We're Close To Your Last Day To Prepare For The Coronavirus

Speaking of this - i want to refill my scrip for that. Hey go with the flow, just take precautions. lots of hand washing sanitizing, wash and change after you arrive. I do not know what your plans are for eating while in florida, but I would think any restaurant is an issue. You’d be safer to grab a couple steaks from publix and throw them on the grill. or order a pizza or something. Just don’t let people make you feel awkward for wanting to maintain a distance and hygienic actions while you travel. Again, even if this airborne, I bet its a lower chance unless in really closed spaces. If someone is coughing on the plane, ask the flight attendant to give them a surgerical mask… bring a couple xtra for this purpose. Virus is like bacteria - you cant eliminate contamination completely, just try to minimize the largest risks… which normally is touching surfaces and then your face or eating. keep tissues in your pocket to open doors etc… and toss them… lots of hand sanitizer.

stepping aside from the question of motivation, whether it was planted or an unfortunate escape, there is every reason to believe this virus came from a lab;
How the f*^k did those HIV inserts get there?
BTW, I also test out as INTJ.

What i see that in the US the blood levels of adults of vitamine D are 70.4 (nmol/L). In Italy they are 39.9. Almost half. And if i am right that these are all important to fight off a virus then we will see a lot less percentage deaths in the US.
But keep on taking those vitamine D pills for optimal protection…

My wife is an RD. Vitamin D rates are very low for almost everyone in the US. elderly men in italy were on par with younger populations in the US . Elderly women in italy are significantly lower. I see no reason why woman would be so much lower than men. it may be do bone loss with women and hormones. i know everyone thinks its the vitamin d that helps calcium absorption but its much more synergistic… take this from some one with first hand experience as I have MEN2 and parathyroid disease. parathyroid disease is common denominator MEN1,2 and 4 because hormone issues press the parathyroids. parathyroid disease is much more common in women than men- further my hereditary MEN2 comes from my italian ancestory… so if women here have a problem it could be more genetic rather than diet. Never the less Vitamin d levels are very sub par in the US. But the tests are very unreliable. And believe me - again i have first experience because of my disease which vitamin d is measure much more than mnormal. and I get wanky test results a lot … that have to be repeated… and I can be 12 on one and 35 on another in the same week. SO , i have found we have significant testing issues with this, and for the record the doctors thought the wanky tests were a results were due to my parathyroid disease. I had surgery to remove the bad gland - all other three were inspected and tested normal - all parathyroid hormone tests since surgery have been stable and normal - yet the vitamin D monitoring continues and is still wanky… Docs only theorize a problem with the testing. I guess you can suggest its an issue with my health and chemistry… however, if you got your vitamin d tested by two 3 different labs - about 1 per mo for 3 years… please let me know if your results are consistent.
I know vitamin D was implicated in the H1N1 flu as a cause of death or cytokine storm. I had very low below 18 vitamin d at the time, I breezed through H1N1 like it was almost nothing. I mean it it was like the weakest flu/cold in the world , I would literally say , I wasnt sure I even got sick , except everyone else including my wife was at the time. So… all those who put so much into vitamin d and immunity and vitamin c - etc. i woudlnt bank on it. Not saying their is roll of vitamin d and vitamin c, and zinc. But again as most dont know, Calcium and Magnesium actually play a bigger roll. So immunity is very complex and to say oh gosh they are dying because they are vitamin D defecient…, i put no value into that at all… None what soever in weathering a flu.

Yes, germicidal wavelengths of UVC around 160 ( optimal ) do not produce ozone. An ozone producing light ( around 185 ) does not produce germicidal light… They are two different disinfecting actions… at different light wavelenght. I guess some people may not know that… But the UVC lights and ozone generating lights are pretty specific on the products. I have both products.

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