Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

Find the original video with sound, time stamp and satellite location here

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You’re absolutely right. Messaging over the telco nets is by no means reasonable to use for the kind of task they had. Reliable and redundant communication is super critical. In case of an emergency (medical, safety etc.) and everybody trying to reach/inform family/friends at the same time, you can be sure that network will brake down immediately.
no communication = organisational break down

  • Jason Woods isn’t talking about or referring to Crooks when he says “he knows you’re up there.”

Maybe he’s referring to their supervisor? Or someone else?

We have no proof that the message has anything to do with Crooks except we were told that by someone who may or may not have the story right, or be relaying it accurately, for some reason(s).


IIRC, The change to Butler was the week before. I think the original location was some airport. They lost the original location last minute.

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I know, Jason Woods is probably a credible and trustworthy man. But we still have to find answer concerning this vendor video/messages topic, just because it’s very critical for the whole timeline.

One thing that just came up to me. Is it possible Woods made the observation, wrote the messages and put the phone back into his pocket, not realising that the messages have not been transmitted, due to a network issue/problem (Rowe mentioned in his testimony they couldn’t fly the drone due to some telco network problems), until the phone reconnected and transmitted the message at 4:26/4:27pm?
Just a thought.

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Is this officer?

Congratulations to SRO Jason Woods for being awarded the Guy Tyler award for his efforts in Juvenile Justice Enforcement and Education. Officer Woods was recognized on Friday, May 17th, in front of fellow officers, family, friends, and students at the Beaver County Courthouse. Officer Woods has been a staple in the Ambridge Area Middle School for the past six years. Not only has he served as our resource officer, but also as a mentor, teacher, and friend. We are proud to have Officer Woods as an integral part of our team at the Middle School. Congratulations, Officer Woods! Thank you for your service.

“The buck stops with me”
former US Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle

another amazing catch, thanks for the info :+1:

You have to consider this text as well, along with the replies in both texts.


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Greg Nicol and friends in high places, according the George Webb…
Plus, apparently 43 state sponsored shooting lessons for Crooks…
This absolutely needs to be verified…
Here is what he said:
Tony Guy’s deputy Greg Nicol ran the program at Claraton in which Crooks was enrolled…
In another post andhis substack he goies into details that are just too wild to repeat…

The term Rogue State is an understatement…


valid point.
Can I find all these chats from that day in one place somewhere. I remember at least 3 different group chats in use that day.

I get them from Sen. Grassley’s website, and just know that this is in a different link than the other. This one was linked here.

That is not a url that can be followed. Either you some system cut some out.

I’m not handing out free hits by putting functional links in posts that display the content… Are you working from a smart phone??? Copy/paste & re-join.



Any good enough video editing tool could be used to get the metadata.

There are also specific online tools, like this one:

But we MUST get the original file. Downloading it from TikTok or from X won’t make it.


We do have “information” that the message was referring to Crooks.

Nicol statement as reported by CNN:

“Nicol thought little of the text at the time, he said. Nor did he immediately connect it to a slightly built, long haired young man he saw sitting below the window where he was stationed at AGR about 45 minutes later.” [Emphasis Added]

Argument to Support: Woods would have likely confirmed it was the patsy that he saw on the picnic table after the shooting, so Nicol would have subsequently made the connection.

FBI Deputy Director Abbate’s Opening Statement: “The first reported sighting of the shooter by local law enforcement was at approximately 4:26 p.m.”

Got it, thank you.

Has anybody found out any information about this guy?

Has anybody determined which vehicle he out that gun into?

Which vehicle did he put that gun into?