We're Close To Your Last Day To Prepare For The Coronavirus

“But a genetic analysis of the virus in Washington State, where the deaths occurred, suggested that the illness could have been spreading within the community for as long as six weeks before the first case was detected”

Thanks for that update, dtrammel and for continuing to compile and organize the massive comments into manageable megathreads.
Adam, thank you for setting aside space on the site for easy access to the megathreads and current coronavirus information. Request #1: Would it be possible to make that forum/megathreads “sticky” so they are always at the top of the list of forums for easy access? Otherwise, I believe they will continue to move lower on the list of forums and potentially buried as other topics are added.
Request #2: I know Chris mentioned that the “thumbs-up” button was disabled inadvertently with an upgrade to the PP platform, and that he and your tech folks are working to fix that. (Yeah, thank you!!) Could you also please fix the Personal Messages (PM) alert to individual PP members’ in-box which is also no longer working? At the top of any PP page, it used to show a red number indicating how many PMs were unread in the in-box. I still get an alert on my personal e-mail, but sometimes I’m late to check and/or it gets buried. If I remember to check my PP account/in-box, then I’ll see the red number alert and any unread messages. But it would be nice have the original alert function restored along with the “thumbs-up” button. Thanks!!

Questions I ask each day. I am not sure there are answers at the moment. This is something that has never played out in our modern world. It will disrupt things in unimaginable ways, I said this will change our lives moving forward - the way HIV changed health care and the way 911 changed the way we travel.

“The president did such a great job by stopping flights from China”
Man, it must be so nauseating to keep parroting that ridiculous line.
Yo Mr. President there’s still tons of flights coming in from South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Italy, France, etc. Stooges

I cant believe there was not a specific criteria that would have to be met - leaving up the declaration to a body is one thing - but to have that authority body to re-classify something in midst of something that met the existing criteria of pandemic - is really unprecedented - and I believe it demands an answer by the WHO.

My motion is to change the name of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to the CDD Center for Disease Dissemination. Do I have a 2nd?
All in favor say, eeye. Opposed?
Perhaps we also need a motion for the official name change to The Honey Badger virus!

Because we had chinese students being monitored near my infirm father’s home, I took steps in Jan. My caregivers have kids and also live in areas with higher population density. We’ve agreed that if there is an identified case in the area, we’ll use my dad’s house as a retreat for their families. They appreciate the offer of a safer place for their kids. We are all aware that any of us could have been contaminated before we lock down, and knowing they don’t have to travel back and forth through possibly contaminated crowds is very attractive to them.
Several people here have talked about lack of resources as an impediment to preparation. If you trust the caregivers, have the discussion with them unless they have a family that’s too large to be safely handled in your loved one’s home.
I’d rather be in a quarantined area with folks that have some experience in caregiving and many of them will be living in high risk areas.

This is crazy! US 99 confirmed Covid-2019 cases and 6 deaths (with more on the way), and the Dow surges 1,294 points?!? One might conclude that disease and death are good for the ““markets””. Go figure!
Expect Fed Reserve jawboning and PPT (Plunge (Pandemic) Protection Team) action in the days ahead.
Dow rallies 1,294 points, most in its history

Only Tough Choices Remain (3/2/20)

Two fold strategy

  1. Self protection : N95 mask (try to make the outside look dirty) + wrap around goggles or sun glasses, etc.
  2. Crowd control: Wear smelly clothes and eat lots of garlic. Look the part-unhygienic worker or homeless. People naturally keep more distance from unkempt folks.
    Sent from

The definition of “the world” for Federal employees consists of the UNITED STATES and regardless of where a Federal employee goes, he/she/it (say that quickly) they are considered to be in the UNITED STATES for legal purposes.
Of course Azar is in the country with the best healthcare in the world - as far as he is concerned, it is the world!

Thoughtful and thought provoking post, Sparky1.
And to think I used to enjoy reading apocalyptic/dystopian fiction.

The Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UV-C) wavelength is an invaluable tool for an HVACR system. By leveraging germicidal energy to keep refrigeration coils free of microbial growth, facility managers also enjoy the benefit of reducing the spread of airborne infectious agents.
However, some facility managers may hesitate to leverage these benefits for their application due to a concern about ozone. While the Ultraviolet spectrum contains four separate wavelengths—UV-A, B, C and Vacuum UV—each operates at different energy levels and only one is capable of producing ozone (Vacuum UV).
As you’ll note in the graphic below, Vacuum UV operates in the 100-200nm range, where it is capable of producing ozone. UV-C, conversely, reaches its optimal germicidal strength near 253.7nm. Because ozone may only be produced below 200nm, at 253.7nm (rounded to 254nm), the germicidal wavelength does not generate ozone.
In addition to the stronger 254nm wavelength that does not produce ozone, UV-C lamps offer another layer of ozone protection.
Most germicidal lamps, including those from UV Resources, are produced with doped quartz glass, which blocks the transmission of the 185nm ozone-producing wavelength. The doped quartz glass allows the 253.7nm radiation to pass through, but it blocks the 185nm wavelength from escaping. Therefore, germicidal lamps with doped glass CANNOT produce ozone.

