We’re Not Going To Make It…

Although Methane Hydrates do constitute a future risk, a more immediate risk is happening with the natural gas boom. The public has been sold on the idea that NG is the panacea for our future energy needs here in the US. Word from the top is that we have enough NG to power our economy for another 100+ years conservatively. The part of this narrative that is being left out is the fact that only a small portion of the NG extracted in the US stays in the US.

The fact is that the idea of further damaging our environment through the very invasive extraction technique known as fracking was justified by TPTB for the greater good. The reality is what the reality has always been, profit before people! The majority of NG is extracted and then exported for the simple fact that it's worth 2 to 3 times more in countries like Japan and others who have no fossil fuel deposits of their own. 

We are sacrificing our water, our air and our sovereignty for the profits of a few.

Years ago I was lucky enough to hear Al Bartlett speak, then stumbled across a grainy YouTube video of Chris speaking at Yahoo. The course of my life changed at that moment. While still plugging away as an executive in various high tech and software jobs I bought an organic farm and started to prepare for the future Chris is struggling to convey to the UN.
This is my first post despite being a member for many years because going on record that the "End is Near" never makes you very welcome at parties. So I decided to lead by example and let others learn from it if they wish. We created a Research and Development Farm dedicated to the principles of re-booting agriculture by rebuilding soil, creating closed loop food systems and using Industrial Hemp to finance the research. Here is a glimpse of what we are working on. Google Chimney Rock Farms to learn more.

 Chimney Rock Hemp Passive Solar Greenhouses


"Word from the top is that we have enough NG to power our economy for another 100+ years conservatively"
This is what we are up against.  Denial and misinformation.  "Word from the top" LOL. 

That is a true inspiration.

… you've quit holding out on us richbecks!  Stay in touch.

…and great website, Richbecks!  Very inspirational; thanks for sharing!

Wow.  That's a beautiful set up.  I'd love to hear more about how it's all working commercially for you.

Thank you for doing the work you are doing, and letting us know about it.

(Meeting Al in CO was a high point for me…actually he came to one of my talks.  Very intimidating, in a good way…  Were you in that audience perhaps?)


Aloha! Anyone check the back end of this "alternative energy" crisis? Anyone ever seen a mining operation before? Much of what we make the wind power generators and solar panels out of come from digging huge holes in the Earth. Go visit a copper mine.
Here is the process to develop one part of a solar panel from a report on alternative power waste by Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition …

Now here is part of a page of toxic elements used to produce solar panels. This is part of a list of five more pages.

What I am trying to point out should be obvious. What we think is "green" is a different color entirely. If we have to increase the manufacturing cycle 3700% like Chris mentions then you also get 3700% more toxins. Granted some is recycled but a 3700% increase means more mining operations and more recycle centers and toxic e-dumps.

We have done a phenomenal job of exporting our manufacturing jobs to China and other Third World countries. Along with those exported jobs are our exported toxic waste. Congratulations Apple not only have you made child labor a fiscal bottom line but you have poisoned the Chinese people. Which brings me to the next graphic that sums up the PC crowd and the UN general assembly. Please note the podium the man is lecturing from … So many of the UN participants have a lot to lose if "real change" took place in the world, most especially the USA.

As for me I do not believe there is a verifiable forboding climate change disaster that we can mitigate unless we can control the Sun. Notice how you hardly hear the original term "global warming". I just saw on TV John Kerry tell MSNBC reporters that if we had started the alternative energy movement sooner there would not be so many storms now. He was addressing the cost of storm damage. Wow … did a sitting US Sec of State just say we can "control storms"? Maybe we need to reinstate Enron and start trading weather futures more vigorously!! They used to be "the smartest guys in the room" until they went bankrupt!!

Let me explain corruption again …


When it comes to politicians … follow the money! When it comes to career politicians follow the money to Panama! 

What am I doing? I own a farm in Hawaii where food grows without heating and cooling and without fertilizing and without constant labor. I do not even water. It's called a tropical jungle! It is how Hawaiians survived for a thousand years before Capt Cook. Now they go to McDonalds then stop off at the DaVita factory.

Never mind just the energy part of human existence here is the entire picture …

Good luck Chris!!




