We're Close To Your Last Day To Prepare For The Coronavirus

Anyone care to wager/speculate the political hysteria over postponing the election. That would not be possible in a, life is normal, society.
I don't think this will happen. Basically, Trump is a New York bullshit artist and a businessman. The health of businesses is his first priority, which to my mind explains the behavior of his administration. All its actions are designed to prevent the circulation of worrisome information and promote the view that this is a minor problem that shouldn't stop anyone from going to work, buying stuff, and engaging in the full range of economic activities.
Lastly, you are forgetting that you and your family are commodities.
Well, no, I never forget that. I had the dubious distinction of attending college with the scions of the masters of the universe and am fully aware of their view of the rest of us. We're either useful to them, in which case there's the basis of a business relationship, or we're not, in which case we're cattle to be exploited by their business ventures during our consuming years (buying houses and stuff, funding health care plans, sending our kids to college, etc.) and then slaughtered once we're past that stage. Since the corona virus is fatal mainly to older people and those who have existing medical issues, they may even look upon it as a good thing.

If the environment inside your dryer has a temperature of greater than 186 F degrees and exposes the virus to this for at least 10 minutes…it should be effective, at least to some beneficial degree, I would think. But, there are so many variables…

OK- 3 of my daily channels to review CV info haven’t posted anything since last night. They all post several times a day. I just looked at each one. Nothing. DEF censoring. I tried to even search for virus, COVID, CV nothing USA comes up that is not an official channel. Except for shrimp zoo and he just regurgitates stuff but some of his is overinflated bc he says things that that I know I read and he is doubling numbers etc.
SO- will Chris be able to upload a video today?? I have concerns. I am going to move to patreon and see if I can find them there.

Ision, thank you for commenting. Yes we get it. Unfortunately, TPTB, get to prepare, live in gated communities with armed guards and play god.

So, in order to cause less of a disruption for a pandemic which cannot be guarded against, the government begins to censor and lie to the lay public..so society glides into the disaster as best it can…instead of flying directly into a mountain. The most highly armed citizenry on Earth, whose members include some pretty uneducated and emotionally unstable people, have to be managed, as best it may be managed,…to try and reduce social chaos. It may seem outrageous, but lies, meant to calm, are also meant to save lives from threats other than viral pneumonia
Sorry but thats bullshit, in my opinion. The lives that are saved are not Mr. & Mrs. Middle and Poor Class its the rich and powerful. I am uneducated and emotional. Why should I not be I know we, (lots of good people) are being sacrificed. This reminds me of the quote - loosely “all it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing” Those in power had a chance to do the right thing and help people glide into the future. Instead they put the plane on autopilot and aimed it toward the mountain. And we wonder why our future looks bleak.
I pray there is Karma for those who orchestrated this.    

Nordicjack, lets just say it was a long night for me and perhaps I miss read your opinions, and leave it at that.


What are the name of the missing sites Alexis. If its conspiracy stuff then yes, it may have been scrubbed. Not all sites are like this one. Youtube is free to remove any content they choose from now on. It is their right according to the law. I actually wrote about this the other day and had three people disagree with me about it. They did not appear to understand that prior to February 27th there was no definitive legal decision on the rights of private sites such as this. That all changed when a precedent setting case came down in the Ninth Circuit court with regards to content and the rights of the owners of sites to host content. As a result, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Reddit and so many others are no longer in fear of exercising the rights given to them by the courts and they can purify to their hearts content. It will now take a supreme court challenge to overrule them (if you could even be heard there).

In the last year, there has been widespread censorship of alternative medicine opinions. I understand that these are often not well-studied (for reasons related to who funds research sometimes). Having practiced medicine in the conventional system for 20 years, and now in the alternative system for 10 years, I have what I believe to be a thoughtful opinion on the matter.
One of the sources that is sometimes helpful, sometimes “out there” is GreenMedInfo. Last year they were “deplatformed” by Mailchimp (a CDC partner that can’t “say” certain things) and had to go to Ontraport, which had fewer restrictions.
So, it’s one source you can consider reading. Definitely not gospel, but right now they are reporting that there are 3 randomized controlled trials of IV vitamin C going on in China, that we are not hearing about.
In JAMA article last fall, IV vitamin C was found not helpful (and not harmful) for ARDS. But vitamin studies are often strangely inadequate so perhaps that conclusion was premature.
My basic point is that internet sources can be censored, and newsletters can be censored too, as is Facebook and others. One way around them may be newsletter platforms devoted to diversity of opinions (misinformation will be present, disinformation hopefully not). Emails can be censored too, especially the ubiquitous gmail addresses which are Google.

The guardian has a first hand account of what getting and recovering from the virus feels like:
‘To hell and back’: my three weeks suffering from coronavirus

The way things played out, with the CDC holding on to the exclusive right to test while their tests failed (accused of their lab being contaminated by respectable scientists) was so incredibly shocking to me that I would rather hope it was intentional.
There is no excuse for the FDA taking 3 weeks to approve outside labs. I really actually don’t believe anyone is that inept. Scott Gottlieb made himself hoarse saying the FDA should approve outside labs. I bet he knows why they didn’t (but isn’t telling). His twitter feed alternates between official empty congratuations (yay! the FDA approved outside labs) and intelligent criticism (we lost 3 weeks which means 3+ doubling times).