Here, outside of Detroit, I have not seen much panic buying. Store shelves mostly stocked completely. However, last night, 3/3/2020, I had to go to three stores to find distilled water, and they were almost out!

It occurred to me this morning – we’re likely down to one of four men between 73 and 78 years old. All high risk to contract the disease and then high risk to not do very well. Best scenario would be they’re just off the campaign trail for a few weeks as they recover. I imagine they’re all on the best preventative anti-virals money and connections can secure and maybe that will be enough (in which case, wouldn’t we all want to know what works!). What concerns me is the societal and economic disruption of their getting sick or worse, at a time there is already so much chaos.
We have been hearing about the risks of facing the crowds on election day but I haven’t heard any mention of the risks the candidates themselves are taking and must continue to take. Or are we about to ban rallies and go back to just tv and radio appearances? The second wave could start in time to be a thing by the fall general election.

Thank you for your enlightening comments regarding your thoughts about my postings here. I am always forgetting my effect on people. I tend to think other people are just like me and capable of intellectually handling life & death issues, even if personal. I am usually taken by surprise when others have a hard time digesting alarming information, which causes them to exhibit an unexpected emotional response.
My personality type, under the Jungian school, is INTJ…which has the nick-name of “Field Marshal.” I am a highly rational, philosophically consistent, profoundly intuitive, individual, with an IQ above 130, whose life experience includes a familiarity with human mortality way beyond the norm. (Yeah, I know…but, why censor myself?)
I was recruited by the U.S. Intelligence Community at the age of 19, after learning they have been watching me since I was in Elementary School. You see, both my parents were ex-agents with proven capabilities ( I did not know this until AFTER I was recruited. ), and after my first tests confirmed I had inherited their smarts, they kept track of me. Why not see if I would grow into an asset, which had the right genetics to be effective, from an already vetted source?
I did not have control of my emotional states, until after I accepted the government’s offer (The money would allow me to marry a girl I loved.) and began my long training. ( I married that girl while I still was in training…after she was secretly vetted.)
I received military training of the standard sort, at first. Then, was sent to various government schools for education, which included mental conditioning, in assorted classified subjects.
Slowly, the actual Reality of this Existence was imparted to me, and I had to intellectually and emotionally adapt to a dramatic alteration of my worldview. I remember it taking me months to integrate some of these changes, where I could ponder them without my heart pounding.
I was trained to face the fear of my death, and to accept it calmly, not letting such fear prevent my actions, or even to cause the slightest hesitation in them. The success of this training was tested by placing me in contrived situations, to see if I would “freak out” or, do the job.
You are mostly correct, Kunga. Indeed, I was trained to become a functional Sociopath, were the attributes could be turned, and off, like a switch. The “switch” is controlled by my sub-conscious as it detects real-time threat and is not volitional.
The effect of this is to allow me to transition from a happy, casual, activity…such as a family BBQ with friends…into full combat mode, instantly…faster than I can drop my beer.
I learned to accept my mortality with grace and to remove the barriers to taking instant, effective, action, which increases the chances of my survival, and that of those around me. I do not regret this training, as it is the ONLY reason I am still alive.
If not for the training…I would have died at the age of 28…in a life and death combat situation, which took place in civilian life, after leaving the Community.
I became a Intelligence Facility Shelter Manager for foreign installations and was trained in all manner of treatment and decontamination, resulting from chemical, biological, and radiological events. Had that nuclear plant in Pennsylvania blown its containment, I would have been ordered there…and most likely died there.
But, I mostly was concerned with chemical weapons, drifting over from Russian/Chinese border clashes, and onto Japanese soil, and being ready for a chemical/biological attack against Japanese facilities.
This is how I became so familiar with various pathogens and how they are enhanced by design. This is why I alerted so quickly to this current pandemic, caused by SARS-CoV-2, and to the publications addressing its characteristics.
I only started to post here recently. My early reactions to this pandemic were made on another blog, dedicated to modern survival preparation. The moment I witnessed the first Chinese videos of people falling on their faces…all my bells went off…and the “switch” was turned on.
I am now in my 60s and am STILL married to that same girl.
Please forgive this posting. I know it is not helpful to the topic, being so personal, but it was therapeutic for me…being a functional Sociopath.
Oh, there were NO WOMEN in my decon field, but many in my other intel ops.

Does anyone know the best way to disinfect while doing laundry?

Thank you, Ision, for letting your narcissistic tendencies off leash for a bit. Most interesting. Therapeutic for me, too. Helps explain some family tendencies. I would like to read your book, if you write one. Considering shaving my head. It’s a solidarity thing. She must be very tolerant with a big heart. Thanks.

Does anyone know the best way to disinfect while doing laundry?
What part/phase of laundry did you mean?

If you can wash your hands with regular soap for the short time required for disinfection, the soap and water inside your washing machine will also result in disinfection of clothes. Naturally, warm and hot water washes are better than cold washes, and rinses. Sodium Chloride (bleach) can be added to the wash to dramatically increase disinfection, as can other…less potent…chemicals, such as hydrogen peroxide and vinegar…and just plain salt.
The trick is to not touch the unwashed laundry, which is infected with pathogens…and not communicating virus to surfaces in the laundry area, which would then need to be decontaminated.