Now that I am a full time Farmer and Researcher I can safely say that Restorative Agriculture works and can be profitable if you choose the right crop. We were the first large scale commercial aquaponics operation in Colorado and learned how difficult it is to compete against Big Ag. You can make a living but it is difficult to pay other a living wage to scale up. The greenhouses proved to be very successful and can easily feed 50 people. We would be willing to share the design with anyone interested in building community resilience that is a non-commercial venture.
Then we discovered Hemp and everything changed. We now grow hemp high in CBD for companies making body lotions, tinctures, wine, and oils. We are experimenting with hemp biodiesel and animal forage. Hemp sequesters 4 times the amount of CO2 as a tree… Hemp is a gift to humanity.

Go to our Chimney Rock Hemp website or Facebook page to learn all about it. We are open source and happy to share.  

(I attended CU and took Al's population course. As a mathematician Al believed the Prime problem was overpopulation.)

I share your frustration, Tall.  Though I still have a long way to go in my own footprint reduction, I've been working on it since 2011.  My journey has been largely about reducing carbon footprint without significantly degrading quality of life.  I drive through surrounding neighborhoods and see only a few other homes sporting solar panels on them out of hundreds.  I drive my leaf around town and see an occasional sister ship passing on the roads or the even rarer Tesla or other brands of PEV's, but the vast majority are not electric vehicles in spite of tax incentives. 
The states with high energy costs like HI, and CA or high percentages of sunny days like in the deserts of the Southwest or steady winds through the plains are adopting fastest.  Next come the states with tax incentives, while many other states with less than ideal sun or wind profiles and few incentives are languishing far behind.  Ultimately, the issue is an economic one and if we're already running massive deficits, simply increasing government incentives won't be a solution either… we must actually bring the costs down for renewables and/or raise the prices of fossil fuels enough to encourage broader adoption and conservation.  It's this latter option, raising prices, that seems like the most appropriate option.  Unfortunately, with oil prices tanking recently, the incentives have gone the other way… buy bigger vehicles!  Our road infrastructure has been given a grade of "D", meaning we have many substandard bridges and roadways that are in need of repair or even replacement.  We haven't had an increase in the gasoline tax since Ronald Reagan, yet fuel efficiencies have risen considerably in the last 30+ years.  Instead of proposing a gas tax increase, our politicians ponder whether we should sell some of our strategic oil reserves to fund the current shortfall… where's the sense in that?  If you look at utility incentives for upgrading to more efficient appliances, insulation, windows, ultra efficient furnaces, water heaters, and A/C units, etc, the paybacks are decades long, so unless you have an altruistic mindset, payback will not justify the most energy efficient improvement options.  What is needed is to increase taxes on the things we want to reduce and do it aggressively enough to create the desired change we need.  That's what's been happening in Germany, where the incentives to invest in green energy are being funded through utility rate increases that are paid by the energy consumers.  Unfortunately, the disadvantaged are negatively impacted by such policies, creating real hardships for the poor and those living on fixed incomes.  I believe the government can find ways through tax policy to give relief to these groups as a way to lessen but not eliminate the burden.  Possibly using some of the new tax revenues to offset these negative factors would be a way to make the whole process more acceptable to the general populace.  The additional benefits from reducing our dependence on foreign oil and decreasing our carbon footprint will help affluent western economies do our part in creating the needed changes.  The less affluent economies can benefit from production efficiencies as advanced nations continue to drive the efficiency curve for the benefit of us all.

