We're Close To Your Last Day To Prepare For The Coronavirus

Amol Vaidya (@amol00007) Tweeted:
The woman, possibly infected with #coronavirus, collapsed with no symptoms.
#CoronavirusOutbreak #Coronavirusiran #coronavirussingapore #coronavirus #CoronaVirusFacts #CoronavirusUpdates #coronaviruschina #Coronaviruspakistan #coronaviruswuhan #CoronavirusCoverup
#TruthWins https://t.co/eDSBj3mp8d

Out of Washington now.

Adam has created a new forum, for us to put preparations, information and topic threads relating to the current health crisis here:
I have to go cut a tree down this afternoon but this evening I’ll repost the megathreads to that forum, so people can find them easier.
I will also put all the information from those threads into downloadable files for you to keep off site.

It is a bio-weapon. Probably an accident.

One in his 50s the other in his 40s

I think the key learning from China is speed — it’s all about the speed. The faster you can find the cases, isolate the cases, and track their close contacts, the more successful you’re going to be. Another big takeaway is that even when you have substantial transmission with a lot of clusters — because people are looking at the situation in some countries now and going, “Oh, gosh, what can be done?” — what China demonstrates is if you settle down, roll up your sleeves, and begin that systematic work of case finding and contact tracing, you definitely can change the shape of the outbreak, take the heat out of it, and prevent a lot of people from getting sick and a lot of the most vulnerable from dying.
“It’s all about speed”: The most important lessons from China’s Covid-19 response Not all that impressed with the WHO but that comment at least is spot on. Makes me worry about our response here in the US.  

I feel like people are still down playing this virus.
There are days I feel like I’m being ridiculous. Then there are days that I feel like I’m not.
My boss and another co worker were is Washington Seattle area about 2 weeks ago. My boss is the one who is laughing and think the media is over exaggerating this virus.
im pissed for more then 1 reason.

Well everybody still refuses to believe me, but i know that there are still a few out there who still care. Since i’ve been asked to… be nice, i’ll just say i woke up today after having eaten nothing but 7 slices of bread with butter and strawberry jam yesterday and i still had… Well not normal poo. That’s the least graphic i can get without not being able to say what happend so if you imagined it; that’s on you.
But i’ve got an update after i started my own treatment for about 1-2 days. I was letting things get worse to catalog stuff but i don’t want another heart attack so i’ve gone in full battle mode. But that also means measurements of the disease are now useless/contaminated so i won’t be giving any.
Ibuprofen helps, but only partially. I start the day off with 2x400mg, you’re allowed to have 3 a day, but that’s only in case you’re not sick (for legal and logical reasons there’s obviously some wiggle room there) and when you’re sick your body can take more since your body uses more (same as using more oxygen as running faster). I notice that after the initial dose my left lung starts hurting more again after about 8 hours, so i tend to take another one, which reduces the pain fairly quickly to an annoying hum. I haven’t had to take a 4th, but i’m saving that in case of emergency.
I’ve also taken 2-4 paracetamol a day, which seems to alleviate the pain further. one multivitamin (half max dose) and a bunch of extra vitamin C (400-500g, dont go overboard cause that burns your stomach) doesn’t hurt either.
I’ve also reduced smoking to half intake, and i don’t smoke physically addicting stuff anyway so that gives no ill results. Even when reduced i’ve noticed no pattern between pain spikes and smoking - so i’m staying on the minimum dose to keep my mind calm.
But the main treatment, as weird as it sounds, is movement. Whenever i feel muscle pains coming on, shortness of breath or especially if my fingertips start tingling, i put on some music and i start bouncing. I noticed this as well during the heart attack, when the tingling from my fingers moved up my hand, wrist and arm pretty quickly. Basically - my heart was petering out.
The problem is not blood oxygen, that’s been above 95% all the time. Nor is it speed, your heart will beat fast enough. The problem is Strength. Your heart needs to beat Stronger. I’m not joking; it’s literally the movie Crank in real life.
If i’m bouncing in my chair i’m using all my torso muscles and that seems to pretty much alleviate alot of things. I’ve already mentioned that i have trouble reading the fever because it keeps going away if i move. That was the key.
When you’re feeling bad/sick/short of breath, you’ve got the tendancy to sit down/lay down/take it easy as much as possible. But this just makes it worse. I’ve observed this happening to me anyway. Keeping your heart going is the number 1 thing.
Everything else is just following the symptoms really. Tired? go sleep. Not tired? start the day. Can’t eat? don’t. Can eat? then do. Chills? Robe. Fever? no sweater.
I’m doing far better now :slight_smile: But Tilburg is having a massive outbreak for which it will not test. Remember; officially, i don’t know if i have it, i’ve never been tested.
But in the hospital my father had the same dry throat as me (“i just need to eat after i brush my teeth”) as well as urge to pee (“consistant with arithmea from which our family suffers”). My sister is “having a cold” according to my mother even when she admits she’s been keeping my sister at home for the last 7 days and she hasn’t seen anybody. The cold has a maximum incubation time of 5 days. This information is lost on her.
My father’s neighbours are all sick. They’re from Eritrea but have been in Solangen, Germany something like 2 weeks ago. Now they all have the “flu”. We mentioned this in the emergency room, and the woman behind the counter said “ah yes, good that you mentioned that, but that’s not an problem”.
Lord knows how many people i’ve infected by walking around without a mask. But nobody takes me seriously without one much less with one. I’ve tried that both ways.
Look. It’s no longer my problem. I’ve found a treatment that will keep me alive and from progressing into a serious case. All i wanted was to not infect a whole bunch of people; but that is well out of my hands now simply because this virus beat even me. It was much faster then i thought it would be.
All i’m saying now, is they will not find this until Tilburg’s 2 hospitals for 250k people become very overwhelmed very quickly, and then they will shut down because neither hospital has taken any precautions. I’m not talking they’re slow, i’m talking i’ve been to the emergency room twice on two days and nobody was wearing any masks.
Although. when i went yesterday it was exceptionally quiet in the emergency room. Wasn’t that way the day before. Maybe i’ve scared a few people away.

