch on the combine and tree! I might have to add another slide to that excerpt from my complete analysis. Yes, this does add more weight to the Elantra parked across the street, or the north of AGR vicinity at the very least.

I often wish someone in that west side crowd would have turned north to video some in that direction. This “Cat and Mouse Game” as I refer to it, was all playing out right near them. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn later that someone caught him coming back around AGR 6 SW corner after the WTAE4 sighting. Then there is the retaining wall sighting by Nicol. There was video of the suspected plains clothed cop lurking around there, but no one in the crowd captured Crooks there? I guess they all just started taking videos when the commotion started.

I don’t know if you saw my analysis of the Butler & Beaver County documents, but the last 4 slides take a deep dive into that Door 13 meetup with patrolmen who “just pulled up.”

Edit: I just had an Aha moment that finally closes the loop on what I caught so much flak for weeks ago when I raised the point. The AAR timeline entry in updated slide 16 makes complete sense to me now for the event I long thought it was addressing, but the time was extremely misleading.


Do we know by what time that cop guy was seen first hanging around that retaining wall?

If nobody filmed him, the people around there should at least have remembered seeing him upon finding out in the news what happened and seeing the WTAE video showing how he looked. Maybe somebody did but hasn’t gone public?

That’s an improved timeline, but not a great one.

It really needs to begin addressing this question: “WHERE WERE THE TWO LOCAL SNIPERS?!”

And also communications (or lack thereof) between and among SS.

This timeline of Johnson’s isn’t going to move the needle much.


I immediately hit Johnson’s contact form and explained the two leads that would solve the case: 1) Hercules turning north and 2) the mysterious inaction of Nicol and Murcko.

This case would be over if we would simply interview the key witnesses.


@rawroku has a comprehensive timeline going, and because I use it to double check my timeline analysis against, I like to help him ensure it stays up to date. I’ve always taught during incident investigation training that the Devil is in the Details, and that’s especially true of timelines. One missing or incorrect time can send you in a wrong direction and/or set you back more than you care to go.


I don’t even recall which video that’s in. I’m thinking it was Jon Malis’ wife’s video, and I never saved a link to it.