We're Close To Your Last Day To Prepare For The Coronavirus

After coming into the “de-staging” area, clothes worn outside will be put in a bag and washed. What is the best way to do this to make certain they are disinfected? What laundry products?

I know we have spoken about the most likely location candidates for first explosions… We know san francisco , seattle, chicago , NY, LA and Miami ( high density ) would see this first. I had mentioned there was stuff going on in south florida that was hushed. I also spoke about my brother ( in so fl ) being ill for weeks with something not the flu, ( no wide spread flu in FL right now ) who had a travel history of san francisco/ tahoe between jan 10 and 15. additionally the same week he met/socialized with a asian family member who had traveled back from china around mid Jan. My brother had passed his infection to several of his staff ( in charge of about 200-250 ) But his workplaces employs about 2000. And services over 5000 customers per day at their business. One of his staff ( not elderly, not underlying health ) was just hospitalized with respiratory illness. He has suspected wuflu, and wanted testing but could not get it. his boss would not let him work from home , though sick for weeks. his boss thinks this is a joke like just flu and nothing here in the US. Again, there are lots of things going on down there, not spoken about. on the news. They had their first suspected infection at the hollywood hospital back 3-4 weeks ago when florida announced it was not disclosing health information about coronavirus due to florida confidentially laws. ( BS ) Due to my brothers exposure contact to lots of employees and customers he could be a ground zero for a major cluster. He is still not well. 6 weeks this week.

Going to present that info to my wife tonight but it sure seems like she’s dead-set on traveling to Ft. Lauderdale tomorrow. My anxiety is through the ROOF today because of it.

I have been wearing outside clothes - when out and home clothes when home ( just for flu exposre for years ) … I usually just let them sit a few days - 72 hours but that is for flu. I am thinking with this, still quarantine the clothing but more like 9 days. and then just washing as usual. I do not need to go out every day… i work from home. However, I do wash my clothes in cold water ( will not kill virus ) to preserve color and fiber. So, if you want to disinfect clothing , i think you could use warm water if clothing permits. ( or you could just bring it to cleaners - no no wait that is all asian operated) I have ozone and UVC but I think both of these could be destructive on fiber in the long run. Maybe something like vinegar ( could be hard to get smell out ) or high saline bath. or hydrogen peroxide … maybe soak 50/50/ Seems like quarantining and standard wash is the way to go.

I guess you could take precautions. but it would be really difficult in a airport situation. I would not travel to even a mid size city now “400k” by air with this going on. I guess it depends how necessary the travel is. And how willing you are to accept getting this ( maybe the 80% ) but we see how long this takes to resolve. You may even keep this forever like herpes… They are now suggesting possible.

I’ve been going to Costco once a week since January. First noticeable rush was yesterday. Out of stock on Clorox, toilet paper, spaghetti, canned chicken meat, rice. The workers said it had been crazy since last Wednesday.

the definition of “necessary” is subjective here, we’ve needed to go see her family for a long time. Visiting elderly relatives who could go at any time is necessary but also a risky endeavor if you pick up the virus along the way.

This virus is a created one. Who stands to gain the most by wiping out adult Chinese? The United States. Trump has been clear from day one that he saw China as our greatest threat. I happen to agree. We have the labs that can do such things, and Wuhan is a perfect place to release it, since it can be blamed on the Chinese bi0warfare lab there.

Unlike the US in Europe fortifying food with vitamine D is not allowed. Consequential the European elderly people are on mass hypovitaminosis D.
Living in a sunny country is also not a pass. California doesn’t have good numbers as well. In the Middle East the situation is sometimes so bad that rickets is still a threat.
Hypovitaminosis D in an Italian population of elderly woman
Hypovitaminosis D Lebanon
Hypovitaminosis D Middle East and Africa

Yes this is necessary. But you could even risk infecting them. There is no win here. Lets face the facts - this is in the wild, in the community, travel has always made things worse for any virus. I have some recommendations for you. I am not sure where you are flying from. But, Do wear masks. even surgical. I know they say it doesnt work. It does if you talk to people and spittle flies during normal speech. ( but change the mask often every 5 hours or so… also it keeps you from unconsciously touching around mouth and nose. try not touch eyes… wear eyeglasses ( even clear lense if you dont have prescrip ) DO not eat or drink on the plane - i know this is a hard one… DO not eat or drink anything while traveling ( unless its sealed and you sanitized wrapper/packing)… hydrate before hand… Using a travel UVC wand to sanitize your seat can help too if possible. keep of change of clothes to change into once away from airport… and plastic bag your travel clothing. ( wear light weight clothing but with long sleeves while traveling.)

