We're Close To Your Last Day To Prepare For The Coronavirus

Interesting, I hadn’t read about this before… Sept 19th 2019
Saw it in this article, where I learned something new…

The word “quarantine,” from the phrase “40 days” in Italian, referred to the 14th-century practice of requiring ships arriving in Venice from ports infected by the plague to sit at anchor for 40 days before landing.
Also this:
One of the bright spots in the otherwise ominous coronavirus conversation is Vice President Mike Pence’s appointment of Ambassador Debbie Birx as the new response coordinator. If everyone had the pleasure of knowing what I know about Dr. Birx, the stock markets would immediately rebound and coronaviruses everywhere would cast their coronas at her feet. A physician, researcher, and former HIV/AIDS program chief at the Department of Defense and then at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), she is best known, loved, and respected for her unparalleled leadership of the lifesaving global AIDS program first established by President Bush in 2003. She held the job during the Obama administration and now the Trump administration, where she has steered from politics toward simple public health math: find and treat every case so it can’t transmit the virus to new people, rinse and repeat, for less money the next year so you can serve more people over time for the same dollar. And keep scouring the data for the people you’re missing, adjusting your program until you get them, too.
She is shrewd, she is winsome, she knows how to move money fast toward the things that matter, and to hold all recipients of that money, whether or not they’re under her authority, accountable for ambitious results. The White House is to be commended for conscripting her into service, and if they know what’s good for them, they’ll do whatever she says.

I wanted to review the ncbi paper that mentions 86F as an effective temperature to cut down the time the virus lives but can’t find it. Anyone see the link?
I wanted to note, the paper if I remember it correctly didn’t say that temperature kills the virus, just that it greatly deceases the time it stays alive.

Microwaves certainly have an advantage, being cheap and having a self timer. This addition seems promising
microwave bottle sterilizer
And its just $20.
One problem I can see is the metal bands most N95 masks have to fit the nose. You’d need to remove them. That might open air gaps.

There has been a lot of talk about the use of respirators/filters for protection. There have been some really good ideas on potential reuse. However, I would like to caution that part of the filters effectiveness is a result of electrostatic potential which can be shifted based upon the method of filter recycling. Also the ratings reflect averages for the filters. The filters have what they call a tortuous path that collects particles by different means as the particles penetrate further through the depth of the filter. The filter is not a sieve that stops all particles of a certain size at the filter surface, they are captured through the tortuous path as the particles. Additionally, when you saturate a filter that is intended to be dry the filtration characteristics change as well based upon the solvent is. Also you need to know whether the inner/middle/and outer surfaces of the mask are hydrophilic or hydrophobic, this can impact long term wearing of of the mask.
I just wanted to share a little bit more about filtration. My life in pharma has me dealing with these in both an air and liquid environment. By no means an expert but have seen enough to know that how you treat filtration media does impact the performance. We use U15 filters for viral air filtration and 0.1 um nominal liquid filters for viral.
Here are some links for a little more info:

I am hearing from freinds and family in NY and FL - that a lot of people are being investigated or potentially quarantined for suspicion of covid 19. Seems like we have hot spots now in Washington, Oregon, California, NY , and Florida. This was given - when we said this will be the first places we will see… I am sure there are others but the obvious indicators this is a big problems and spreading fast is now evident. Window will be closed soon for prep.

Where is the suspected hotspot in Florida? looking for more intel/ammo to provide my wife to scuttle our FL trip on Wednesday.

I think I am going to put a UV sanitizer light in a canister piped for breathing. Just need to figure how to power it.( any suggestions) I was thinking of using something like that crazy cap. But that is really pricey…

Dr. Campbell has today’s update out now.?

Looking at some of the people who fell for this, I don’t know whether to laugh, cry or just shake my head.
Welcome to Crazy Town, I just work here…

Florida, had a case “that was hushed about 3-4 weeks ago” when the state came out and stated that they will not be telling the public if someone had covid 10 - due health confidentiality laws in florida, which Chris clearly showed there is no protection exceptions when it is infectious and poses risk to public. This was in Hollywood. They are now finding this in the same broward/dade area. To the locals , there have been confirmed - But that is knowledge that is spreading among the locals or hospital worker down there. Not sure if its in the News yet.

