We’re Not Going To Make It…

Right now I'm on a Metro North train heading the NYC. I’ve been invited to sit on an advisory council at the UN on building a sustainable energy future.

I’ll let you know how the meeting goes, after I take a few selfies to immortalize the experience in case I'm not invited back. 

Why might I not? Because I can either be a good boy, hold my tongue, and get to serve on more committees (maybe); or I can speak the truth as I see it.

It's not a hard decision: I'll be going with the latter. I really don’t know how to do differently any more; it’s a matter of internal integrity.

Now, I may not understand the ‘truth’ any better than the next person. But I do have access to a lot of data that seems to confirm this one idea: Humanity is not going to painlessly wean itself off of fossil fuels.

Instead, we’ll hit some sort of a wall: be it a food/population crisis, a climate crisis, or a debt/fiscal/economic crisis.  Each of those candidates has it roots in our global society's addition to fossil fuels.

No growth in fossil fuels and we get no growth in our debt-based economy. Translation: we’ll have a debt/financial crisis.

No fossil fuels and our entire method of industrial agriculture breaks down. Food crisis anyone?

Now, we won’t suddenly run out of fossil fuels. But we are going to find it increasingly difficult to extract more and more of them. And other limits like oceanic acidification and climate change may force us to move away from fossil fuels for a totally different set of reasons.

No matter the path we take, we need to transition sooner or later. We should know that.

Poor Math

One of the things I did in the book version of The Crash Course was to run the basic numbers to make the case that, unless we immediate decide to pursue the equivalent of a Manhattan Project (times) an Apollo Project (times) some whole number like 10, we're not going to make anything even remotely resembling a seamless transition to alternative energy.

Fortunately, there are now more groups carefully studying the math and making the same case:

Renewable energy demands the undoable

Mar 27, 2016

LONDON, 27 March, 2016 – The world is increasingly investing in renewable energy. Last year, according to UN figures, global investment in solar power, wind turbines and other renewable forms of energy was $266 billion. 

But right now, the report says, renewable energy sources deliver just 10.3% of global electrical power. Neither the report’s authors nor anyone else thinks that is enough to slow climate change driven by rising global temperatures as a consequence of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.
In the last century, this has already climbed by 1°C. In Paris in December 2015, 195 nations agreed on a global plan to limit global warming to a figure no more than 2°C above the long-term average for most of human history.

This will be difficult, according to Glenn Jones, professor of marine sciences at Texas A&M University in the US.

In 2015, the world installed the equivalent of 13,000 five-megawatt wind turbines. But to contain global warming to a figure less than 2°C nations would have to ramp up renewable investment by 2028 to the annual equivalent of 485,000 such wind turbines.

“That’s a 37-fold increase in the annual installation rate in only 13 years just to achieve the wind power goal,” Professor Jones said.


There’s some really important information in this study, not the least of which is the realization that, to achieve just the wind power goal, the world would have to increase its rate of wind tower installation by 3,700% (or 37 fold).

This translates into going from installing 36 towers per day (the current rate) to 1,329 per day. Every day. 365 days a year. For 13 years straight. With no breaks.

But our fossil fuel addiction goes well beyond the desire/need for electricity. Transportation fuels are just as essential to our current human condition.

The article continues:

He and a colleague argue in the journal Energy Policy that during each hour of every day 3.7 million barrels of oil are pumped from wells; 932,000 tons of coal are dug; 395 million cubic metres of natural gas are piped from the ground; and 4.1 million tons of CO2 is released into the atmosphere.

In that same hour, another 9,300 people are added to the global population. By 2100, the world will be home to 11 billion of us.

“It would require rates of change in our energy infrastructure and energy mix that have never happened in world history and that are extremely unlikely to be achieved,” he says

“So the question becomes, how will they be fed and housed and what will be their energy source? Currently 1.2 billion people in the world do not have access to electricity, and there are plans to try to get them on the grid. The numbers you start dealing with become so large that they are difficult to comprehend,” Professor Jones says.

“To even come close to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, 50% of our energy will need to come from renewable sources by 2028, and today it is only 9%, including hydropower. For a world that wants to fight climate change, the numbers just don’t add up to do it.”