This virus is a created one. Who stands to gain the most by wiping out adult Chinese? The United States...
That's a false flag/story line constructed by the CCP desperate to distract from their embarrassing failures. The standard act of a regime under threat: fabricate an external enemy and/or attack that serves to unite the country.

I knew I liked you. Your posts are informative, direct and to the point without the emotional need to be right. An INTJ, I am one too so can relate. Am envious of your education.
This statement reflects what most of us lack and struggle with.

Slowly, the actual Reality of this Existence was imparted to me, and I had to intellectually and emotionally adapt to a dramatic alteration of my worldview. I remember it taking me months to integrate some of these changes, where I could ponder them without my heart pounding.
I/most of us are not there yet. And determining actual reality is...... frustrating. Please stick around and help us traverse this change. Glad your wife still tolerates you, oops I mean glad your still happily married! (Hope you have a sense of humor?) AKGrannyWGrit  

Even in the US , with fortified milk etc, Vitamin d deficiency is common. I would think its much less of problem in the semi arid climate of northern italy. The problem with people of brown, olive, darker complexion, is their skin does not absorb/process vitamin d as efficient, the trade of is not burning easily. However, northern italians, if not all italians eat a (med)diet rich is oily fish like sardines… they should not need to supplement. Not sure where iranians will get vitamin d. They wear /cover their skin fully, a lot. I do not believe their diet is enough to give enough vitamin d. So , I can see this population as having issues. but not italians.

You’ve laid out my thought process and most of the actions I am planning to take. We fly out of Minneapolis with a layover in KC before arriving in Ft. Lauderdale. At least the return flight is nonstop. It feels very overwhelming and when thinking through all the ways you could come in contact and carry it around with you. I’m willing to strip at the airport when we arrive so I can put my shirt and pants in a bag to be washed but I doubt my wife will be as extreme as I am willing to be. But really, what’s the point? Her sister is also flying down from NYC the same day and will be arriving around the same time, so we will be all 3 getting into her parents car from the airport. So, I can try all I want but there will be vectors and variables I have zero control over. And even if I remove myself from the scenario, my wife and her sister still go and bring all the same germs into the family equation. I am risk averse and always look for threats - this one is gonna be a wild ass trip for me. Feels like I just have to do my best and try to let it go. Some drugs might help.
Planning on masking up, doing my best to not drink at all, but that will be tough for a 3pm to midnight stretch, wiping the seats down with cleaning wipes (even tho that does nothing for the crevices etc.) and generally keeping to myself as much as possible. Gonna have the hand sanitizer flowing like crazy.
I tried to point out that the common denominator for all these spreading infections are TOURISTS!!! but alas

Nordicjack, I hope your brother’s baseline health improves (you mentioned before he has some underlying health concerns) and that he doesn’t get or transmit the coronavirus to others. Unfortunately, reports from you and others, and the “authorities’” concerted efforts to NOT inform the public about what’s going on suggest that the virus may be quietly festering, ready to explode. I really hope and pray for the best for your brother.
Vilbas, sorry to add to your anxiety and marital discord with my statements above. :wink:
Kidding aside, is there anyway you can appeal to your wife’s care and concern for others (e.g., your children, other loved ones, friends or co-workers) that may get infected if one or both of you get infected on this trip? What about providing a detailed, realistic scenario about getting sick and quarantined while enroute or in Florida, far away from the comforts of home? Maybe you can explore the scenario of postponing your trip until warmer weather when (a stretch theoretically, but assume so for this purpose) the virus becomes less virulent, dies down or “miraculously” disappears altogether?
If you do end up going (ouch!) I would negotiate strongly for as many accommodations as possible to mitigate your exposure and potential for infection throughout all aspects of the trip. I hope you’re not ridiculed for doing so. In retrospect, many will appreciate your precautions and wish they had taken them as well. I can’t see how this will be an enjoyable trip under the circumstances.
Good luck! Please keep us posted to the extent you feel comfortable in doing so.

thank you! I’ll update with anything I observe that is noteworthy for sure. Luckily there won’t be any real marital discord, we’ll sort it out this evening and whatever way we go it’ll be in solidarity, that’s just how we are together. Aside from all the infecting family members stuff, I think my next major fear is coming down with it, or really anything, while we are there and not being able to come home on Saturday to our doggos!

Nordicjack click on adults, zoom in on Italy and have a look on the data.

Interesting to speculate about the virus origins but some subjects are better left in the dark.

Yup, the K2- D3 combo is pretty effective at boosting immune, along with all the other…

italy looks pretty good… men are really very very high. Women are less but that is more normal considering age - their old men are better than 90% of US and their old women are way better than average US. For me my Vitamin D is not existent… , but that is beacause I have Men2a and Parathyroid disease… so, I really dont count here… I have medical issues specifically with vitamin D… I also have genetic issues with the Vitamin d receptor… thanks mom… !