Kaimu,  Great post on the complications of thinking Green.  Unfortunately, we've built a great many inefficient mcmansions across our country that won't be easily replaced any time soon if ever.  And while you live in the tropics and have abundant rainfall, there are many places with more hostile conditions that people will need successful models to follow if we're going to come up with the end game.  I'm pretty sure you're not advocating that we mainlanders all move to the islands, but I can appreciate that you've got a good thing going there smiley
There is someone advocating for highly efficient systems.  That person is an architect named Michael Reynolds out of Taos, NM.  Michael and his company, Earthship Biotecture, have been advocating for a new style of home which captures rainwater and re-uses it 4 times, making it possible to live off rainfall in a high desert area that averages only 7" of rainfall a year.  His homes are made of earth rammed tires covered with cob or adobe mud, which serve as the storage mechanism for passive solar heat gain.  Temperatures are controlled with venting and underground cooling tubes, use of ultra efficient lighting and appliances, and recycling bottles and cans in creative ways which provide artistic flair.  These homes use solar hot water heating, to melt snow in the winter for water collection and for domestic use.   The water is captured in cisterns and filtered at various stages for domestic use, including drinking water. 2 of the water use cycles are for growing plants in an internal greenhouse using grey water from sinks, baths, and showers.  That water flows through the internal greenhouse planters before being pumped to flush toilets.  Toilet water flows into an external septic basin, which leaches black water into a lined drainage field to water outside plants.  The greenhouse area is capable of growing tropical plants and producing food in an environment where temps of -30F are possible in winter.  Nothing like picking fresh banannas and pineapples in the midst of a winter wonderland.

Michael's history of exploration over more than 30 years has led to some evolutionary improvements based on practical experiences with various innovations along the way.  What Michael Reynolds calls the "Global Model" offers 2 bedrooms and plenty of living space for a family of four or five.  This model will use somewhere between 750 and 1200 waste tires in its construction, in effect recycling the waste product.  The unit is completely off grid, usually powered by 6 or more 24 volt, 60-cell solar panels and two thermal hot water panels.  They've also designed a reliable windmill that can be used for additional power generation.  Modern Earthships use both AC and DC power to minimize the demand on an inverter and increase reliability and efficiency as much as possible.

Earthships are being build around the globe, but the process is labor intensive.  Michael and his teams of "disciples" have traveled the globe to teach people in areas devastated by tsunamis, hurricanes, and other natural disasters how to build basic, low cost housing structures using the principles they've developed through experimentation.

The biggest challenge with these homes is meeting modern building codes.  In many remote portions of our country, building codes are not stringent and the complete system can be employed.  In other locales, such as where I live in Colorado, water rights issues prevent the capture and re-use of water as proposed in the standard Earthship systems.  Getting building codes changed to accommodate these unusual methods, are problems in most larger metropolitan areas. 

I'd love to see Chris engage with Michael Reynolds in one of his podcasts.  If anyone is interested in learning more about these amazing machines, search Earthships on Youtube and you'll find more than you can imagine on the topic…

Interesting article DurangoDan, thanks for sharing the link.  I hadn't read much on this side of the argument before, but find it to parallel the area I've spent more time researching; Global Warming or rather Global Cooling. There are an increasing number of scientists coming out saying that global warming is a big hoax.   If you accept Chris's position that any risk with a potential for a high negative impact, even if it has a relatively low probability, is worth preparing for, I would encourage you to take the time to give the case I'm about to outline some serious consideration.
This documentary called The Great Global Warming Swindle explains how the global warming position developed and why it's false here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52Mx0_8YEtg  A couple of the scientists with cameos in that documentary are featured in this one called the Svensmark: The Cloud Mystery  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANMTPF1blpQ This documentary explains a decade of research by a Danish Physicist team on the relationship between cloud formation and the earth's atmospheric bombardment by cosmic rays, which create ions in the atmosphere, which in turn attract water molecules, that form into clouds.  The shading of clouds play a much more significant role in affecting the earth's temperature than CO2. 

In addition, CO2's light wavelength is within the same ultraviolet wavelength filtered by water vapor (clouds).  The relationship to CO2 is explained in this scientific analysis of the Carbon Cycle which does a nice job of tying in why continually increasing CO2 alone can't move the global temperature more than a couple of degrees C over an amazing increase in CO2 concentrations.  The author references four scientific journals which estimated the potential impacts of increasing CO2 and then makes his case for why the lower two potential estimates are likely the most accurate.  Titled The Real Inconvenient Truth  the article can be found here:  http://junksciencearchive.com/Greenhouse/index.html   This article was published on Junk Science in response to Al Gore's movie.  It was this article that I encountered in 2008 that initially caused me to begin questioning Al Gore's widely accepted thesis.  