3.7 million barrels of oil per hour, along with nearly a million tons of coal and 400 million cubic meters of gas.  Every day, for 365 days a year.  

The numbers are indeed difficult to comprehend. But they just don’t measure up to our hopes for the future. At the current pace of energy transition, we’re not only going to miss the climate targets we've set, but we’re also going to miss the chance gracefully deal with the continued growth in both our debt pile and population.

This chart explains why.  As fast as renewable energy sources have grown, fossil fuels have grown, too. They remain ~80% of the world's total energy consumption:

(Source – Gail Tverberg)

While people excitedly point out the growth rates in energy renewables, they often fail to note either/both the scale involved and/or the fact that a tiny percentage growth in fossil fuels will utterly dwarf a large percentage gain in renewables.

This is the dynamic that the numbers in the above study are warning us of. Loudly.  

It’s nothing personal. It’s just math. But it’s going to get very personal over the next years and decades as the world is finally forced to confront the idiocy of attempting infinite growth on a (quite) finite planet.

And it's for this reason I am going to have a hard time being a good little committee member and sign off on some cheery report suggesting we can achieve a sustainable energy future if we all just try a little harder.

We’re going to need to try harder than any generation has ever had to try on anything, ever in all of history, to remake our energy infrastructure.


The Predicament That Stares Us In The Face

These days it’s very hard to scan the headlines without running into seriously troubling ecological data.

The two ocean related articles below recently jumped out at me, both of which are related to the implications of oceanic warming:

Underwater Heat Wave Devastates Great Barrier Reef

Mar 29, 2016

CANBERRA, Australia—An underwater heat wave is devastating huge swaths of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, marine researchers have found.

An aerial survey of the chain of 3,000 coral outcrops—a Unesco world-heritage site and the only living system visible from space—found 95% of its northern area, roughly half the reef’s length, had been hit by a bleaching event that began six months ago. Damage to the southern area is still being assessed.

“This has been the saddest research trip of my life,” said Terry Hughes, a professor at Australia’s James Cook University and expert in coral bleaching. “Almost without exception, every reef we flew across showed consistently high levels of bleaching, from the reef slope right up onto the top of the reef.”


This bleaching is caused by the loss of the symbiotic algae upon which coral depends, causing the coral organisms to die from starvation.

Another important bottom-of-the-food-chain organism, phytoplankton, has been disappearing from a variety of ocean basins with the Indian Ocean being one that recently made the news:


Feb 2, 2016

Research reveals that phytoplankton stocks in the region fell an alarming 30 percent over just the last 16 years. This most recent tally of the collapse of this vital ocean pasture ecosystem compounds the observed collapse that has been documented since the early 1950’s!

The collapse of ocean pasture ecosystems is taking place in all of the world’s ocean, not just in the Indian Ocean. Indeed many of those ocean basins are in a much worse condition of pasture collapse than the Indian Ocean.


As the study itself concluded, the cause was due to hot surface water blocking mixing with the nutrient dense(er) lower waters:

We find that these trends in chlorophyll are driven by enhanced ocean stratification due to rapid warming in the Indian Ocean, which suppresses nutrient mixing from subsurface layers. Future climate projections suggest that the Indian Ocean will continue to warm, driving this productive region into an ecological desert.


These are by no means rare exceptions plucked from a sea of otherwise positive news.  The world’s ecosystems are having a really rough time absorbing the scope and the pace of changes that humans are creating.

The grief expressed above by the scientists who study these ecosystems tells the tale.   


The world is just not yet serious enough about the urgency of transitioning away from fossil fuels.  The math says that without a tremendous change in behavior, far greater than anything currently on display, we simply won’t “get there” waiting for market forces to do the job for us.

We’ll have to make and adhere to very different priorities. Such as completely redirecting our entire defense budgets to the process of retooling our entire relationship to energy.

We’ll need our buildings to use less energy. And we’ll need to live closer to where we work and play.

Our food will have to be grown differently. And it will have to travel less far to get to our plate.

Electricity will have to come from sources other than fossil fuels too.