Hello from Ontario Canada. No over shopping in my city yet, no shortages I’ve noticed. Little concern among colleagues as of yet. My stocking has proceeded apace now for about two weeks.
Second, MSM and other people keep referring to death rates in Wuhan as some kind of standard morbidity. Remember those videos showing authorities boarding up apartments, even entire buildings? Do you think anyone has bothered to venture back into those units to see if residents are still alive? Point being, we will NEVER know true extent of death rates in wuhan. Just like no one knows how many actually died in the famines in North Korea during the 1980s. Perhaps in the latter case as many as 4 million dead. In the former, perhaps tens and maybe hundreds of thousands?
Last, When the health care system fails, the deaths will increase. The flu has not in recent memory overloaded the system. As pp has said many times this is not the flu.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is .125 microns, or 124 nano-meters, in size. The N95 will filter .3 microns, or 300 nano-meters, which is larger, by far, than a single virus. However, a perfectly clean, free floating, virus…drifting about…is simply not found, as they are always found as part of a larger particle…even in aerosol form.
If you want 100% protection, get a space suit. Otherwise, not using ANY protection, because it is not perfect, is silly.
Besides, it is for the infected to be masked to limit their ability to contaminate. But, have you EVER been sick with a clogged lung and coughed up all sorts of wonderful, icky, things? Ever imagine what spewing the inside of a mask with blobs of mucus is like? Wonder WHY the sick people, who are wearing masks, suddenly pull them away from their faces AS they sneeze and cough? As one coats the inside of their mask with sputum, it decreases the surface area of the mask capable of allowing the passage of air…and they become more and more uncomfortable to wear.
There is no need to wear a mask to prevent illness while in isolation, or wandering about your home and property…as long as other people are not about. A guy on his ranch need not use a mask to feed the horses, etc.
For the un-sick, masks should only be used to reduce the chance of infection, just like disposable gloves and face shields, only when going into a probable contaminated place, like a hospital clinic.
I was just in a supermarket, where people were filling their carts, and I was not wearing a mask. Several people in the store could be heard making a productive cough, and they took no action to cover their mouths, or cough into their inside elbow. I immediately regretted not having a mask as some sort of buffer from these idiots…and decided my shopping was done!

You mean besides the regular red-tape everything associated with the government has to go through to get anything done.
So, let’s say they fast track approval, and approve an outside lab to make this, one of them screws up and their tests show more false negatives than acceptable.
Is that a risk you want being taken?

“…but people are smart and can decide for themselves what they want to take as fact…”
What incarnation of Facebook and social media are you referring too? Spend a little time poking around the anti-vaxx pages and read some of the posts from “The Four Karens of the Apocalypse”
It’s more like Tinder for Idiots.

Wonder what proportion of available tests are going to places where this is currently hitting hard?

Protective gear and test kits are being distributed to U.S. military facilities with a priority on distribution to the Korean Peninsula, Milley said. South Korea reported 599 new cases on Monday, taking its national tally to 4,335. There have been 26 deaths.

Muslims praying in the mosque will be shoulder to shoulder praying. The shiite tradition of kissing relics has continued unabated. This close physical contact, and then leaving it up to Allah to protect us or not inshallah, create a a perfect storm.

Zero Hedge has an article with an imbeded picture of Dr. T giving the Bolton, Hu Jintao masonic club signal. Touching side of glasses with thumb and middle finger. These people worship “The Great Architect of the Universe” GAOU, not the CREATOR of the Universe. Your good intentions will be used against you. The road to hell is paved with them. Be aware…be aware…

I went out dancing with a grown daughter and a group of friends. The people in the bars and night clubs were drinking and having fun. There were some scary looking people in these places. It was tolerable when they were tipsy and happy but when they are united and pissed it will be a different story.
A new normal cometh… and I am not looking forward to it. Perhaps the motto should be … the post virus world, where the strong stumble and the weak die.
But hey, we are not paranoid, just better informed!

The 95 in N95 means the mask is only expected to filter 95% of particles for the mesh size which tells us a lot more than 5% is likely to pass through when virus particles are so much smaller than the screening. I have no idea how to count how many particles and I also don’t know how many will make you sick but I did see that the Chinese produced statistics showing 15% of all health care workers had become critically ill while a much higher percentage were infected. Well 15% is the same as the average population telling me that those who had the benefit of high quality masks (and gowns and glasses) did no better than those who were either modestly protected or not protected at all. In other words, they are a waste of time. What we need to do is avoid sick people altogether and stay out of risky environments while practicing good hand sanitation. And that by coincidence is exactly what the CDC has been saying. Maybe they are not so crazy after all?

Hmmm, maybe this is just natures way of sorting out the clean versus the un-clean? And I mean solely, those who can practice sound hygiene/sanitation and those who don’t.
I recall growing up that there would be a chalice at communion, but when I re-entered the church several years ago, it was individual cups.