Unfortunately UVC lamps throw off a lot of ozone so I don’t think it would be good for breathing. Also, I’ve been looking around for UVC lamps and it seems most are shipped out of China.

The two cases in Florida reported last night are in Hillsborough (Tampa) and Manatee (Bradenton/Sarasota metro) counties. Still awaiting CDC confirmation but tested positive locally.

I thank you for your comments. When I first read of your stated experience, I thought you must be a flaming psychopath to rationally deal with all the evil crap you know. Well, psychopath or exceptionally stable human, I am glad you are providing us with some insider insites. I read all your posts. By the way, do the women in your department also shave their heads in a pandemic? Thanks.

West coast is not near as densely populated as the East coast. I am sure the problem is much much larger in south east florida (8M within 60 mil radius ) There is no testing there as of now - at least publicly. I am not sure how those other were tested. or information released and why they are holding the Broward cases quiet. Oh yeah, I remember the shootings over gas and water - during a hurricane prep. …

There is a case in Sarasota at Doctors Hospital. The cases we are finally beginning to see are the serious cases which were transmitted weeks ago. Think of the numbers in a month and question if you want to be a part of them… or of a federal quarantine situation if you get stuck on the next airplane/ hotel / Diamond Princess situation. It is time to stay home. There is a deliberate lack of data and testing. Time to read between the lines.

Good idea with the hair dryer. Gave my brain a push to think of my sun oven I put in my stores years ago. Sun oven gets plenty hot to sterilize for this virus. I think the general concept could be adapted with a cardboard box and tin foil for a diy sterilizer. Set it up and test with a thermometer and could be a simple way to disinfect items.

Everyone be safe. A mask, no matter what it may be made from might prove helpful, even if reused. The take home point is that the cleaning process could impact any mask or filters ability to perform as originally manufactured and intended.
Just don’t be this guy, although he has found a way to use up all those CD/DVD ROMs

You can call me crazy for this conspiracy but I have to ask the question. Could the Coronavirus be biowarfare? Specifically, could it be from North Korea? While I realize the Coronavirus originated in China, China is a neighboring country to North Korea. Kim Jung Un made the threat of a Christmas gift, then nothing happened… until the Coronavirus. What if they mutated the virus and planted it in Wuhan? People do not normally go in and out of North Korea so they are pretty well protected from pandemics. Meanwhile, the missiles haven’t seemed to have gone anywhere and I haven’t seen anything about them in the news for quite a while now.

We’re getting a lot of back and forth on whether masks are effective or not. Seems to me that people are using data from one type of mask, when they are talking about another type. I wanted to post a few photos of the differences and why some may be more efficient than others.
Surgical/Dust Masks:
surgical mask
These are what are used to prevent someone ill, or medical personnel during surgery from spreading their germs to other people. Note the air gaps at the sides. They can let stuff into the mask. They do help prevent coughs and sneezes from producing droplets and spreading the illness.
Heat and moisture builds up rapidly when wearing a mask. Also, if you are coughing and sneezing you quickly soak the inside of the mask and cut filtration and incoming air rate drastically. That means most people pull the mask down to get cool air.
N95 Masks:
These are supposed to be much better fitted than surgical masks, conforming to the shape of the face. They also are supposed to have better filtration.
They can though still have a little bit of an air gap at the nose. This often causes your glasses to fog up as warm breath comes up thru the gap. I wear glasses and that happens to me often.
n95 with goggles
You can cut this down by having your goggles over the top of the mask, to help fit it to your face, though fogging still happens. Exhaling into the goggles though, shouldn’t effect the efficiency of the mask.
Vents help cut down heat and moisture build up, but they are still a b!tch to wear long term.
Respirators have a better fit because of a wider seal around the face. They can also make breathing in easier due to a larger intake/filter area. I’ve not had glass fogging problems when using these.
There are also N100 filters available for these which would increase the efficiency of particle capture.

I think its important to specify which mask you are talking about when you argue whether these are efficient or not efficient to preventing infections.

Found these three videos on Chris.
Why a conservative economist moved to the country
What is peak oil, and will fracking buy us time?
How many more times can the world be twice as big?