Svensmark's research indicates that cosmic ray bombardment increases when the sun's solar wind declines, reducing the protection it provides the earth's atmosphere from cosmic ray penetration.  This happens during what are known as solar minimums such as the Dalton and Maunder Minimums.  In 2007, a retired NASA engineer, John L. Casey, Came out with a press release declaring that global warming had ended and we were entering a period of global cooling, based on what he called his RC theory of solar cycles.  His subsequent books Cold Sun (a more technical analysis of the subject) and Dark Winter, (a version for consumption by a less technical audience), explains that we are heading into a global cooling period that will last into the 2030's.  While Dark Winter was an easy read with 55 pages of material and over 150 pages of supporting documentation, the easiest way to digest this material is by viewing the 6 segments of the documentary found on Youtube. The first segment is here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0W7m6_CwNw   The remaining 5 will be displayed in the right margin when you view this first one.  Each segment is between 6 and 10 minutes long, shorter if you move on when they begin to advertise the next segment.   Casey further links the solar minimum cycle to higher incidents of seismic activity; major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.  Casey points out that 1816 was known as the year without a Summer due to the prior year's cataclysmic eruption of Mt. Tambora in Indonesia, which was 100x more powerful than Mt. St.Helens in 1980.  The volcanic aerosols blown into the atmosphere reduced the sun's ability to heat the surface of the earth, contributing to the unusual cold weather in the summer of 1816.  Casey predicts we may see something similar in the coming decades with major crop failures in the primary food growing bands of the earth.  While the cause may be different, the outcome would be no less devastating. 

Another Youtube channel which provides interesting information on unusual weather and seismic activity is Adapt 2030.  Check out a recent example talking about volcanic activity here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewXpV-vwcy0  Postings are not daily, but have documented unusual cold weather events happening in regions closer to the equator where snow and hail are extremely rare.  This site also features news regarding volcanic eruptions. The post talks about how the number of volcanic eruptions as of March 7, 2016 were already at 42 while the long tern annual average is 52 per year.  He notes that the last two years posted 80 and 87 per year, so the trend is statistically significant and increasing.  He also mentions the Landscheit models which document when planetary alignments in various quadrants of the Sun create stronger magnetic influences that appear to affect the levels of activity on the side of the sun facing the Earth, and therefore, affecting our weather.  I suspect this would correlate well with Casey's Relational Cycle (RC) Theory. 

This next segment is an explanation from the American Astronomical Society's solar observations in 2011, concluding that we are in fact heading into a solar minimum with great technical analysis and explanation of the changes developing in the Sun's activity levels at that time which confirm what Casey and many others are claiming, that we are headed into a solar minimum as part of the Sun's normal cycles.  Others are saying that the alignment of the orbiting planets relative to each other and the sun affects the level of activity experienced by us on Earth.  Here's the link to the ASA presentation on a range of sun studies which cumulatively point to a solar minimum emerging at this time as evidenced from the declining number and magnetic strength of sun spots based on scientific telescope observations from a range of astronomers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s5c-JfGibc

On the topic of how the Sun impacts earth seismicity, Suspicious 0bservers has a Youtube channel with daily blogs where they explain how solar magnetic storms emanating from coronal holes on the sun's surface can trigger seismic activity when it bombards the earth's surface over known fault lines.  The Youtube channel corresponds to the website www.spaceweathernews.com   The authors have documented where their predictions of major seismic activity (Magnitude 6.0 or greater) correlate with the sun's surface map and how storms projecting hits the surface of the earth using generally available solar mapping provided from government websites.  This post documents one such prediction and the resulting 7.2 magnitude earthquake that occurred in Sumatra following their prediction:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqzfAfVVF5w  The author Ben Davidson, has been collaborating with Dr. Kongpop U-Yen from the Ohio State University and a frequent collaborator with NASA on space research, in developing their predictive models.  S0 publishes a daily post on their Youtube channel explaining what's occurring with related graphics and earth maps of weather patterns.  Their predictive capacity is high enough that they recently completed a highly successful kick starter campaign to notify people of high risk areas for earthquakes and potential tsunamis.  The subscriptions far exceed the goal and the application is forecasted to be available by the end of calendar 2016 or early 2017 on iphone and android devices.

Finally, here's an International History Channel documentary called Little Ice Age, Big Chill explaining how the Little Ice Age impacted world history:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwuO4cXghBo  If we have the potential to experience crop failures as described with today's world population, the levels of death and despair could be great indeed.