There’s actually a very valid reason why people are downplaying this, its called “the boy who cried wolf syndrome.”
The media HYPED TO HEAVEN the SARS, the Bird Flu and the Swine Flu outbreaks. Like 24-7 coverage. People get numb. Even me, when the story first broke in mid Jan, I was like here we go again, another “virus” BOOHOO.
It wasnt until Jan 24 when I heard about the lockdown in Wuhan when i got spooked.
The vast majority of people aren’t wired like that. They just see the headlines. And, normalcy bias is a b*tch. No reason to get upset.

Getting calls from family and friends, stating this is happening as I said it would when I said it would… Hmm… self-evident phase of truth? they are trying to buy water and sanitizing wipes and complaining they cant find them lol… Its not funny or fun.

It also takes reality smacking people directly in the face for it to become real for them and for them to actually change their lives/behavior. We haven’t experienced this in our lifetime so it’s gonna be really hard for lots of people to wrap their heads around it.

@costa rica
Ya that O2 level is alarming, but otherwise your symptoms match exactly a virus I had a month ago. My Dr said there was a non flu virus going around that mimicked your symptoms. It chewed up the better part of 2 weeks for me. Do you have any underlying respiratory issues ?

Dell has suspended all intl travel and VRBO has told its employees to stay at home if they have a cough of ANY kind, no matter what it is.

Its not so much crying wolf, it just they have not been told the facts. Ebola - wow we know what that is, and even that didnt have the facts, people were more scared than they should have been - again because of lack of correct facts. - H1N1 … they were scared not because we have never had a swine flu, but because it was killing young people… not how many but who… and it did kill some young people and it was something to think about - i thought about it then but i didnt prep for it… As it turned out it was less lethal than the flu except for the very very few… people. it was not killing the older people liek normal -it was odd.
This is scary. it does kill old people , but young as well. its not even the 2% fatality that freaks me out. its the amount of serious illness it causes - that can be deadly. But more I am worried about surviving it… as its probably a lot more fatal the second go round. – My theory why kids and infants are not affected , they have not been sensitized to it or similar infection - the likely hood of a sensitization of previous infection is more likely the longer you have been around. Tthere is no other way to explain how and why a 11 mo infants immune system can handle this while a 35 year old dr can die/

I agree with you. I’ve been thinking to much lately and wishing it could just go back to the way it was. At least on one side of the coin. I know there are too many other issues that need to be addressed just wasn’t expecting something like this. But who was. Things are still pretty quiet here in Canada but expecting that to change sooner than later.


In case you missed it, one potential reason for the extraordinary reluctance to call this a pandemic may be revealed in this article on Zerohedge: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/wall-street-behind-delay-declaring-covid-19-outbreak-pandemic
Key extracts:
In June 2017, the World Bank announced the creation of “specialized bonds” that would be used to fund the previously created Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF) in the event of an officially-recognized (i.e. WHO-recognized) pandemic.
They were essentially sold under the premise that those who invested in the bonds would lose their money if any of six deadly pandemics hit, including coronavirus. Yet, if a pandemic did not occur before the bonds mature on July 15, 2020, investors would receive what they had originally paid for the bonds back in addition to interest and premium payments on those bonds that they recieve between the date of purchase and the bond’s maturation date.
Notably, WHO determines if a pandemic meets the criteria that would see investors’ money be funneled into PEF as opposed to their own pockets, which would take place if no pandemic is declared between now and when the bonds are set to mature this upcoming July.

F’n Pigs… no transparancy… try to cover mistakes and mislead public to their deaths… I say the current US govt is done after this …

Doesnt matter what you show people. You can show them people dropping in the streets in Iran, they say “well thats in Iran.” You can show them hospitals out of beds in Italy, they will say “well thats in Italy.” You can show them spiking deaths in Washington and they will say “thats far from here.” The power of positive thinking is truly remarkable. I sort of envy it to be honest.
Let’s see how this thing plays out. Based on how fast this virus is moving it shouldnt be long until cases start popping up in my neck of the woods (Orange County, CA).

Just want to say “thank you!” to all here in the PP community for keeping me and each other informed and balanced as this crisis unfolds.
Whether new to the PP community or not-so-new, most here are keenly aware that we’re coming upon the precipice of massive global change. The coronavirus is a serious, potentially fatal crisis in itself, but it will catalyze a series of other crises with equal or even greater disruptive impacts.
For most of the pubic, life continues on as “normal”. (Case in point: The Dow surged 1,250 points today. See, nothing to worry about!)
For most here at PP, we’re already feeling the stress and struggle of these disruptions. No longer just an abstraction or thought exercise for planning and preparation if needed, now many of us are having to test and put into action those plans. Risk assessment is now a daily exercise, and not without repercussions:
When is it no longer wise or safe to be at work, school, stores, and other communal spaces; with or without PPE and other precautions?
Are there viable alternatives such as telecommuting or working from home, and if so, would the “higher-ups” find them acceptable?
When/how is mitigation for necessary transport possible and when it is just unsafe to fly, take the train, subway, bus or other pubic transportation?
Can I afford not to go to work, and if so, how long?
Should I pull my funds out of the ““markets”” and redeploy my assets, and if so, when and how?
Should we go on that long-planned vacation or family gathering?
My loved one or I am sick: How sick, what are the symptoms? How to treat?
Should I keep next week’s scheduled appointment for that needed hospital procedure or can/should it be delayed?
When/should I pull my children out of school, college or other group activities?
Do we move forward with that home project as planned or keep the funds in reserve for unexpected pandemic or economic needs?
Do I have enough of the necessary preps for my situation, and how can I use them wisely and make them last?
How can I best support those I care about without also putting myself and those closest to me at risk?
How can I keep informed about what is really going on when the “authorities” at all levels are withholding or dissembling information about the pandemic and associated risks?
Many of the above questions, and more, have been discussed by Chris, Adam, guests and the PP community. I find myself revisiting those discussions as I encounter my latest risk mitigation dilemma, and it is helpful.
I think the folks here at PP keep things in perspective and are not harmed, but rather empowered with our “over abundance of information.” We’re all stressed, and sometimes that comes out in some of the interactions here on the PP threads. Its all good, though.
I appreciate the support and contributions from this outstanding community. If I have to be in the trenches as this thing unfolds, I feel I’m in good company with the finest, most caring, talented and courageous warriors possible.
Thanks everyone!