Is it possible to figure this out in time? Well, whether it is or not is sort of beside the point because these changes are going to be forced on us anyways if we don't get our act together in time.

So I guess I could be an optimist on the UN panel by telling them that I have 99% confidence that humans will someday be powering 100% of their energy needs from the sun.

I’ll just leave out that what I mean is that, in 100 or 200 years, humans will have painfully reverted back to a 1600’s-style subsistence farming lifestyle.

The point of this article is to refocus our attention on the need for each of us to lead the way, to begin our own individual energy transitions without waiting for some top-down solutions to come forward. The calvary simply isn't going to show up.

In our podcasts with Joel Salatin, Singing Frogs farm and Toby Hemenway, we've been surfacing examples of the ways in which we can begin farming regeneratively and relationally today.  You can do this on your own if you garden. Or you can support local farmers/CSAs that will do this for you. 

Anybody paying into a pension or trying to manage an endowment that needs to be there in 30 or 40 years (or forever, as is the case for university endowments) needs to understand that projections based on prior rates of economic growth are fantasies, hatched when we had the luxury of pretending there were no energy limits.

The restructuring of our energy economy, if taken under our own terms and on our own timelines, will utterly crush traditional economic growth as we’ve come to know and love it.

If taken under more dire terms, there may not even be a recognizable economy for a very long time.  

These are serious matters. They deserve serious consideration and even more serious answers.

Every little step each of us can make, both for its direct impact and for its leadership effects, is actually vitally important.

So one question we might ask ourselves is: How can I use less energy today, enjoy life just as much (if not more), and be part of the solution?

The future is going to be very different from the past. And the only thing that could come along to ameliorate the situation from an energy-food-survival standpoint would be a brand new source of energy. Something along the lines of workable, scalable fusion or if LENR (Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction) pans out and is quickly adopted.

As long as we are collectively relying on ~80% of our primary energy coming from fossil fuels, we're on the opposite path from creating a world worth inheriting.

And the extent to which we fail to run he numbers and appreciate the scale and the scope and the timing involved, preferring perhaps to content ourselves with just the renewables side of the story, is the extent to which we are failing to appreciate the challenges we face.

So my challenge for myself is to see how much I can further cut back my own energy use -- something I've already done in good measure by heating my water using the sun, insulating my home, and having a relatively efficient vehicle.  But there’s still a lot more I can do. 

How about you?

~ Chris Martenson

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/were-not-going-to-make-it/

Good luck with talking to these UN guys Chris!
My efforts -

Solar Hot water - tubes

Grid connected PV

Insulated the walls and roof, working on the windows

Certificate 3 (CIT) in Nursery and Landscaping - back and front gardens in development - veggies as well as perennial herbs, fruit and nut trees

Nissan Leaf car + Level 2 charger at home

4 (spoilt, pet) chooks in the back yard - I protect the veggies and small plants from them

battery electric lawnmower, whipper snipper, sheers and blower

Currently working on reducing the current gas winter heating bill…


(Most people I have spoken to don't really cope too well with the concept of serially nested bubbles - let alone the practical consequences!)

Congrats on the council invitation, Chris. Thank you for taking that on.
Find yourself a Teflon overcoat and call things the way you see them. Call that spade a spade! Many people/entities will resist or ignore but some will hear.

Some of our efforts:

  • Energy conservation upgrades in home and workshop, including triple-pane windows and 18 inches of attic insulation
  • Walking more, driving less. My car is a hybrid; my bike is a three-speed.
  • Gardening, of course; seeking out locally produced food
  • More cooking from scratch
  • More bartering, buying used, or making/fixing things ourselves
  • Less banking, more "credit unioning"
  • Making micro loans through Kiva.org (over 700 so far)

"gracefully deal with the continued growth" Nice style but wrong message.
"I have 99% confidence that humans will someday be powering 100% of their energy needs from the sun." Deceptive message. Brutal honesty is getting serious, Catering to the politically correct sensibilities of professional compromisers compromises you Mr Martenson. Manners and etiquette be dammed. Political Correctness was an Orwellian political agenda to protect/prevent calling a lying lowlife scum politician, a lying peice of sh*t, and it is a way for the corrupt to carry out their machinations together and amongst their peers in an environment where lying is spin,the mass murder of civilians is collateral damage, and my favorite, " he wasn't entirely forthcoming with the truth" is accepted as reality without costs. Political correctness is primarily cowardice hiding behind the skirts of prudence when it's coming from a politician, so why not "let them have it" with a little shock and awe of reality?  

Of Homo Capensis, not H.Sap.

Andrea Rossi
March 29, 2016 at 1:44 PM
WE HAVE RECEIVED RIGHT NOW THE ERV’S REPORT WHICH HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO INDUSTRIAL HEAT AND TO MYSELF. While I cannot release the report publicaly at this time, I can state that I am very pleased with the results. I hope that Industrial Heat and I will be able to release the report publicaly in the near future.
May God help us for the hard work waiting for us all.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi,
CEO of Leonardo Corporation

-Heat pumps like this  http://www.daikinaircon.com.au/daikin-split-systems/daikin-ururu-sarara-split-system can replace gas space heating saving 90% energy
-Heat pumps can also heat water saving 75% energy http://www.sandenwaterheater.com/

-LED lights can save 80% lighting energy 

Combine this with home insulation, draft sealing, life style changes, thermostat settings etc and you can cut your energy (not just electricity) consumption by 90% (suddenly renewable energies job got a whole lot easier).

-Transport can be achieved within say 15 km ranges via electric bicycle which covers that distance in 30mins (if you stick to a legal motor size).
-Electric motor bikes can be used for longer distances. 
If you combine all these options with growing food more locally, upgrades to rail networks, telecommuting, electric freight vehicles, buses etc the transport task will shrink its energy requirements by over 80%.

It is not just about supplying the same amount of energy via solar and wind it is about cutting the huge energy waste which is the bulk of the job. 

Upon some of the revelations of your other recent post and the subject of deception and some of its positive aspects. Sort of like the best way to cease smoking is to do more of it while paying close attention to how it makes you feel. 
I suggest an alternative strategy or approach other than being absolutely truthful, fact driven while exposing all the rational reasons why we should change, (that has been tried and I don't think you enjoy banging your head against a wall). Suggesting the opposite, the absurd. I think you have the mind and the now I know you have spiritual sense to fill in these blanks.

Maybe the most success isn't exposing the deception its creating your own.  


Good work Chris,
You will obviously be delivering a message that the council will have difficulty receiving. The reaction should be a good litmus test of how this predicament will play out as regards global leadership.

The other day I was going through my old book library and came across a copy of  'The National Energy Plan' authored by Jimmy Carter in 1977. It lays out a course of action very similar to todays narrative regarding the need to limit our use of fossil fuels … or dire consequences await. Of course we know how that worked out. As a populace we remain in denial.

If someone wanted to know what life would be like with an 80% reduction in energy, take your electric and gas bill and calculate the amount you use and then turn off your meter main switches when you reach that number for the month. And stop driving your car when you have consumed 20% of your usual allotment. The present time good news is that you could simply flip the switch back on if you got into trouble … which most of us would IMHO.

I think things like lawns and electric lawnmowers, driveway blowers, heatpumps and rototillers would switch to vegetable patches, rakes and hoes and natural ventilation rather quickly. But available water and good soil ultimately will be an absolute necessity as the energy noose tightens.

I am very interested to hear how your visit goes. At the very least we know that there will be some discomfort from council members. Let's hope so anyway!


[quote=Professor Jones]

The numbers you start dealing with become so large that they are difficult to comprehend,."

Al Bartlett would be pleased with your efforts.
I have two hybrids and a European style scooter that I ride exclusively when weather permits.    
Some retirees in Arizona drive Hybrids, but many more drive trucks, SUVs and muscle cars.  We've even seen a few of these running around.  They sell at RV centers and go for around $100K.  Their retiree owners seem to use them for day sightseeing trips.
I moved last fall, so this year I get to start a garden again.  I'm also going to look for people giving away old thermopane windows to build a greenhouse with.  
Increased attic insulation and storm windows for over my thermopane windows are on the list, as is an alternative heat source, but probably next year.
I'm retired.  Thanks to the Fed, I don't have much income and my medical insurance costs are rediculious and growing.  Thanks Obama, for the affordable health care legislation that bears your name.  
So there is a limit to how much I can do.  I'm thinking about taking a part time job at a building supply store, mostly to get an employee discount on building materials.

My girlfriend and I both were growing increasingly discontent living in Austin working jobs we don't really like knowing we can't really do any of the homesteading and big picture things we really want to do.  On top of that, we both are interested in doing something different for a living that doesn't require us to commute and sit in front of a computer for 8+ hrs a day.  Our problem is that we don't really know where to head to next.  My hometown near Dallas is always a fall back but it and Texas overall leaves much to be desired on many fronts.
So, instead of continuing to self-loathe we made the decision to quit our jobs, sell most of our stuff and go on a cross-country many months long road trip adventure with our dogs.  The goal is to eventually learn how to bounce around without spending a ton of money.  We plan on camping, seeing friends/family, WWOOFing (working on organic farms for room and board), and generally finding some unique adventures and experiences along the way and maybe just maybe finding a place along the way that we really like and decide to move to. 

We are hoping that along the way on this trip we can really make some investments on the 8 forms of capital.  We have enough financial capital to allow us to take this risk at least for a little while.  We will be setting up a blog and social media presence to see if we can monetize some of our adventures and hopefully network well enough to find other interesting opportunities along the way.

Needless to say, if any fellow PeakProsperity folks need a hand with summer chores, gardening, special projects or just might be willing to let some friendly travelers stay at your place or camp on your land, let me know!  We hope to meet as many people along the way and do as many varied things as possible.

We are both as utterly disgusted with modern life as the rest of you so I hope we can make some connections along the way!  We opted out of Rowe this year because that $1200 we would have spent to attend will go a loooong way on our trip.

It is hard to communicate that we may be facing 'less'. Not a popular message for people who are constantly seeking 'more'.
I am dissatisfied with just reducing my own carbon footprint and keeping the issue present in conversation with others. I do not know how to be more broadly effective.

The whole alternative power industry has some serious challenges. Not the least of which is that fossil fuel infrastructure uses steel. There’s lots of iron and carbon around to make it.
Electric power depends on copper. There’s not so much of that around.
Here’s a back of the envelope calculation I just ran.
There were about 15 M cars sold in the US last year, about 70 M worldwide.
Electric cars take about 150-180 lbs of copper for their engine rotors and chassis wiring. Conventional vehicles use about 50 lbs. That’s a 100-130 lb increase.
Multiplying these out, converting to electric cars would require 1.5-1.9 Billion pounds of copper for the US and 7-9 Billion pounds worldwide.
World copper production was 19 M metric tonnes in 2014 or about 43 Billion pounds. Cars alone would consume 1/6th of all the copper produced.
Now extend that to all the other fossil fuel engines used, like big trucks, bulldozers, cranes, airplanes (I’m not sure these are even feasible), etc. I haven’t attempted the numbers, but I’ll bet the copper consumption doubles.
With all those electric vehicles you will need to boost the distribution grid all the way down to peoples homes to handle the increased energy transmission. More copper.
Now consider that copper production is peaking. The US is at half its peak output (reached in 1997) and Chile has been flat since 2004. World reserves are estimated at 700 Million tonnes or about 38 years at current rates of consumption. Of course, consumption has been going up every year so the number of years left in reserve is going to be lower. If the electric vehicle conversion happens the reserves will be used up even faster.
Electric vehicles also need a way to store all that energy. The current favorite battery technology is based on lithium. I haven’t attempted to estimate if there’s enough of that around, but I doubt it.
Even if we could make enough electricity I’m skeptical that we’d be able to use it.
The obvious conclusion is what Chris alluded to in his article. There will have to be massive societal changes, bringing people closer to their places of work, bringing food production closer to those places, etc. A complete restructuring of society into numerous small sustainable villages.
This also means major changes in where people live. Places like Las Vegas are simply not sustainable in the long term.
In spite of all this we continue to build housing and infrastructure in these types of cities. Our political structure is such that it is virtually impossible to stop. These places have two senators with no shortage of seniority.
There’s lots more to the problem than can fit in a comment like this.

Hi Chris,
Congrats on the UN invitation. I expect just the opposite reception from them. My guess is they will be very receptive to and agree with your point of view. The problem will not be the message or conclusion but rather will be finding agreement as to how to reach agreed upon sustainable goals.  I look forward to hearing an update on how it went. - GB

when did we as a society become unsustainable? 1600's, late 1800's, I dunno, but think i'm close.

Chris said: “So my challenge for myself is to see how much I can further cut back my own energy use”
You did lead the article with “I’m on a Metro North train heading the NYC”. You didn’t drive!

Congratulations on the decision!   My wife Becca and I once took a year off and traveled the US in a VW camper.  I've never regretted that decision or set of experiences.

There's a great relief in finally making the decision itself, so revel in that too.  :)

While it would have been great to see you again at Rowe, I totally understand your priorities.  If you need any suggestions on places to go, I'd recommend putting Asheville NC on your list an being sure to swing by Montague MA so we can introduce you to our neck of the woods.

Well, I've just returned form the session and I can happily say that I spoke my piece.
The advisory panel I am on is charged with sifting through a pile of grant applications for a $1M pile with the intent of delivering a very short list to a senior group which will make the final call based on our recommendations.

The theme this year is "sustainable transportation."  I noted that I would be heavily favoring truly ground and mold breaking ideas that are both aspirational and have a strong means of shifting the narrative, because the time for nibbling around the edges has passed us by.  

While $1M (going to a single winner) is a drop in the literal ocean of money needed to address the energy predicament, the opportunity here is to really influence the direction of the conversation by selecting an awardee that is not just figuring out a slightly slower (i.e. more efficient) way of burning fossil fuels.    That is, whose project can help shape the conversation and shift the narrative far beyond what the award can directly support.

Of course, I am just one person on a sizable panel, so all I am doing here is explaining how I am looking at all this.  There are many other views in play.

It's a great group of people involved and they are all very prominent and established in their fields.  I was nominated by one of them because he had used Crash Course video chapters to introduce people on his staff to the topic of energy economics.

So this all feels like a good use of time, and I am very much liking the conversations so far, and I look forward to contributing where and how I can.

Good Luck at the UN. Remember, to quote Ure, "it's all a business plan". 
I consider myself to be an "energy nomad". Whatever steps one takes to reduce energy usage leaves the 800 pound gorilla in the room, the high costs of heating and cooling. A simple solution for retired folk,  follow the birds! I keep two smaller condos, one in CT and one in SW FL. Leaves heating and cooling costs very close to zero. To remain in NE would cost at least $500/mo in winter. I have not found a good way around this. Plus its a forever summer!

It breaks my heart to think of the elderly suffering through the cold NE winter, especially when heating oil was $4/gallon. It will be there again. For that kind of money, with the tax savings, you can pick up a cheap condo down south and enjoy life. 

Just an idea that works for me…

That's good to hear. Now put your feet up, have a drink of something interesting, and get ready for the next round! 

We'll be interested to hear more as this progresses.

I read through most of this last year, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development from the U.N.

The key topics:

Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
  • Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
  • Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
  • Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
  • Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
  • Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
  • Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
  • Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
The goals are futher detailed subsequently.  For example:
Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all 7.1 By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services 7.2 By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix 7.3 By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency 7.a By 2030, enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil-fuel technology, and promote investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology 7.b By 2030, expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy services for all in developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States, and land-locked developing countries, in accordance with their respective programmes of support
My favourite result from any meeting (particularly the ones that were not making much progress, i.e. many of them) was when someone said "I agree in principle with you" (on that point or topic). [Def: If you ​agree with or ​believe something in principle, you ​agree with the ​idea in ​general, ​although you might not ​support it in ​reality or in every ​situation].

Yeah, meeting over!  Time to head to the local watering hole or Kneipe and knock back a few rounds of Budweiser Budvar (the real deal).  An extra round for the poor bloke that gets to type up the meeting minutes.