Please understand that I'm not saying the earth is not being impacted by anthropogenic activity, but I do find the evidence provided sufficient to make me doubt the legitimacy of the climate scientists claiming that CO2 is the greatest contributing factor deserving of our utmost attention and treasure.  As the author of The Real Inconvenient Truth points out, deforestation, methane production, concrete jungles, chlorofluorocarbon emissions damaging the ozone layer, and a wide range of manmade pollutants have been devastating to our environment and are having an impact that is a contributing factor to the geometric growth curves that Chris documents in the Crash Course.  A continually growing population coupled with the emergence of third world economies have the potential to vastly outstrip any emissions reducing initiatives we may take in the developed and emerging world.  I'm not saying it isn't worth addressing, but I am saying we need to take the most appropriate actions to reduce our environmental impacts and advance the technologies needed to improve the global situation, but it's possible that CO2 is far from the worst offender for us to concentrate our efforts and investments on.

All that said, I've been following Chris's site since 2008 and began to take action in 2011 as soon as we were able to complete our move into our new home and sell our prior one.  I bought a Nissan Leaf in 2013, have invested in high efficiency appliances, LED lighting, new windows, insulation improvements, and installed enough solar panels to cover our annual consumption. I ride a bicycle to work when weather and schedule permits.  We've also planted fruit trees, berry bushes, raised garden beds, and have a laundry list of other initiatives planned as time and funds are available to continue reducing our carbon footprint and prepare for the eventual economic collapse we all know is coming.

There are literally thousands of posts you could review on Youtube and thousands of additional websites and sources regarding the topics I've outlined above.  However, I've tried to provide a sampling of the ones I found to be most compelling, educational, and entertaining.  While I've provided hours of content in the links above, I've easliy reviewed well over 100x that content in the last 8 years on both sides of the arguments.  I look forward to seeing the responses to this post.


thebrewer wrote
'Most people just don't care about the environment, I think it's just too abstract in their mind, the electric bill that comes every month takes priority. 99% of the people I meet with have little to know idea of the long term cost of their energy choices. Only about 1 in 20 people I meet have the environment as their primary motivator and most of them wouldn't move forward unless they were at least saving a little.

Making the kind of big sweeping change Chris referenced above is truly going to be an uphill battle on a sand dune of nearly infinite height. Most people are so self absorbed in their own little microcosms that they won't look up until it's too late.'


You just hit the nail on the head. The 'centre of gravity' of our popular culture is miles away from a position where these issues can be seriously and urgently addressed.

Some days I feel like I'm trapped in a car with a bunch of idiots.The car is heading towards a cliff; it's getting really close, it's going really fast and the driver is asleep at the wheel.


Not familiar with Hypocaust's but there's much work going on to figure out how to make wood fired mass heaters that will likely provide what you're looking for.  They are extremely clean burning, and transfer the majority of the heat generated into a cob bench formed around the exhaust pipe, which stores and then releases the heat generated over an 18-24 hour period.  Closing the flue after the fire is out does in fact prevent the continued exhausting of warm air from the home and improves the efficient use of the heat.  Check out www.rocketstoves.com to familiarize yourself with the subject.  Check out the Case Studies tab for information on some of the leading inventors/researchers on the application of this technology.   You can order the definitive text on the subject, 3rd Edition, and other books on related wood fired ovens from this site.  There's also a technical blog where you can learn a great deal about the experimentation and best practices associated with this concept at http://donkey32.proboards.com/  The experts advising others are some of the people featured in the Case Studies who've advanced the science and techniques involved.



Interesting that Suspicious 0bservers posted an overview of their research and its correllation of magnetic storms emanating from the sun with major earthquakes on April 5, just as I was including one of their more recent events, the Sumatran quake in March, in my post yesterday.   This is a great recap of their research and a plea for someone to engage to advance the work with a scientific paper on the subject:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlWopdjMrBE

Thanks Greg,
Just had a quick scan - definitely worth further reading.



My apologies if I come across unsympathetically but this stuff is like a combination of whack-a-mole and the zombie apocalypse. Debunk one thing and another is presented, wait a week and the whole slate of stuff gets trotted out again as if it had never been shown to be completely wrong, again and again. Facts never get in the way of any mish-mash of back of the envelope calculations and hand waving by people who think that because they just thought of something that it is a 'new' idea no one ever considered. Do they ever actually check? No, they just knock up some 'theory' and post it on YouTube. Why bother actually having your calculations checked by independent scientists? They would just reject the work, conspiracy I tell you! Then again maybe it could just be that the material being peddled was crap wrapped up in flashy confident sounding nonsense. In this brave new world where the information age will bring you anything you think you want to hear, combined with an era of almost no critical thinking capacity being taught in schools, we get instant discounting of the life's works of hundreds of scientists who actually had to work to have credibility by someone who has none him/herself. While an 'an easy read with 55 pages' sounds much more pleasant than slogging through 3,000+ pages of dense work condensing and synthesizing tens of thousands of publications of scientific works on climate change subjects (freely available right here!), you could just read the 32 page summary (link).
The cosmic ray theory has been tested and found wanting many times. Please go here for detailed explanations of why together with many links to the several papers by scientists who examined and tested the ideas. Cosmic rays exist but they simply don't enough of what has been postulated to make any significant difference for the climate.

While the link between cosmic rays and cloud cover is yet to be confirmed, more importantly, there has been no correlation between cosmic rays and global temperatures over the last 30 years of global warming.  In fact, in recent years when cosmic rays should have been having their largest cooling effect on record, temperatures have been at their highest on record.
Global cooling? In what alternate universe is this being considered? There is no ground-swell of maverick scientists pushing this as a near-term possibility. If anyone says differently, please trot out some names and the papers they've published on the subject. Assuming there are any, has anyone ever cited them?

The Earth was actually slowly cooling for approximately 5,000 years before we totally canceled out all that cooling in a single century (see Marcott et al. 2013).

The whole bit about volcanoes is alluding to sulfur dioxide emissions which can brighten the atmosphere, reflecting much of the sunlight reaching the Earth for 2-3 years if it is injected in large enough quantities high enough into the atmosphere at the right points of the planet. Basically you need to eject materials at least 10km up and at locations near the equator so that they are spread globally. The big eruption in Iceland a few years back messed up Europe's air traffic but did nothing to the global climate. Mount Pinatubo (Philippines) in 1991 was the last climatically significant eruption, dropping temperatures by 0.5 C for a couple of years. It does not matter how many eruptions happen on the Earth unless they are the right types and in the right locations. Using sulfur dioxide to try to reduce global temperatures is one of the geoengineering ideas being batted around these days, never mind all of the problems that it would cause.

The Little Ice Age was very real and was a whopping 0.5 C cooler than before its onset globally. It lasted a long time though and had very significant effects on human populations. I suggest reading "The Little Ice Age" by Brian Fagan for a good overview. Now consider the fact that we have managed to warm the planet by 1.0 C already (twice as much!) and are almost certain to shoot past 2.0 C long before the end of the century. If we get the return of the Maunder Minimum as was postulated (though is unsupported) the Earth would cool by 0.3-0.4 C (Shindell et al. 2001), putting a dent in current warming. A few locations would experience greater localized cooling but the planet would not suddenly experience 'global cooling', just a speed bump on the way to much higher temperatures.

As I keep saying, discussions of Global Climate Change have a well populated thread of their own "The Definitive Global Climate Change (aka Global Warming) Thread", come on over. If anyone is interested, you can also check out the my podcast with Chris "The Scientific Argument for Climate Change" that I did right here on Peak Prosperity.

Just another belated shout out to Richbecks for his very inspiring Chimney Rocks Farms post. I sincerely hope that we will be hearing more from you in the future!

I hadn't seen that before.  All I remember is we blamed cosmic rays as the cause for any unusual or unexpected results/data when on the job (more PC than BTFOOM).

CM, #16: "The advisory panel I am on is charged with sifting through a pile of grant applications for a $1M pile with the intent of delivering a very short list to a senior group which will make the final call based on our recommendations. The theme this year is "sustainable transportation." I noted that I would be heavily favoring truly ground and mold breaking ideas that are both aspirational and have a strong means of shifting the narrative, because the time for nibbling around the edges has passed us by."

To shift the narrative, consider elevated bike lanes, cycling skyways, either covered or uncovered:







And, related: human-powered monorails:


